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Boxing: Floyd Mayweather vs. Victor Ortiz |OT| 9/17

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Jea Song said:
All these questions lead to one obvious conclusion that no one seems to what to discuss.

And is objectively the least sensical conclusion to draw without any genuine evidence. Weird shit happens in fights.
Jea Song said:
All these questions lead to one obvious conclusion that no one seems to what to discuss.

It wasn't fixed. Don't be ridiculous. It was one shitty ref and one boxer who doesn't give a fuck. The other boxer just took advantage of the situation.


My Member!
Agent Icebeezy said:
Are we seriously acting like Floyd wasn't taxing Victor's ass all night? This was going to be a stoppage sooner or later. Between every round on HBO, all they showed was Floyd's right hand landing squarely on Victor's face. He had nothing, and I mean nothing for Floyd. Floyd was backup up a boxer that weighed 17 pounds more than him and was teeing off at will. Floyd got into Victor's hand. Do you know how demoralizing it is for Victor to talk all of his shit, hit Floyd, then Floyd just shakes his head like, no, you ain't got shit for me. This Floyd was better than the one that fought Mosley.

I don't know what you were watching. Mayweather was way more accurate, but lets not act like he was on the cusp of putting him away. Ortiz wasn't staggered by any of his punches, and he had his moments of getting inside up against the ropes and a couple of good shots. All it takes is one of those to land, or some ring rust or age to show from Mayweather later in the fight to change the fight completely. Ledderman had Rd 2 to Ortiz, and there's a good chance he could have got Rd 4 if he didn't headbutt him in the ropes exchange.

I really wanted to see how this fight would play out, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. It's not like Mayweather was destroying him with no competitiveness whatsoever.


Ortiz is such a moron. Hugging and kissing during the fight is one thing, but after getting sucker punched to a knockout, he was still smiling and hugging with Mayweather. Have some fucking pride. He could have really had a chance to build up a potential rematch that could sell a lot after what happened, but he blew it.

Everyone was in the wrong pretty much: Mayweather, Ortiz and Cortez.


SSGMUN10000 said:
After getting clocked once why the hell didnt Ortiz cover up?

I think it was a combination of being stunned that Mayweather would blatantly foul him (from Ortiz's perspective), and being physically stunned.

He's looking at Cortez the whole time as if to say "did you fucking see that!?", well until Mayweather knocked his lights out.
RBH said:

Maybe he can get Ortiz to confront Floyd on "H8R"


also he, like Ortiz, needs to learn to keep his hands up


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Kitschkraft said:
Mayweather may put Ortiz in a coma if they rematch.

Based on what? He was hitting him all fight and not having any effect until the two free shots. And two clean shots to an unprotected guy and the guy was up 5 minutes later smiling about it. Maybe he could do that if he pulls a Margarito and some plaster of paris, Mayweather is not a KO artist though.


Kitschkraft said:
Personally though, I tend to hold the commentators/announcers more accountable, as they are supposed to be unbiased and (implied) more intelligent than the athletes.

Fuck Merchant. Should have been retired by HBO years ago.
Merchant is NOT supposed to be unbiased. He is a Boxing Color Commentator, his specific job is to analyze the fights and give opinions and anecdotal details.

You're thinking of Jim Lampley, he's the play-by-play guy and should be more objective.

Btw, Mayweather couldn't be more wrong about Merchant not knowing about boxing. Whatever you think of him, he's one of the best even if he's slowing down in his old age. He's been doing this forever.

That's Merchant circled in red below:


Incidentally, he's almost exactly "50 years younger" in this shot!
JLG- said:
No he won't.

He wouldn't, but he'd embarrassed and outbox him for the entire match just like he was on his way to doing tonight. Ortiz needed to do something early, the longer the fight went on the more Floyd was going to break him down and just out point him. I saw nothing tonight that makes me want an Ortiz/Floyd rematch.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
TheNatural said:
I don't know what you were watching. Mayweather was way more accurate, but lets not act like he was on the cusp of putting him away. Ortiz wasn't staggered by any of his punches, and he had his moments of getting inside up against the ropes and a couple of good shots. All it takes is one of those to land, or some ring rust or age to show from Mayweather later in the fight to change the fight completely. Ledderman had Rd 2 to Ortiz, and there's a good chance he could have got Rd 4 if he didn't headbutt him in the ropes exchange.

I really wanted to see how this fight would play out, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. It's not like Mayweather was destroying him with no competitiveness whatsoever.

