Err, just to make sure you'll see the code when you open the quote reply.
Its a way to make sure gaffers get the code.
Well there is no way to know since there is a bug when entering the code a 2nd time, it'll accepts it. Code can be random and it'll work.They're unique codes.
Another code that I forgot I had. Quote to see, I'm not sure if there's the 1 is a 1 or a lowercase L or an uppercase I, so try multiple combos, and please post when claimed.
Well there is no way to know since there is a bug when entering the code a 2nd time, it'll accepts it. Code can be random and it'll work.
It won't let me input the code a 3rd time with a different combination. Oh well.
Err, just to make sure you'll see the code when you open the quote reply.
Its a way to make sure gaffers get the code.
valid codes would always work, but only the first guy would get the reward i think.
I finally got Miku!!!! Only 10 hours left on the event!! <3 Got her on level 2 as well. My prayers to RNGesus have been answered.
3 million zel disappear quite quickly after going on a huge leveling/fusing spree![]()
Also, lol, I somehow figured Birgitte2004 would be the first to post the joy of success on that new dungeon series. That new sphere seems rather useful and annoying to face against in the arena.
Food for thought on that retailiation effect. It mimics the drop check and element typing of a single hit originating from the character that has it equipped.It didn't even occur to me to put it in my Arena Sphere lineup. Hmm.
Yeah, I tried to mention dilma directly for a different reason and alluded towards him in regard to the defense ignore stuff. I completely passed over the status effect bit, since I have other major issues before considering streamlining along those lines. On a couple of those fights, having curse stick or injury helps. I just don't know which fits where, since I can't do them all myself. I personally was considering a vishra lead at one point though, since I actually have him and leveled to max, but lacking full SBB training.Apparently Nalmika and Dilma just combo up to destroy these trials. Too bad I didn't think of it/don't have any friends using those as leaders anyway.
Having a party strong enough to take out Juggernaut that fast made Weiss take forever. My method of killing him was literally guard every turn until he'd attack my tree enough to get BB from Lily, then go all out, finishing up with a tree heal...then repeat. Took what felt like hundreds of turns.
think i should be able to tackle totem gods later this week. whats the best guides/analysis around?
I'd like to start taking down Miracle Totems if I am able so I can start evolving my 5* units. Any advice on how to build a squad for beating Miracle Totems? I am Summoner level 61 so my unit Cost is limited. I have the following notable units:
6* Grybe (B) (I don't really use him due to my limited Cost)
5* Elza (L)
5* Alyut (B)
5* Phee (A)
5* Mariudeth (B)
5* Zelnite (L)
5* Garnan (L)
5* Kagutsuchi (A)
5* Farlon (G)
5* Darvan (G)
5* Miku (B)
5* Rina (B)
5* Bran (B)
5* Rashil (A)
5* Kikuri (L)
5* Lubradine (B)
5* Lira (L)
5* Lilith (A)
4* Zephyr (A)
4* Eric (B)
I'd like to start taking down Miracle Totems if I am able so I can start evolving my 5* units. Any advice on how to build a squad for beating Miracle Totems? I am Summoner level 61 so my unit Cost is limited. I have the following notable units:
6* Grybe (B) (I don't really use him due to my limited Cost)
5* Elza (L)
5* Alyut (B)
5* Phee (A)
5* Mariudeth (B)
5* Zelnite (L)
5* Garnan (L)
5* Kagutsuchi (A)
5* Farlon (G)
5* Darvan (G)
5* Miku (B)
5* Rina (B)
5* Bran (B)
5* Rashil (A)
5* Kikuri (L)
5* Lubradine (B)
5* Lira (L)
5* Lilith (A)
4* Zephyr (A)
4* Eric (B)
You might want to work on your summoner levels if cost is an issue with Grybe, since evolving those units will also increase their costs to similar levels.
I'm not sure how well Miku would hold up, but if she is too frail I'd go with Elza in lead instead. A possible group would be something to this effect.I'm a little jealous of your pulls, you have good stuff there.
Miku/Elza (lead) Although if BC gen/charge rate isn't an issue, Zelnite would work here too.
Garnan/Lubradine (if you need to be tankier use lubradine, otherwise for more damage garnan)
For a friend bring a grah if you have one. If not grah, then someone who either increases crystal gen, charge rate, spark damage, themis or sgx (dark element buff will help).
The thing about this fight is that it is a pure DPS battle when fighting the miracle totem. So, basically you want stuff that heals your health (divine/holy lights good here, because it will spam AOE throughout the fight), charges bb (fujin/flutes), Ares elixer if possible or if space is a problem for items and or mono team isn't possible for ore/seals.
It will AOE attack in various elements. Two of its unique AOEs are like fighting the sybil sisters in that they are multi-element attacks hitting 3 elements each. Its regular attack is light based though.
