Can you do this with one Melchio in your party and a friend Melchio leader?
Should work since it has nothing to do with his leader skill, but I will try it and let you know.
Can you do this with one Melchio in your party and a friend Melchio leader?
Glad it worked out for you. Just bringing him for the light/dark buffs alone helps with the points (if nothing else) considering you fight light/dark opponents round in the first round, in addition to leorone, lira, grah, and lillith.
Should work since it has nothing to do with his leader skill, but I will try it and let you know.
I have Melchio and a Lily Matah so I'll see if I can pull it off next time someone puts up a Melchio lead.
its really shitty that to get the OP sphere requires one of the halloween gals to even enter the lvl4 dungeon.Welp Halloween units are out in the summon gate.....could not resist since I have 50 gems on hand already. Didn't get one in the 10 pulls. Got Semira from 10 consecutive pulls.
I wonder if I could get a dupe if I do another 10 pulls or if it will give me the other unit. Probably still could get a dupe lol.
I kinda want both of them...fuck
Welp Halloween units are out in the summon gate.....could not resist since I have 50 gems on hand already. Didn't get one in the 10 pulls. Got Semira from 10 consecutive pulls.
I wonder if I could get a dupe if I do another 10 pulls or if it will give me the other unit. Probably still could get a dupe lol.
I kinda want both of them...fuck
The "news" section of the game clearly states 10 pulls.
its really shitty that to get the OP sphere requires one of the halloween gals to even enter the lvl4 dungeon.
seems like reddit bfpro and AI are in talks with the devs though.
When did they reduce the amount of time it takes to restore energy? I noticed just yesterday that it seems to be every 2.5 minutes instead of 6 minutes. Is this an event thing or something to do with my overall rank?
Any quick advice om completing End in Frontier Hunter?
What about item sets?
2/2 attempts at Maxwell has been a failure![]()
Would anyone have any advice for her besides counting?
It's actually Jugg/Abaddon that gives me trouble wahhh
2/2 attempts at Maxwell has been a failure![]()
Would anyone have any advice for her besides counting?
It's actually Jugg/Abaddon that gives me trouble wahhh
I just noticed you can craft Medulla and Legwand gems now. Was this part of the patch?
Those Halloween spheres would have definitely been OP if they were not stat boosts. My gems are staying out lol
Only had 16 gems and I wanted a Ciara. First summon, got a breaker Ciara. Well, that was easy. I guess everyone who gets either unit from the gate are 5 stars?
Both units are 5* only with a future 6* form. Makes pulling hard since rainbow gates are kinda rare.
The anniversary event seems like an interesting give away series. I hope they stick to it and not have issues like in August. I'm eyeballing the "super honor summon" on the 21st through the 30th for frogs. Although no mention of sphere frogs and imps from it though, which is what I was hoping for.
whats your party(s)?
what's your squad, or what problems are you having with them?
So best place to farm money right is where? And karma too?
I don't see a unit that neutralizes effects. Are you just relying on consumables?I guess my main problem is getting past the first 2 bosses? By the time I reach Maxwell, I've burnt out :/
i've yet to play the new continents, but for both gold and karma I really like the lv.5 Friday vortex.
I don't see a unit that neutralizes effects. Are you just relying on consumables?
Narza is out. If you still need a damage mitigation. This is the last Unit for the unforseeable future.
Narza is clearly better than Oulu.
Narza vs. Darvanshel is really dependent on your other units.
Darvanshel does damage, while Narza increases BB gain. Note that by virtue of doing damage Darvanshel helps BB gain a little making this hard to quantify.
Darvanshel has leader status immunity, Narza SBB status immunity.
For something like Maxwell, I'd still take Darvanshel. During the hectic res race the ability to do damage while still mitigating was huge.
narza does have a pseudo lily matah effect, so you could sub her out for another attacker i believe.
narza does have a pseudo lily matah effect, so you could sub her out for another attacker i believe.
Fair trade would be for Zelnite in that instance i think. Then again, you could go tia for your healer, rely on nazra for defense/status effects and have a more damage focused unit like Marudeth or Kaja.
This batch in general though is rather good.
I am one of those rare people who did not use Lily Matah for Maxwell. /shrug
Much the same as my comment on Darvanshel, I tried using Lily Matah but the fact that she is dark combined with the fact that her SBB does no damage made it harder.
Once I started using Zelnite instead my tries got much much better.
I used my one free pull..
and got Tiara.
Alright. I did need #6.
why not both?![]()