CompuBox saw Floyd landing 73 of 208 punches while Ortiz landed only 26 of 148.

Floyd would have put Victor away by round 8 and I maintain that. Floyd was having his way with Victor. All Victor was doing was that Oscar flurry against the ropes shit to try to win on aggression. He was not affecting Mayweather at all. This fight was not close in the least bit.

Yo Gotti

Kitschkraft said:
Although boxing does have a long history of shady fights, and even for as strange as tonight was, there really isn't much to go on to conclude that there was some sort of "agreement" between fighters.

There is all kinds of nuance between "fixed fight", "giving up", "being lackadaisical", etc. I always see people say "omg, he didn't even try to get up"...Ortiz legs probably felt like Jello after that knockdown. He was finished. If he used all his will to get back up, he was going to be going back down soon after. Did he give up on himself? Probably. Wa shetruly physically incapable of getting back up? Maybe. Did Floyd pay him money in the lounge before the fight? Highly unlikely.

And you guys are overstating his glance at the ref a bit much. The punch turned his head, his clock was cleaned, there is no way to know what was going through his head. That gif is slowed down a bit, it all happened very fast.

His head was leaned, and it stayed lean? Did he paralyze him for a second? I doubt it, there was no wiggle in his neck. His face wasn't dazzled. He didn't even toss his hands like he was sucker punched. He simply stood there and looked at the ref, completely in control.

Maybe he did lose faith in himself, but I don't buy that, I think he'd have gotten pissed as hell before he lost faith. He was holding his own very well even though it looked like he was down point wise. When he let that flurry out it looked like he almost overwhelmed Floyd, then the headbutt. EDIT: That wasn't even the first straight punch he took during the fight, he took at least 2-3 more good punches from Floyd.

No way you take that first punch like that and aren't hurting, but damn, Floyd even waited before he threw the second punch, like he was saying to him get the fuck on your job, but Ortiz stood there and took the combo.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Yo Ortiz Wolverine head butted him after being styled on and people are calling Floyd classless


My Member!
Agent Icebeezy said:
CompuBox saw Floyd landing 73 of 208 punches while Ortiz landed only 26 of 148.

Floyd would have put Victor away by round 8 and I maintain that. Floyd was having his way with Victor. All Victor was doing was that Oscar flurry against the ropes shit to try to win on aggression. He was not affecting Mayweather at all. This fight was not close in the least bit.

He still wouldn't have put him away. He couldn't even put away old man Mosely. The punches weren't effecting him, and all it takes it one slip up during one of those aggressive flurries against the ropes to completely change the fight. Floyd isn't putting anyone away, period, unless he does it like he did tonight.


Yeah people predicting the fate of the fight are a little silly. Anything can happen in boxing friendos. I thought that after tonight that'd be clear.
TheNatural said:
He still wouldn't have put him away. He couldn't even put away old man Mosely. The punches weren't effecting him, and all it takes it one slip up during one of those aggressive flurries against the ropes to completely change the fight. Floyd isn't putting anyone away, period, unless he does it like he did tonight.

He was beating him and would have beat him soundly, like he did Mosley. There are other ways to win other than knocking your opponent out cold.

EschatonDX said:
Yeah people predicting the fate of the fight are a little silly. Anything can happen in boxing friendos. I thought that after tonight that'd be clear.

True, but in order to have a rematch after a fight like this I think you have to see something compelling that Ortiz did to Mayweather. He never had Floyd hurt or in trouble. Obviously, like you said, it's boxing anything can happen and the chance for a flash KO is there, but that is the case with every other fighter, not just Ortiz.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
TheNatural said:
He still wouldn't have put him away. He couldn't even put away old man Mosely. The punches weren't effecting him, and all it takes it one slip up during one of those aggressive flurries against the ropes to completely change the fight. Floyd isn't putting anyone away, period, unless he does it like he did tonight.

Nobody has knocked out Mosely so yeah... Over half of Floyd wins are by KO


My Member!
Ninja Scooter said:
He was beating him and would have beat him soundly, like he did Mosley. There are other ways to win other than knocking your opponent out cold.

Did I say there weren't? I was responding to the dude that said he would have put him in a coma, or he would have finished him by round 8m hence ... the me responding to that.
TheNatural said:
Did I say there weren't? I was responding to the dude that said he would have put him in a coma, or he would have finished him by round 8m hence ... the me responding to that.

Yeah that coma thing was dumb, but I could have seen Floyd putting Ortiz away later in the fight. He's done it plenty of times before by wearing guys down and picking them apart. That's his MO.