Thanks for the tips, though the Grah suggestion makes me wonder if a Zephyr lead/friend would suffice? Don't have any Grah friends atm, and a I have a friend with a 6* Zephyr so that would give an atk boost to a full Dark team which I could make with Kikuri like Corgi suggested. With Dark seals/ores I think it might be doable...
Yeah I do need to work on my summoner levels for sure. I did get pretty lucky on some of my pulls, though I'm surprised how many dupes I've gotten already. If trading units was a thing I could have hooked you up with my dupes of Zelnite, Elza, Lira, Phee, Alyut, and Homosubi/Kagutsuchi. That's actually the reason I want to get them to 6* form already, so I can fuse the dupes and raise their BB without it going back down when they evolve.
Thanks for the tips, though the Grah suggestion makes me wonder if a Zephyr lead/friend would suffice? Don't have any Grah friends atm, and a I have a friend with a 6* Zephyr so that would give an atk boost to a full Dark team which I could make with Kikuri like Corgi suggested. With Dark seals/ores I think it might be doable...
The Dark Tower is back. Finished Estia's tower, but had to gem when she appeared twice on the 190+ floor and triple crit my healer. None of my friends had Grah as lead. Spent a gem to get a gem.
Got destroyed at Tower of the Gods at the Vargas stage. He destroyed my questing team, brought my mono water team and also wiped. Perplexed on how to beat him. I guess its time to farm my own Zebra? The difficulty spikes a lot just because of him.
If they do that, that would be well after the maidens get their 6* forms.should release a 6* or something
Ok, well if you need a grah for this friend me ID#698633922. I'll leave mine up for tomorrow as much as possible. Max level, but the BB isn't that developed, but that shouldn't matter for this fight since it is really the dark buff along with the damage reduction and stat push that matters with him.
Also, seriously abuse the four fold pillar in st. lamia's final dungeon series like corgi mentioned. At your current level, if you did that non-stop, it will result in infinite energy for you until somewhere between level 90-100 given the current 3 minute energy refresh rate. That should give you plenty of cost should you evolve some people tomorrow.
Friend request sent, name's Xeth in game. Thanks a lot, don't worry about leaving Grah as leader though. Decided to put it off until I get my Cost up.
Should give it a shot at least. I'll probably be flipping between farming and other stuff, but I generally only play maybe 2-3 times a day, so while i'm away it should be grah.
If you work on that dungeon that was suggested and just grind it out (most folks just autobattle it), you should be able to put up a lot of summoner levels in a day, so your target should definately be within reasonable reach.
Right now I don't even have the Cost to use the squad you suggested, but I am gaining levels while questing. If I get my Cost up enough by tomorrow I'll give it a shot. I may give it a shot anyway without Grybe, maybe replace him with Mariudeth. Also Kagutsuchi's Spark buff is stronger than Garnan's right? Would probably replace Garnan with him if so.
That makes sense and should be solid as well. Field testing it to see how well it builds BB bar is really all that is missing to be honest. One or two of the things I was suggesting could have been potentially overkill as well. I mean, the bars only charge so much before becoming full.The reason I was thinking of swapping Kagutsuchi for Garnan is because of the Mariudeth swap, Mariudeth buffs crit too and they don't stack from what I've heard. I would lose out on the BB bar buff though.
I ran the Xenon towers because I never completed them before. I encountered a Burst Frog at 91-100 and a "Full Burst Frog" at 191-200. The first one dropped, but the 2nd one didn't. The Full Burst Frog didn't attack me at all, but had a timer starting at 5 and decreased per round. Perhaps, these might be farmable levels for burst frogs? The lv.10 Estia fight is a complete pain though.
So farming prized jewels from Xenon is easy zel. 200k a pop. Alright, back to raising some bb levels again.
Floor 91-100. Did a run where I never ran into Xenon. The prized jewel has a high chance to drop. Got 5/6 prized jewels for total encounters isn't bad.what floor did you farm from?
That makes sense and should be solid as well. Field testing it to see how well it builds BB bar is really all that is missing to be honest. One or two of the things I was suggesting could have been potentially overkill as well. I mean, the bars only charge so much before becoming full.
Sure can.Can Oulu be substituted for Darvanshel?
maxwell is coming!
need a darvanshel D:
might cave for current event... but i probably should wait until 6* hit so the rates are better.
according to the reddit thread I saw regarding the latest update patch, we might get their 6* this weekend (zelnite's batch, all six of them). good luck!
Yep, Miku --- Mariudeth, Kagutsuchi, Rashil, Zelnite squad with Grah friend worked, I'm now the proud owner of 2 Miracle Totems (I made another friend who had a Grah leader as well). Thanks again Phades!