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Boxing Discussion

benita316 said:
Uhh joke post? At the moment, Mayweather is ready to fight and Manny's the one backing out.

It's not like he's requesting anything outrageous or different to what most other athletes have to go through.

Why the fuck is Mayweather the one who has to compromise lest he be accused of being scared?

I repeat, he's good to go as is.

Mayweather ready to fight? :lol Why the fuck is he demanding drugs testing then? Pac has never tested positive for any substance abuse before but because PBF's crackhead daddy says Pac is juicing, that means Pac has to agree to PBF's demands? GTFO with that shit.
harSon said:
Only a Mayweather hater could manage to turn this ordeal into a Mayweather issue, it's not Mayweather's fault that Manny refuses to take testing that many other prominent athletes are already doing.

And this method of drug testing was present within the contract they both agreed to:

"We agreed to $10 million per pound, or fraction thereof," Schaefer said. "That's what the Pacquiao side wanted and we said OK to that. That's unheard of. We have agreed on everything except for this drug testing issue. I have to think Pacquiao is unaware of this. The drug testing had been part of the contract for a while and then they suddenly said no. I was informed of that [Tuesday] morning. Suddenly they changed course and I don't know why."

If Mayweather would have pulled this shit, people would be foaming at the mouth with rage.

No contract has been signed as yet. If Pac was pulling this shit I'd still be fucked off. You go by the rules of the sport, not whatever extra rule your opponent wants to make up.

EDIT: If this drug testing shit has to be agreed to in order to get this fight signed, why not follicle testing? That could bust you for shit months ago :lol
I don't see what the big deal is about the fighters taking a drug test. Surely everything would be fine without the test but of one fighter would like it done then I don't see the problem. If your not a cheater and you do things legitimately then what is the hold up?
BakedPigeon said:
I don't see what the big deal is about the fighters taking a drug test. Surely everything would be fine without the test but of one fighter would like it done then I don't see the problem. If your not a cheater and you do things legitimately then what is the hold up?

The point is that the Nevada Sate Athletic commission already perform drugs tests. What gives any boxer the right to demand another boxer (with no previous history of testing postive for any banned substance) should take extra drugs tests?

Taking the extra drugs testing demand further leads to the following issues:

Who will pay for all these tests?

Who gets to pick the lab?

Who gets to take the samples?

What time of day are they allowed to come?

If there is a failure, or a failure to provide a sample, what are the repercussions?

Second testing? Backup samples?


BakedPigeon said:
I don't see what the big deal is about the fighters taking a drug test. Surely everything would be fine without the test but of one fighter would like it done then I don't see the problem. If your not a cheater and you do things legitimately then what is the hold up?

benita316 said:
Uhh joke post? At the moment, Mayweather is ready to fight and Manny's the one backing out.

It's not like he's requesting anything outrageous or different to what most other athletes have to go through.

Why the fuck is Mayweather the one who has to compromise lest he be accused of being scared?

I repeat, he's good to go as is.

Why should Pac-Man do a single thing more than what's required by the NSAC?

Because Mayweather wants it? Fuck him and his antics.

If Pac-Man does decide to oblige him, more power to him. If not, so what? Move on.

Since when does Mayweater Senior carry ANY credibility at all?

Pac-Man has his routine and he wants to stick to it. It falls well within the established rules and regulations and has not been an issue in the past.

If Mayweather can't move on past this issue, then yes, he's the one who's stalling or wants to back out.

Hey, why not ask Pac-Man to do 100 jumping while your at it? Just for the sake of it!

I mean, it wouldn't affect his performance in any negative way... and most atheletes would agree to do it. If he doesn't do it, then that means he's hiding something! Come on Pac-Man, jump through these hoops because we want you to! Do it or else you're a cheat!


Pac-Man is the World's Pound for Pound King. He dictates how he wants to do this. Not Mayweather, not nobody. He's in control here.
I'm not saying I agree with it. All I am saying is what is the big fucking deal? Surely it can't be as big of an inconvenience as your post suggests. Were not talking about something that takes a lot of work, its a fucking drug test. If neither boxer has anything to hide then it should not be an issue whatsoever.


BakedPigeon said:
I'm not saying I agree with it. All I am saying is what is the big fucking deal? Surely it can't be as big of an inconvenience as your post suggests. Were not talking about something that takes a lot of work, its a fucking drug test. If neither boxer has anything to hide then it should not be an issue whatsoever.

