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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons


Did Maxwell with that Triton dude or whatever and the earth shield really makes it easy but I still ended up losing right at the end because I kept killing her at the wrong times and she'd get the revive buff each time, lol.


Only keep rs stuff is what I'm doing.

Anybody summoning for current batch? Not seeing anything I need.

I'm waiting for the community summon event. Got 30 gems saved up, and I'm hoping I can pull a Zelnite there. It's probably not enough, but I'd be happy to get him :p


Did Maxwell with that Triton dude or whatever and the earth shield really makes it easy but I still ended up losing right at the end because I kept killing her at the wrong times and she'd get the revive buff each time, lol.

I just failed Maxwell with dual Tridons too, though mine was because I misjudged how much damage I would do and just barely triggered Endless when I didn't have mitigation up. Both Tridons and Ulkina went down despite full health and full SBB 10 Tridon shield.


Still gotta just to avoid endlessly reviving, lol

didnt have a problem before. grah's bb + all my attackers being fujined up, beat him angel in 2 turns.

speaking of grah... that 6* form.


Stats(Lord): 6200/2250/2000/1800
Imps Cap: 500/200/200/200
LS: 35% boost to all parameters and 15% reduction in light dark damage

BB: 16 hits (200%) and adds light and dark elements to all allies for 3 turns(20 BC Cost, 16 DC)
SBB: 25 hits (660%) attack on all enemies and adds light and dark element to all allies for 3 turns and slightly increases bc gauge of all party members (by 6 bc) every turn for 3 turns.


I finally have enough materials for that first special Winter orb.
I don't think I can get the second.

Depending on how many Snow Crystals you have I definitely recommend doing lvl 3 for Snow Crystals after getting the 50 Snow Gemstones you need from lvl 4. If your "luck" is anything like mine, you will get way more Gemstones from lvl 4 than Crystals, and lvl 3 is much faster to run.

I managed to make 2 of the final sphere before getting tired of all the grinding.
Depending on how many Snow Crystals you have I definitely recommend doing lvl 3 for Snow Crystals after getting the 50 Snow Gemstones you need from lvl 4. If your "luck" is anything like mine, you will get way more Gemstones from lvl 4 than Crystals, and lvl 3 is much faster to run.

I managed to make 2 of the final sphere before getting tired of all the grinding.

lvl 4 is hard enough as it is because I don't have a mitigation unit to survive the boss (Although I can get an ally with that), and I don't want to spend another gem.
Shera has a fantastic 26 hit SBB when her 6 star form hits global.

Rewards for FH are out. Hello Paris and some moolah. Hopefully, next month Tilith.


Got Maxwell! Lilly + Tridon lead worked way better than dual Tridon, it was much easier to keep mitigation up. Now i just need to feed Maxwell tons of bb fodder...


Got Maxwell! Lilly + Tridon lead worked way better than dual Tridon, it was much easier to keep mitigation up. Now i just need to feed Maxwell tons of bb fodder...


I should be ready soon. My Lilly is SBB1 still (for some reason it's stuck there. :( ) but my Tridon is like SBB5, so I think I might use a friend Lilly (yours?) when I hit SBB10 with my Tridon.

I did a bunch of cleaning of my friends list too - too many that were giving the wrong gifts, and it seems like there's a ton of people in it who just don't gift, so tomorrow I'll list whoever didn't give me a gift and just delete them even if they're active and just fill it up with people from here and reddit. What's the point otherwise, really? I need 150 honor claws and 100 honor drops to craft sol creators so if you can't gift or can't gift accurately, I have no need for you anymore.


Thanks! My Lilly is ready to go, let me know when you're ready and i'll set her as leader. I do the same thing with friends, though it's a pain to keep track of who doesn't gift.
So you know its the player's choice rate up. You know to get other units besides the increase rate up units lol? Well, I used the free summon ticket from the gift box and prayed to rngesus. Got a (B) Orna! Pretty stoked about it. With my (G) Ardin during Rates up for dark units, I can retire my Duel-SGX finally.

