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BrazilGAF |OT| of Samba, Carnaval... and letting GAF have a sample of it all!

Eu já tinha dado unfollow em boa parte dos meus contatos há tempos (periodicamente eu reviso os unfollows etc), daí fora as postagens do meu ex-chefe petista e do meu tio tucano, esse é o tipo de coisa que ainda aparece na minha timeline.

Situaçao tolerável.

Hahaha, nem tinha tomado ciência disso.

Frota: "45 vai comer o PT!"
*Frota passar a engolir uma folha com 45 impresso nela*

Meu...ahm.... hm... o que tu e aécio fizeram entre quatro paredes não interessava a ninguém, mas ok.


Por isso citei o Bolsonaro .. ele é babaca e nunca usou religião como desculpa =P

Por isso votei nele, ele realista e lógico e não apela pra religião. Bolsomito indeed. :D
Ele ainda tem 3 crias, ou seja, vc ainda vai reclamar muito desse sobrenome, e eu vou votar sempre nele.

Post patético. Eu defendo direitos humanos e estou no Brasil. Sou um merda então?

Os merdas que falo são as pessoas que comandam esse aspecto no pais, como o próprio Feliciano, que era diretor da comissão até um tempo atrás, não nós individuos, já que as opiniões nesse assunto divergem.

Talvez seria mais interessante se você explicasse o seu ponto. Direitos humanos não são um assunto de esquerda ou direita, então acho sua posição bem polêmica.

Pra colocar bem simples, na grande maioria das vezes, os políticos defendem as pessoas que ferem os direitos humanos em vez do que os que sofrem. Muitas vezes um cara comete um crime e acontece alguma coisa com ele e a primeira pessoa que aparece é dos DH, enquanto a vítima que se foda. Se eu sofrer um arrastão e ser espancado no Rio, todo mundo vai cagar pra mim, agora, é só eu reagir contra um daqueles pivetes que vem o mundo inteiro proteger eles.


Bater é algo que torna o bandido ... bandido.

Se você se iguala a ele você ta na MELHOR DAS HIPÓTESES usando olho por olho e todo mundo sabe o quanto isso funciona.

E ... sério que você é a favor das propostas do bolsonaro pai ?
Isso é defender os DIREITOS humanos ?

Agora se vc falar que vc é homofobico eu vo te dar um wall of text pq eu sou 3/4 LGBT


Achei um lugar que faz um programa chamada "HomeStay." Como funciona, do que eu entendo, e' que o Americano vai pra o Brasil, e mora com uma familia Brasileira, ensinando ela Ingles por uns 15 horas minimo por semana. Acho que gostaria fazer isso pra meu . . . "internship"? Seria legal demais voltar pra Brasil afim de satisfazer essa parte final do meu curso de estudos internacionais.

Se eu for, gostaria ir pra Sorocaba, das cidades providenciadas para escolher. So que, to pensando que se escolhi Sorocaba ficaria mais caro do que outros lugares na lista.


Oh, não fez sentido algum.

Como não ?

Eu sou uma trans bisexual com preferencia para mulheres ! São 3 de 4 letras de LGBT. Só 2/4 se vc quiser ser chato =P
...e de esquerda .... e feminista .... e atéia.

Eu sou tipo o pior pesadelo de um conservador xD




Bater é algo que torna o bandido ... bandido.

Se você se iguala a ele você ta na MELHOR DAS HIPÓTESES usando olho por olho e todo mundo sabe o quanto isso funciona.

E ... sério que você é a favor das propostas do bolsonaro pai ?
Isso é defender os DIREITOS humanos ?

Agora se vc falar que vc é homofobico eu vo te dar um wall of text pq eu sou 3/4 LGBT

hahaha, castração de pobres? aonde tu leu isso? o projeto dele é de tirar o requerimento de ter 3 filhos antes de um homem poder fazer a vasectomia, como é atualmente, o que eu concordo totalmente, para ele fazer quando quiser.

e ele não é homofóbico,na verdade tem 2 homossexuais no comite de campanha dele, é só pesquisar um pouco fora dos meios esquerdistas de comunicação, ele é contra projetos de lei que dão o homossexual previlégios como cotas, etc. e o kit gay, ambos que eu também concordo.


