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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons


another fun fact. earth shield element attribute 'carries over' to your normal health during that turn.

So say you have earth shield up and is hit by a heavy fire attack that blows through the shield, your normal health will take the damage as if your unit was earth type for the remainder of that 'attack' too.

So a water unit like tridon himself can get rocked pretty hard from a fire attack if he had a shield up lol.

interesting mechanic :p

And yeah, i don't get why people are calling these exclusive units overpowered. All new units are overpowered, they are designed that way to encourage gem buying.

At the very least these units have unique abilities while japan has been pretty safe with their units for the most part, ability wise.

From what I hear about Raids, Tridon will be really useful for survival.

If we ever get raids lol.

mmmmm 7* unit artwork.







definitely seems like they got a new in house artist in the past year. Magress looks like he could be a boss in a snes FF game.


I wasn't claiming you use one of the Darvanshels as a lead. But Grah(lead) + 2x Darvanshel + Zelnite is pretty much insta-win against Maxwell, even if you let Grah die. It doesn't even much matter who the other two units are.

Both times Gumi has put out one of these units the "overpowered" claims start up immediately, and I don't get why. They are up there, but nothing about them says "better than all other units". I consider this guy a bad leader for the most part, because for 99% of the content the only leaders worth using are either huge amounts of damage, or huge amounts of crystal gen, and this guy is neither.

He's huge mitigation, though. The shield is very powerful (adding 3k to your HP every few turns is very, very useful), the HP bonus is very useful, the REC bonus coupled with a Zelnite is nothing to scoff at and the mitigation bonus is still nice (if you go double you get +20% mitigation, which is pretty good).

I think with double Tridons you can pretty much not even use a mitigator as you can guarantee the shield will be up pretty much every turn, which makes dark users like Lilly pretty much not have to deal with typed damage. This by itself is pretty big. Double Tridons makes you going full offense against fights like Maxwell pretty ridiculous since they shorten them quite a bit (you have room for one more big damage unit). Double Tridon leaders + Zelnite + Rowgen + Rowgen + Ulkina is incredibly powerful.

That being said, I'm slowly understanding the ridiculous power of crit teams, and I think I'm ready to grab my Maxwell (I'll bug Xel once this event is over so he can put up his Lilly). A single Maxwell made me kill SO damn fast, I can't even begin to imagine what dual Maxwells would do.


Good luck capping Hydraloid though!

If you can only do Abyssal Fury stage 2, like me, be prepared for low cap rates .. probably around 10%.


I wasn't claiming you use one of the Darvanshels as a lead. But Grah(lead) + 2x Darvanshel + Zelnite is pretty much insta-win against Maxwell, even if you let Grah die. It doesn't even much matter who the other two units are.

But that's 4 units you need. In the video for example, while you do need a Mitigation unit, you could easily have Tridon and use a friend's Darvanshel if you don't have Mitigation. The only other important elements in the video are BB generation which you can get from a lot of units vs Mitigation which is limited to three units right now (with two Tridons, you could probably get away with running a 25% mitigation unit like Elimo).

Both times Gumi has put out one of these units the "overpowered" claims start up immediately, and I don't get why. They are up there, but nothing about them says "better than all other units". I consider this guy a bad leader for the most part, because for 99% of the content the only leaders worth using are either huge amounts of damage, or huge amounts of crystal gen, and this guy is neither.

Most of the "over powered" comments are in regards to how well these units can handle harder content Gumi/Alim puts out and how easily you can clear it with these units. In particular, since Alim is making most of the content, unless Gumi makes it more difficult, it won't be made with Ultor or Tridon type units in mind.

You're right though that for the vast majority of content, it's better to run a BB spam teams.


Correct, the shield is Earth element. It also has its own Def stat which is unfortunately rather low. SBB10 the shield's Def is only ~1000. This means it doesn't work with Def boosts, doesn't synergize with Ultor as well as I would have hoped. Still, the raw health of the shield, which gets close to 3k at SBB10, is pretty damn strong.

How about mitigation? Does the earth shield get its damage reduced if you have Darv or Oulu's BB up?


7 star starters info is being extracted atm.


Seem pretty... underwhelming. Solid stats boost and damage, but with how ATK works, 100% ATK isn't much. And being restricted to a single element type, makes them pretty pointless LS for current metagame.

They are decent for arena, but don't really see them with much use for anything else when other units have better effects with their SBB's.

A bit disappointed that there isn't a new tier of brave bursts.

