Cleansing can be useless for a team as well. And in order for Edea to get either she's forced to use Lafdranya as her stats sphere. Which is not a good stats sphere, not at all. Aaron + Malice Jewel (and there are better options) has better stats than Edea IMO, in spite of Edea's extra skill.
And I think you are vastly underrating just how good Aaron's extra skill is. Edea will suck when it comes to BB drainers. I don't know how you can talk about how great Kikuri is while down-playing how useful Aaron's extra skill is when it's the same type of effect.
Flat better means better in all circumstances, or content which 100% requires them. Having situational advantages in no way implies they are deserving of that many merit points to acquire.
Elimo's lack of damage means I wouldn't even use her. You are seriously downplaying just how badly it hurts a team to have a unit not do damage. It's a bigger difference than Aaron vs. Edea in terms of BC drop (which you brought up above) and they get no advantage out of Raaga type skills.
Solid but replaceable also describes every single 7* legacy unit. Which is entirely the point.
Oh goody, some dude on reddit agrees with you. Clearly that means you are 100% right.
And again, at no point did I claim the legacy units are bad. Just not good enough to require that much merit.
I have no idea why you are so fired up about this. Would it make you mad if they dropped the price of Legend stones to 2K instead of 8K?
Of the current Mitigators (that are used)
Shera- great attack animation + BC gen with hits - Pref for FH due to lower damage
Aaron - 7 star stat range - Defense buff - BB fill
Elimo - Heal / remove Status / High Defense buff /
Of the current Mitigators we have these are their roles primarily
Shera - FH
Aaron - Dark mono
Elimo - Manual play
For Auto battling Aaron / Elimo are generally not pref for two different reasons
Aaron - Low defense buff - can overwrite Kanon
Elimo - No BC gen
In our current content it doesn't matter that much but this is for J-Meta but just sharing the information.
If your not auto battling or running a mono dark team than Elimo is the superior mitigator. Defense buff as high as Kanon's. Provides Heals and status removal. ES is great for a mitigator -
Extra Skill: 20% chance to reduce 20% damage and reduce BB cost by 20%
She was the top and still considered one of the top two in J-meta. Most people actual say that teams are less creative because she's one of the revolving ones always placed.
When Edea comes she's considered the best, especially for Raid
Not sure if Lafdranya is fixed yet but it is in no way a bad sphere.
Boosts Def by 50%, nullifies extra critical hit & element based damage. Already means she can be used for all content. Can't get gibbed by a crit or her weak fire element.
with her ES it's pretty much 20% all stats and 70% defense.
recover status ailments when using BB and SBB is just extra filing that comes in handy
poison (10%), injury, weakness, and sickness (15%) buff to all allies for 3 turns. That injury buff saves a lot of damage.
Aaron is okay but his defense buff being only 80% isn't that stellar. Comparing to Kanon / elimo 140% and their roles. 8 bc crystal is nice but it's not needed from what I hear for content.
From what I hear of J-squads the two that are always used are Elimo / Edea.
As for stones being 8k, who wouldn't love them being cheaper but that can be said for everything high priced. Imp keys being 4k would be awesome and them giving Malice for 6k would also be great. Are the units worth 8k? I would say yes if you think of the logic of every 2 weeks and 2 days you get a top meta unit is worth it.