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Boxing Discussion


EschatonDX said:
He looked like a super saiyan against DLH to me...

Okay I guess he did go gangster on de la. That may have been beCause of how little chance he was given though. Now that I think of it de la and Shane were one handed fighters and were never great defensive fighters. Maybe paq is slowing a bit. I'd give him a few fights to say for sure though. Lord knows we gave shane a few to pronounce him completely shot.


Teddy Atlas is a fucking idiot. Seriously, dude has been living off his association with Tyson for too damn long. He makes me laugh sometimes, but he's just full of it too much. he needs to retire.

He's no great shakes as a trainer either. Look what he did to Povetkin....



Good fight last night. Diaz was out cold.

Can't believe they're actually replaying Pac Mosley tonight! wtf Would rather see the Arreola fight.


Me too honestly. Arreola at that weight should at least be fun to watch...

I'm HYPED for AA-Ward though. Safe money's on ward UD12, but I wouldn't rule out a knockout on either side, fluke by Abraham or by Ward grinding him down.


I can't believe they're making us wait through all this shit to get to ward AA, I have no wish to watch this 2nd rate scrap again
God, this fight sucks ass. I can't decide if it's worse to have it as the main event last week or be forced to wait through it to see a fight I want to see.

Anyone got an over/under on amount of clinches from Ward tonight? I'm thinking 95.


Took him a while to get started, and Abraham put out a good disciplined effort in the early rounds making him work for it, but he's in complete control now. Attaway Ward.


Well at least it looked like Abraham tried this time around. Huzzah. Another good performance by Andre.

I actually expect to see the final to be a real boxing match(IF Froch can beat Johnson, and that's a closer fight than people think) not a slugfest or a brawl. Unless Ward can make it UUUUGLY.

More sore loser bullshit from Abraham. God, this man is an excuse machine.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
If Ward had stayed in the pocket and stepped on the gas he may have stopped him. I think I'm all set ever seeing AA in any sort of spotlight fight for a long time.

Nah, Middlerange is Abraham's bread and butter(the one place he doesn't suck) and if you let him work there he can and will hurt you. The ref wasn't allowing any up close and personal work from either guy, so it was basically all outside for Ward, where he really hasn't been for a while. He should work there more frequently. He was using his combinations a lot more, moving more, and I think he's a little more exciting that way. I like watching him maul on the inside, he's a better infighter than anyone else in the world right now, but he needs to focus on the "completeness" aspect of his game. As it stands now he's the successor to B-Hop's steez. In every way. He's America's crown jewel, the best we have to offer the world stage right now. believe that shit.

Plus stopping abraham is hard as fuck. Look at what dude did against miranda like this:

EschatonDX said:
Nah, Middlerange is Abraham's bread and butter(the one place he doesn't suck) and if you let him work there he can and will hurt you. The ref wasn't allowing any up close and personal work from either guy, so it was basically all outside for Ward, where he really hasn't been for a while. He should work there more frequently. He was using his combinations a lot more, moving more, and I think he's a little more exciting that way. I like watching him maul on the inside, he's a better infighter than anyone else in the world right now, but he needs to focus on the "completeness" aspect of his game. As it stands now he's the successor to B-Hop's steez. In every way. He's America's crown jewel, the best we have to offer the world stage right now. believe that shit.

Plus stopping abraham is hard as fuck. Look at what dude did against miranda like this:

The Miranda fight is an all time badass performance, but to be fair, Miranda is a gatekeeper at best, and in any other place but Abrahams hometown, that fight would have been stopped.

Just looking at an exhausted, mentally defeated AA in there, I would have liked to see Ward stay in for 4 and 5 punches instead of 1-2 and get out. AA didn't look like he could do anything after the 5/6th round.

Meanwhile, Pac VS Marquez 3 is on!!!!!!!
Been banned so wasn't able to comment on Mosley and Ward fights. Mosley - as much as you could expect from an old man.

Ward - wasn't too impressed. I actually gave AA a few rounds and fought Froch put on a much better display against him. I'd even go as far to say that my confidence in Froch (should he get past Johnson) against Ward has increased, although it's still Ward's fight to lose. Ward likes to duck under a lot of punches and Froch's uppercut is his money shot. It'll be an interesting fight, that's for sure.

Looking forward to Degale - Groves tomorrow, hoping to fuck that Groves pulls it off. Am preparing myself for disappointment.

Also saw this footage of Eubank Jr that I'd somehow managed to miss despite it being quite old: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7Q6BCpImTI


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Yeah I didnt give my thoughts on Pac-Mosley either. I had a fight party at my house. Too bad the fight sucked. Mosley didn't do anything. Besides the knockdown there was nothing to note. Anyways Ward-Abraham was a one sided beating. The first few rounds Arthur did decent but after that nothing. Tonight we have Bhop vs Pascal...would be awesome if Bhop wins. How old is the dude again?
EschatonDX said:
No but I watched FNF, very entertaining stuff from Molina.

And watching Peter Quillin destroy Jesse Brinkley in three rounds has made me a believer. This guy is a huge threat to anyone at 168. Watch out boys and girls.

I'll probably watch Pac-Mosley(won't pay for it) but it's always interesting to see where Pac is at in his career now that he's getting older. He looks like he's in ridiculous condition.

Pete is a good friend of mine, we grew up together. He's been a fighter since elementary, I know it's kinda biased but I agree 100%, these boxers don't know what they're getting into and how hard he trains. Pete is legit.
EschatonDX said:
hopkins hopkins hopkins hopkins hopkins hopkins

do the archie moore! hey!

good luck bhop.
I'm not as confident as everybody else seems to be in him. Not sure if that last fight was his last great performance but Pascal looked mentally shattered at the end so who knows?


I dont know about confidence, I just want Hopkins to do it. He's pretty solid in rematches.... And in recent stuff ive seen Pascal in he just looks infuriated. he's going to cut his own strength in half IMO.


Wow, I can't believe Roy almost took him the distance. Hard to watch that, as a fan of Lebedev(who should have had the good grace to never take this fight) and a guy who's never been big on Roy but pities all broke ass boxers past their peak...
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