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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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According to the Insider Podcast, they were originally planning for Hank to find something out about Walt at the end of this season. One of the staff writers was really pushing for it but Vince thought it would be too overwhelming to include on top of everything else. They may well "be saving it for season 5"!
Baiano19 said:
Damn, Gaf predicted nearly the entire episode...

I can't imagine how would be my reaction if I hadn't seen the pic and read even the plant discussion... The moment people posted the gun spinning gif and said that could be a non lethal toxic plant, the probability of Walt being the culprit was really high.

Anyway, Walter is way worse than Gus. Also his "I won" to Skyler may have destroyed whatever Walter White she could see in him, now only Heisenberg is left. And poor Jesse, since Jane's death he is being played like a toy... I can't wait to see him kill the "hero".
Don't really see how Walt is worse than Gus not that it matters. I mean Gus had those two children that were dealing for him gunned down and had no qualms with killing Walt's infant daughter.


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blahblah...blah said:
According to the Insider Podcast, they were originally planning for Hank to find something out about Walt at the end of this season. One of the staff writers was really pushing for it but Vince thought it would be too overwhelming to include on top of everything else. They're saving it for season 5!
Instead they realized that not everyone is amazing as some of us and really had to spell out for the audience that Walt poisoned Brock...because you know...the cool kids knew this 2 episodes ago by piecing together the clues and understanding the motives.

This leaves you with a nice "Walt is a son of a bitch" feeling instead of "Oh no, our hero Walt is in trouble!" kind of feeling.

They may as well have had the final shot of this season be Walt drinking the blood of a freshly slaughtered newborn.


Best Season Finale in the series, even better than S2.

Tio needs an Emmy. Gus' death was fantastic. I can't believe some here are actually complaining about it, if it had just been an explosion, it would have been anti-climactic. Gus coming out doing his iconic tie thing was the perfect way to end his story.

The Hermit

BamYouHaveAids said:
Don't really see how Walt is worse than Gus not that it matters. I mean Gus had those two children that were dealing for him gunned down and had no qualms with killing Walt's infant daughter.

Regarding Jesse, at least, Gus was trying to make he feel better, instead of constantly feeling shitty with himself like Walt does...
Orlandu84 said:
Completely agree with Grinchy and Farooq's edit of Gus's death scene. What happened in Gus's demise (suicide bombing) was brillant. How they had him walk out only to collapse in the hallway was less so.

Nonetheless, I loved this episode. They could end the series here, and I would be content.

I'm glad you guys aren't Vince Gilligan, holy moly.

This whole weird aspect of current culture is so weird to me.

"Hey man, totally loved your show and all the great entertainment you've given me. Now stand back and watch how a real artist handles such a huge moment in the show's history."

I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself. Doesn't make it any less weird.


Persona7 said:
Was the zoom on the los pollos hermanos meant to signify the bond between Walt and Jesse?

I was just thinking about it....



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BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm glad you guys aren't Vince Gilligan, holy moly.

This whole weird aspect of current culture is so weird to me.

"Hey man, totally loved your show and all the great entertainment you've given me. Now stand back and watch how a real artist handles such a huge moment in the show's history."

I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself. Doesn't make it any less weird.
It's kind of interesting, though.

I wonder if as recently as 10-20 years ago people had any of these kinds of thoughts. Feels like because of the internet and video editing tools, people are more readily sharing and creating content all over the place so you can get a lot more of these "arm-chair director" types.

...that, or people have been watching so much more TV/Movies these days that they are picking up on methods.

Either way it's interesting to me!
Ikuu said:
After all the shit Walt has done over the course of the show, people still like to stick up for him :lol
The main character of a work doesn't have to be a good guy for you to cheer for him or even to sympathize with him.

See: The Shield.

That being said, anyone who also thinks Walt is anything but a total heel now can only have missed the entirety of this season, because that's just ridiculous. He may still be the protagonist of the show, but he's not the babyface.
Well, I was clearly wrong about Walt not poisoning a child. It worked out better than I thought it would, but I still think it was a really corny and contrived way for Walt to get Jesse back on his side. But it didn't ruin the episode the way I thought it would.

In any case, Walt has no shred of humanity left.

