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Boxing Discussion

Was it a good fight though? I don't need blood and guts, as long as there are skills on display, I'm entertained.
As am , I appreciate the sweet science.

This fight was mildly entertaining. No really big shots landed, and the winner didn't necessarily pick apart his opponent. This was not one of the better fights entertainment wise, especially in a strong year for boxing like 2013 has been
I would like to see Bradley against Broner. Broner is talented, but I don't think he is as good as Broner thinks he is. Bradley would be a real test; hell I'm not sure Broner gets past Maidana. He should, but MM has looked pretty impressive lately.
I think Marquez is really bitter about the whole Pacquiao thing because he really in his heart feels he beat Pac 3 out of 4 times already. In his mind, and in the stage he is in his career, that issue is settled, and the KO was the monkey being lifted off his back. Saying a guy with the pedigree of Marquez is "afraid" is ridiculous. He has no reason to be afraid of a guy he has fought 4 times already, and stands to make millions of dollars fighting again.

Good post, whole heartedly believe that is his reasoning.

Manny didn't just give those rematches because he was throwing a bone to poor ol marquez, it's because he could never capture a decisive win against him and he knew that some pundits and fans alike counted those fights against him.
I would like to see Bradley against Broner. Broner is talented, but I don't think he is as good as Broner thinks he is. Bradley would be a real test; hell I'm not sure Broner gets past Maidana. He should, but MM has looked pretty impressive lately.
Broner is with Goldenboy, unfortunately.

A possible fight I'd like to see is Bradley fighting Cotto, if the Pacquaio rematch isn't imminent.


id like to see cotto vs canelo first

fight was good I think. Chess match with bursts of outright brawling. I had it 8-4 Bradley but fight was close. I didn't think JMM deserved the nod on any card though.

Pac rematch for Bradley I think.


I thought that was a great technical fight. Bradley was very impressive. As usual people discount him and he comes out and gives a masterful performance.Very underrated fighter.


Yeah it was a great technical fight, very enjoyable, probably the best technical fight since my boy Rigondeaux took Donaire to school.
Yeah it was a great technical fight, very enjoyable, probably the best technical fight since my boy Rigondeaux took Donaire to school.

It's a shame that Rigo can't capitalize on that win with more popularity; he was masterful. He's a nightmare to fight, which explains why the top guys aren't really looking his way, and his style ain't the most exciting, but damn that boy can box!


It's gonna be real interesting to see what Top Rank does with Bradley moving forward. I don't see a Pac rematch since Top Rank seems to be cashing in on Bradley. He can fight the winner of Alvarado and the Russian, but I think Bradley would bitch and want a bigger fight.


damn, really went in thinking this was Marquez's match, glad i didn't bet on it

Bob Arum hates Money with a passion so no.

we really should throw a party here when Arnum finnaly dies

From ESPN Blog:

Wow he really did win. Now all we need is Bradley to fight Mayweather and beat him too!

does anyone really see that happening though?

They tried to rob Bradley

115-113 - Marquez
115-113 - Bradley
116 -112 - Bradley

couldnt believe when that first one was called for Marquez...really? was hoping that last questionable judge's exit would've sent a message
The mere fact that you call a guy like Marquez, a sure HOF fighter, a coward and ball-less tells me that you are speaking from personal bias rather than logic, so I'll leave this debate alone. I'm done.

I think Marquez is really bitter about the whole Pacquiao thing because he really in his heart feels he beat Pac 3 out of 4 times already. In his mind, and in the stage he is in his career, that issue is settled, and the KO was the monkey being lifted off his back. Saying a guy with the pedigree of Marquez is "afraid" is ridiculous. He has no reason to be afraid of a guy he has fought 4 times already, and stands to make millions of dollars fighting again.