Como não ?

Eu sou uma trans bisexual com preferencia para mulheres ! São 3 de 4 letras de LGBT. Só 2/4 se vc quiser ser chato =P
...e de esquerda .... e feminista .... e atéia.

Eu sou tipo o pior pesadelo de um conservador xD

Wow, achei que uma amiga minha era a única que também se encaixava nessas letras ao mesmo tempo.


hahaha, castração de pobres? aonde tu leu isso? o projeto dele é de tirar o requerimento de ter 3 filhos antes de um homem poder fazer a vasectomia, como é atualmente, o que eu concordo totalmente, para ele fazer quando quiser.

e ele não é homofóbico,na verdade tem 2 homossexuais no comite de campanha dele, é só pesquisar um pouco fora dos meios esquerdistas de comunicação, ele é contra projetos de lei que dão o homossexual previlégios como cotas, etc. e o kit gay, ambos que eu também concordo.

O "kit gay" era só uma cartilha contra o preconceito contra orientação sexual e identidade de genero ... mas os conservadores falaram "OMFG vai falar que gays EXISTEM para nossas crianças !!!" ¬¬

Pegar uma noticia que tenha ambos :


Bolsonaro sobre Gays said:
A imensa maioria vem por comportamento. É amizade, é consumo de drogas. Apenas uma minoria nasce com defeito de fábrica.

Bolsonaro sobre a cartilha contra homofobia said:
transformar crianças de seis anos em homossexuais. Ao ponto que daí facilita a pedofilia no Brasil.

Bolsonaro sobre suas PRIORIDADES said:
Eu pretendo ecoar, falar para o povo brasileiro do mais importante: a redução da idade penal e de uma política de planejamento familiar, de reduzir o número de filhos dos mais pobres. Porque os mais pobres têm bolsas [benefícios] que os estimulam a terem mais filhos.

Ele prefere fazer os pobres terem menos filhos que ajuda-los e fazer eles quererem votar no partido dele.

Tiu Neo

Estou com sono, então vou postar em whatever language I remember the words first.

The amount of FUD both sides are espalhando on this eleição é incrível. Puta que o pariu, tá ficando realmente irritante, dos dois lados.

Como não ?

Eu sou uma trans bisexual com preferencia para mulheres ! São 3 de 4 letras de LGBT. Só 2/4 se vc quiser ser chato =P
...e de esquerda .... e feminista .... e atéia.

Eu sou tipo o pior pesadelo de um conservador xD

Conheço gente aqui que teria ataques só de te ver XD
hahaha, castração de pobres? aonde tu leu isso? o projeto dele é de tirar o requerimento de ter 3 filhos antes de um homem poder fazer a vasectomia, como é atualmente, o que eu concordo totalmente, para ele fazer quando quiser.

e ele não é homofóbico,na verdade tem 2 homossexuais no comite de campanha dele, é só pesquisar um pouco fora dos meios esquerdistas de comunicação, ele é contra projetos de lei que dão o homossexual previlégios como cotas, etc. e o kit gay, ambos que eu também concordo.

Como todo santo projeto de lei que aquela família oferece, a proposta ou é redundante ou inútil.

Legislação atual:
Art. 10. Somente é permitida a esterilização voluntária nas seguintes situações: (Artigo vetado e mantido pelo Congresso Nacional - Mensagem nº 928, de 19.8.1997)

I - em homens e mulheres com capacidade civil plena e maiores de vinte e cinco anos de idade ou, pelo menos, com dois filhos vivos, desde que observado o prazo mínimo de sessenta dias entre a manifestação da vontade e o ato cirúrgico, período no qual será propiciado à pessoa interessada acesso a serviço de regulação da fecundidade, incluindo aconselhamento por equipe multidisciplinar, visando desencorajar a esterilização precoce;

II - risco à vida ou à saúde da mulher ou do futuro concepto, testemunhado em relatório escrito e assinado por dois médicos.

