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Brave Frontier |OT| No puzzles, just dragons

2nd half of Raga's batch is out, but no rate up.

Used my 5 summon tickets and I got:
Vael (L) Gonna raise him to replace my guardian one.
Fadahl(B) My first 7 star unit. I'll take him.
Sodis (L) Dupe, got an anima one for months.
Garnan (L) Damn you rainbow door!!!!
Ardin (B) I have my lord and way too lazy to raise another one.

My extra random unit is 5 star Dilma (A). Wtf, my 3rd anima Dilma? Yeah, I have 2 anima Dilmas, one with maxed imped.

4 dupes out of 5 summons. 5 out of 5 if you count the extra unit. Well, need to clear a few areas for Baruira for some gems. Gonna try another 5 summons later tonight. Hope the RNG is on my side for Raga.


I've been completing a lot of the starters GGC today. Finally got some good spheres - really want an Anima Selena now.

Anyway, got some gems from those and pulled for Raaga. No luck. Did get an Anima Aaron on my fifth pull and immediately stopped. Will pull for Raaga whenever he gets a rate up.
Decided to summon twice, got a Breaker Narza and a Guardian Rosetta. Since I already have a Breaker Rosetta, that shit's probably getting turned in for points after I raise it a bit. I guess I have plenty of mitigators now, adding Narza with Shera and Darvanshel. But still no seven star T_T


The auto chest open setting reverting when you start the game is driving me crazy especially since the game seems to crash way more often these days.

I haven't noticed much of a difference with the random rules for arena. The only one that significantly impacted a battle was the status effect active where my my side started with a character paralyzed while the other side had a character cursed. The extra points are pretty awesome though.
Now I see why people talk about super optimizing Imp parade runs. Since it was half energy, I used one imp key and didn't even manage to consume my energy bar before the one hour was up. And even though I dumped all my imps into Lance, he's still not maxed!


Finally beat Sefia and Kikuri GGC after nearly twenty attempts.

My team was Colt lead, Selena, Rigness, Darvanshel, Diana, Kanon friend

This fight is really about praying that they don't focus fire a unit after Sefia's debuff attacks. The Kikuri LS removal skill is manageable with Angel Idols on your mitigator, while you have most of your units blocking. I really think your units need at least 12k HP and have your health topped off as much as possible every round after their 2nd form.

I think this fight will be so much easier with 6* Grahdens leader.
Finally beat Sefia and Kikuri GGC after nearly twenty attempts.

My team was Colt lead, Selena, Rigness, Darvanshel, Diana, Kanon friend

This fight is really about praying that they don't focus fire a unit after Sefia's debuff attacks. The Kikuri LS removal skill is manageable with Angel Idols on your mitigator, while you have most of your units blocking. I really think your units need at least 12k HP and have your health topped off as much as possible every round after their 2nd form.

I think this fight will be so much easier with 6* Grahdens leader.

hmm i'll have to try it tomorrow. Sounds interesting.

I was thinking of running...

Raga friend, Kanon Lead, Feeva, Claire, and possibly aaron.

O yeah I summon aaron in 5 summons today. Didn't get raga, but 5 summons for aaron (anima) is pretty sweet.
FH rewards are out.

Acquired Tesla. Interesting unit, highly defensive BB, highly offensive SBB.

Star of Hope is ridiculously good as a secondary sphere.

I'm pleased.


Didn't really know what to do today so I went ham on the trials and GGC. Yesterday I completed all the starters' GGC and today I finished the Palmyna GGC. I then cleared the Cardes, X1 and X2 trials. So much progress, so many awesome spheres! Preparing for Lugina now. Need to unlock SBB for Darvanshel and Fiora first, though


Haha I got a Medulla gem for my FH reward. I should be able to get Tilith next FH.

Rolled ten times for fun and the only new units I got was Elaine and that new ice dragon. I really should wait for actual rate ups.
I too should learn not to summon without a real rate up. I summoned with all the gems I acquired recently and didn't get a single 7* capable unit, much less a good one.
This half-energy in the Vortex is the ideal time to clear all those special Achievement store milestones that require clearing the last level of the GGC's.


Alright, cleared the Kikuri and Sefia GGC. That's all GGCs done. Should be able to take on Green Menace trial soon and then i just need to clear trial 005. Pretty good!


Next Monday, Gumi is finally going to patch the game to inclue 7 star Sefia, Kikuri, Elimo, Ronel, and Lava. There's also going to be the Sefia EX trial.

