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Boxing Discussion


Floyd definitely won the fight with his defensive prowess and cleaner strikes. Maidana was pressuring him and landing nice shots but at a lower percentage because flyd was dodging them.

agreed, except I think Maidona landed much more punches albeit ugly, then he was given credit for.


Was anybody watching the press conference stream? The commentators said something about a shooting, then the stream was immediately cut off.


In a rematch I see two possible outcomes: Maid will try to use his power more evenly, with small outbursts but in all rounds, but this will end up just giving more openings to Floyd. Or it will actually work in winning more rounds, maybe getting a draw, but not a win. Judges would never give Floyd's first loss to Maid.


In a rematch I see two possible outcomes: Maid will try to use his power more evenly, with small outbursts but in all rounds, but this will end up just giving more openings to Floyd. Or it will actually work in winning more rounds, maybe getting a draw, but not a win. Judges would never give Floyd's first loss to Maid.

I think taking a rematch against Floyd Mayweather would not be in marcos is best interest. I really don't see the outcome changing on any subsequent fights between the two.
I had it Floyd by 3 rounds.

The cleaner, effective shots were by mayweather.

I'm in for a rematch. If Floyd is the GOAT, he comes out I the second fight and destroys him. That for me would do it.

It was worth the fight.

Great job my khan also so showing maturity in not trading wildly or excessive wild punching.


Not really. It was only good because of the thought of Floyd's streak coming to an end.

Maidana was successful in keeping it a tough, ugly fight. But he didn't land many clean shots.

damn..i found this fight entertaining as hell. Forced FLoyd to dig and win an ugly fight. Maidana represented himself very well and looked like he has improved quite a bit under Garcia.
Boxing noobs mistaking activity for achievement.
Where are these people coming from all of a sudden? "Floyd got destroyed in the exchanges"; you've got to be straight up lobotomized to believe that. It was a good competitive fight, and Chino has much to be proud of, but he clearly lost, and all the meaningful punches were landed by Floyd.


Where are these people coming from all of a sudden? "Floyd got destroyed in the exchanges"; you've got to be straight up lobotomized to believe that. It was a good competitive fight, and Chino has much to be proud of, but he clearly lost, and all the meaningful punches were landed by Floyd.

ive got shit for brains, is that the same thing?


I've never been so uninterested in a rematch after a close fight. Nothing in that fight told me that Maidana is "the one" if you know what I mean. Floyd looked decidedly Floyd in the latter rounds.
I've never been so uninterested in a rematch after a close fight. Nothing in that fight told me that Maidana is "the one" if you know what I mean. Floyd looked decidedly Floyd in the latter rounds.
I think what's lost on a lot of people is the size difference. Floyd weighed less than both Broner and Molina, who fought at 140, by fight time. Chino was a super middleweight in the ring. He really is a physical marvel, to consistently control bigger guys. Chino had success against the ropes, but he never got anything clean, because Floyd had the physical strength to limit his openings to errant body punches. I do think he's lost a step though, though that could be due to the awkwardness of Chino too.
I've never been so uninterested in a rematch after a close fight. Nothing in that fight told me that Maidana is "the one" if you know what I mean. Floyd looked decidedly Floyd in the latter rounds.

Yep. I think tonight was the best Maidana can do against Floyd. I don't think tonight was the best Floyd can do against Maidana. Rematch seems unesscessary.
Wow...Maidana...Ill keep that name in mind.

Guy wasnt scared and went in there to dirty box. Even though he lost many people arent satisfied with Floyds win. Rematch time!!!


For the record, the translator got Maidana's comment incorrect. He said that Mayweather had never fought against a man who didn't fear him before. He didn't say that Mayweather didn't fight like a man.
Thanks for this. He put on a proud performance last night and he showed up everyone who has fought Bernard Hopkins and Floyd Mayweather for the last 10 years. This is how you fight a tricky older fighter.
You're not getting scored on the ones you miss though you get scored on what you land, all you need to do is throw and land the more you throw the more you land, yes maidana missed more, but he only landed 9 less than Mayweather in the fight
This. I believe that he landed more on Floyd in this fight than anyone ever has before (correct me if I'm wrong).