To be fair, these are still technically free units, but you still can't help be a bit disappointed.

edit: wait, hold that thought, there does seem to be something new that could mean something:

all those units have a new something (dunno if it works like BB/SBB or something brand new) called overdrive. overdrive uses a different bar thus can't be filled by fujins (but it can be filled by using another new item)

that might be the game changer o_O


All day farming for Hydraloid, no success. Well this is fun, lol.

And we're not even talking about the bulbs yet, and there's less than 2 days before the dungeons close.

Gotta say they make the time limits tight, and I'm not a fan of this limited time window for evolving. Who knows when the dungeons will be up next. Worst thing is, this seems to be the trend for the new units.


yeah, while sbb are underwhelming. new Overdrive mechanic is the X factor that people haven't datamined yet.

Probably have to wait until update is out in an hour or so.

glad i got hydraloid on first try for stage 3 :3

Got all my bulbs too.


I just need Selena to complete my starter set. Getting her through the Facebook giveaway.

I guess raising all the starters to 7* and max level will occupy my time with the game for awhile lol


All day farming for Hydraloid, no success. Well this is fun, lol.

And we're not even talking about the bulbs yet, and there's less than 2 days before the dungeons close.

Gotta say they make the time limits tight, and I'm not a fan of this limited time window for evolving. Who knows when the dungeons will be up next. Worst thing is, this seems to be the trend for the new units.

What units do you have? With a Maxwell friend you might be able to 1TK or 2TK the level 3 with the right set up.

I used Rowgen + Maxwell with Mariudeth, Grybe, Exvehl and Elza and I nearly 1TK the level 3 boss, finished him off on turn 2. Would have been 1TK if I had used Brute Elixirs, or maybe even if I had gotten luckier with crits.

I then switched to my normal crit squad of Ultor lead, Mariudeth, Elza, and Dilma, with Fiora for thunder buff. First try was again a 2TK with no Brute Elixirs and bad luck with not getting crits. Second time I still didn't use Brute Elixirs, but I got luckier with hitting crits and got a 1TK.


What units do you have? With a Maxwell friend you might be able to 1TK or 2TK the level 3 with the right set up.

I used Rowgen + Maxwell with Mariudeth, Grybe and Elza and I nearly 1TK the level 3 boss, finished him off on turn 2. Would have been 1TK if I had used Brute Elixirs, or maybe even if I had gotten luckier with crits.

I then switched to my normal crit squad of Ultor lead, Mariudeth, Elza, and Dilma, with Fiora for thunder buff. First try was again a 2TK with no Brute Elixirs and bad luck with not getting crits. Second time I still didn't use Brute Elixirs, but I got luckier with hitting crits and got a 1TK.

Nothing amazing. 6* Ciara as a leader, I know she's fire but she can survive pretty well till 25% when Hydra gets the crit buff, and her damage buff is amazing - none of my other leaders come close. With Ciara, I usually finish stage 2 in 4-5 turns.

Other than Ciara, I just have a bunch of thunder units, 4* Orna and 5* Rina being the best of them. Other units are 4* as well. I can manage stage 2 pretty consistently with just seals, ores and cures. I tried a mono thunder squad, but with Ciara I just do so much more damage, even if she does get killed 100% of the time. Orna can also give the thunder buff for her.

Also tried using Tia as a healer, but she just gets killed after one heal, like any other unit I bring that's not thunder element.


Ciara is a pretty good damage leader, but it sounds like your other units are just too low level sadly. Good luck with the level 2 runs, hope you cap Hydraloid soon.


desverger, I actually got hydra from the lv. 2 vortex, first run. then I had to farm a second one for my dupe Tridon, and it took me seven runs in lv. 3.

with your units, I'd run lv. 2 until it drops. bulb farming can wait considering the vortex does show up every once in awhile, but who knows when this hydra vortex will ever show up again?


Yeah, no idea about the droprates. I've done stage 2 probably 10 times today.

And it's most likely my low level holding me back, I'd evolve my units asap if I could, but I can't afford to use them.

Hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow, and if not, I'll just have to grind some levels and hope they bring the dungeon back! It's true the bulb dungeon is not as rare, so I'll just focus on the Hydra dungeon for now :p


I should try and get the other starters. I had all of them at one point but got rid of them except for Selena, lol.

Also, Those Elemental Machine Gods are hella cool looking. I'd want those as units instead lol



New info about 7* Overdrive mechanics.