Perfect timing that the vortex levels are half energy so stock up on those Mecha Totems.


I am so ready. Got Anima Elimo, Breaker Ronel, Guardian Kikuri, Guardian Lava and maybe Guardian Sefia ready to be evolved! Not too sure if I want to evolve Sefia.

Thankfully I went crazy sticking up on totems and mechas this week
I feel like I should be hyped for old school seven stars, except I don't own any! I'm going to have to wait til Exvehl and Melchio to come out before I'll have an old school seven star.
I just got wrecked doing Sefia and Kikuri's GGC. That disable leaderskill combined with their debuff destroyed my team with Tridon lead. They do this massive attack at less than 20% and one shot everyone except for my Shera even through mitigation. My Tridon was already dead at that point :(


Managed to defeat the Green Menace trial just before maintenance! Super happy about that. My Elimo, Ronel, Lava, Kikuri and Sefia are maxed and ready for evolution


I just got wrecked doing Sefia and Kikuri's GGC. That disable leaderskill combined with their debuff destroyed my team with Tridon lead. They do this massive attack at less than 20% and one shot everyone except for my Shera even through mitigation. My Tridon was already dead at that point :(

funny thing. all my attempts before I cleared it, I used Tridon lead. When I finally swapped him out for another character and used Colt lead (which is the same as Tridon's, plus crit, minus additional defenses), it was a much easier run.
Evolved Ronel, Sefia, and Kikuri to 7*.

Not sure I am going to bother with Elimo. Don't have a Lava.

People said Kikuri is a straight up replacement for Diana or Lily Matah, but she's not. She's a replacement if not leader, but is just not if you are using the leadership skill of D/LM. I'm using D/LM as a leader it's because Kikuri's style of leadership bonus isn't working for the content in question. Oh well...it's a minor difference but a significant one.

Ronel will basically be my non-leadership Feeva against light targets, and Sefia went into my Arena party (380% AoE BB? That's nuts!)
Evolved Ronel and Kikuri so fast. Don't have full energy yet to max out my Kikuri.
Kikuri is a poor man's Diana since her LS doesn't help with that. She's excellent replacement as a sub. Not nearly so great as leader unless you run a mono-black team.

Debating if I should evolve my Lava since she's a guardian. Don't have either Sefia or Elimo.


I evolved Lava, Sefia, and Elimo. Still have Ronel and Kikuri to evolve.

I haven't tested out Lava yet, but I read her BB Atk buff is a different buff from the standard Atk buff such as the one that belongs to Michele, Zergel, etc.

Sefia will be joining my Atro led Arena team. I prefer having more HP than BB boost for Arena because I'm able to charge BB for all my units and get SBB on Atro anyway. Hence, I'd rather have more units survive during the turn instead of trying to get SBB for all units.


I evolved them all so fast! And maxed their levels. Just need to work on their BBs. Kikuri and Sefia are replacing Feeva and Fadahl on my Quaid Arena team for sure
My Arena team is now Quaid (leader), Selena, Kikuri, Sefia, Claire.

So good. So ridiculous. With the addition of K&S even leadership breaks don't really affect me anymore, they are a big step up in terms of BC gen. And so far I laugh at all other random effects other than Status applied.


I was able to evolve Elimo, Lava, Sefia, and Ronel, but I used most of my keys maxing Aaron so it'll be a few days before I will be able to use them. It's nice having so many units worth leveling again though.

Kind of worried if I should have saved some of those points though in case something "amazing" comes to the Challenges shop.
I've thought about that too, but I have 100 million Zel and like 60 million Karma sitting around. That's 22K points I can get on the fly from trading them in, and no real reason to trade them in early.

EDIT: Completed the Crimson Terror. Easiest trial since Grah IMO, although I admit I have the units for it.

Used Raaga/Colt leaders, with Ivris, Diana, Kanon, and Shera.

Fujin'd Diana and Shera on turn one, and just blasted away.

I think that Raaga or Rosetta with Lafdranya is almost a requirement for a leader since HC/BC drops, even with Feeva or Griel, are just awful. And awful doesn't begin to describe how little the drops you get are.

Ivris's BB ability to both heal and get the BC from Raaga was a big upgrade from Rigness when I tried him.

And Kanon's defense buff made all the difference from my prior attempt where I was using Selena instead.


