...which is kinda hilarious because people say that they are the most corrupt goverment because they ARRESTED the corrupts ... while in previous goverments everyone KNEW it was full of corrupts and it always "ended in pizza" because everyone was free (we have politicians in the FBI aim =P)
Wouldn't say PSDB is the most corrupt government, i mean, hard to top Sarney and PMDB-Bros or Collor, but they did sell a shitload of infrastructure for peanuts, and Brasil being Brasil, yeaaaah.
But yeah, i've used that last example quite a lot. "Acabou em pizza" disappeared from the day to day news. Short term memory and all.
Still doesn't excuse PT from not kicking Genoino and the others out of the party once the conviction became final, tho. That was quite pathetic of them. At least Dilma never said that the trial was unfair or tried to shill for them after that.
On the macro level, can't really justify switching PT for PSDB. For PSB if Campos were still alive? Sure. Dude appeared to be the perfect mix between the good stuff PT does and the good stuff PSDB can in theory maybe do, and was about as clean as BR politicians get. Alas, ded.
And yeah, on economy we're still objectively better than in the 90's. Inflation is better, even if we're currently mildly over target. GDP over mandate is better. Employment is better. We also exploit the shit out of every single one of our neighbours hard, even if we have to pay lip service to their ideology every once in a while.
Also, isn't this IPCA value heavily manipulated by the government, just to keep the inflation values low? If I remember correctly, some prices like gas and energy are kept low on propose, so the price hike on other things doesn't have that big influence on the value. (Example? Food. Don't tell me the food prices hasn't increased waaaay above those values on the last years.)
And about spreading fear and misinformation? I don't know about the other states, but at least here on Paraná, Dilma's campaing is basically attacking Aécio, without proposing anything. Maybe because we're one of the most Pro-Aécio states, but...
Also, some PT militants were found acting like they voted for Aecio, trying to spread panic, saying Brazil was broke on the 90's, when in truth it was recovering from the 80's, where it really broke...
Not really. Every opposition always says that, but when they get in power they always fail to prove that the previous government was cooking the numbers. PT used to say the same crap about PSDB when they were in the opposition.
FGV data on inflation paints the same picture.
As for FUD and misinformation, meh. PT has some asshats, but trying to paint the whole party like that is the same as trying to say that everybody that voted for Aecio is a racist that hates Nordestinos. Both sides are heavy on FUD, PT tries to say that the 90's weren't some golden era, and PSDB says that we'll become the next Cuba. Can't say which is less shit there.
should get mad props, however, for immediately embracing the public displays of discontent that happened in the previous years, whereas a lot of other politicians immediately wanted to shut them the fuck down. I lost a lot of respect for Alckmin for the shit he said during those days. Also nice of her that she never pulled a Lula and tried to sweep alegations of corruption under the rug.
Then again, her petrobras fuckup was absolutely pathetic, so ymmv