Outra tentativa legislativa adorável foi o programa escola sem partido:
Art. 1º. Fica criado, no âmbito do sistema de ensino do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, o Programa Escola Sem Partido, atendidos os seguintes princípios:
I - neutralidade política, ideológica e religiosa do Estado;
II - pluralismo de ideias no ambiente acadêmico;
III - liberdade de aprender, como projeção específica, no campo da educação, da liberdade de consciência;
IV - liberdade de crença;
V - reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade do educando como parte mais fraca na relação de aprendizado;
VI - educação e informação do estudante quanto aos direitos compreendidos em sua liberdade de consciência e de crença;
VII - direito dos pais a que seus filhos menores não recebam a educação moral que venha a conflitar com suas próprias convicções.

Art. 3º. No exercício de suas funções, o professor:
I - não abusará da inexperiência, da falta de conhecimento ou da imaturidade dos alunos, com o objetivo de cooptá-los para esta ou aquela corrente político-partidária, nem adotará livros didáticos que tenham esse objetivo;
II - não favorecerá nem prejudicará os alunos em razão de suas convicções políticas, ideológicas, religiosas, ou da falta delas;
III - não fará propaganda político-partidária em sala de aula nem incitará seus alunos a participar de manifestações, atos públicos e passeatas;
IV - ao tratar de questões políticas, sócio-culturais e econômicas, apresentará aos alunos, de forma justa – isto é, com a mesma profundidade e seriedade – as principais versões, teorias, opiniões e perspectivas concorrentes a respeito;
V - deverá abster-se de introduzir, em disciplina obrigatória, conteúdos que possam estar em conflito com as convicções religiosas ou morais dos estudantes ou de seus pais.

Porque fuckyou, i want my eco chamber.

As partes boas já estão no ECA desde 90, btw.
Capítulo II

Do Direito à Liberdade, ao Respeito e à Dignidade

Art. 15. A criança e o adolescente têm direito à liberdade, ao respeito e à dignidade como pessoas humanas em processo de desenvolvimento e como sujeitos de direitos civis, humanos e sociais garantidos na Constituição e nas leis.

Art. 16. O direito à liberdade compreende os seguintes aspectos:

I - ir, vir e estar nos logradouros públicos e espaços comunitários, ressalvadas as restrições legais;
II - opinião e expressão;
III - crença e culto religioso;
IV - brincar, praticar esportes e divertir-se;
V - participar da vida familiar e comunitária, sem discriminação;
VI - participar da vida política, na forma da lei;
VII - buscar refúgio, auxílio e orientação.

Art. 17. O direito ao respeito consiste na inviolabilidade da integridade física, psíquica e moral da criança e do adolescente, abrangendo a preservação da imagem, da identidade, da autonomia, dos valores, idéias e crenças, dos espaços e objetos pessoais.

Art. 18. É dever de todos velar pela dignidade da criança e do adolescente, pondo-os a salvo de qualquer tratamento desumano, violento, aterrorizante, vexatório ou constrangedor.

Não há nada de mais em Bolsonaro. Todo país tem sua extrema direita regressiva. França com Le Pen, Grécia com Aurora Dourada, assim por diante. No mais, basta lembrar que ele está no PP, partido da base aliada do PT e envolvido no esquema de corrupção da Petrobrás, e viu Severino Cavalcanti ser eleito presidente da Câmara como uma vitória.

Mas claro que com toda certeza ele é um anjinho que não sabia de nada. Por isso que ja anunciou que vai sair do partido. /trollface
nada de mais no sentido de nada de positivo, isso é bem verdade.

Nah. Bolsonaro e tradicionais políticos "linha dura" (que sempre existiram, por isso que ratinho, pinga fogo e similares estão aí até hoje) são uma fantástica ferramenta para determinar facilmente um grande grupo de idéias políticas (geralmente ineficazes a longo prazo) em uma classe eleitoral.

É o mesmo tipo de gente que usa camisa do Che, basicamente.

Quando tu conhece a pessoa, fica mais fácil de lidar com ela. Felizmente em ambos os casos, tende a ser só postura, e elas podem ser facilmente compradas, como o PP de fato é.

Sempre me fascinaram as opiniões dele a respeito de FHC, por sinal.
So how do you guys feel about the election so far? Who are you rooting for and why?

EDIT - Sorry I'm just curious about Brazilian politics. I read this article about Silva after seeing she got 20% of the vote.