The guy is a sour loser that you can't argue against... he is claiming he was robbed again yesterday?, how?... he just stood in the middle of the ring barely throwing any punches, praying that he'd have another lucky shot that could maybe k.o the faster moving/harder working bradley out... it's a shame that lucky shot never materialized... and he didn't look as strong/muscular as he did in his fight against pacquiao, i don't know why that is... but i am sure it affected his punching power, because i don't remember him doing any noticeable damage to bradley, and it's funny that the softer hitting bradley did actually manage to make his toothpick legs (he really needs to work on his legs, it looks like down from the torso it's a different person than above it) wobbly.
Marquez and his people are just embarrassing themselves in these post fight interviews. Dude wasn't robbed in the least, he looked like he had no plan and had watched no tape, just kinda following Bradley around doing nothing all fight. The only questionable scorecard was the one that had him winning! He's complaining more than Manny did when he was actually robbed against Bradley. It's really not a good look.
Marquez and his people are just embarrassing themselves in these post fight interviews. Dude wasn't robbed in the least, he looked like he had no plan and had watched no tape, just kinda following Bradley around doing nothing all fight. The only questionable scorecard was the one that had him winning! He's complaining more than Manny did when he was actually robbed against Bradley. It's really not a good look.
Agreed. Time to retire; nothing left to prove, and he's too old to beat the upper echelon of welters and junior welters.


he didn't look as strong/muscular as he did in his fight against pacquiao, i don't know why that is... but i am sure it affected his punching power, because i don't remember him doing any noticeable damage to bradley

Maybe that's the reason why Bradley thanked USADA in his post fight interview.

Agreed. Time to retire; nothing left to prove, and he's too old to beat the upper echelon of welters and junior welters.

He should of listened to everyone and retire after knocking out Pacquiao. He would of left on a high note, but instead Marquez's last image in a boxing ring is him getting chin checked while flapping his arms like a duck.

Maybe that's the reason why Bradley thanked USADA in his post fight interview.

He should of listened to everyone and retire after knocking out Pacquiao. He would of left on a high note, but instead Marquez's last image in a boxing ring is him getting chin checked while flapping his arms like a duck.

Lol, I can almost guarantee that's not how Marquez will be remembered.
Maybe that's the reason why Bradley thanked USADA in his post fight interview.

I see, i didn't catch that...

Also i'm pretty sure he won't retire with his last win being a loss, i think he will either demand a rematch (i hope Bradley denies him of that), or find a scapegoat he can easily beat just so that he can leave on a "high note".


Yeah it was a great technical fight, very enjoyable, probably the best technical fight since my boy Rigondeaux took Donaire to school.
This is exactly what I thought when I was watching. Two super technically sound guys going at each other. The overall punch volume was pretty good for a fight like this. I'm very happy with how the fight turned out.

Bradley showed some skill getting in and out, but it was an uneventful fight for the most part.
It was only uneventful in the sense that neither guy really got hurt. Still, lots of hard punches were landed throughout and each fighter continually made adjustments as the fight went on.

This is just what it looks like sometimes when two guys at the very top of the sport have a competitive fight against each other.


As far as breaking down the fight, I thought it was a clear win for Bradley. I guess it's always at least a little tricky when there are no knockdowns and neither guys seems to be have been clearly hurt but I don't see any way that you could score it for Marquez.

To start with Bradley threw more and landed more (Bradley connected with 168 of 562 vs. 153 of 455 for Marquez). He also just generally seemed to be more in charge of the flow of the fight. You got the sense that he was doing what he wanted to be doing and that Marquez was continually frustrated. He controlled the pace and distance of the fight with his jab and then would punctuate things with right hands whenever possible.

It's so interesting to look back to the predictions everyone was making going into this fight. There were so many legitimate questions about Bradley's condition following the Provodnikov fight and yet he looked incredible sharp and precise from the opening bell. The same can't be said for Marquez though. He always looked a step behind. It just seemed as though the extra years and weight combined to put him a step behind Bradley at every turn.

With this win Bradley has elevated himself as most deserving of fighting Mayweather next (whether that fight actually happens is another story). He probably won't ever be a PPV A-Side but I will definitely look forward to seeing him fight whenever he steps into the ring. There are tons of guys between 140-147 that I'd love to see him in with.


So much Marquez hatred from some posters in here, it's hilarious. I can't disagree that the whining about a robbery isn't ridiculous though.