So going by Google translate, having a 7* that has unlocked UBB in the party unlocks the Overdrive gauge, which fills up during turn course (per turn?) and when units attack. Once the OD gauge is filled, the unit with UBB can enter Overdrive mode, which dramatically increases the unit's abilities and changes the BB gauge to the UBB gauge. There's also some kind of extra skills associated with this, no details given. While OD mode is enabled and once the UBB gauge is full, the unit can use its UBB. OD mode constant turn course (drains OD gauge every turn?), UBB use (using UBB also drains OD gauge?), and will be released by death (unit loses OD mode if it dies?).

7* evolutions will cut BB level in half, SBB10 will be SBB1 after evolving.


So, OD gauge goes up as turns go on or party members attack. When it's full and a unit that's gained UBB is in the party, you do a Left Flick to activate it. This causes them to go into Overdrive. They gain a boost in stats and a super powerful Ultimate Brave Burst. OD mode runs out after a set number of turns, you use the UBB, or the unit dies.

There's a part about Extra skills that will further strengthen your units but I'm not sure if this is a partt of the Overdrive or if you gain it as a result of making them 7 Star units.


UBB has been datamined, and hooooly crap, people won't be calling Tridon OP any more:

Ultimate Brave Burst information is in the datamine. Its just not in the units list. Data follows:


Name: イグニードヴァイザー Description: 敵全体に超強力な炎属性24連ダメージ&2ターン攻撃力を超絶低下
Effect: 24 hit AoE, reduce all enemies' ATK for 2 turns
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, proc chance 100%, ATK reduction 80%/2 turns


Name: シロキセカイ Description: 敵全体に超強力な水属性25連ダメージ&3ターン味方全体を全回復し、さらに通常攻撃HIT数をアップ
Effect: 25 hit AoE, regenerate all allies to full HP for 3 turns, increase Hit count for 3 turns
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, 99999 regen/3 turns, increased hit count/3 turns (some values in increased hit proc are unknown)


Name: リブル=セブン Description: 敵全体に超強力な樹属性21連ダメージ&3ターンの間、味方全体に防御力に応じて攻撃力がアップする効果を付与
Effect: 21 hit AoE, converts 100% of all Allies' DEF to ATK for 3 turns
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, 100% DEF added to ATK/3 turns


Name: 全てを破壊してやるぜ! Description: 敵全体に超強力な雷属性3連ダメージ&3ターン味方全体、スパーク時のダメージを超絶アップ
Effect: 3 hit AoE and spark buff for 3 turns for all allies
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, spark dmg + 120%/3 turns


Name: ティル・ナ・ノーグ Description: 敵全体に超強力な光属性23連ダメージ&3ターン味方全体のBBゲージが超絶増加
Effect: 23 hit AoE, regenerate BB gauge for 3 turns for all allies
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, BB regen +50/3 turns


Name: ブラックエンド Description: 敵全体に超強力な闇属性22連ダメージ&3ターン味方全体の防御大アップ&1ターンの間、受けるダメージを1にする
Effect: 22 hit AoE, increase ally DEF for 3 turns, reduce all damage taken to 1 for 1 turn
Stats: Damage modifier +1000%, DEF +150%/3turns, 100% Mitigation/1 turn

UBB have 10 levels available, however all levels are identical, so presumably you don't actually need to level them (probably placeholders to fill in the database and prevent errors). They also have associated BC costs, but I have no idea how that's relevant at the moment so I haven't included them.


It's treated as a whole set of levels instead of separate ones, so it's not surprising.

Alim has to know players fused a lot of Burst Frogs/fodder getting their units to SBB 10. And it won't be long until older units like Douglas and Tree get 7 stars, so this feels like a deterrent to max BB 6 star units.


Too early to tell how easy it is to fill the OD bar, but so far at a glance magress and selena and Lance seem to have the best UBB for starter batch imo.

Really curious what they are going to do for future 7* or if they are going to do more. Only one unit in OD at a time will change how parties are used.


Alim has to know players fused a lot of Burst Frogs/fodder getting their units to SBB 10. And it won't be long until older units like Douglas and Tree get 7 stars, so this feels like a deterrent to max BB 6 star units.

Anything lower than SBB10 means the unit will not have SBB unlocked after evolving. I don't know about you but I'd rather not have to go through BB7-10 again.


Too early to tell how easy it is to fill the OD bar, but so far at a glance magress and selena and Lance seem to have the best UBB for starter batch imo.

Really curious what they are going to do for future 7* or if they are going to do more. Only one unit in OD at a time will change how parties are used.