If he would have thrown fewer punches he would have landed less overall and he would have been hit more. Offense was his defense in this fight as well. He was able to neutralize Floyd's offense for minutes at a time with his sheer output.
Nope, I've been watching the sport for 25+ years. I fully recognize that Floyd won this fight.

I'm saying it's silly to believe him when he said he normally weaves in and out and counter punches, but tonight he went toe-to-toe. He flat out refused to go toe-to-toe, because that's a losing proposition for him. I've never seen Floyd hold as much as he did in this fight.
I agree with this too. He was able to make Floyd abandon the shoulder-roll more so than anyone I can recall (or at least since Castillo).

He normally loves to sit on the ropes and counter-punch. After a few rounds he largely abandoned that stance and went to work in the middle of the ring. While I wouldn't say that Maidana was dominating that space, since Floyd was landing those short counters, it was still a moral victory for Maidana.
I had it a draw. Chino set the tempo and made it into a dog fight
I had it a tie.

I don't think Maidana missed as much as was made out to be, they were just ugly shots. I definitely can't agree with the lopsided scores, but what can you do...

No reason for Maidana not to hold his head up after this one.
I personally had Floyd winning 8-4 or 9-3 but I was on the edge of my seat as the scores were being read. Different judges could have given this to Maidana. He outworked Floyd to a cartoonish extent and I have seen judges reward activity time and time again. His activity was twice Floyd's and they essentially landed the same number of punches.

Regarding my scores, I agree with those who say that Floyd landed the best punches throughout the fight. Still, he never seriously hurt Maidana. I really could have seen this going the other way with the judges.


can we all agree though that it was a good fight?
I thought so. This is essentially how I saw the fight playing out, though Maidana had more success than I had imagined.

I'm happy I bought the PPV.
Wow...Maidana...Ill keep that name in mind.

Guy wasnt scared and went in there to dirty box. Even though he lost many people arent satisfied with Floyds win. Rematch time!!!
Yep. I think tonight was the best Maidana can do against Floyd. I don't think tonight was the best Floyd can do against Maidana. Rematch seems unesscessary.
I agree that Floyd would only do better in a rematch but lots of people like Sato Koiji exist. This would be the richest potential fight for both guys so I see the rematch as an inevitability.

I will say that Floyd seemed to show his age in the fight. Also, that weight disparity was absurd. Floyd is the only top fighter in the sport who enters the ring so close to his weigh-in weight.

Also, I think the boxing press will get behind a rematch. The overwhelming mood heading into this fight was very negative among that crowd. I don't think they showed Maidana enough respect and I think they be more open the second time around.

yea like castillo.
Castillo put on a great effort in their second fight. Both fights were close.

Even if Mayweather makes adjustments, a second fight would still be a very long night for him.


Miadana was dirty as f**k in that fight which made the fight seem closer than it looks for the noobs. What's up with all those nut shots Tony Weeks? Also, did Bill Goldberg help train Maidana?

I scored 8-4 for Floyd, Maidana was too dirty, 2 of judge scorecard made that clear (comfortable 116-112 and 117-111 margins on two scorecards)

In a rematch Floyd would eat him........ raw. Don't know why Floyd decided to dig in with this guy when he should have done what he do best and just box, don't know what he was trying to prove.
When he did box, he tore Miadana up, when he dragged Maidana to the ropes intentionally I began screaming at my TV "Why the F**k are you doing that?" lol.

He could have done much better, Floyd was dicking around in this fight for god knows whatever reason.
Miadana was dirty as f**k in that fight which made the fight seem closer than it looks for the noobs. What's up with all those nut shots Tony Weeks? Also, did Bill Goldberg help train Maidana?