There's no doubt in my mind that boxing history will smile on JMM, especially when it comes to how the Pacquiao series played out. If you think in 50 years they'll say "Yeah, Manny won 3 times, then Marquez got a lucky punch and ducked him!" you're kidding yourself.
There's no doubt in my mind that boxing history will smile on JMM, especially when it comes to how the Pacquiao series played out. If you think in 50 years they'll say "Yeah, Manny won 3 times, then Marquez got a lucky punch and ducked him!" you're kidding yourself.


I wonder if he's going to retire? If Manny loses to Rios they could do it a fifth time and walk away with a lot of $$$$


There's no doubt in my mind that boxing history will smile on JMM, especially when it comes to how the Pacquiao series played out. If you think in 50 years they'll say "Yeah, Manny won 3 times, then Marquez got a lucky punch and ducked him!" you're kidding yourself.

I think both fighters got robbed off of victories they should of had. I think when history looks back, they'll view the whole Pacquiao Marquez saga as an example of how flawed and corrupt the judging system is.


Hey guys. I got an Everlast 100lb heavy bag recently, and need to order gloves. I'm just going to be working the bag, and don't anticipate much (if any) sparring. Not for a few years anyway.

I'm 5'9, and currently weigh about 147lbs, and my hands are 8in around, below the knuckles.

I was all set on getting 14oz gloves because I thought they'd fit better. However, I've read that they all pretty much fit the same with hand wraps. I'm getting the Everlast Pro Style gloves. Should I get 14oz gloves still, or will I be fine getting 16oz gloves? The way I see it, the heavier gloves will give me an even better workout, and it'll increase my hand speed more as well. I'd like thoughts from anyone with experience on this. I'd like to order them soon so they get here by the weekend.

I intend on weighing less, as I lean out some more, in case that needs to be taken into consideration. I've been working out too, so I'm not exactly a weakling. Not a boast, just so I can get the best feedback on this decision. 14oz or 16oz? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, guys. PEACE.


i know 16's are usually pro level, but no reason to not start with some 14's and see how they feel...you can usually get a good pair online for like $30, sports authority might charge you more. ive had the same ones for nearly a decade now; they're falling the fuck apart but they dont gotta be pretty for bagwork, haha.

if its your first time:
1) always wear wraps!
2) dont neglect shaow boxing beforehand or you'll just reinforce poor form (ive done this many times)
3) watch the angle that you hit, you're likely to jam your wrists as you jab/cross at a moving bag at the wrong angle...it's not uncommon but obviously its something to avoid
ive had the same ones for nearly a decade now

What!?, nearly a decade?, how often do you use them?, i render boxing gloves useless after three months.

On an unrelated note, Marquez hasn't seen his latest fight yet (i'd assume... because he is still claiming he was robbed Saturday night), and wants Bradley to give him a rematch... in Mexico...


What!?, nearly a decade?, how often do you use them?, i render boxing gloves useless after three months.

haha to be fair for at least half that time i lived somewhere i coudlnt hange the bag so they stayed in storage, but yeah, maybe 1x-2x a week max. id never spar with them but i did try to take care of them cause im cheap with equipment shit when im not in a club/league
haha to be fair for at least half that time i lived somewhere i coudlnt hange the bag so they stayed in storage, but yeah, maybe 1x-2x a week max. id never spar with them but i did try to take care of them cause im cheap with equipment shit when im not in a club/league

Oh i see, that makes sense.


Depends on the glove shape/padding. Some brands are way too pillowy at 16oz for bagwork, some are almost too hard for sparring at that weight. I use my old 12" Boon gloves because they've got the thickest leather, don't want to ruin my sparring gloves after a few months.
i know 16's are usually pro level, but no reason to not start with some 14's and see how they feel...you can usually get a good pair online for like $30, sports authority might charge you more. ive had the same ones for nearly a decade now; they're falling the fuck apart but they dont gotta be pretty for bagwork, haha.

if its your first time:
1) always wear wraps!
2) dont neglect shaow boxing beforehand or you'll just reinforce poor form (ive done this many times)
3) watch the angle that you hit, you're likely to jam your wrists as you jab/cross at a moving bag at the wrong angle...it's not uncommon but obviously its something to avoid
Good tips, especially number 2. A lot of bad habits are born on the heavy bag. Never try to get close to the bag and just lob arm punches; maintain a good distance where you can keep your eyes on the bag, and turn into your punches at the waist. Try to punch through the bag, but with proper form; you don't have to load up with each punch. And move with the bag; use your footwork to keep pace with the bag when it starts moving.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks, guys. PEACE.
I would say always err on the side of bigger vs. smaller. I'm not an expert (I have done boxing training on and off for the last 10 years, mostly off) but this is what trainers have always told me.