Your talking about the two greatest boxers currently on the planet.

It's all about ego and respect.

Mayweather likes his ego stroked. He wants to feel like he's got some kind of control over Pacquiao.

Pacquiao feels he deserves more respect and won't give in to Mayweather's whims.

It's not about what's easy or convenient.
All I know is if the fight falls through and both of these fighters throw away the insanely large purses they are going to walk away with, all because the pacman does not want to piss into a cup..... i am going to be fucking pissed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
BakedPigeon said:
All I know is if the fight falls through and both of these fighters throw away the insanely large purses they are going to walk away with, all because the pacman does not want to piss into a cup..... i am going to be fucking pissed.
I think you're being trolled by Mayweather's posturing.

Money May says what Money May says, and he'll keep saying it until the fight ends.


Most likely Pacquiao is on something. Maybe Mayweather too, not that I care. Fact is, just about everybody in MMA & Boxing has been on performance enhancers at sometime.

What this is really about is that Mayweather thinks he is going to lose. He wants Pacquiao to either lay off the juice to give him a shot at winning, or see the fight canceled. Rather than the near certainty of losing his undefeated record to a juiced Pacquiao.

Mayweather is basically admitting he'll lose to Pac in his current condition.
Angry Grimace said:
I think you're being trolled by Mayweather's posturing.

Money May says what Money May says, and he'll keep saying it until the fight ends.

I hope I am not falling into his troll because I really dislike PBF, for reasons I cant explain. I want nothing more in the world then pacman knocking this shit out of him. I just don't see what the big deal is about agreeing to a drug test so we have a fair fight.
holy shit. there's someone arguing against drug testing? Boxing drug testing is a joke in it's current form. If a major fight like this prompts change to a better drug testing program, I'm all for it.


Ultimo hombre said:
holy shit. there's someone arguing against drug testing? Boxing drug testing is a joke in it's current form. If a major fight like this prompts change to a better drug testing program, I'm all for it.
Boxing itself is a joke in its current form. The talent drain has been extreme over the last decade. You institute Olympic-style random testing and EVERYONE who's anyone or on their way into the sport will abandon it for MMA, football, and other pro sports that are more lax. Very few pro sports test that rigorously.

It's just the reality.


BakedPigeon said:
All I know is if the fight falls through and both of these fighters throw away the insanely large purses they are going to walk away with, all because the pacman does not want to piss into a cup..... i am going to be fucking pissed.

Isn't he pissed because mayweather wants random blooding testing?
Floyd is such a pussy. It really is a shame given how gifted he is.

He knew making such a bs demand would be incredibly insulting and disrespectful; that there'd be next to no chance of Pacquiao agreeing to it. Floyd wants out of the fight and is trying to deflect blame. What an asshole.

Anyone blaming Pacquiao for not going along with this is bona fide retarded.
jakncoke said:
Isn't he pissed because mayweather wants random blooding testing?

It could be a blood test, I just remember catching it while I was falling asleep to espnews. Either way.... what is he afraid of needles?


Alex Anderson said:
Floyd is such a pussy. It really is a shame given how gifted he is.

He knew making such a bs demand would be incredibly insulting and disrespectful; that there'd be next to no chance of Pacquiao agreeing to it. Floyd wants out of the fight and is trying to deflect blame. What an asshole.

Anyone blaming Pacquiao for not going along with this is bona fide retarded.

You guys are unbelievable.

If Pacquiao is truly legit and the fighter he claims to be, he wouldn't let something as simple as random blood tests get in the way of solidifying his position as one of the best boxers of our era. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Mayweather wanting the fight to be 100% free of performance enhancing drugs, anyone who says otherwise is a bona fide retard.

I don't see how Pac's fans can condone such bullshit, his excuse is he doesn't react well to blood being taken out. That's pretty fucking ridiculous, if Mayweather said some shit like that 90% of you would be demanding that his boxing licence be suspended. The hypocrisy here is astounding.
Ultimo hombre said:
holy shit. there's someone arguing against drug testing? Boxing drug testing is a joke in it's current form. If a major fight like this prompts change to a better drug testing program, I'm all for it.

No, arguing against Mayweather's demands. Drug testing already takes place in boxing.
harSon said:
You guys are unbelievable.