Anybody roll during the Light unit vortex?

I rolled three times praying for Raaga. Got two rainbow doors in a row, but got Kira and Fadahl instead. Not what I was hoping for, but great result. Third roll was a dupe Sefia lol


I just destroyed Zevalhua at last! After failing twice (once when I got caught in her Endless cycle at 20%) I straight out destroyed her. I used Colt + Raaga lead with Ivris, Aaron, 7* Kikuri and Feeva subs. Ivris + Aaron's BB gage fill abilities literally saved me and Raaga racked up damage like crazy. I could fill almost everyones SBB each turn. Really excited to try on The Crimson Terror now

EDIT Oh, I pulled on the Light Elemental rates up. Only wanted Raaga since I only need him and Rize to have all 7* units, but didn't want to use too many gems. First pull netted me a Lord Raaga. He seems to have quite a good rate up in this event from what I've read
I kind of want to Evolve me Elimo but 8k for the stones is killer.

I believe the Legend Stones are badly mispriced when compared to everything else you can buy. If you buy all 4 non-Mecho god items for the newer units it's 2500ish. But one piece for a Legacy Unit and it takes 8000? It's not like the Legacy Unit 7*s are just flat better than the new ones.
I believe the Legend Stones are badly mispriced when compared to everything else you can buy. If you buy all 4 non-Mecho god items for the newer units it's 2500ish. But one piece for a Legacy Unit and it takes 8000? It's not like the Legacy Unit 7*s are just flat better than the new ones.

elimo and kik are lol. Nobody replaces those two in JPBF.

Sefia is whatever unless you want to arena hard core.

Ronel/lightning angel is a better Feeva for leader spot and an alternative to feeva while providing more utility.

Elimo is the best healer + mitigation + cleanse. Nobody comes close. The downside is she has no attacking bb/sbb/ubb

Lava is just more damage buffs, but the buff she brings is rare.

Kik is by far the best "gain bc while getting damage" unit in the game as a sub. Nobody comes close. She also has good dropcount and good stats.

Selena is the best water arena unit. High hit count + guardian angel + good stats.

For the ones not out yet that are good are

1) Will 2) Edea

Edea is the best mitigator in the game hands down.

edit 2

TL;DR version
Edea = best mitigator
Will = great all around unit with multiple buffs
Selena = best water arena unit
Kik = best BC drop when damage sub unit (also required for fastest imp run possible with mifune)
Elimo = best healer/mitigator/cleanse unit

Those are the old units that are worth leveling so far
TL;DR version
Edea = best mitigator
Will = great all around unit with multiple buffs
Selena = best water arena unit
Kik = best BC drop when damage sub unit (also required for fastest imp run possible with mifune)
Elimo = best healer/mitigator/cleanse unit

Those are the old units that are worth leveling so far

I will take Aaron over Edea any day. Frankly given your description of units I'm surprised you think Edea is worth having at all with Elimo existing.

And I didn't say the old units aren't good. I said they aren't "flat better". None of your reasons why the units are good proves that they are flat better.
I will take Aaron over Edea any day.

And I didn't say the old units aren't good. I said they aren't "flat better". None of your reasons why the units are good proves that they are flat better.

you'll take aaron over this?

Hits: 12 / 3 DC
BB: 15 Hits, 500% ST {+100 flat} + 10% Injury/Sick/Weaken, 7% Poison, buff to party for three turns + 50% Damage mitigation for one turn
BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 30
SBB: 18 Hits, 450% AoE {+100 flat} + 15% Injury/Sick/Weaken, 10% Poison, buff to party for three turns + 50% Damage mitigation for one turn
BC Cost: 22 // Max BC Gen: 18
UBB: 21 Hits, 1000% AoE + 75% Damage mitigation for one turn + -50% ATK debuff, 10% chance for two turns
BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 21
Extra Skill: 20% ATK/DEF/HP/REC + Status Cleanse on BB/SBB use

serious? A cleanse + mitigation + insane stats + better drop check for aaron? she is the best by far. Aaron only has instant bb fill and that can be useless with a good team.

What is "flat better". There is no unit right now that even comes close to kik for her role. There is no unit that comes close to Elimo even in JPBF. I'll give you that Will/Selena and the rest are whatever. but there are somet that are straight out the best for awhile

I mean are you trying to say "there is no unit thats +500 all stats +2k hp over any unit I can summon" then sure.

