Ugh. You guys are so BORING endlessly bickering about wether or not Walt is a "good guy" or "bad guy".
How about that fucking finale? I mean holy shit, that scene with Tio ringing his bell over and over just before Gus realizes something is Great scene. And then it was kinda ruined by the "terminator gus" moment right after. I thought Tio's face turning from fear to rage/bravery was incredible and Gus screaming as he jumped up was an awesome and powerful shot with the hard-cut to the hallway outside. That was masterful. Then seeing Gus walk out, I immediately thought "Oh my god..he's not human! Did he put Tyrus between him and the explosion or something?" and then we get the "two-face" shot and it all feels kind of looney tunes. I wonder who's decision it was to have him walk out like that?
And was Saul at his very best this episode or what? I mean the tension at the moment he comes in to rescue Jesse was unrelenting. Saul was like a knight in shining armor because up until then, I couldn't imagine Jesse getting out of there. I thought maybe the whole episode would see him trapped in there. So when Saul comes in and starts talking his special brand of shit he sounds like a damn poet. Scenes like that are why people love that character.
Who was it here on GAF that looked up the plant last week? I'm impressed. I thought that was some over-the-top internet detective shit like usual, but whoever called it here had it right on the nose. Way to go, dude. I'm disappointed in Walt for that, but whatever.
I'm left wondering where the final season will take us. I'm thinking the investigation of the laundromat explosion will find the DEA/FBI/whoever spotting the cameras down there and wondering where the feed goes. Hank will say "told ya" and they will shut down Los Pollos and investigate it, finding Gus' laptop. Since we never really got any specifics about what was on there, I'd say they are free to write in whatever they want for that. Video of Jesse and Walt cooking? Maybe. Not sure.
Also, I think Mike is mostly done. Maybe he'll make another appearance, but I don't expect to see anything big from his character. There's just no reason for it. I don't think he'll give a shit about Gus dying either. He's a business partner, not Gus' friend.
Anyway, great finale. Can't wait for next season. I hope it doesn't end with Walt and Jesse both dying or rotting in prison.