If Pacquiao is truly legit and the fighter he claims to be, he wouldn't let something as simple as random blood tests get in the way of solidifying his position as one of the best boxers of our era. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Mayweather wanting the fight to be 100% free of performance enhancing drugs, anyone who says otherwise is a bona fide retard.

I don't see how Pac's fans can condone such bullshit, his excuse is he doesn't react well to blood being taken out. That's pretty fucking ridiculous, if Mayweather said some shit like that 90% of you would be demanding that his boxing licence be suspended. The hypocrisy here is astounding.

I say again, what gives Floyd the right to demand extra tests? I think you need to take off the PBF tinted specs.

i believe PBf will win the fight but that doesn't mean we should put up with his bullshit.


Everyone says Mayweather is the one who is dodging Manny but the opposite has been true every step of the way. Freddy Roach and Manny have been bitching since the beginning, first the fight almost didn't happen because they were whining about the date of the match and now this?
harSon said:
You guys are unbelievable.

If Pacquiao is truly legit and the fighter he claims to be, he wouldn't let something as simple as random blood tests get in the way of solidifying his position as one of the best boxers of our era. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Mayweather wanting the fight to be 100% free of performance enhancing drugs, anyone who says otherwise is a bona fide retard.

I don't see how Pac's fans can condone such bullshit, his excuse is he doesn't react well to blood being taken out. That's pretty fucking ridiculous, if Mayweather said some shit like that 90% of you would be demanding that his boxing licence be suspended. The hypocrisy here is astounding.

I never thought I would see the day where we agree on something.
harSon said:
Everyone says Mayweather is the one who is dodging Manny but the opposite has been true every step of the way. Freddy Roach and Manny have been bitching since the beginning, first the fight almost didn't happen because they were whining about the date of the match and now this?

It's hardly surprising you'd read it like that, you're the biggest PBF fan in here.

Personally I believe that the majority of top athletes are taking some kind of performance enhancers. My point is (for the third time as you keep ignoring the question) what gives Mayweather the right?


J Tourettes said:
It's hardly surprising you'd read it like that, you're the biggest PBF fan in here.

Personally I believe that the majority of top athletes are taking some kind of performance enhancers. My point is (for the third time as you keep ignoring the question) what gives Mayweather the right?

Because he's 40-0 and has a lot to lose.

If I'm in his shoes, I'd make damned sure that I was heading into a fight that was 100% legit as well. Boxing's current methods are pretty horrific, this is the perfect venue in which to set a new precedence.
J Tourettes said:
It's hardly surprising you'd read it like that, you're the biggest PBF fan in here.

Personally I believe that the majority of top athletes are taking some kind of performance enhancers. My point is (for the third time as you keep ignoring the question) what gives Mayweather the right?

What do you mean what gives him the right? He is participating in the fight.... If any of the two boxers have request's I think they both have the right to make them, its their fight.
harSon said:
Because he's 40-0 and has a lot to lose.

If I'm in his shoes, I'd make damned sure that I was heading into a fight that was 100% legit as well.

So why no demands for his other recent fights? It seems to me that Floyd knows that he'll be facing his first legit test in years and as such has to pull out all of the stops.

I think Manny's excuse about not giving blood is poor but then again, if he's abiding by the rules of the NSAC, he has no reason to give into this demand.
The issue is the blood test within 48 hours of the fight. The article I read had comments saying dr's wouldn't advise doing this during your training leading up to the fight. This isn't your Olympic style boxing these guys are training for.

I think it's going to reflect bad on Mayweather the most. Manny can and will take any fight.

Let Floyd go cherrypick his next fight. He felt forced to accept this and he found his way out.
BakedPigeon said:
What do you mean what gives him the right? He is participating in the fight.... If any of the two boxers have request's I think they both have the right to make them, its their fight.

This kind of thing is above and beyond the normal requests (ring size, glove type, judges, referees). It's ridiculous.

Why not request olympic headgear as well?
I don't think Mayweather has fairness on his mind especially after the shit he pulled with the Marquez fight.

Come in overweight? Whatever. Lets just throw some money around. That should make up for it.


Cellbomber said:
The issue is the blood test within 48 hours of the fight. The article I read had comments saying dr's wouldn't advise doing this during your training leading up to the fight. This isn't your Olympic style boxing these guys are training for.

I think it's going to reflect bad on Mayweather the most. Manny can and will take any fight.

Let Floyd go cherrypick his next fight. He felt forced to accept this and he found his way out.