As of right now the only units worth summoning

Feeva for FH (and if you don't have ronel for raid/quest)
Aaron if you don't have edea or elimo or shera (and even then shera is still better for FH)
Tazer/Ougro for very niche roles
Quida (best element buffer but doesn't cover light/dark)

Ivris, Alpha, Tora, Fadahl, Diana, Rize, The dragons, Claire and etc are solid but replaceable.


Pretty much sums up why aaron is just good, and went elimo and edea are amazing.


Cleared Seria's trial. Was surprisingly easy compared to Lugina's trial and Zevalhua's. I took out Vargas before he could even use his ultimate attack! The only problem was not killing Phoenix fast enough so it granted angel idol to Darvanshel which was a royal pain the ass. Other than that, no problem at all. I used Kanon + Raaga leads with Elimo, Kikuri, Colt and Quaid

When I started in late March I hadn't even cleared any of the trials! Now I've cleared all trials and all GGC :D
Decided to pull for the SBS rate up, got an Anima Rize instead! Finally my first seven star ;_;

Edit: And a Lord Aurelia too! This is the best rate up ever.
Just beat Sefia and Kikuri GGC with my Griel and Kanon friend. Burned almost all my items, but I did it. Free 3 gems. I don't think its possible without 7 stars. Their damage output is too high. If we have 6 star Grah now, this fight would be a pushover. 12k hp is the minimum hp required. Any less and your dead meat.

Now, gotta see what I need for Seria's EX Trial. I still got Signas, Raydn and Selena from my Vargas GGC all those moons ago.

I still got my breaker Edea. Wow, her extra skill puts her over the top. Damage, status cleanse and mitigation with status buff? Freaking OP.
Did kik/sef ggc, green menace, zeva and seria yesterday.

Zev definitely hardest. Seria is so easy.

Colt, claire, quida, kik elimo. Just bb Doan to victory for seria

Kik/sef is just about hp management and luck. Having an attack down debuffer nullifies the luck part a bit

Zev is all about turn counting management. Did it with colt, Claire, elimo, kik, and ronel.
you'll take aaron over this?

Hits: 12 / 3 DC
BB: 15 Hits, 500% ST {+100 flat} + 10% Injury/Sick/Weaken, 7% Poison, buff to party for three turns + 50% Damage mitigation for one turn
BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 30
SBB: 18 Hits, 450% AoE {+100 flat} + 15% Injury/Sick/Weaken, 10% Poison, buff to party for three turns + 50% Damage mitigation for one turn
BC Cost: 22 // Max BC Gen: 18
UBB: 21 Hits, 1000% AoE + 75% Damage mitigation for one turn + -50% ATK debuff, 10% chance for two turns
BC Cost: 25 // Max BC Gen: 21
Extra Skill: 20% ATK/DEF/HP/REC + Status Cleanse on BB/SBB use

serious? A cleanse + mitigation + insane stats + better drop check for aaron? she is the best by far. Aaron only has instant bb fill and that can be useless with a good team.

Cleansing can be useless for a team as well. And in order for Edea to get either she's forced to use Lafdranya as her stats sphere. Which is not a good stats sphere, not at all. Aaron + Malice Jewel (and there are better options) has better stats than Edea IMO, in spite of Edea's extra skill.

And I think you are vastly underrating just how good Aaron's extra skill is. Edea will suck when it comes to BB drainers. I don't know how you can talk about how great Kikuri is while down-playing how useful Aaron's extra skill is when it's the same type of effect.

What is "flat better". There is no unit right now that even comes close to kik for her role. There is no unit that comes close to Elimo even in JPBF. I'll give you that Will/Selena and the rest are whatever. but there are somet that are straight out the best for awhile

Flat better means better in all circumstances, or content which 100% requires them. Having situational advantages in no way implies they are deserving of that many merit points to acquire.

Elimo's lack of damage means I wouldn't even use her. You are seriously downplaying just how badly it hurts a team to have a unit not do damage. It's a bigger difference than Aaron vs. Edea in terms of BC drop (which you brought up above) and they get no advantage out of Raaga type skills.

I mean are you trying to say "there is no unit thats +500 all stats +2k hp over any unit I can summon" then sure.