I scored 8-4 for Floyd, Maidana was too dirty, 2 of judge scorecard made that clear (comfortable 116-112 and 117-111 margins on two scorecards)

In a rematch Floyd would eat him........ raw. Don't know why Floyd decided to dig in with this guy when he should have done what he do best and just box, don't know what he was trying to prove.
When he did box, he tore Miadana up, when he dragged Maidana to the ropes intentionally I began screaming at my TV "Why the F**k are you doing that?" lol.

He could have done much better, Floyd was dicking around in this fight for god knows whatever reason.

I had it close and i am not a boxing noob. Sure he had dirty shots but floyd sometimes does it as well. Closest fight for floyd since castillo but floyd won.
I thought so. This is essentially how I saw the fight playing out, though Maidana had more success than I had imagined.

I'm happy I bought the PPV.I agree that Floyd would only do better in a rematch but lots of people like Sato Koiji exist. This would be the richest potential fight for both guys so I see the rematch as an inevitability.

I will say that Floyd seemed to show his age in the fight. Also, that weight disparity was absurd. Floyd is the only top fighter in the sport who enters the ring so close to his weigh-in weight.

Also, I think the boxing press will get behind a rematch. The overwhelming mood heading into this fight was very negative among that crowd. I don't think they showed Maidana enough respect and I think they be more open the second time around.

Castillo put on a great effort in their second fight. Both fights were close.

Even if Mayweather makes adjustments, a second fight would still be a very long night for him.

Second castillo fight was not as close as the first. Floyd won that one with fair ease.


Second castillo fight was not as close as the first. Floyd won that one with fair ease.
I agree that it wasn't as close as the first but it was still a tough physical fight for Floyd. The official scores were 116-113 and 115-113 twice and I'd say those are about right. How would you score it?

The point I am trying to make is that Castillo gave Floyd two hard fights and I imagine that a Maidana rematch would be much like the first fight, even if Floyd would be able to increase his margin.


Thanks for this. He put on a proud performance last night and he showed up everyone who has fought Bernard Hopkins and Floyd Mayweather for the last 10 years. This is how you fight a tricky older fighter.This. I believe that he landed more on Floyd in this fight than anyone ever has before (correct me if I'm wrong).

If he would have thrown fewer punches he would have landed less overall and he would have been hit more. Offense was his defense in this fight as well. He was able to neutralize Floyd's offense for minutes at a time with his sheer output.I agree with this too. He was able to make Floyd abandon the shoulder-roll more so than anyone I can recall (or at least since Castillo).

He normally loves to sit on the ropes and counter-punch. After a few rounds he largely abandoned that stance and went to work in the middle of the ring. While I wouldn't say that Maidana was dominating that space, since Floyd was landing those short counters, it was still a moral victory for Maidana.I personally had Floyd winning 8-4 or 9-3 but I was on the edge of my seat as the scores were being read. Different judges could have given this to Maidana. He outworked Floyd to a cartoonish extent and I have seen judges reward activity time and time again. His activity was twice Floyd's and they essentially landed the same number of punches.

Regarding my scores, I agree with those who say that Floyd landed the best punches throughout the fight. Still, he never seriously hurt Maidana. I really could have seen this going the other way with the judges.

I like you. You're level headed.


I don't want to spend my entire day writing about boxing so I'm going to comment on the undercard fights one at a time:

Broner vs. Molina:

Broner looked solid but not spectacular. He beat Molina easily, making adjustments along the way and showing effective offensive and defensive skills. He seemed to take entire minutes (and maybe even rounds) off, but he looked very impressive when he was moving his hands.

He is a very talented inside fighter and showed flashes of the version of himself who destroyed Antonio DeMarco. The big difference last night is that he was never able to hurt Molina so the fight devolved into somewhat of a predictable tempo. In Broner's defense, no one has ever knocked Molina down (though Khan did earn a TKO against him).