Arum is saying that he doesn't think Manny would accept anything within a 30 day window of the fight.

Schaefer said Arum is merely "ranting and raving," and should talk to USADA chief Travis Tygart about how the blood-testing procedure would work. Schaefer said it was his understanding that Pacquiao would have to give "less than a tablespoon of blood" less than 48 hours before the fight under USADA guidelines.

"Pacquiao may be having this nightmare of this being a huge needle sucking all this blood from him, and that's not what this is about," Schaefer said.

[Updated at 12:30 p.m.: Tygart told the Times today that the USADA's "testing will not interfere with the competition. It's unreasonable to believe that it would." Tygart noted that the NFL and MLB don't test blood and said that Pacquiao's current stance to be tested only 30 days and beyond from the fight was "unacceptable to any effective anti-doping program."]
J Tourettes said:
This kind of thing is above and beyond the normal requests (ring size, glove type, judges, referees). It's ridiculous.

Why not request olympic headgear as well?

Instead of playing the why not game, why not just take the blood test and fight the fight?


Floyd actually does have a lot to lose. Besides money and legacy, Floyd really doesn't have anything. No one likes him, he has no selling power to anyone outside of the urban market, he has no major ad deals. So he does have a right to be careful in the fight. I highly doubt either one is on drugs, I think this is more mind games which Freddie Roach also loves to do before fights. I hope this gets worked out though, it would have been bigger than the Super Bowl or NBA Finals for me.
BakedPigeon said:
Instead of playing the why not game, why not just take the blood test and fight the fight?

You're playing the why not game there :lol

If Pac gives in, Mayweather wins the first round of the psychological battle. Let's not forget why this is being demanded, it's because a crackhead can't believe Pac is better than he thought so he tosses out baseless accusations.


Jamesfrom818 said:
I don't think Mayweather has fairness on his mind especially after the shit he pulled with the Marquez fight.

Come in overweight? Whatever. Lets just throw some money around. That should make up for it.

Mayweather agreed to give up $10 million for every pound he comes in overweight, an unheard of figure within the sport.

Mayweather seems willing to accept ridiculous demands, I don't see why Manny should be given a free pass.
harSon said:
Mayweather agreed to give up $10 million for every pound he comes in overweight, an unheard of figure within the sport.

Mayweather seems willing to accept ridiculous demands, I don't see why Manny should be given a free pass.

That's because it's a welterweight fight and Mayweather has previous.


J Tourettes said:
That's because it's a welterweight fight and Mayweather has previous.


The figure is still ridiculous.

Also, have a look at the link I posted above. Manny would have to provide no more than tablespoon of blood a few days before the fight, the people in charge of the testing have also said that blood taken 30 days or more prior to the fight would be completely useless as far as anti doping measures are concerned.

Manny is just being unbelievably superstitious.
harSon said:

The figure is still ridiculous.

Also, have a look at the link I posted above. Manny would have to provide no more than tablespoon of blood a few days before the fight, the people in charge of the testing have also said that blood taken 30 days or more prior to the fight would be completely useless as far as anti doping measures are concerned.

Manny is just being unbelievably superstitious.

As I've said previously, I think Manny's excuse is poor but he's abiding by the rules as they stand. If Mayweather comes in overweight, he'd be breaking the current rules, and broke them as recently as his last fight.
Floyd is a pussy, nothing more nothing less. I said on this forum the fight wouldn't be in March, because I knew something like this, or the purse woulda been a problem

Piss, blood, follicle, it doesn't matter. Pacquiao has pissed before and after the Cotto fight where people said he was on something, and he came back clean. This is nothing more than the whole Mayweather camp realising that Floyd WOULD have been beaten by Pacquiao

No on Pacquiao has fought has asked for this, not even the great DLH who had a lot to prove, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE MUTTERING of this shit when he destroyed Hatton, but all of a sudden when he eats up Cotto and has Mayweather in his sights, "he's on something"

This is why I fucking hate Mayweather, pigeon headed fool

BakedPigeon said:
All I know is if the fight falls through and both of these fighters throw away the insanely large purses they are going to walk away with, all because the pacman does not want to piss into a cup..... i am going to be fucking pissed.

Did you read the thread at all?