It's weird not having a cliffhanger ending. I was definitely expecting one. The final season is totally up in the air at this point. This episode gave us absolutely no indication of what lies in store. We certainly know that Walt and Jesse won't be cooking on a mass scale anymore.

If I had to guess, the DEA will find a link to Heisenberg in Fring's records, and we'll see Walt and Jesse trying to thwart Hank's investigation. Hank will finally be the primary "villain" of the series.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm glad you guys aren't Vince Gilligan, holy moly.

This whole weird aspect of current culture is so weird to me.

"Hey man, totally loved your show and all the great entertainment you've given me. Now stand back and watch how a real artist handles such a huge moment in the show's history."

I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself. Doesn't make it any less weird.

Gus walking out with half his face blown off and adjusting his tie was a bit silly. I mean c'mon.

You already said that you enjoyed the scene with Gus walking towards the nursing home. I was merely suggesting extending that scene, using Esposito's superb movement to carry the rest of the scene, until his death.
jdmonmou said:
Walt became Gus.
Yep. His 'I won' comment tells me he isn't done with this world, not by a long shot (never mind that we have a full season remaining).

The death was kind of over the top, I would have rather he crawled out, but maybe that was too costly/difficult to do in CG?

Also rewatching this, is that Tio's leg chilling on the floor? No sign of Tyrus, so there's a chance!
Farooq said:
Gus walking out with half his face blown off and adjusting his tie was a bit silly. I mean c'mon.

You already said that you enjoyed the scene with Gus walking towards the nursing home. I was merely suggesting extending that scene using Esposito's superb movement to carry the rest of the scene until his death.

I liked the walk-out too, personally.
I'm mixed on that lost shot of Gus.

It was extremely cheesy, but I'm willing to forgive Gilligan since Walt's plan was executed so well. I'll let Gilligan have his cheesy moments as long as he avoids any more plane crash-type hijinks.

Puddles said:
He has tons of humanity left.
It's completely subjective, of course, but once you stick a child in the middle of your plans, you're subhuman. That's just my opinion.


Good god I'm sick of Amirox shitting up this thread with the same damn post every time. I almost don't want to read more of the thread because I get annoyed every time he posts.

Whoa, 8 pages since last night. Was on page 125, haha.
You kinda gotta see the big picture: who was the bigger bad guy? Walt or Gus?

Also, even if Gus walking out was unrealistic, that was the most fucked up, bizarre, and strangest thing I've ever seen on TV or the movies. Why? I think it's because for TV series, we're more engaged and develop a more personal relationship with all of the characters, good or bad. I was actually a bit sad when Tuco's uncle (?) had to die, along with Gus.

And when Gus sat up and screamed, it felt so out of character, and also sad.

BTW, what a twist with the ending.


BertramCooper said:
I'm mixed on that lost shot of Gus.

It was extremely cheesy, but I'm willing to forgive Gilligan since Walt's plan was executed so well.

Agreed. Rationally it was all kinds of stupid, but also so much fun that I didn't think it really mattered.
BertramCooper said:
It's completely subjective, of course, but once you stick a child in the middle of your plans, you're subhuman. That's just my opinion.
I don't even know why this is being debated. Just like Gus, Walt will clearly use people as tools, nothing more, when necessary to ensure his desired outcome. It doesn't mean I dislike the show, but Walt is not a good person.

Oh, and even if you poison someone and they don't die, you are still poisoning someone.
D4Danger said:
the Gus thing was fucking stupid.

It wasn't as bad as the plane crash but it's definitely up there.

How was it "fucking stupid"? Wasn't it clinically possible? I've read about people in shock doing all kinds of crazy shit.
Amir0x is right on this one. Walt realizes his consequential actions will lead to a person's harm, or death, and Walt believes it's right. He is pretty much amoral: Everything from sending the neighbor to his house to poisoning Brock.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I've learned to accept the Gus thing as a moment of total catharsis that this show earned. I said it before, but if he didn't adjust his tie, about 80% more people would be on board with it. Chalk it up to half his brain being on his shoulder and let the disdain for .4 seconds of film slip away.


Air said:
The only foreshadowing that Walt would have poisoned the kid was when he spun his gun the third time and revealed the plant. There wouldn't have been any other reason to show that pan reveal unless it was important. While I think Gus did it, that one cut alone is enough information to suggest, at least subconsciously to the viewer, that Walt may have did it. I saw that scenario as kind of a "Walt you don't have to die" moment.