As of right now the only units worth summoning

Feeva for FH (and if you don't have ronel for raid/quest)
Aaron if you don't have edea or elimo or shera (and even then shera is still better for FH)
Tazer/Ougro for very niche roles
Quida (best element buffer but doesn't cover light/dark)

Ivris, Alpha, Tora, Fadahl, Diana, Rize, The dragons, Claire and etc are solid but replaceable.

Solid but replaceable also describes every single 7* legacy unit. Which is entirely the point.


Pretty much sums up why aaron is just good, and went elimo and edea are amazing.

Oh goody, some dude on reddit agrees with you. Clearly that means you are 100% right.

And again, at no point did I claim the legacy units are bad. Just not good enough to require that much merit.

I have no idea why you are so fired up about this. Would it make you mad if they dropped the price of Legend stones to 2K instead of 8K?


Oh my god, SHS granted me my long sought-after Anima Selena!! I am do happy! I max levelled her immediately and just need to unlock her SBB and UBB


Cleansing can be useless for a team as well. And in order for Edea to get either she's forced to use Lafdranya as her stats sphere. Which is not a good stats sphere, not at all. Aaron + Malice Jewel (and there are better options) has better stats than Edea IMO, in spite of Edea's extra skill.

And I think you are vastly underrating just how good Aaron's extra skill is. Edea will suck when it comes to BB drainers. I don't know how you can talk about how great Kikuri is while down-playing how useful Aaron's extra skill is when it's the same type of effect.

Flat better means better in all circumstances, or content which 100% requires them. Having situational advantages in no way implies they are deserving of that many merit points to acquire.

Elimo's lack of damage means I wouldn't even use her. You are seriously downplaying just how badly it hurts a team to have a unit not do damage. It's a bigger difference than Aaron vs. Edea in terms of BC drop (which you brought up above) and they get no advantage out of Raaga type skills.

Solid but replaceable also describes every single 7* legacy unit. Which is entirely the point.

Oh goody, some dude on reddit agrees with you. Clearly that means you are 100% right.

And again, at no point did I claim the legacy units are bad. Just not good enough to require that much merit.

I have no idea why you are so fired up about this. Would it make you mad if they dropped the price of Legend stones to 2K instead of 8K?

Of the current Mitigators (that are used)
Shera- great attack animation + BC gen with hits - Pref for FH due to lower damage
Aaron - 7 star stat range - Defense buff - BB fill
Elimo - Heal / remove Status / High Defense buff /

Of the current Mitigators we have these are their roles primarily
Shera - FH
Aaron - Dark mono
Elimo - Manual play

For Auto battling Aaron / Elimo are generally not pref for two different reasons
Aaron - Low defense buff - can overwrite Kanon
Elimo - No BC gen
In our current content it doesn't matter that much but this is for J-Meta but just sharing the information.

If your not auto battling or running a mono dark team than Elimo is the superior mitigator. Defense buff as high as Kanon's. Provides Heals and status removal. ES is great for a mitigator -
Extra Skill: 20% chance to reduce 20% damage and reduce BB cost by 20%

She was the top and still considered one of the top two in J-meta. Most people actual say that teams are less creative because she's one of the revolving ones always placed.

When Edea comes she's considered the best, especially for Raid
Not sure if Lafdranya is fixed yet but it is in no way a bad sphere.
Boosts Def by 50%, nullifies extra critical hit & element based damage. Already means she can be used for all content. Can't get gibbed by a crit or her weak fire element.
with her ES it's pretty much 20% all stats and 70% defense.

recover status ailments when using BB and SBB is just extra filing that comes in handy
poison (10%), injury, weakness, and sickness (15%) buff to all allies for 3 turns. That injury buff saves a lot of damage.

Aaron is okay but his defense buff being only 80% isn't that stellar. Comparing to Kanon / elimo 140% and their roles. 8 bc crystal is nice but it's not needed from what I hear for content.

From what I hear of J-squads the two that are always used are Elimo / Edea.

As for stones being 8k, who wouldn't love them being cheaper but that can be said for everything high priced. Imp keys being 4k would be awesome and them giving Malice for 6k would also be great. Are the units worth 8k? I would say yes if you think of the logic of every 2 weeks and 2 days you get a top meta unit is worth it.


the increased merit point event gets you 2500, and the quests involved are easy to get, often overlapping. RS dupes gets 700 points. I've already evolved all the older units and I'm stocking up on legendary stones for the next batch. I don't think the 8k cost is all that bad, considering everything else, asides from stones, are items you don't really need and can be obtained elsewhere.
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