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Braid (XBLA/PC/PSN/Mac) |OT|


Ok, I've spent an hour today trying to figure out how to get the piece at the end of Movement By Degrees in world 4. I think I know what to do but I just can't seem to do it quick enough... ugh


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
15192 people have bought the game now!

Anyone know what the rev share for XBLA titles is? I wanna know if Blow is gonna be able to keep making games or not :lol

Also, I won't be scrolling down the pieces leaderboard anymore to arrive at this number. It's taking me forever now, since I start all the way up at 60. Someone else can do it :p

Edit: if he keeps 70% for himself, he's made $159,516. If he keeps 50%, he's made $113,940. If he keeps 30%, he's made $68364. So... no matter how you slice it, I think day 1 sales have ensured we'll get more Blow goodness. Looks like the game is gonna turn a profit even after he takes care of himself, the artist, and the music licensing.
World 4-7 - Fickle Companion

I've gotten the second piece, but I'm stuck on the first.

I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't place the key properly. Any tips?


Needs some help with the first one on 6-6 and then the one for 6-7.

I know on 6-6 you can place the ring underneath you so you can get back down, but once I get to the third one I cannot go any further down with the key because of the ring placement.

GDJustin said:
15192 people have bought the game now!

$227,880 in one day. That is bank.


Opus Angelorum said:
World 4-7 - Fickle Companion

I've gotten the second piece, but I'm stuck on the first.

I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't place the key properly. Any tips?

you know what your doing, you can't take they key left the so let the little green glowing guy do the work for you.

Jtyettis said:
Needs some help with the first one on 6-6 and then the one for 6-7.

I know on 6-6 you can place the ring underneath you so you can get back down, but once I get to the third one I cannot go any further down with the key because of the ring placement.

I'll try to give you a hint if you remind me which level
Opus Angelorum said:
World 4-7 - Fickle Companion

I've gotten the second piece, but I'm stuck on the first.

I understand what I'm supposed to do, but I can't place the key properly. Any tips?

Be very careful as to where you place the key. Have the Goomba carry it left of the ladder on the middle platform, pick it up, and then go up the ladder.

That level is a little buggy.
Gowans007 said:
you know what your doing, you can't take they key left the so let the little green glowing guy do the work for you.

Yeah I know that's what should happen, however
when I get him to cross the moving platform, and I run up the ladders to kill him and take the key it key falls off the platform to the ground


Gowans007 said:
In one and a half days that is really good going for a XBLA title.

Go XBLA purchasing community!
Thats already over a quarter of a million dollars. Excellent news for an absolutely phenomenal game. Edit: beaten
FightyF said:
I think it's fairly apparent though, that many are asking about things like the game's longevity, whether it is worth the price, etc. All due to the fact that it's priced at 1200 pts. For better or worse, there is a stigma that this game is "expensive" and thus should offer a bit more.

I'm wondering how sales will be like this Fall, when new 360 owners look at arcade games, note the price of this one as being more expensive than most, and then skipping on it. A lot of people here have seen the hype and how we're enjoying it, but this Fall, the buzz will be gone. I really wonder how it will be viewed at that time.



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Opus Angelorum said:
Yeah I know that's what should happen, however
when I get him to cross the moving platform, and I run up the ladders to kill him and take the key it key falls off the platform to the ground

Kill him after he walks past the ladder leading to the puzzle piece.


Gowans007 said:
you know what your doing, you can't take they key left the so let the little green glowing guy do the work for you.

I'll try to give you a hint if you remind me which level

6-6 is Elevator Action and 6-7 is In Another Castle
Wurm said:
I'm assuming there is a star on 2-2 with the solitary Cloud platform in the top right but:
I have no idea how to get the goomba across the gap of the painting to the top right, assuming that is what I have to do.

Ok, I know which one you mean.
You can get the goomba to walk onto the platform that's part of the puzzle by moving it to be part of his path. Then move the puzzle to the other side to get him to walk off the to where the cloud is
Wurm said:
I have 3 of the 8 stars.

Ones I've done are:

4-5 (Movement by Degrees), 6-5 (Impassable Foliage) and 6-6 (Elevator Action).
These are truly some of the most intricate platformer puzzles ever created to get the stars. If anyones feeling the game is too short, you havent tried getting the Stars.

I'm assuming there is a star on 2-2 with the solitary Cloud platform in the top right but:
I have no idea how to get the goomba across the gap of the painting to the top right, assuming that is what I have to do.
Damnit. Same ones I have.

6-5 was so, so hard for me. :O

CronosBlade said:
Is that the one with the puzzle in the middle?
If so, you can get the goomba to walk onto the platform that's part of the puzzle. Then move the puzzle to the other side to get him to walk off the to where the cloud is
That doesn't work, the right side of the puzzle doesn't meet up with the ledge.


helllllllllllllllllllllllllll yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Beat the game without any hints. I ALMOST gave up on "crossing the gap," which I eventually got by accident


Opus Angelorum said:
That's the location I used, it keeps falling through. Glitch?


it will fall down if through if thats where you were in that time, don't move left when you kill him.


Junior Member
Have only done the trial version since so short on time. Excellent game. Think it will be ported to cellphone? A big market there.
Opus Angelorum said:
That's the location I used, it keeps falling through. Glitch?


I actually think I managed to get it from him without killing him. Try standing in front and jumping after you get the key.