I wouldn't be surprised if they revealed that he was responsible though.

Hah, I kind of called that it was Walt.

Anyway, I enjoyed the episode a lot. I didn't mind the terminator shot for Gus, because it showed what Gus' character was about, and I feel that is most important. I don't mean to jump on the morality train, but I can't see how anybody can cheer for Walt. Another poster said it best in that you can respect Walt for all of the crap he can pull himself out of, but you can't forget that he put himself there in the first place. There was another poster who listed all of the darker moral choices Walt made in this episode alone.

This season was very tense and I'm sure next season will be even more so.


The way I see next season is that Hank is confirmed by all his theories. Where Gus took it in the end. The lab obviously will be discovered now and also the car left at the hospital. I can see Hank being promoted to head of DEA which would also have him digging deeper if the "blue" stuff somehow started to flow again.

Next season might just be a big ole family fight leading up to a messy end.
As much as I wish it would, the poisoning bullshit isn't going away.

As soon as Brock comes to, it shouldn't take long for Jesse to realize that he didn't just pick some juicy berries off a plant and eat them.

And once Jesse pieces it all together (I'm thinking it will be by the mid-season break), he'll start working with the DEA to bring Walt down.
Amazing final. Chest pounding episode.

Too bad that final shot was spoiled by intense brainstorming over here. We kinda blew it away.

Anyway, for the glory:



maharg said:
Ok, so let's get this straight. In this episode (and JUST this episode) Walt:

- Had his nice, friendly, completely innocent neighbour walk into his house, which he suspected had people inside who wanted to kill him and might not wait to see who was opening the door before killing them.
- Brought a bomb into a hospital.
- Brought said bomb also into a nursing home, and then blew up a room in it, without regard for the other people in the nursing home.
- Poisoned a child with something that left him on the edge of death.
- Lied to his 'partner' and the only person on the planet who seems to still think he's anything but a cold calculating asshole and isn't related to him by blood. And not in a small way, either. In a "I just about killed the kid you're starting to feel like a father to, just to coerce you into killing someone who never actually did anything to you."

Can we consider the question of Walt's lack of conscience a closed book now? PLEASE? The guy will do *anything* to get his way, without regard for innocents in the way.

This is a joke post, right?

Was waiting for your post! This thread is FILLED with LaserBuddha's, it's fucking hilarious.

You're of course totally right.

Exclamation-One said:
But you know what? Sometimes it's fun to root for bad people.

Take you for instance. In spite of the bannings, you were one of my favorite mods.

I love to WATCH the bad person, it's good television. I don't root for him, however. I don't want him to succeed after all the horrific shit he's done. But it's one thing to root for him and it's another to have any delusion that the man is somehow sympathetic.

Also, I'm not sure how banning people as per the rules you agreed to on the TOS is somehow morally 'bad.' So you seem to have a bizarre litmus test for that sort of thing :p

Meier said:
Good god I'm sick of Amirox shitting up this thread with the same damn post every time. I almost don't want to read more of the thread because I get annoyed every time he posts.

Cry some more. I'm loving every moment of people trying to rationalize this monster's actions and I'll keep on loving it. Show some self-restraint and skip the posts you don't want to read or put me on ignore.


Remember the first time they brought Tio in, and Gomez said there's no way this OG will talk? What happened to that thinking? The cartel supposedly has threatened Hank, and now a known cartel associate suddenly wants to squeal to Hank in particular. C'mon, son.

And if Gomez knew that (even if he forgot it), then certainly Gus would know it too. No way Tio rats anyone out. Just faking him out. And even if he did, what does killing him accomplish? If he said anything, the damage is already done, and killing him just gives his words more credibility. After his spidey sense moment, you'd think he would be more cautious. (Also, they even made fun of that shit; but did they explain it at all? Still just seems very strange to me.)

What was Tyrus' beepybox supposed to find, anyway? Certainly not the weird mess of electronics hanging off Tio's chair in plain sight. If they're going to show Gus "taking precautions," then they have to explain why they didn't work. Walt outsmarted Gus by...? What? I don't get it. Somehow his precautions just failed.

