next has kuda (23 hit aoe, 100% attack boost 40% crit hit rate boost for 3 turns) and rogen (lilth 2.0).
Anything else decent?
Got myself an Ahvel today. Trying to figure out how to use it in any of my things.
Basically the whole batch is great. Just some are better than others like kuda (basically michele +sgx in a single unit), rogen (thunder lillith basically and can solo trial 1), and Naruza (felenus/darvenshel/lily matah chimera style character) stand out the most.
For reference:
Fire - Urukina
Lord Stats: 5955/1911/1902/2000
Hit Count: 9 (18 drop checks total)
LS: 15% reduced BB cost, +25% ATK to all units
BB10: Heals 2300-2600 + 122.5% REC, Cures status effects. 18 BC fill
SBB10: 17 hit AoE (17 drop checks per target) +450% damage modifier, Cure all status effects, 3 turn status immunity. 42 BC fill.
Note: Cheapest regular BB heal on an RS unit, most cost 20.
Water - Kuura
Lord Stats: 6024/2001/1852/1983
Hit Count: 8 (16 drop checks total)
LS: +30% HP and 200-400 + 10% REC regen each turn
BB10: 12 hit AoE (12 drop checks per target) +250% damage modifier, instantly fills 8 BC on other squad members. 28 BC fill.
SBB10: 16 hit AoE (16 drop checks per target) +450% damage modifier, +115% ATK buff for 3 turns, 4 BC regen for 3 turns. 48 BC fill.
Note: ATK buff matches Michele and the damage portion beats hers, but the fill requirement's 15 BC higher and hit count is slightly lower
Earth - Tia
Lord Stats: 6085/1800/1984/2022
Hit Count: 10 (20 drop checks total)
LS: 25% DEF to all units, 50% more HC effectiveness
BB10: 2300-2600 + 122.5% REC heal, 1800-2100 + 10% REC regen for 3 turns. 20 BC fill.
SBB10: 4000-4500 + 122.5% REC heal, 2200-2300 + 10% REC regen for 3 turns, 4 BC regen for 3 turns. 35 BC fill.
Note: Strongest raw heal in the game when including the regen portion. Strongest regen heal in the game at SBB. Strongest BB-level regen heal. Strongest BB-level raw heal bar Tilith.
Thunder - Rogen
Lord Stats: 6072/2314/1903/1599
Hit Count: 1 (20 BC checks total)
LS: 15% chance to Ignore DEF, +100% crit damage
BB10: 1 hit Single Target attack (18 drop checks total) +540% damage modifier, 80% weakness chance. 13 BC fill.
SBB10: 1 hit Single Target attack (30 drop checks total) +620% damage modifier, refills own SBB after attack. 42 BC fill.
Notes: Crit damage LS = 4-star Zebra in JP, BB/SBB is basically Lilith but in a single hit. Slightly lower BC gen than Lilith on SBB, but much easier to spark every hit. Does a lot more damage than her due to higher ATK.
Light - Naruza
Lord Stats: 6105/1950/1950/1950
Hit Count: 16 (32 drop checks total)
LS: 10% chance to reduce incoming damage by 20%, +40% BC effectiveness.
BB10: -50% incoming damage for 1 turn; Status Immunity for 3 turns. 22 BC fill.
SBB10: -50% incoming damage for 1 turn; Status Immunity for 3 turns. Regenerate 5-6 BC when taking damage for 3 turns. 43 BC fill.
Notes: BC effectiveness LS = 5-star Uda/Felneus etc. BB and SBB are a bit more expensive than Oulu/Darvanshel alternatives, but this guy generates a ton more BC on regular attacks.
Dark - Kuda
Lord Stats: 6031/2278/1823/1734
Hit Count: 15 (30 drop checks total)
LS: 20% reduced BB cost
BB10: 18 hit AoE (18 drop checks per target) +250% damage modifier, 70% ATK buff for 3 turns. 28 BC fill.
SBB10: 24 hit AoE (24 drop checks per target) +450% damage modifier, 100% ATK buff for 3 turns, 40% crit buff for 3 turns. 48 BC fill.
In all honesty though, i think it would be better for the game in general if the 6* forms of Agni, Ziz, Karl and co, and Mifune's groups get the 6* treatment before this batch gets released to global. This group in general just seems really OP and pushes the power creep hard.