Vargas' is actually probably better than Magress' in most situations because it lasts 2 turns instead of 1, and I doubt there's going to be many times when 20% enemy damage is threatening enough to mean more than 1 damage. This makes me happy I got Vargas from the facebook giveaway.


Vargas' is actually probably better than Magress' in most situations because it lasts 2 turns instead of 1, and I doubt there's going to be many times when 20% enemy damage is threatening enough to mean more than 1 damage. This makes me happy I got Vargas from the facebook giveaway.

if his move is anything like how current units work like fiora, the damage will be a additive vs multiplicative

so a baddie's 400% BB will do 320% damage instead..

wait: just read Eze's ability wrong. 1000% spark. god damn. mifune's potential max damage.... fuuuu


Seems like UBB requires some preparation and ain't the easiest thing to pull off.

pcokettaco from appinvasion said:
Not sure if everyone quite knows exactly how OD works. I certainly didn't until I tested it out. I'm also not exactly sure how it works with other units with UBB, but it was kind of a let down.

First: Build up your OD Gauge.
Turn 1: Use your OD. This unit cannot attack or guard on this turn. This depletes the OD gauge. Overdrive is a Single-Unit Buff, so you can only use one per OD gauge.
Next couple turns: After you enter OD, it depletes your (S)BB gauge. Build up your UBB.
After you get UBB: Use your UBB. The OD buff disappears and you must build up the OD gauge again. Repeat.

There is an item in the synthesis shop that fills OD gauge.
Fujin potions can fill your UBB.
Your OD gauge takes a long time to fill. Not sure exactly what fills it, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with BC. Spark maybe?

I think that's it. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.


if his move is anything like how current units work like fiora, the damage will be a additive vs multiplicative

so a baddie's 400% BB will do 320% damage instead..

wait: just read Eze's ability wrong. 1000% spark. god damn. mifune's potential max damage.... fuuuu

Oh, didn't know Fiora's debuff was additive. Magress wins if Vargas' is like that then.

Eze's is not 1000% spark, that's his dmg mod. Spark buff is 120%. Eze does have highest damage potential in the game though, even higher than Mifune.


Reading a bit on Reddit/App Invasion there's also a new Mission Shop where you exchange points for items (The Miracle Sphere is gotten here, as well as Sphere Frogs, Evo Materials, and other items):


Like Global's Daily Tasks, you get points for doing things in the game like fighting in Arena. But you can also get points from trading in Zel, Karma, and units (the rarer the unit is the more points you get).

There's also a new Burst Frog that instantly increases a units BB by 10 levels and a Imp that increases all 4 stats:




ubb sure does seem like a pain to setup.

doubt you'd see much use outside of bosses... and only if you are going for the OTK... so maxwell still has some use lol.

magress seems too 1 off to be of use as a strategic move... which is disappointing. wish he got mitigation for his bb/sbb.

basic video in japanese of how UBB works.


wish the visual effects were prettier tbh :/


I like the dynamic of maintaining the extra leader skill and using normal attacks, or burning the overdrive on a ubb. (Assuming that how all of this works)

edit: nvm, it looks like its just unlocked with ubb, and a self buff when equipped with their respective ggc sphere


ubb sure does seem like a pain to setup.

doubt you'd see much use outside of bosses... and only if you are going for the OTK... so maxwell still has some use lol.

magress seems too 1 off to be of use as a strategic move... which is disappointing. wish he got mitigation for his bb/sbb.

basic video in japanese of how UBB works.


wish the visual effects were prettier tbh :/

You know what's the most important thing in the video? Rutee from Tales of Destiny is in the JP version of the game! =O


You know what's the most important thing in the video? Rutee from Tales of Destiny is in the JP version of the game! =O

Tales of link collab and hobbit collab atm in JP.

This game has way too much street cred atm lmao. bubble is gonna (brave) burst.


is Brave Frontier popular in Japan? Last I checked, the mobile market was dominated by Puzzle and Dragons

MonsterStrike overtook it recently. But Brave Frontier is popular too, you see commercials for it on TV over there, pretty funny ones at that.


And this doesn't factor in the 20% boost in all stats from extra skills which only shows in battle.

Wow, those stats are NUTS


Aaaaand now Thunder Vortex killed the game again... lol

Connecting takes *forever*, connection errors everywhere, unexpected errors all the time... Fun fun fun.


yeah.... have no chance winning any fights against people in thunder arena.

teams were way more scrappy when fire arena was the thing >.<"

at least i got my shida to 6*
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