Molina is essentially unranked at 140 so I'm not sure how we should rate this performance. Boxrec put Broner at #6 and I'd say that's about right (though I disagree with their specific rankings). I don't know how much I care about seeing him fight other no-hopers but I would enjoy seeing him in the mix with Goldenboy's other guys at that weight.

I don't care for the sideshow, but I enjoy his fighting style and he's only 24. I am definitely interested to see where he goes from here.
Where are these people coming from all of a sudden? "Floyd got destroyed in the exchanges"; you've got to be straight up lobotomized to believe that. It was a good competitive fight, and Chino has much to be proud of, but he clearly lost, and all the meaningful punches were landed by Floyd.

I'm telling you Floyd has this crazy effect on people. I'm a boxing fan but it honestly surprises me how hyped up more casual sports fans get for his fights when consistently find them boring. You get this weird phenomenon when he fights where people hate him and his "boring" style so much that they will drop $70 just in the hopes that he will lose and then complain when it doesn't happen. It's pretty genius really and the reason Floyd acts like such a cocky asshole. I think Floyd realized years ago that unless he started to act like a pro wrestling heel he'd have the career of Winky Wright. Instead he has hundreds of millions of dollars in his bank account.


It was a good fight. Had it closer than those two refs scored it. Shawn Porter and Keith Thurman should take notes from this fight.


Miadana was dirty as f**k in that fight which made the fight seem closer than it looks for the noobs. What's up with all those nut shots Tony Weeks? Also, did Bill Goldberg help train Maidana?

I scored 8-4 for Floyd, Maidana was too dirty, 2 of judge scorecard made that clear (comfortable 116-112 and 117-111 margins on two scorecards)

In a rematch Floyd would eat him........ raw. Don't know why Floyd decided to dig in with this guy when he should have done what he do best and just box, don't know what he was trying to prove.
When he did box, he tore Miadana up, when he dragged Maidana to the ropes intentionally I began screaming at my TV "Why the F**k are you doing that?" lol.

He could have done much better, Floyd was dicking around in this fight for god knows whatever reason.

From a marketing perspective it makes sense, people starting to think no one can beat Floyd at all, so there is less hype for the fights, especially after that Canelo fight that ended up being a dud. Floyd said it at the end, he didn't start boxing until later to give the fans something, and we can always think he's just making excuses but to me it makes sense. There will be a lot more hype for whatever next fight Floyd has because of this one because people think he can be beat now.


As for Khan, while it was a impressive win, I rather see him fight one more before getting Mayweather. Maybe a rematch with Lamont Peterson? Or going after Keith Thurway/Shawn Porter.


From a marketing perspective it makes sense, people starting to think no one can beat Floyd at all, so there is less hype for the fights, especially after that Canelo fight that ended up being a dud. Floyd said it at the end, he didn't start boxing until later to give the fans something, and we can always think he's just making excuses but to me it makes sense. There will be a lot more hype for whatever next fight Floyd has because of this one because people think he can be beat now.

He didn't get his ass bodied for the first six rounds because he wanted to make it interesting. He said so himself, Maidana put a lot of pressure on him to fight that way.

The middle rounds were a result of Maidana being gassed and freeing Mayweather to box him front and center. Last two rounds Maidana caught wind again and resumed to attack close range but Mayweather did a better job avoiding most of the punches.

I don't buy his, "I wanted to make the fight interesting" when nearly all his fights leading to Canelo were fought with the usual defensive tactics he employs (that many unfairly call "boring") yet that match broke record pay.

The only other fights that were similar to this one happen to be the only two where the opponent went in with a lot of pressure and threw hail marrys hoping for points (Oscar De La Hoya and Miguel Cotto). The former didn't do enough to avoid getting hit and the later didn't have the stamina to continue the pressure.