Mecha_Infantry said:
Floyd is a pussy, nothing more nothing less. I said on this forum the fight wouldn't be in March, because I knew something like this, or the purse woulda been a problem

Piss, blood, follicle, it doesn't matter. Pacquiao has pissed before and after the Cotto fight where people said he was on something, and he came back clean. This is nothing more than the whole Mayweather camp realising that Floyd WOULD have been beaten by Pacquiao

No on Pacquiao has fought has asked for this, not even the great DLH who had a lot to prove, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE MUTTERING of this shit when he destroyed Hatton, but all of a sudden when he eats up Cotto and has Mayweather in his sights, "he's on something"

This is why I fucking hate Mayweather, pigeon headed fool

Did you read the thread at all?

Keep it classy Floyd haters!

Hope it means something other than this:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pigeon Head
A "Nappy Headed Hoe" Who enjoys performing oral sex for favours and/or sometimes drugs.
Mecha_Infantry said:
Floyd is a pussy, nothing more nothing less. I said on this forum the fight wouldn't be in March, because I knew something like this, or the purse woulda been a problem

Piss, blood, follicle, it doesn't matter. Pacquiao has pissed before and after the Cotto fight where people said he was on something, and he came back clean. This is nothing more than the whole Mayweather camp realising that Floyd WOULD have been beaten by Pacquiao

No on Pacquiao has fought has asked for this, not even the great DLH who had a lot to prove, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE MUTTERING of this shit when he destroyed Hatton, but all of a sudden when he eats up Cotto and has Mayweather in his sights, "he's on something"

This is why I fucking hate Mayweather, pigeon headed fool

Did you read the thread at all?

Like I said a few post's ago, I caught it on espnews while I was falling asleep. blood test not piss test, big whoop its the same concept. You would have know this had you read the thread and saw my post.


harSon said:
Keep it classy Floyd haters!
I think the issue is that there's really no reason for Pacquiao to be taking additional blood tests. Usually we would think about such a thing if there was a previous transgression or a rumor of sorts. I mean, I understand the frustration towards Pacquiao, and wanting him to just take the random blood tests so we can have a fight. But then I have to think if there's any reason what so ever for him to submit to a random blood test in the first place, and honestly I can't.


I really hate performance enhancing drugs. The recent baseball controversies turned me from a lifelong baseball fan into somebody who hasn't watched a game in about 3 years. I'm not sure if I'll ever enjoy the game again. I think it's suspicious that Manny doesn't want to do the test. It's incredibly stupid that he would let this amount of money go over something so small, unless he has something to hide. It may be unfair for Floyd to demand it, but with this level of money on the line, Manny shouldn't be afraid to accept it.

For the record I'm not a Mayweather fan, and I'm actually not a huge fan of Manny fan either, although he is fun to watch. If he is juicing, he deserves to get caught, and if he can't win without juicing, he shouldn't be fighting.

I have to think if there's any reason what so ever for him to submit to a random blood test in the first place, and honestly I can't.

Because this is the biggest payday of his career, and the best fight that can be made, and if he isn't hiding something, there is no legitimate reason not to accept it.

It may be an affront to his pride, but I assume that Floyd would also be taking the test, so he's obviously not juicing. If manny isn't juicing, the best way to shut everybody up is to take the test. If he turns down the huge megafight over this, a cloud will hang over his legacy forever.
harSon said:
Keep it classy Floyd haters!

Hope it means something other than this:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pigeon Head

lol, no I just mean't it that he has a head shaped like a pigeon :|

BakedPigeon said:
Like I said a few post's ago, I caught it on espnews while I was falling asleep. blood test not piss test, big whoop its the same concept. You would have know this had you read the thread and saw my post.

If it's the same concept, then a piss sample will be fine, which Pacquiao has done on many occasions before and after the fight

Both take a piss test, or the boxing arm of the law start doing universal blood tests. A few jealous boxers/trainers can't make one man take a blood test because of hear-say


Isn't there a pretty big difference between a blood and urine test in terms of effectiveness? I'm not an expert, but doesn't urine test simply test for the drugs themselves while a contrast between two blood samples test for the levels of whatever performance enhancing drugs spike or lower?
harSon said:
Isn't there a pretty big difference between a blood and urine test in terms of effectiveness? I'm not an expert, but doesn't urine test simply test for the drugs themselves while a contrast between two blood samples test for the levels of whatever performance enhancing drugs spike or lower?

Yup. Plus manny would not be able to strap freddy roaches piss to the inside of his thigh on a blood test.
please dont take that seriously
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