just got done watching season 1 to 4 in 4 days!! wow... this show is amazing..
any other show i should watch next???
Oz helped tide me over after the BB finale. I stopped at the 5th season though cause it really starts to fall off.
just got done watching season 1 to 4 in 4 days!! wow... this show is amazing..
any other show i should watch next???
Pretty sure Heisenberg is all that's left. Walter White died in the crawl space under his house.
I was serious. That was the whole point of that end sequence.
It was a "that's poignant" laugh; didn't mean to imply you were joking.
my fav moment was when jessie was eating those fries. they looked so good.
On season 2, I need somewhere to post (vent/bitch/laugh/cry/complain) while I watch without too much spoilery talk.
On season 2, I need somewhere to post (vent/bitch/laugh/cry/complain) while I watch without too much spoilery talk.
I understood that was what they were going for when I watched that episode, but somehow I completely missed that the very next episode the first scene is playing the song 'We are born when we die'.Pretty sure Heisenberg is all that's left. Walter White died in the crawl space under his house.
The Shield. Pretty much the next best thing for me.
Dexter S1-2 are great as well. Just pretend he gets caught or dies afterwards.
The Wire is supposedly the best drama series out there, I haven't watched it yet.
i wonder where they'll go with skyler when hank finds about walter and how she's been helping him.
I understood that was what they were going for when I watched that episode, but somehow I completely missed that the very next episode the first scene is playing the song 'We are born when we die'.
Nice touch
I think they start filming S5 in the next couple weeks btw
I think they start filming S5 in the next couple weeks btw
i wonder where they'll go with skyler when hank finds about walter and how she's been helping him.
I swear... if I get spoiled on anything.
*shakes fist*
'when Hank finds about Walter'?
I believe 'if' is more appropriate.
100% has to happen before the season ends. 100%. I guess the most obvious point is the end of the 8th episode (if they do indeed split it into two), but then Breaking Bad is less predictable and formulaic than that, so who knows?
I don't think they've confirmed the final schedule yet - at least I can't find firm confirmation anywhere. Most of the speculation is that it will be split, mostly because AMC wants it on air as long as possible. IIRC, Gilligan was pushing for a shorter final season (13 eps?) and they settled on 16 total during the negotiations. Someone else (dave is ok?) might have more up to date info, but that's about all I know at this point. Here's the Deadline article from last August and here's another one from EW.comy the way, have AMC confirmed that it'll be two eight-episode seasons? If so, I take it they're still filming all 16 in one go and waiting to show them? That's killer, to know that they're in the can and just waiting to be released. AMC really are an incompetent bunch of fuckwits.
100% has to happen before the season ends. 100%. I guess the most obvious point is the end of the 8th episode (if they do indeed split it into two), but then Breaking Bad is less predictable and formulaic than that, so who knows?
I really can't understand people who think Hank not finding out about Walt by the end of the series is something that could happen. What the hell else is going to happen? Any other path just turns the show into a sitcom.
Hank could die before finding out.
At the hands of Walter of course.
I really can't understand people who think Hank not finding out about Walt by the end of the series is something that could happen. What the hell else is going to happen? Any other path just turns the show into a sitcom.
Junior is going to accidentally eat the plant in the back yard when his mom refuses to make p-pancakes, and Walt's going to think it was Jesse trying to get back at him for Brock. Then Walt will arrange for them to meet and go hang gliding together, so he can make Jesse's death look like an accident. When they land, Walt will feed Jesse the poison berries and no one will know because they were just 2 guys hang gliding together who landed in a field.
Season 3
So Skylar fucked Ted to get back at her husband for wanting to take care of his family, not sure if it will happen but I hope there is fire in her future.
The matrix twins in season 3 intro are killing me
That moment was the peak of my Skylar sympathizing. Unfortunate to see you're on the wrong side of that.
Those two were the real psychotic deal.Terminator twins.
just got done watching season 1 to 4 in 4 days!! wow... this show is amazing..
any other show i should watch next???
Did we ever find out who person calling Hank was? At first I thought it was Gus doing it to get rid psychotic brothers, but the second call pretty much confirmed to me it was someone else. My gut is saying that it's Steve Gomez, but I'm not sure if I missed something.
Didn't Gus confirms it was him later when Walt pays him a visit to thank him about that, and that he understands and like the strategy?
Did we ever find out who person calling Hank was? At first I thought it was Gus doing it to get rid psychotic brothers, but the second call pretty much confirmed to me it was someone else. My gut is saying that it's Steve Gomez, but I'm not sure if I missed something.