I will give Floyd all the credit in the world for the image he's created because THAT gets people in the seats. He's a phenomenon and marketable. Quite the business acumen if I must say. Getting his ass kicked in any fight is not part of the acumen.


hey boxing brethrens. Need clarification on something (JMM/pac ko)
here's a gif of the punch that ended the 4th fight.


a guy and myself are discussing JMM's actions leading to the right hand. He claims that Pac feinted in and JMM reacted with his own feint which made Pac commit to the attack. States that JMM's left hand drops as part of a motion (like a QB/pitcher does) to gain more torque.

My argument is that JMM reacted to the feint because he thought a jab was coming. To me, it looks like he moves his lead (left) hand to the right and down in order to deflect the jab that he thought was coming. He also dips his body left to avoid the punch. He continues the motion and fires his right hand.

Am I an idiot? lol


hey boxing brethrens. Need clarification on something (JMM/pac ko)
here's a gif of the punch that ended the 4th fight.


a guy and myself are discussing JMM's actions leading to the right hand. He claims that Pac feinted in and JMM reacted with his own feint which made Pac commit to the attack. States that JMM's left hand drops as part of a motion (like a QB/pitcher does) to gain more torque.

My argument is that JMM reacted to the feint because he thought a jab was coming. To me, it looks like he moves his lead (left) hand to the right and down in order to deflect the jab that he thought was coming. He also dips his body left to avoid the punch. He continues the motion and fires his right hand.

Am I an idiot? lol
I see it slightly differently than you. He initiated his right hand counter as soon as he saw the feint. It's all one motion.

One of the greatest punches in boxing history. There is so much going on in that second. Here is a better gif/video that shows the shot from more angles:

To start with, it is interesting that Pac is circling to his left. When a left handed fighter circles to his left against a right handed opponent he is essentially challenging that fighter's right hand. This is a counter-intuitive move but it is one of Pac's signatures and he utilized it brilliantly against Bradley in their second fight. He'll normally feint and then jab with his right hand (or throw two jabs) and move subtlety to his left so he can land his strait left, even if his opponent throws a counter right. The idea is to establish an angle where he has enough range to throw his left but his opponent does not have the range to throw his right. He uses the feints and/or jabs to get in the correct position relative to his opponent. Here're where Marquez's mastery comes in.

As soon as he sees Pac's feint he anticipates the 1-2 (jab, straight-left) that will follow and he steps to his own left the second before Pac steps to his left and in the same motion he puts his entire body into a chopping overhand right. This is a counter that was only able to connect because Marquez had so effectively learned Pac's range and timing over the course of the 40 rounds they had spent together in the ring. In order to land the way that it did, he needed to initiate his counter before Pac even threw the jab. Also, when the punch lands, Marquez's fist is even with his own head! Just try to throw a punch like that. He loops it over the top at such and angle that it could only have landed if Pac were exactly in that spot. And, again, he initiated this movement/punch at the moment of Pac's feight before Pac had even threw the first punch of his 2 punch combo. Pac's was going for feint-jab-left and Marquez was able to feint and then throw and land that chopping right because he had Pac's movement and timing down exactly.

One more note: if you look closely at their feet, you will see that Pac actually trips over Marquez's left foot. When Marquez takes that movement to his left, he moves strait into the path Pac's attempted movement. Because of this tangle, Pac is actually falling forward as the exact moment that Marquez's punch connects. This is the reason that it lands with such an impact and Pacquiao was effected like to no other time in his career.

Magical stuff.



This is one fight that I was anticipating more than anything.

Me too.

Oh well... :(
I was never too optimistic. I am shocked at the deal Arum offered him though. Horrible job by Chavez and his manager. They are insane for turning down that money.

$7m guarantee for the Golovkin fight with a 1 fight extension. For the second fight, he would have gotten a guarantee of $10m if he had beaten GGG or $5m if he were to lose that fight. He could have made $12 million for two fights without having to win either one.

Sergio Mora comes in with the tweet of the year:

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