See ?
That is the problem of talking in portuguese xD

Marina was one of the worst candidates with real chance of winning that we ever had.
She was full of contradictions, his enviromental ideas were insanely anti-enviromental and she changed her mind every week (some would say that she changed her views on LGBT because of a few TWEETs of a religious leader...) and her political debates were full of awesome speechs about NOTHING.
Basicaly she only had chance because of the comotion that her polticial friend (and main presidential candidate) died in a plane accident.

And for the cherry on top : She, the one that always mentioned the "protest youth" ... is now supporting the "right wing" candidate that said that they wanted that "protest youth" ARRESTED.

That "right wing" candidate is one of the most incompetent politicians in recent years, famous for VARIOUS scandals (from driving drunk to relationships with politicians that has helicopters full of cocaine) and the state that he governed is in garbage state, specialy education. AND his goverment projects are focused on rich people, yay !

So we are left with our president trying re-election ... which has lots of awesome projects for poor people (with ONU recently saying awesome things about how brazil pwned the hunger numbers) and projects against corruption.
...which is kinda hilarious because people say that they are the most corrupt goverment because they ARRESTED the corrupts ... while in previous goverments everyone KNEW it was full of corrupts and it always "ended in pizza" because everyone was free (we have politicians in the FBI aim =P)

Tiu Neo

See ?
That is the problem of talking in portuguese xD

Marina was one of the worst candidates with real chance of winning that we ever had.
She was full of contradictions, his enviromental ideas were insanely anti-enviromental and she changed her mind every week (some would say that she changed her views on LGBT because of a few TWEETs of a religious leader...) and her political debates were full of awesome speechs about NOTHING.
Basicaly she only had chance because of the comotion that her polticial friend (and main presidential candidate) died in a plane accident.

And for the cherry on top : She, the one that always mentioned the "protest youth" ... is now supporting the "right wing" candidate that said that they wanted that "protest youth" ARRESTED.

That "right wing" candidate is one of the most incompetent politicians in recent years, famous for VARIOUS scandals (from driving drunk to relationships with politicians that has helicopters full of cocaine) and the state that he governed is in garbage state, specialy education. AND his goverment projects are focused on rich people, yay !

So we are left with our president trying re-election ... which has lots of awesome projects for poor people (with ONU recently saying awesome things about how brazil pwned the hunger numbers) and projects against corruption.
...which is kinda hilarious because people say that they are the most corrupt goverment because they ARRESTED the corrupts ... while in previous goverments everyone KNEW it was full of corrupts and it always "ended in pizza" because everyone was free (we have politicians in the FBI aim =P)

That's kinda... one sided.

To tell the truth, neither the candidates are good. Both are horrible.

The current president fucked up with the economy. Her current campaing is more about generating fear, spreading false information and riding on her predecessor's success to try to get goodwill, than about presenting proposals. I think that speaks a lot about what kind of person she is. Even the arrests where probably more of a outlier than anything, since most of the corrupt people are still free, and even the president has shown signs she's against it.

I don't know how it is on other states, but here on Paraná, one of her ministers was holding on funds whatever she could, on propose. I don't doubt that's the case with Minas Gerais too.


That's kinda... one sided.

To tell the truth, neither the candidates are good. Both are horrible.

The current president fucked up with the economy. Her current campaing is more about generating fear, spreading false information and riding on her predecessor's success to try to get goodwill, than about presenting proposals. I think that speaks a lot about what kind of person she is. Even the arrests where probably more of a outlier than anything, since most of the corrupt people are still free, and even the president has shown signs she's against it.

I don't know how it is on other states, but here on Paraná, one of her ministers was holding on funds whatever she could, on propose. I don't doubt that's the case with Minas Gerais too.

We're fucked one way or another.


Aecio was Minas Gerais' governor. I don't want that shit again.

I don't really like Dilma myselft, but between both of them, voting for Dilma is a given for me.


Her current campaing is more about generating fear, spreading false information and riding on her predecessor's success to try to get goodwill, than about presenting proposals.

Of course it is one sided, he asked what WE think =P

Also .. wtf at generating fear and false information ????

And about the economy and "riding on her predecessor sucess" ... here is the inflation month to month :


Dilma's inflation is lower even than Lula's....and RIDICULOUSLY lower than FHC's =P

Edit : and Brazil is now the world's 6th economy while it was 14th in the FHC years...

