good post.
wait, Naseeum was great? i only saw clips, took him for a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! character
ps what's EPO
An absolute jerk in and outside the ring. But he was technically very solid imo.
good post.
wait, Naseeum was great? i only saw clips, took him for a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! character
ps what's EPO
Mayweather got rocked and if dude had the same gas tank from even two years ago then Mayweather would've been screwed. Everyone could see how Mosley was gassed. Screw the pre-fight stories, Mayweather was damned lucky to be fighting a guy with a foot in a retirement home.
That was the last flurry of Mosley's career.get the fuck outta here
That was the last flurry of Mosley's career.
People trying to act like Mosley wasn't a can now?
Its not even a hypothetical lolNo one has beat floyd yet and hypotheticals don't mean anything!
Its not even a hypothetical lol
Mayweather fought a can. Everyone would agree that it would've been an entirely different fight had it taken place earlier no matter who you thought would win.
Goddamn can't even use Mayweather as an example of a good aging boxer without people getting sensitive.
Its not even a hypothetical lol
Mayweather fought a can. Everyone would agree that it would've been an entirely different fight had it taken place earlier no matter who you thought would win.
Goddamn can't even use Mayweather as an example of a good aging boxer without people getting sensitive.
No it literally is not.woulda shoulda coulda, etc, I mean if we gotta draw up alternate storylines for solace
Everyone knows had I been born into a rich family I'd be a harvard graduate. Same logic
No it literally is not.
I said that fight would be different if both guys were at different stages of their careers. I don't even know how you argue that. Its not like I said "Mayweather only won cuz words". Thats a hypothetical. All I've been saying since the start of the page was that Pac's game didn't adapt to his age like Mayweather's did - and that Mosley might've been to change a fight if he weren't fighting past his own curtain call.
But don't let me stop your stanning.
Mayweather got rocked and if dude had the same gas tank from even two years ago then Mayweather would've been screwed.
the outcome remains the same no matter how you slice itScrewed means knocked out in the third now? Lol he controlled the next 7 rounds.
Christ dude,he can still fight bradley.
Pacquiao is done. No boxer that I know off can recover and fight at the peak of their skills.
Marquez deserved the win. He worked his ass off. Pacquiao on the other hand did not do strength and plyometric training.
the outcome remains the same no matter how you slice it
Well, thats the end. Boxers that rely on athletic gifts dont age well. Roy Jones and Pacquiao having dinner together.
It was a good ride manny, for what its worth I think you were that good at one point.
Well, thats the end. Boxers that rely on athletic gifts dont age well. Roy Jones and Pacquiao having dinner together.
It was a good ride manny, for what its worth I think you were that good at one point.
Nobody was even arguing the fucking outcome
we read here?
Its not even a hypothetical lol
Mayweather fought a can. Everyone would agree that it would've been an entirely different fight had it taken place earlier no matter who you thought would win.
Goddamn can't even use Mayweather as an example of a good aging boxer without people getting sensitive.
alright so the fight would have been "different" but mayweather screwed still woulda whooped his ass
done and done
A can that was coming off beating Antonio Margarito into submission?
Had they fought at an earlier time let's say in 06 there would have been nothing Shanes could have done, Mayweather still had his all world speed at the time. Shane in his prime couldnt beat Vernon Forrest or Winky Wright, he would have zero chance against a younger Floyd, which is exactly why he ducked him to begin with.
I cant tell if you're being serious or not. You do follow this sport right?DY gettin caught up in some ol genesis vs SNES shit
dude's 33, i really don't get how Hopkins held up till damn near 40 while pac-mans checking for that matinee movie discount
I'm watching more of our home grown lads like Carl Froch, Kel Brook, etc
I cant tell if you're being serious or not. You do follow this sport right?
Look at their ages, fighting styles and careers, life paths and if you cant see why one petered out earlier than another you need to dig deeper.
Dudes calling Pac a can, calling for retirement, saying JMM is roiding, and all the good shit that comes along when a big name gets beat. I love it. Now gaffers can't act like that shit only happens in the MMA thread.
One is a boxer, the other has another job and clearly has been putting emphasis on it for some time now. Pacquiao has been half assing it- and has been duped by his own invincibility that once came through bleeding gums hard training, not just natural talent. Once a guy like him, a training freak, steps off the gas, their ideal condition is lost forever.not as much in recent years as i'd like to
so you tell me, eshas - particularly bolded bit
king floyd will retired undefeated.
Pacquiao is done. No boxer that I know off can recover and fight at the peak of their skills.
Dudes calling Pac a can, calling for retirement, saying JMM is roiding, and all the good shit that comes along when a big name gets beat. I love it. Now gaffers can't act like that shit only happens in the MMA thread.
So much for Pacquiao-Mayweather.