Hoping Shida gets a rate up again. Need him for FH.
With Orna and Ardin all you need is Lucca and you have all 6 elements without Shida. And Lucca is rate up right now.
My FH team consists of Maxwell, Zelnite, Elza, Ardin and Orna. I guess I could remove Zelnite, but he saved my team with his bc before. I rarely get the rate up units. Lucca would definitely be nice to have.

Did 2 pulls anyway, got a (G) Ulkina and (G) Arus. Yep, not even surprised.


Summoned 7 times, really hoping to get a Zelnite or a Lucca. Didn't get those, but I got Rowgen, Lilly, Copra, Darvanshel and interestingly, Ahvel.

I suppose Lilly Matah can fill a slot in a BB spam team? Darvanshel and Copra are also good mitigators, I suppose. Ahvel also has a status cure/null BB, so he can definitely be useful.


Summoned 7 times, really hoping to get a Zelnite or a Lucca. Didn't get those, but I got Rowgen, Lilly, Copra, Darvanshel and interestingly, Ahvel.

I suppose Lilly Matah can fill a slot in a BB spam team? Darvanshel and Copra are also good mitigators, I suppose. Ahvel also has a status cure/null BB, so he can definitely be useful.

Lilly Matah is a BC battery against tough single target bosses that take awhile to go down. For anything else she's not really useful. Congrats on the great pulls, you basically have everything you need to take on Maxwell now (inifinte sbb'er, Lilly, mitigator, status remover).
A new limited dungeon event just popped up in the Vortex.

Crystal Gods, Imps, Burst Frogs, and Sphere Frogs are preparing to welcome 2015! Don't miss the chance to buff up your units this coming New Year. Head to the Vortex NOW and grab them from the Year-End Dungeon!
Dec 31: Ultimate Paradise (chance to get Burst Frogs and Crystal)
Jan 1: Heavenly Paradise (chance to get Burst Frog, Sphere Frogs, Imps and Crystal)
Jan 2: Ultimate Paradise (chance to get Burst Frogs and Crystal)
Jan 3: Heavenly Paradise (chance to get Burst Frog, Sphere Frogs, Imps and Crystal)
Jan 4: Ultimate Paradise (chance to get Burst Frogs and Crystal)
Note: New year dungeon will appear one time in a day. Once you're finished, it will disappear from the vortex.
Players can check back the next day.


Just did the first one and got 4 burst frogs. Not too shabby lol

Yeah I got 3 and 2 Crystals (who cares).

You can restart the app and lose the energy and retry it - most people are probably going to do that tomorrow for the sphere frog one, since it's so damn rare in global...


I was gonna ask - are there three version of the same game - EU, Global and JP?

Apparently I'm playing Global myself, since I got my version from the Canadian app store, and just today I heard there's an EU version as well - but apparently it's miles behind Global?


I was gonna ask - are there three version of the same game - EU, Global and JP?

Apparently I'm playing Global myself, since I got my version from the Canadian app store, and just today I heard there's an EU version as well - but apparently it's miles behind Global?

Yeah there's a few versions.

Global, which is US/Canada (afaik, might be Mexico too).
EU, this is apparently, as you said, miles behind Global.

Japan is the first version and according to most the best one since it gives out tons of gems, has all the stuff first (they've had raids for a while now, for example), has collaboration units in Vortex dungeons instead of RS gate, has actual good rate ups when there's events in the RS gate, etc.

The only "advantage" Global has over Japan is the current broken OP units (Tridon is the first one to be truly insanely overpowered and is Global exclusive).

I did a shot at Maxwell today. My first one! I made a few mistakes when counting turns, so I have to be a lot more cautious about that.

I was running
Tridon lead
Friend Lilly (with SBB9)

My Ulkina and Lilly died on the same turn at some point on Abbadon and it messed me up, I used 2 revive lights and then was out of revives at the end when I reached Maxwell and she focused on Lilly for an entire turn.I also have a weird feeling I would've been stuck in the Sacred Song loop since my damage output wasn't super high and I didn't have a dark element giver. Tridon helped *tons*, though.