Tiu Neo

Of course it is one sided, he asked what WE think =P

Also .. wtf at generating fear and false information ????

And about the economy and "riding on her predecessor sucess" ... here is the inflation month to month :


Dilma's inflation is lower even than Lula's....and RIDICULOUSLY lower than FHC's =P

Edit : and Brazil is now the world's 6th economy while it was 14th in the FHC years...

Yes, and FHC's inflation was even more ridiculosly lower than before that. Remember, before 1994? The country was still recovering, and then getting better on the FHC AND Lula years.

Also, isn't this IPCA value heavily manipulated by the government, just to keep the inflation values low? If I remember correctly, some prices like gas and energy are kept low on propose, so the price hike on other things doesn't have that big influence on the value. (Example? Food. Don't tell me the food prices hasn't increased waaaay above those values on the last years.)

And about spreading fear and misinformation? I don't know about the other states, but at least here on Paraná, Dilma's campaing is basically attacking Aécio, without proposing anything. Maybe because we're one of the most Pro-Aécio states, but...

Also, some PT militants were found acting like they voted for Aecio, trying to spread panic, saying Brazil was broke on the 90's, when in truth it was recovering from the 80's, where it really broke...

In the end, I think we're fucked, any way. Both are bad, neither are what this country needed. Aécio is the return from the FHC era, that, while it wasn't as bad as PT tries to paint, it isn't really the ideal. The impression I have of Dilma is that she's getting desperate. She isn't as popular as Lula, and most of the people feel ~something~ is wrong with the current situation, even if some of it isn't really her fault.

I was thinking about nulling my vote, but I may vote for Aécio, if only to make sure Gleisi Hoffman won't be a minister again.
...which is kinda hilarious because people say that they are the most corrupt goverment because they ARRESTED the corrupts ... while in previous goverments everyone KNEW it was full of corrupts and it always "ended in pizza" because everyone was free (we have politicians in the FBI aim =P)

Wouldn't say PSDB is the most corrupt government, i mean, hard to top Sarney and PMDB-Bros or Collor, but they did sell a shitload of infrastructure for peanuts, and Brasil being Brasil, yeaaaah.

But yeah, i've used that last example quite a lot. "Acabou em pizza" disappeared from the day to day news. Short term memory and all.

Still doesn't excuse PT from not kicking Genoino and the others out of the party once the conviction became final, tho. That was quite pathetic of them. At least Dilma never said that the trial was unfair or tried to shill for them after that.

On the macro level, can't really justify switching PT for PSDB. For PSB if Campos were still alive? Sure. Dude appeared to be the perfect mix between the good stuff PT does and the good stuff PSDB can in theory maybe do, and was about as clean as BR politicians get. Alas, ded.

And yeah, on economy we're still objectively better than in the 90's. Inflation is better, even if we're currently mildly over target. GDP over mandate is better. Employment is better. We also exploit the shit out of every single one of our neighbours hard, even if we have to pay lip service to their ideology every once in a while.

Also, isn't this IPCA value heavily manipulated by the government, just to keep the inflation values low? If I remember correctly, some prices like gas and energy are kept low on propose, so the price hike on other things doesn't have that big influence on the value. (Example? Food. Don't tell me the food prices hasn't increased waaaay above those values on the last years.)

And about spreading fear and misinformation? I don't know about the other states, but at least here on Paraná, Dilma's campaing is basically attacking Aécio, without proposing anything. Maybe because we're one of the most Pro-Aécio states, but...

Also, some PT militants were found acting like they voted for Aecio, trying to spread panic, saying Brazil was broke on the 90's, when in truth it was recovering from the 80's, where it really broke...

Not really. Every opposition always says that, but when they get in power they always fail to prove that the previous government was cooking the numbers. PT used to say the same crap about PSDB when they were in the opposition.
Anyway, FGV data on inflation paints the same picture.

As for FUD and misinformation, meh. PT has some asshats, but trying to paint the whole party like that is the same as trying to say that everybody that voted for Aecio is a racist that hates Nordestinos. Both sides are heavy on FUD, PT tries to say that the 90's weren't some golden era, and PSDB says that we'll become the next Cuba. Can't say which is less shit there.

