When does season 4 come out on DVD/Blu-ray?
I'm thinking March. I've just got a feeling.
When does season 4 come out on DVD/Blu-ray?
The GQ cover makes me wonder... will Walt ever return with hair? It's like a different man. Also, I wonder if they'll have any 'prequel' episodes involving Gus, or if the actor (forget the name) is done.
Please don't know something I don't. Wouldn't the premiere be in July or so?Best guess is a couple weeks before S5 premieres. Maybe late Summer 2012?
Has there been any official word on when they'd likely start the first half of S5? I honestly can't remember. July sounds about right, but I don't have a source on that.Please don't know something I don't. Wouldn't the premiere be in July or so?
Has there been any official word on when they'd likely start the first half of S5? I honestly can't remember. July sounds about right, but I don't have a source on that.
I'm just guessing, since they seem to be following last years schedule of writer's room in November, start filming in January or February. But since it's only an 8 episode season they could push it back by a month. I'd say July or August
I'm just guessing, since they seem to be following last years schedule of writer's room in November, start filming in January or February. But since it's only an 8 episode season they could push it back by a month. I'd say July or August
It's going to be 16 episodes for S5 split into two 8 episode chunks.Has the 8 episode season been confirmed?
It's going to be 16 episodes for S5 split into two 8 episode chunks.
Do we know if they are going to consider all 16 episodes 1 season and split it into two segments with one airing in the Summer/Fall and then the other in the Spring similar to how Walking Dead is doing Season 2?
Or will be it 8 Episodes Summer 2012 for S5 and then 8 Episodes Summer 2013 for S6?
What's the story with spoilers here?
get out of this topic asap
I don't know why people keep doing this
They probably don't mind getting spoiled.
I know someone who reads plot summaries of TV shows and films before she decides whether or not to watch them :/
Not officially, but I bet "season 6" (the final half) airs in summer 2013.I don't think that anybody knows yet.
get out of this topic asap
I don't know why people keep doing this
Hi, I'm Season One.
Two things:
1. Meth kid to his little bro after crushing his jib: "It was skunk weed anyway." - Where I come from, skunk weed is good. Made me say "who the fuck is writing this?" out loud.
2. "I've got the talking-pillow now!"
Skunk weed is considered good nowadays?
Yeah, when I was in high school 10 years ago or so, skunk meant bad.
Skunk weed does mean bad weed.
I think some pothead probably named their particular strain/product "Skunk Weed".
Hipster pothead: calls his good weed "skunk weed" so no one else uses it
Goddam hipsters...and their cool sweaters, glasses, and multi-colored spray bottles.
Holy shit I love this show. WHY U SO GOOD!?
Sadly I've finished it. Is there a good alternative? I've heard the Wire is amazing, but is it as exciting?
And this show deserves the bump.
Holy shit I love this show. WHY U SO GOOD!?
Sadly I've finished it. Is there a good alternative? I've heard the Wire is amazing, but is it as exciting?
And this show deserves the bump.
Just watched the first episode of The Wire today. Bored me to death, but I'll keep watching a few more to see if the hype's worth it. It's not the "where are teh explosions" type of knee-jerk simpleton reaction, but I didn't feel immediately gripped like I was with Mad Men and Breaking Bad, plus everything was just really disconnected and lacked flow. Oh, and way too many characters to remember at once without proper introductions.Holy shit I love this show. WHY U SO GOOD!?
Sadly I've finished it. Is there a good alternative? I've heard the Wire is amazing, but is it as exciting?
And this show deserves the bump.
Just watched the first episode of The Wire today. Bored me to death, but I'll keep watching a few more to see if the hype's worth it. It's not the "where are teh explosions" type of knee-jerk simpleton reaction, but I didn't feel immediately gripped like I was with Mad Men and Breaking Bad, plus everything was just really disconnected and lacked flow. Oh, and way too many characters to remember at once without proper introductions.
I understand that it's meant to be realistic, but it's freaking TV - there HAS to be some form of heightened realism at least. Please don't let me down, GAF haven't so far.
You should watch Mad Men, Justified and Luther. I haven't seen The Wire but it has Idris Elba so it must be amazing.
The Wire is indeed amazing. It's much more grounded, realistic, and it focuses more on a variety of different characters as opposed to a single main character like BB does.
It's definitely the best show of the last decade, I'll say that much. Give it a watch.
I'll definitely give the wire a shot (it not being on Netflix is upsetting however). But honestly it was hard for me to get into Madmen, even though I appreciate the quality. I'll give it a watch soon! Thanks for the responses.
I felt the same way when I first started watching it. It wasn't until episode 10 that the show really started to feel like something special. Now it's definitely one of my favorites. The character buildup really pays off.Just watched the first episode of The Wire today. Bored me to death, but I'll keep watching a few more to see if the hype's worth it...
The sopranos is more similar but the wire is also a good show. The wire is mainly about the business and political system behind crime and law enforcement. The sopranos is about the chemistry between the criminals and how they justify their jobs to their community and their families. The sopranos also goes pretty deeply into the psychological state that criminals have.Holy shit I love this show. WHY U SO GOOD!?
Sadly I've finished it. Is there a good alternative? I've heard the Wire is amazing, but is it as exciting?
And this show deserves the bump.