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Boxing Discussion


Khan won, but yeah forget a Mayweather fight, they'll need to find someone else.


I missed two rounds but yeah from the 6th round Khan fought smarter. But man, give me Cotto Mayweather at least, two of my favourite boxers.
Pretty clear Khan victory. I think 117-111 is fair, or 116-112.

That said, Khan did not look good to me. Don't think I really care to see Mayweather take him to school. Give it to someone else - Thurman, preferably.


Fans are not gonna demand Mayweather vs Khan after this shit performance by Khan.

Floyd's gonna fight Cotto IF he gets through Geale.
Pretty clear Khan victory. I think 117-111 is fair, or 116-112.

That said, Khan did not look good to me. Don't think I really care to see Mayweather take him to school. Give it to someone else - Thurman, preferably.
Keith's fighting in July. September would be too soon for him.


That fucks with Cotto/Canelo so nah. Let Floyd take his cakewalk fight against Khan. It's not like the result is going to be any different no matter who he fights.

I can't believe I forgot about that. o_O

It's been a long day. >.>

I wouldn't have minded a Garcia fight but his last couple of gift decisions took any shine off of that. Might as well do the Khan fight.


That fucks with Cotto/Canelo so nah. Let Floyd take his cakewalk fight against Khan. It's not like the result is going to be any different no matter who he fights.

It'll be a tough sell. Team Mayweather kept downplaying Pac's win against Algieri by calling him an amateur. Now they'll have to do a 360 and give Khan Credit for a fight he barely squeaked by.
It'll be a tough sell. Team Mayweather kept downplaying Pac's win against Algieri by calling him an amateur. Now they'll have to do a 360 and give Khan Credit for a fight he barely squeaked by.

if Mayweather is serious about this being his last fight (or at least says as much for now) he can sell it on that I guess. I just don't see anyone out there that is super credible or threatening. At this point people know what the deal is with Floyd and the draw is going to be watching him in his last (or second to last?) fight of his career.


Been a while where I seen a boxer both lose and win at the same time. Nice bounce back by Chris, nothing to be ashamed of.

Amir needs to tighten up however.

El Topo

Anthony Joshua has next for the HW division.

I hope they don't make the same mistake as Price and his team. Picking apart has-beens means little and Britain has the tendency to...overhype its talents. Take it slow and steady.
To be honest though, I wouldn't mind another Thompson-Price moment. That was hilarious. Hopefully Klitschko-Fury will deliver.

We're going to need Joshua vs Wilder in a couple years, if someone doesn't knock Deontay out in the meantime.

Wilder has to defend his title against Povetkin. That's a tough mandatory defense for him.


I hope they don't make the same mistake as Price and his team. Picking apart has-beens means little and Britain has the tendency to...overhype its talents.

We'll have to see if he can take a punch, but he won a gold medal in the 2012 Olympics so I have some trust in his skill.

Wilder has to defend his title against Povetkin. That's a tough mandatory defense for him.

I bet he vacates the belt before having to take that lol.

This Brooks/Gavin fight was a complete blowout, Gavin was outclassed from the first 30 seconds.

El Topo

We'll have to see if he can take a punch, but he won a gold medal in the 2012 Olympics so I have some trust in his skill.

He won it on home soil. I didn't watch the (super) heavyweight division fights back then, but among the fights I watched there was some sketchy judging. You know who also won an Olympic medal, but gets constantly (and to some extent rightfully) criticized? Wilder. Fair enough though, it certainly shows talent. On the other side, he has extremely little experience as an amateur boxer. 34 fights (31-3), compared to e.g. 132 (125-7) fights that Povetkin had.

Joshua has talent, great physique and he's young. There's no need to rush things and until he actually fights at the highest level there's also no reason to hype him too much. As funny as the Thompson-Price fights were, I don't really need another such moment.

I bet he vacates the belt before having to take that lol.

He first seemed to look forward to it, yet now he's accusing Povetkin of juicing.


Just on my way home from the O2 after a fun night of boxing. Selby and Mitchell both put in very gutsy performances - shame it wasn't enough for the latter but with the state his face was in, you couldn't argue.

The 24 second stoppage for Cleverley was both shocking and very amusing, whilst Joshua's dominant performance reinforces my belief that he's a class act in the making. Like most, I hope his opponent in September is genuinely worthy and pushes Joshua much harder than he has been before.

After the Joshua fight the Brook fight was a bit of an anticlimax, but all in all a very enjoyable night of boxing.
Khan vs Brook & Degale vs Groves II both need to happen this year.

Didn't Khan turn down millions to fight Brook yesterday? I don't see it happening. He's ducking his way to try and get a potential Mayweather fight.

But yes, these two fights need to happen for the good of British boxing, a double main event next year would be grand.


Fixed that for ya. ;)

Floyd wins both, but the Rigondeaux match would be more interesting. Mayweather vs Ward would be the most ridiculous defensive match up in history, haha.

Didn't Khan turn down millions to fight Brook yesterday? I don't see it happening. He's ducking his way to try and get a potential Mayweather fight.

But yes, these two fights need to happen for the good of British boxing, a double main event next year would be grand.

Mayweather should fight Brook - Imagine how pissed off Khan would be, haha. Unify the welterweight belts in his last bout... Probably (definitely) more money in Khan, though.


Floyd wins both, but the Rigondeaux match would be more interesting. Mayweather vs Ward would be the most ridiculous defensive match up in history, haha.

Might not be as defensive as you think. Ward's more aggressive than a lot of people want to admit.

Anyway. Ward can be better than Floyd. His career's far from done though. We'll see what happens.


Golovkin could fight him at 12lbs and still break him in two. He's a small MW anyway, so there's no reason they couldn't fight at 155-159.
khan won but looked unimpressive after his last two impressive showings. I do give algeri lots of credit because he deserves it. Looking forward to cotto on sat. Broner vs porter is going to be so good and interesting. Who do you guys have in that one? Hard to pick,have a feeling broner wins but it can go either way.
I have to say that I never saw the Broner/Porter fight coming. I thought for sure Broner would go after Garcia. That's a very winnable fight for him; Porter not so much. He can still win, but Porter can make you look bad. I guess they went with a catch weight to drain Porter a bit, which I think is bullshit.
Cotto/Geale tomorrow night on HBO.

Odd fight. As a natural welterweight, Cotto still feels out of place in that division, and Geale was a bizarre choice even if you ignore the size mismatch, which is further complicated by the unusual catch weight. Rereading that sentence, I suppose all of those synonyms for "weird" sum up my thought process for this bout.

"Business decision" is the best I can come up with to explain the matchup, especially given Cotto's age, the wars he's been in, and his apparent misgivings about fighting true middleweights (see his new policy on catch weights).

I fully expect a Cotto victory when it's all said and done, but I think this will be interesting just to see how it plays out in between the opening bell and Cotto's upraised arms.
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