Until they introduce alternate evolution paths.
That's something that should have existed from the game's inception if that were to be a thing. It would have added a lot of depth potential too without pushing a power creep as well.
A shame really.
Until they introduce alternate evolution paths.
Is there any reason other than collection purposes to keep and develop old units if I pull them? For example I recently got Alice, Sefia and Lemia during some pulls. I have plenty of newer units that far outclass them so I doubt I will ever use them.
What are alternate evolution paths?
What are alternate evolution paths?
Sefia is serviceable if you were to build a mono holy BB spam team, or as an alternate for an arena leader like lodin/dia/miku. Lemia could be useful for karma farming if you didn't have zelnite and she is like nalmika with status effects application on the SBB (could be useful in raids). I got nothing to make alice seem more sexy though, which is a shame since healing bundled with an offensive BB isn't exactly common.
Although even if you don't have a specific use for the unit in a single squad, some of them could be useful fillers for alternate groups in trials or upcomming grand gaia chronicle missions where you can bring multiple groups (they are for evolving karl, seria, grah, etc. at least from what i've read).
If you really need the space, I wouldn't feel bad about fusing them away though.
The concept would be like something akin to warsong where a unit could be different depending on which materials used to evolve it leading to different results. The mechanic doesn't exist in brave frontier. That was a "what if" kind of sentiment really.
Did you manage to get a BBlv out of it at least? ^_^;I fused Lemia because I have a Pumqueen Semira for status ailments.
Not too sure what to do for the upcoming rate up, is Elza worth pulling if I already have Luther?
Do note that I haven't gotten an Arius or Garnan yet from that batch of rate ups so theres that?
urgh. maxwell is just too frustrating. Got the ideal team (lily, daravnshel, lilth, zelnite, tree, grah friend).
Yet i get wonked and run out of revives and tree/dravanshel dies always around 50%.
wish its attack focus wasn't so random.
that genesis spam.
and people can beat him with 1 team, makes me want to win on those terms lol.
Run double darvenshel then and have them alternate in BB release. I've read some folks looking favorably upon that approach rather than trying to boost BB production x2.
Offhand I recall a setup working something like the following with one squad.
Lily (L)
Healer (i dont recall which)
Darvenshel (friend)
Of coruse, the darvenshels had dangela/evil shard meaning 5 BB per turn plus another 3 from lily. So after 3 turns, if he doesn't get hit at all or a single brave crystal, he will have enough charged up to use his BB automatically (22 BC to fill). So, alternating the two, you get 2/3rds uptime automatically for 50% reduction. If 6 BC/fill arrive from anywhere during those 2 turns of uptime, then you achieve 100% uptime while still maintaining some offensive capacity through the regular BB use.
tried double darvanshel too. The issue at grah's LS helps quite a bit if maxwell decides to target your darvanshel with rune and then spam him to death (which will definitely happen).
You don't really need damage mitigation up the whole time either. The times i fail i'd have failed with damage mitigation up or not.
Think i just might wait until the next FH and hope evil shard is a reward again (no where near the level for the arena award).
If i read it right, that ticket should be available once every friday for the next couple of weeks. The new tiers of rewards for daily points is nice too. +3 in total summon tickets at the end and a sphere frog.FH rewards are out and new milestone rewards. Easy 5 gems from the milestones. There is also a discounted anniversary summon ticket for 500 bp. Need to get that ticket for Elza.
If i read it right, that ticket should be available once every friday for the next couple of weeks. The new tiers of rewards for daily points is nice too. +3 in total summon tickets at the end and a sphere frog.
You had it mostly right, since its multipliers before additions.what's the optimal order for SBB buffs?
crit > atk > def ignore > spark ?
I pulled those two featured units too, different type.5 pulls from 15 gems and 2 Summon Tickets.
I got two out of the three featured units (Arius[Breaker] and Garnan [Lord]).
Iron Shield Darven (Lord)
Twins Il and Mina (Breaker)
Gold Warrior Rina (Already got her [Anima])
That doesn't seem too terrible. Were you hoping for either of those two?
Pulling out an old unit makes me want to stab someone. It should never happen.
Yeah when you get one and the summon gate is gold and never turns red....I rage.
good, but outclassed by others alreadyRolled a Zellha, is she any good?
Any thoughts on how to use Lexida?
lexida + 2 halloween spheres = winning pretty much any arena match no matter the team setup you or they have, unless you are really unlucky with BB/SBB activation.
Man I feel like Maxwell is at the tip of my reach now. Getting consistently to around when she does 2 destinies.
Really wish there was an easier way to get evil shard than arena or hoping its a FH reward.
I really need to get Maxwell for all that extra power. I almost got to her a few times but Narza being 5 star still kind of hurts. I need his 6 star form for the extra stats. I have a maxed Darvanshel but he doesn't deal with the stat problems while allowing me some offensive leader skills.
I definitely need to get my secondary chars maxed out if I want to do a dual squad approach. I've got Lancia, Rashil, and Elimo for healing then I have all 3 damage reduction guys, Oulu, Narza, and Darvanshel. So I'm actually covered on that front. It's getting the other components and the equipment to support them that's the thing now.
I've been attempting Maxwell but I've been having issues getting the job done due to not having Oulu, Narza, or Darvanshel myself (so I only play it when someone has one of these three up). The main team I've been attempting the Trial with are Lily Matah with a Darvanshel friend, along with Lilith, Themis, Leorone, and Luther (if I use Oulu as the friend I swap out Luther with Exvehl). Usually where I fail is either Maxwell trolling and outright killing the defense unit friend or my defense unit not having the BB needed to use shield and Maxwell killing too many of my team members.
The Fourfold PIllar in the last dungeon of St. Lamia has the best XP to energy ratio in the game. You should grind there to get your summoner level up. It's also easy so just put it on auto and clear out your items/units when it gets full.
got a lord reed after 1st try. didn't realize he would hit so hard, so had to gem. no biggie. I'm usually fine with geming on stages that reward with gems lol.
Note that these guys don't hit all that hard for the first several rounds if you leave their pets alive.
I think these dungeons were specifically designed to make single target BB/SBBs useful.
Just got a Sword God Reed (Guardian) from the new Vortex Dungeon. His leader skill is a 25% Atk, Def, Rec, and HP when all 6 elements are in the party. That's kinda nice. He also has a BB gauge increase + damage Burst. He's 5 star only right now so stats are a little underwhelming but when he gets a 6 star, he should be pretty usable, probably?
I might stick him in a group with Oulu for all that extra HP, lol.
The Fourfold PIllar in the last dungeon of St. Lamia has the best XP to energy ratio in the game. You should grind there to get your summoner level up. It's also easy so just put it on auto and clear out your items/units when it gets full.