Dilma should get mad props, however, for immediately embracing the public displays of discontent that happened in the previous years, whereas a lot of other politicians immediately wanted to shut them the fuck down. I lost a lot of respect for Alckmin for the shit he said during those days. Also nice of her that she never pulled a Lula and tried to sweep alegations of corruption under the rug.

Then again, her petrobras fuckup was absolutely pathetic, so ymmv

Tiu Neo

On the macro level, can't really justify switching PT for PSDB. For PSB if Campos were still alive? Sure. Dude appeared to be the perfect mix between the good stuff PT does and the good stuff PSDB can in theory maybe do, and was about as clean as BR politicians get. Alas, ded.

That was my reasoning for voting for him... until he died.

In the end, I don't think either candidate will completely destroy the country, as both side zealots try to convince everyone, but with either of them, the country won't grow what it could, for one reason or another.

Not really. Every opposition always says that, but when they get in power they always fail to prove that the previous government was cooking the numbers. PT used to say the same crap about PSDB when they were in the opposition.
Anyway, FGV data on inflation paints the same picture.

As for FUD and misinformation, meh. PT has some asshats, but trying to paint the whole party like that is the same as trying to say that everybody that voted for Aecio is a racist that hates Nordestinos. Both sides are heavy on FUD, PT tries to say that the 90's weren't some golden era, and PSDB says that we'll become the next Cuba. Can't say which is less shit there

Good to know. Thanks for the data!

And yeah, I know both sides has their crazies. The problem is that, at least here, Dilma seems to be adopting their tactics, while Aecio's campaing pretty much ignores those more conservative crazies. Maybe on other regions it's the other way, I don't know.

(Or maybe it's because I kinda work around a few of those crazies, and learnt how to ignore all the bullshit they say over the time :p )
That was my reasoning for voting for him... until he died.

In the end, I don't think either candidate will completely destroy the country, as both side zealots try to convince everyone, but with either of them, the country won't grow what it could, for one reason or another.

You're most likely correct. "Not optimal growth" is such...meh, tho.

My position against PSDB is for fear that they start selling infrastructure for peanuts again. Fucksake, that was a stupid move. No reason not to go for public-private partnerships instead.

Also i kinda wanna strangle a box of kittens every time i gotta pay a toll fee in Paraná. This is aggravated further every time i pay a toll fee in Santa Catarina or SP.

Like, seriously Lerner, what. the. fuck. did you do?

TBH if Aecio really pushes for a 5 year mandate and the end of reelections, that'd be enough to validate his election.

Tiu Neo

You're most likely correct. "Not optimal growth" is such...meh, tho.

My position against PSDB is for fear that they start selling infrastructure for peanuts again. Fucksake, that was a stupid move. No reason not to go for public-private partnerships instead.

Also i kinda wanna strangle a box of kittens every time i gotta pay a toll fee in Paraná. This is aggravated further every time i pay a toll fee in Santa Catarina or SP.

Like, seriously Lerner, what. the. fuck. did you do?

TBH if Aecio really pushes for a 5 year mandate and the end of reelections, that'd be enough to validate his election.

Eh, "not optimal growth" was not a good choice. What I really wanted to say was, both will have well known problems. Privatization made the wrong way may be one for PSDB.
Thanks for typing in English so I can understand! Really appreciate the gesture guys.

See ?
That is the problem of talking in portuguese xD

Marina was one of the worst candidates with real chance of winning that we ever had.
She was full of contradictions, his enviromental ideas were insanely anti-enviromental and she changed her mind every week (some would say that she changed her views on LGBT because of a few TWEETs of a religious leader...) and her political debates were full of awesome speechs about NOTHING.
Basicaly she only had chance because of the comotion that her polticial friend (and main presidential candidate) died in a plane accident.

And for the cherry on top : She, the one that always mentioned the "protest youth" ... is now supporting the "right wing" candidate that said that they wanted that "protest youth" ARRESTED.

That "right wing" candidate is one of the most incompetent politicians in recent years, famous for VARIOUS scandals (from driving drunk to relationships with politicians that has helicopters full of cocaine) and the state that he governed is in garbage state, specialy education. AND his goverment projects are focused on rich people, yay !

