got raga in 3 summons lol. Maxed everything outside imps. Gotta wait for next 1/2 energy vortex day
Changing the World is a pretty good spot - I seem to get a lot there plus you can get totems there tooI managed to get a Feeva from that BB rate up and was going to evolve her to her 6 star form today, when I realized I didn't farm a dragon mimicNow I'm grinding quests for dragon mimics.
RIP all my gems. In exchange I now own Ronel, Quaid, Lucina, and Elmedia. Not going to be summoning for a while.
IGN: DoubleEh
ID: 5496062665
Account lv: 198
Leaders: Maxed sphered and imp'd : Zelnite Maxwell Rosseta Ultor Tridon Elimo dravenshel
So for this coming Frontier Hunter, I heard Shida isn't as good here because the Themis at the end of Terminus OTKs him. So should I brave burst my Aneil?
So apparently it's OK to bring Shida as long as you two-turn kill Themis. Also putting Lafdranya on Shida lets him tank Themis's attack. But anyway this season's Terminus is a pain so I'm just going to two turn kill everything and not try too much this time.
I noticed that the storyline heroes (Grahdens, Karl, Seria, Paris, etc.) have their evolutions up. None of their respective Grand Quests are available to obtain the final evolution material needed to evolve them.
You need to clear the first GQ (the one that also features Karl) for Karl's GQ to unlock. Clear that and Grah's GQ unlocksUsed my last orb for FH. Another +4 rank this month. Just need another +2 rank next month and I can get Eriole and then a long break from FH. Not gonna compete besides just the rewards from every stage anyway.
Still working on that 2nd mission in Grand Quest. Yeah, no idea what I'm doing. I see Karl, Seria, Paris, Lugina's and Lin's GQ, but where is Grah's?
Thanks! Just got Karl to 6. Working on Grah's GQYou need to clear the first GQ (the one that also features Karl) for Karl's GQ to unlock. Clear that and Grah's GQ unlocks
My Elaine is still at 5 stars for a long while now. That raid X1 sounds like a pain to do.I have Elaine who required rare drops from Raid X1 to evolve to her 6* and 7* form. It was a pain to evolve her and I spent over a week trying to get the 7* mat to drop. I'm going to assume the SBS 7* rare drops are going to be even more of a chore to obtain.
I think the only level up reward that made me envious was the free Shida. Everything else was fair to those that were starting the game.
Yep. People were hella salty about that level up reward. Gumi removed it promptly for the next level up campaign they did.There was a free Loch Ness back when Felneus was one of the best units as well.
Apparently things in the gift box are actually starting to expire. RIP my earth bulbBut at least these dumb jewel keys can finally go away.