Walt had an okay plan, but he didn't have all the information. I don't think Gus had the advantage he should have.

I wonder what the guys at Walt's house were supposed to do to him. They were looking for him at his house, but at the laundry, they were just not ready for him... They didn't even show him outmaneuvering the first guard, or whatever he did. If they had shown it, I don't think it would have looked very credible.
BertramCooper said:
As much as I wish it would, the poisoning bullshit isn't going away.

As soon as Brock comes to, it shouldn't take long for Jesse to realize that he didn't just pick some juicy berries off a plant and eat them.

And once Jesse pieces it all together (I'm thinking it will be by the mid-season break), he'll start working with the DEA to bring Walt down.
This is how I see it going down with the climax being Walt kills Jesse and ultimately heads to prison.
ZAK said:
Remember the first time they brought Tio in, and Gomez said there's no way this OG will talk? What happened to that thinking? The cartel supposedly has threatened Hank, and now a known cartel associate suddenly wants to squeal to Hank in particular. C'mon, son.

And if Gomez knew that (even if he forgot it), then certainly Gus would know it too. No way Tio rats anyone out. Just faking him out. And even if he did, what does killing him accomplish? If he said anything, the damage is already done, and killing him just gives his words more credibility. After his spidey sense moment, you'd think he would be more cautious. (Also, they even made fun of that shit; but did they explain it at all? Still just seems very strange to me.)

What was Tyrus' beepybox supposed to find, anyway? Certainly not the weird mess of electronics hanging off Tio's chair in plain sight. If they're going to show Gus "taking precautions," then they have to explain why they didn't work. Walt outsmarted Gus by...? What? I don't get it. Somehow his precautions just failed.

Walt had an okay plan, but he didn't have all the information. I don't think Gus had the advantage he should have.

I wonder what the guys at Walt's house were supposed to do to him. They were looking for him at his house, but at the laundry, they were just not ready for him... They didn't even show him outmaneuvering the first guard, or whatever he did. If they had shown it, I don't think it would have looked very credible.

Want planted the explosive after Tyrus checked. That's why he was hanging out outside the room during the inspection.


Unconfirmed Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
How was it "fucking stupid"? Wasn't it clinically possible? I've read about people in shock doing all kinds of crazy shit.

did anyone of those people just have half their head blown off by a bomb?

more than that I'd ask did the episode need that scene? It seemed to be playing for laughs but cheapens the event imo. Seeing Gus jump from his seat and scream as he realised he was beaten should've been his last moment. It was perfect.

The show has also had a humorous side and I think things like Hector at the DEA were the right way to do it. Him spelling out "suck my" was funny.

The Gus thing was just cheesy
blame space said:
you didn't question whether or not he was gonna squeal?

i thought he was going to.

Me too. I yawped when I figured out what he was doing/spelling and consequently what it meant about Waltie's plan.

Hector going out like a boss on his Last Day On Earth.
D4Danger said:
did anyone of those people just have half their head blown off by a bomb?

more than that I'd ask did the episode need that scene? It seemed to be playing for laughs but cheapens the event imo. Seeing Gus jump from his seat and scream as he realised he was beaten should've been his last moment. It was perfect.

The show has also had a humorous side and I think things like Hector as the DEA were the right way to do it. Him spelling out "suck my" was funny.

The Gus thing was just cheesy

For laughs?? I didn't get that at ALL. For almost 20 episodes, Breaking Bad has depicted Gustavo Montgomery Fring as a superhuman badass. Staring down sniper fire, telling Walt to bug his car in his own fast food restaurant, installing un hospital mexicano to survive poisoning, outsmarting a car bomb, AND CETERA.

In Gus' final moment, Gilligan shows us another indelible image. Somehow the incredible Gustavo Fring has fucking SURVIVED A BOMB. But then, the camera pans around.

Dude is just another man. Peace in the middle east, bro. See you on the flip flop. Because you're dead.


_dementia said:
Want planted the explosive after Tyrus checked. That's why he was hanging out outside the room during the inspection.
Well, how'd he know to wait for that? How'd he know there wouldn't be a second check after that? And the bomb was still not actually hidden at all.

Still, even considering all that, it's still more plausible than the scenario I thought had happened. So ok..
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