So we are left with our president trying re-election ... which has lots of awesome projects for poor people (with ONU recently saying awesome things about how brazil pwned the hunger numbers) and projects against corruption.
...which is kinda hilarious because people say that they are the most corrupt goverment because they ARRESTED the corrupts ... while in previous goverments everyone KNEW it was full of corrupts and it always "ended in pizza" because everyone was free (we have politicians in the FBI aim =P)
So it seems that the article was right.

I saw this image the other day and it impressed me that Brazil is so high.


It measures the chane in poverty from 2004 to 2011.
Thanks for typing in English so I can understand! Really appreciate the gesture guys.

So it seems that the article was right.

That article is so on point for the date it was published, it is quite surprising, given how bizantine our politics usually are to foreign observers.

Sabrina Fernandes is a PhD candidate in sociology at Carleton University, Canada. She is an activist in the Brazilian radical left.

That article is so on point for the date it was published, it is quite surprising, given how bizantine our politics usually are to foreign observers.

The magazine is pretty good but has some questionable entries. For example it is pretty pro-Chavismo.

It also did this recent article on Mexico which I'm not sure how accurate it is. Was going to ask in "Mexico GAF" thread but there isn't one.



Edit : and Brazil is now the world's 6th economy while it was 14th in the FHC years...

I think is 7th now?

I feel many Aecio supporters, mainly my facebook feed, are being contrarians, being contrary just for contrary's sake, but I'm not crazy about Dilma either.

I selfishly want Aecio to win merely because the dollar will likely go down, which is important for me :p.
Dollar will go down regardless of who wins. It going up near elections, fluctuating wildly and going down after is perfectly normal behaviour. Same thing in reverse for the stock market.

Happened even when lula won and the market was doomed. DOOMED I TELL YOU.


Hilarious ... but none of the ones he mentions got elected.

Maybe because talking about Bolsonaro would be a little ... depressing =P


A retórica da dilma é pessima. Como que pode? Ela nao consegue formar mais do que duas frases com coerencia, gagueja toda hora, tem uns delays gigantes, parece sempre a ponto de ter um aneurisma, nao sabe usar plural. Certeza que ela perde muitos votos por causa disso.


A retórica da dilma é pessima. Como que pode? Ela nao consegue formar mais do que duas frases com coerencia, gagueja toda hora, tem uns delays gigantes, parece sempre a ponto de ter um aneurisma, nao sabe usar plural. Certeza que ela perde muitos votos por causa disso.

Which is sad because Aécio is lying pretty much every single minute of his speech ...

"Brazil has lost it's credibility"

3 billion stolen from health

"Minas had the biggest investiment in health"

"Minas economy is stable"

"Minas has the best education of the country" <- this one is specialy hilarious because it was famously bad because of teachers protesting =P

And the debate is not even at half =P
A retórica da dilma é pessima. Como que pode? Ela nao consegue formar mais do que duas frases com coerencia, gagueja toda hora, tem uns delays gigantes, parece sempre a ponto de ter um aneurisma, nao sabe usar plural. Certeza que ela perde muitos votos por causa disso.

Hmhm. Faz parte. Ainda atribuo grande parte da perda dos votos da Marina à total falta de postura para falar impromptu.

Mas hey, olhando novamente pelo lado do "dos males, o menos pior", melhor um político que trave quando fala se tiver que pensar muito. Menos difícil de saber quando ele está mentindo.

Tiu Neo

Hmhm. Faz parte. Ainda atribuo grande parte da perda dos votos da Marina à total falta de postura para falar impromptu.

Mas hey, olhando novamente pelo lado do "dos males, o menos pior", melhor um político que trave quando fala se tiver que pensar muito. Menos difícil de saber quando ele está mentindo.

Heh, eu nunca tinha pensado por esse lado.


Lets talk about something REALLY IMPORTANT !

anyone with an USA Nintendo ID managed to buy stuff from the Nintendo.com site ? =P
Que droga, espero que não demore. Para comparação, o Hyrule Warriors já saiu no Brasil? Eu tenho um vale na Livraria Cultura e estava guardando para o Bayonetta 2.
Aqui em salvador chegou semana passada, sendo que sempre demora eras pra chegar esse tipo de coisa aqui :p
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