My Member!
Blackace said:
Nobody has knocked out Mosely so yeah... Over half of Floyd wins are by KO

As was pointed out during the fight though, at the Welterweight division his KO percentage was really low, I believe under 20% or so is what they said. I guess technically it goes up now though. Judah, Baldomir, De La Hoya, Marquez, and Mosely all went to decision.

Baby Milo

TheNatural said:
Did I say there weren't? I was responding to the dude that said he would have put him in a coma, or he would have finished him by round 8m hence ... the me responding to that.
the corner would have thrown in the towel

Don't you know ortiz is a young dude who doesn't need to be taking damage like that. he's young no need for him to get knocked around the ring like that

^lol ortiz actually said that after the maidana fight

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
TheNatural said:
Did I say there weren't? I was responding to the dude that said he would have put him in a coma, or he would have finished him by round 8m hence ... the me responding to that.

It would have been a TKO, corner would have thrown in the towel due to abuse. Victor was on his shield by round 3.


My Member!
The Frankman said:
If Ortiz gets a rematch the dude will spontaneously bleed the minute they ring the bell. Jesus...

I really hope there isn't a rematch. I'm interested in seeing how the fight would have turned had it continued, but there's no point in another one of these. Mayweather needs to just stop being a baby and fight Pacman.
Blackace said:
Yo Ortiz Wolverine head butted him after being styled on and people are calling Floyd classless

Floyd is the most hated boxer ever because hes so good, its expected for the white knights of this board to overlook it because the hate they have in their hearts for a man who could careless they exist.



Teddman said:
That's Merchant circled in red below:

What an incredible image, including content, composition, and amazingly, quality. This picture could have been taken today by a professional photo-G with a $5,000 camera, and I wouldn't think anything of it.


I fucking love Mayweather, dude's a motherfuckin' boss.

Fuck all the haters who are trying to defend an intentional headbutter who was dumb enough to leave his guard down. Maybe this championship outcome will put all boxers on guard from this point on.

Money dominated the fight up till that point, and as we've seen in every other fight in his career, he maintains at a high level from the entirety of a fight while his opponent regresses. Ortiz did not show anything to prove that this would not be the case for this fight. Money won the fight fair and square.
LQX said:
If anything this has been one other most worth while boxing matches in years.

It lasted 6 rounds but we have not seen shit this entertaining in years that makes these fights worth the money. I doubt anyone feels ripped off for this fight.

I feel ripped off.


That Singer Guy... said:
Floyd is the most hated boxer ever because hes so good, its expected for the white knights of this board to overlook it because the hate they have in their hearts for a man who could careless they exist.


Floyd is a fantastic boxer. But boxing records don't mean anything. 42-0 and 90 percent were bums. Like all boxing records.


Feep said:
What an incredible image, including content, composition, and amazingly, quality. This picture could have been taken today by a professional photo-G with a $5,000 camera, and I wouldn't think anything of it.
Equally sketchy ass fight.


harSon said:
I fucking love Mayweather, dude's a motherfuckin' boss.

Fuck all the haters who are trying to defend an intentional headbutter who was dumb enough to leave his guard down. Maybe this championship outcome will put all boxers on guard from this point on.

Money dominated the fight up till that point, and as we've seen in every other fight in his career, he maintains at a high level from the entirety of a fight while his opponent regresses. Ortiz did not show anything to prove that this would not be the case for this fight. Money won the fight fair and square.





Blackface said:

Let's discount 99.9% of his career and focus on a single fight. Maybe you missed the part where I said that Ortiz gave no indications with his performance that he'd buck the trend. He was hitting Money's shoulder blades, arms or swinging at air, and getting popped by Money on a consistent basis, like everyone else (except 1 fight?!?!?!) he's fought. Plus if I remember correctly, Money fucked him up in the rematch.


Baby Milo said:
rematched castillo instantly and beat him decisively

give it up

Doesn't change the fact that it was one of the biggest robberies in the history of the sport. Which is saying a lot. He got beat up that fight, fairly badly.

The only fight I want to see is Floyd vs Manny. It makes no sense for it not to happen.


Blackface said:
Doesn't change the fact that it was one of the biggest robberies in the history of the sport. Which is saying a lot. He got beat up that fight, fairly badly.

The only fight I want to see is Floyd vs Manny. It makes no sense for it not to happen.

Well, Manny could always duck him like he did the last time.


Compubox is the worst thing ever. It has a lot of flaws, and doesnt account for generalship or for effectiveness of punches.
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