As others have said here, always always wear hand wraps. You will likely bang the crap our of your knuckles and wrists as it is. You want as much protection as possible.

Also, as eddfromtheriver said, boxing gloves get used up. I use up my boxing gloves at a similar pace that I use up running shoes. Better to err on the thicker side and get more use out of your gloves.

Now, having said all that, different gloves and gloves of different weights are going to fit differently. I would strongly recommend that you order a few pairs from a site that allows free returns so you can try them on and figure out which ones will be best for you. This process is similar to buying shoes in some ways. It goes without saying that you need to try them on with your wraps on.
Get 16oz and get a decent pair. You don't want damaged hands.

Get the long wraps not the 120 they sell in stores, those are useless.

Shadow box rounds before and after heavy bag usage.

Heavy bag is the best way to learn bad form and get injuries in boxing. Always keep that in mind.


Thanks guys. I'm gonna order the 16oz Everlasts:


Getting these Everlast wraps as well:


I know you recommend the longer wraps, Rukus, but I just want something to get started with right now. I have an MMA shop close to my apartment, so I might go down there and buy some better wraps in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions about shadow boxing. I really was just going to start throwing bows, kicks and bungalows when the gloves got in. LOL! I'll actually try watching some video and working on some technique via shadow boxing then. I should be able to get a complete workout without breaking anything now.. PEACE.


i know 16's are usually pro level, but no reason to not start with some 14's and see how they feel...you can usually get a good pair online for like $30, sports authority might charge you more. ive had the same ones for nearly a decade now; they're falling the fuck apart but they dont gotta be pretty for bagwork, haha.

if its your first time:
1) always wear wraps!
2) dont neglect shaow boxing beforehand or you'll just reinforce poor form (ive done this many times)
3) watch the angle that you hit, you're likely to jam your wrists as you jab/cross at a moving bag at the wrong angle...it's not uncommon but obviously its something to avoid

4) Don't put full power into it.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna order the 16oz Everlasts:


Getting these Everlast wraps as well:


I know you recommend the longer wraps, Rukus, but I just want something to get started with right now. I have an MMA shop close to my apartment, so I might go down there and buy some better wraps in the future.

Thanks for the suggestions about shadow boxing. I really was just going to start throwing bows, kicks and bungalows when the gloves got in. LOL! I'll actually try watching some video and working on some technique via shadow boxing then. I should be able to get a complete workout without breaking anything now.. PEACE.

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_n...s+180,sporting&rh=i:sporting,k:hand wraps 180

here are the 180's. the small ones are actually useless. just box without them.


Short wraps keep the knuckles from getting chafed, but that's about it. I don't understand why they don't allow wraps that actually protect your bones in amateur boxing.
Did you guys get a chance to watch the "No Mas" 30 for 30 last night? Good stuff. Was before my time, I barely remember watching the "Uno Mas" with my dad and uncles and them talking shit about Duran for being a drunk.


Did you guys get a chance to watch the "No Mas" 30 for 30 last night? Good stuff. Was before my time, I barely remember watching the "Uno Mas" with my dad and uncles and them talking shit about Duran for being a drunk.
I watched it good but not great. I think I just knew too much about the story already.

Not the best 30 for 30 and not the best boxing documentary of this type. HBO's Legendary Nights series is god tier.


Whoa, apparently Teddy Atlas has Vasyl Lomachenko at number 10 on his pound for pound list.

This is pretty shocking to me considering that Lomachenko is only 7-0 (or 1-0 depending on who you ask). According to the article he is basing his decision largely off of his performance in the amateur ranks that Atlas has observed while commentating on the Olympics.

This has me excited in the short term for his upcoming word title fight in January and even more-so I am thrilled that he seems to be on a collision course with Guillermo Rigondeaux.
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