So I'm wondering if instead of Zelnite I should try to put up Ardin (although he's dark, so that's another danger there) or just forgo Tridon entirely and go Grah and revive him once Sacred Song starts.


Global has tons of players from Indonesia and Thailand, it's not just western hemisphere.

I find it funny that you think Tridon is insanely OP yet you're considering not using him for Maxwell.

I used almost the same team you did except I had Lilith instead of Zelnite. With 2 infinite SBB units I was able to kill Maxwell before she cast SS again with a turn to spare. If you don't have Lilith or another Rowgen though you could try bringing Brute Elixirs. I ended up never using the Holy Flutes i brought to the fight.
Yeah I got 3 and 2 Crystals (who cares).

You can restart the app and lose the energy and retry it - most people are probably going to do that tomorrow for the sphere frog one, since it's so damn rare in global...
You mean force close and restart the game before you can finish the dungeon?


You mean force close and restart the game before you can finish the dungeon?

Correct. I've heard you can also just hit Menu and choose to Give Up before you finish the dungeon. There might be a limit to how many times you can do this however. On reddit they said in JP you could only retry the dungeon 5 times before it would disappear.


Global has tons of players from Indonesia and Thailand, it's not just western hemisphere.

I find it funny that you think Tridon is insanely OP yet you're considering not using him for Maxwell.

I used almost the same team you did except I had Lilith instead of Zelnite. With 2 infinite SBB units I was able to kill Maxwell before she cast SS again with a turn to spare. If you don't have Lilith or another Rowgen though you could try bringing Brute Elixirs. I ended up never using the Holy Flutes i brought to the fight.

You're right in that it's a bit weird. I have a 2nd Rowgen (not evolved yet, though) and he's a Breaker (my 1st is a Lord) so I'll level him up and stuff so I can do it with 2, should make it a bit easier.


I did a shot at Maxwell today. My first one! I made a few mistakes when counting turns, so I have to be a lot more cautious about that.

I was running
Tridon lead
Friend Lilly (with SBB9)

My Ulkina and Lilly died on the same turn at some point on Abbadon and it messed me up, I used 2 revive lights and then was out of revives at the end when I reached Maxwell and she focused on Lilly for an entire turn.I also have a weird feeling I would've been stuck in the Sacred Song loop since my damage output wasn't super high and I didn't have a dark element giver. Tridon helped *tons*, though.

So I'm wondering if instead of Zelnite I should try to put up Ardin (although he's dark, so that's another danger there) or just forgo Tridon entirely and go Grah and revive him once Sacred Song starts.

Going forward, if a unit from your main team dies before getting to Maxwell don't bother using revives and just start over. You shouldn't be using items at all until you get to Maxwell. I'm guessing you got Abaddon's energy past 50 or 30% and he used more powerful attacks, in which case you just need to make sure you have Mitigation ready.

I don't think I'd change any members of your team but if you do want to be extra safe I'd replace Zelnite with Ardin as you said. Zelnite is nice in keeping your BB replenished, but he isn't necessary on a team with a mitigator and Tridon.
Got 5 Rare summons today (20 gems and one free ticket):

Bodyguard Darvanshel (Guardian x2)
Kajah (Guardian)
Cowboy Heidt (Breaker)
Inferno Elza (Guardian)

Dang! And I kind of wanted Zelnite.
Getting rid of Heidt soon, but what's the verdict on the rest?


Got 5 Rare summons today (20 gems and one free ticket):

Bodyguard Darvanshel (Guardian x2)
Kajah (Guardian)
Cowboy Heidt (Breaker)
Inferno Elza (Guardian)

Dang! And I kind of wanted Zelnite.
Getting rid of Heidt soon, but what's the verdict on the rest?

Sadly I cannot provide insight on the units, but yeah, the "summon rate up" events on global are nothing great, honestly.
Got 5 Rare summons today (20 gems and one free ticket):

Bodyguard Darvanshel (Guardian x2)
Kajah (Guardian)
Cowboy Heidt (Breaker)
Inferno Elza (Guardian)

Dang! And I kind of wanted Zelnite.
Getting rid of Heidt soon, but what's the verdict on the rest?