Jtyettis said:
6-6 is Elevator Action and 6-7 is In Another Castle

where do you need to get down, the three cannons or the ladders? where are you placing the ring? that is cruical

6-7 is all about ring placement order and planning ahead/behind


Opus Angelorum said:
It's really tough because you are jumping from the right to kill him.

just get to the left and jump right, he doesn't need to be all the way over to the left


Peronthious said:
I actually think I managed to get it from him without killing him. Try standing in front and jumping after you get the key.
This is kind of like what I did. I waited at the base of the ladder until he was close enough for the key to transfer to me and climbed up immediately without having to touch him.
Psychotext said:
That doesn't work, the right side of the puzzle doesn't meet up with the ledge.

It was like 1 AM when I did this so maybe it's a dream but I swear it worked.
I believe you can actually move the puzzle outside of it's framework and when you do it the platform can be outside. I recall lining it up with where the goomba is, getting him on it, then entering the puzzle and shifting it all the way to the right as far as possible.


Gowans007 said:
where do you need to get down, the three cannons or the ladders? where are you placing the ring? that is cruical

6-7 is all about ring placement order and planning ahead/behind

Problem is the cannons on the way down with the key. Where exactley is the ring placement supposed to go to get down to the bottom.
CronosBlade said:
It was like 1 AM when I did this so maybe it's a dream but I swear it worked.
I believe you can actually move the puzzle outside of it's framework and when you do it the platform can be outside. I recall lining it up with where the goomba is, getting him on it, then entering the puzzle and shifting it all the way to the right as far as possible.
Didn't work at all for me when I tried it a couple of hours ago. He just runs until he hits the side of the frame. I even tried hitting him upwards with the platform to see if I could get him to bounce up there!

DancingJesus said:
Where can I buy the PC version?
There isn't one yet.


Opus Angelorum said:
Where should the key be positioned?

so just get the dude on the platform below the door, stand to the left of the ladders the second he passes them jump right, kill him, get the key and violla!


Jtyettis said:
Problem is the cannons on the way down with the key. Where exactley is the ring placement supposed to go to get down to the bottom.

Tip take the ring with you on the way up then think what you can do with the ring so you can get back down.


Gowans007 said:
Tip take the ring with you on the way up then think what you can do with the ring so you can get back down.

That is exactly what I am doing, but once I get to the final canon I'm in a catch 22 for some reason


Gowans007 said:
so just get the dude on the platform below the door, stand to the left of the ladders the second he passes them jump right, kill him, get the key and violla!
just worked for me :) thanks

last piece on movement by degrees... any hints?


Jtyettis said:
That is exactly what I am doing, but once I get to the final canon I'm in a catch 22 for some reason

so your taking the ring up with you then where are you exactly putting it to get down?
Psychotext said:
Didn't work at all for me when I tried it a couple of hours ago. He just runs until he hits the side of the frame. I even tried hitting him upwards with the platform to see if I could get him to bounce up there!

Sorry man, if I was home and not at work I'd happily sit down and work this through with you.
Psychotext said:
Didn't work at all for me when I tried it a couple of hours ago. He just runs until he hits the side of the frame. I even tried hitting him upwards with the platform to see if I could get him to bounce up there!

There isn't one yet.

When looking at that cloud, I'm thinking, have patience...

Haven't got the star yet though.


Gowans007 said:
so your taking the ring up with you then where are you exactly putting it to get down?

I put them pretty much above the cannon, but once I get past the 2nd cannon there is no way for me to get my ring back.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
DancingJesus said:
How hard would you guys rate the achievements on a scale of 1-10?

185/200 is simple, but I can't even imagine how hard the speedrun in 45 minutes would be.

Ben Sones

sp0rsk said:
See, I'm wondering where all this humanity and what not comes from. I suppose it doesn't help I skipped reading all the books. That was one decision the designer made that I thought was just really kind of silly. Optional text is just not how you tell a story in games. I got to the ending and I was like, huh? What the hell? That's it? I guess I should have read all that text!! I thought it was just a really lazy way to tell a story in a game. They created such beautiful worlds, instead of wasting it all as backdrop they should have focused on telling the story in the game.

I think he did it for several reasons. For one, I think he wanted people to be able to approach the game on a couple of different levels. You can tackle the story and the gameplay metaphors and try to puzzle out the meaning of it all, or you can just approach the game as an abstract puzzler and ignore the story, and it works perfectly fine on that level, too.

Going off the story discussion above, though, I think that there is also a specific reason why the story is presented as text in books in the cloud rooms outside each level.
I think Jonathan wanted you to be able to easily revisit the story and re-evaluate it in light of new discoveries (particularly the ones that you make at the end of the game), and I also think he wanted to give you the ability to easily change the direction in which you read the story. Because you follow it in one direction as you play the game--reading each book in turn from left to right, and following the worlds in order from 2 through 6 (and then back around to 1). But as was pointed out above, you can also read the story backwards, following it from world 6 to 2 and reading the books from right to left in each cloud room, and it tells a different story. That's something that you can deduce from the revelation that Tim lives his life in reverse, which the game tells you at the beginning of World 1, and also the revelation from the final "save the princess" level that things might appear different if you look at them from a different perspective.

In a sense, I think that the story is the game's final puzzle, and it's presented accordingly. Like the literal puzzles in each world, you unlock pieces of the story as you go along, and once you are done you have to try to figure out how it all fits together.

I have to say, I think it's pretty much the opposite of lazy storytelling, though it does require effort on behalf of the player, since following the story is not something that you can do passively. In that sense, Braid isn't really "telling you" a story. It's offering you the opportunity to unravel one, if you want. Most games dole out story automatically, treating it as decoration rather than approaching it as an element of gameplay, and I think Braid is taking a bit of a stab at that.


DancingJesus said:
How hard would you guys rate the achievements on a scale of 1-10?

i think the only hard acievement is the speed trial which is 60. the rest are all earned from completeing the game nromally.

PS - I got to stay out of this thread, I keep accidently reading stuff.
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