I can't believe how bad my pulls have been on this latest batch.
After getting Semira in my first time buying gems (hope her 6* is awesome), I pulled a Narza, and then saved the rest for this batch...
4 pulls: Kukri, Guardian Copra (ok, this isn't bad), Princess Emilia, and a Dupe Battle Princess Ophelia. (-_-; )
I didn't think I'd be able to pull again over the time, but I beat some of the hero chronicles stuff I hadn't done, and a few stages, and had ONE LAST PULL, that I figured I'd try, since my brother pulled Kuda just a few hours before...
... and I get... HOLY KNIGHT WILL?!?! ARGH. I figured maybe I'd get something I'd want, since I was pulling on my Birthday, lol. Now I have everyone from that batch except Douglas... eesh.
I REALLY want a healer other than my Phoenix and a slowly-growing Rashil. No Altri, no Elimo, no Tiara... I would have loved to have Ulkina, Tia, Kulah... Save for the Copra, those other units are so old, I almost want to get rid if them. As I prefer running Rainbow Squads (First pull Logan is my main leader FOR ALL TIME), it would have been real nice to get some people to sub in some unusual elemental spots...
Ahh well, had to vent somewhere! Would have loved to have had "Heal Overkill" on my band of misfits, lol. Pairing her up with my Exvhel's 30% HP Increase would have felt great

(Dilma with 10k HP, self healing for 100,000 HP is quite funny)