Darvanshel is one of the best most useful all-around units in the game. And for really tough content having two can be helpful.

Elza has a great leadership skill and an easy to spark with 30 hit SBB, which does Curse as well and is tied for the best spark buff. IMO Elza is up there with Zelnite and Maxwell for best damage unit(note: not necessarily most damaging, but most useful).

Kajah on the other hand is up there with the top raw damage units, although Damage is all he does.

I wouldn't be upset at all with that bunch of summons.


Going forward, if a unit from your main team dies before getting to Maxwell don't bother using revives and just start over. You shouldn't be using items at all until you get to Maxwell. I'm guessing you got Abaddon's energy past 50 or 30% and he used more powerful attacks, in which case you just need to make sure you have Mitigation ready.

I don't think I'd change any members of your team but if you do want to be extra safe I'd replace Zelnite with Ardin as you said. Zelnite is nice in keeping your BB replenished, but he isn't necessary on a team with a mitigator and Tridon.

Yeah, I think I'll stick with this team.

Last night (while I was at a boring new year's eve party) I tried Maxwell again. I did very good until I got to Sacred Song (I didn't count at all and got caught in a loop) and at like the third loop he just one-shot my entire team. I do know, however, that I can kill him in 3 turns after he revives, so it's just a matter of getting there now.
Darvanshel is one of the best most useful all-around units in the game. And for really tough content having two can be helpful.

Elza has a great leadership skill and an easy to spark with 30 hit SBB, which does Curse as well and is tied for the best spark buff. IMO Elza is up there with Zelnite and Maxwell for best damage unit(note: not necessarily most damaging, but most useful).

Kajah on the other hand is up there with the top raw damage units, although Damage is all he does.

I wouldn't be upset at all with that bunch of summons.


Anyway, my haul today from the special dungeon is
-3 Fire Crystals (Just enough to max level Darvanshel to fully evolve)
-2 Burst Frogs (Have plenty of these at this point)
-and 1 Sphere Frog (my 2nd one ever, besides the XMAS gift one)

EDIT: Wait! You can enter both imp and frog dungeons before it vanishes?!


looking at future content (if global will ever get it lol), seems like having a few squads is required. So having a few mitigators is probably not bad.

Maybe i should have pulled for lightning mitigator gal :X


Hrm, I don't know how to use my Sphere Frogs on. I've got 3 and the only person I've got Sphere'd up is Darvanshel, lol.


Hrm, I don't know how to use my Sphere Frogs on. I've got 3 and the only person I've got Sphere'd up is Darvanshel, lol.
found zelnite to be useful for FH for my crit squad.

order of SBB:

dual sgx

zelnite last for the bb regen, but the problem is he gets the crappy maxwell crit buff. Which is why you should have him have the crit axe to have max crit too.


Not yet, I should though. I've been playing Monster Strike because Izanami has been up recently. She's one of the best monsters in that game, lol.


Got 5 Rare summons today (20 gems and one free ticket):

Bodyguard Darvanshel (Guardian x2)
Kajah (Guardian)
Cowboy Heidt (Breaker)
Inferno Elza (Guardian)

Dang! And I kind of wanted Zelnite.
Getting rid of Heidt soon, but what's the verdict on the rest?

Heidt's six star form is pretty good, but not great. I would use him if I didn't have a defense ignore buffer.


I finished 514th in the TVA and got a summon ticket, so I'll be doing the EVA. If i can get everyone to 6* in time i'll actually have an ideal team this time too, as i"ll have:



earth vortex arena on the 8th.

not even gonna bother with how much a shit show thunder was.

You should give it a try. It wasnt all that horrible. I missed two whole days because of vacations, but still got final prize without gemming. As long as you search for opponents that are ranked higher, and have 2 units that can charge bb by 2nd turn, it's pretty much a free event.

For wood event, I'm certain if you have Ophelia and/or Zelnite, it will be easy to get final prize.

My team: Ophelia x 3, Dilma, Zelnite
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