Will be back tomorrow morning to discuss the face melting awesomeness of season 4.
Until then.
I wonder if either Jesse or Walt will grow their hair back. I'm not a huge fan of Breaking Bald.
July. I would bet in the middle. TDKR and BB in one month. Fuck.When does Season 5 start broheims?
July. I would bet in the middle. TDKR and BB in one month. Fuck.
Rewatching it with my GF. She's addicted. Show is so great. Season 1 is nothing compared to the rest though.
Man I envy you. I remember coming in here talking about S01 when S04 was still going on, everyone was like "RUN GTFO" and I came back when I finished it all. I plan on re-watching soon.Bought.
Will be back tomorrow morning to discuss the face melting awesomeness of season 4.
Until then.
Will be back tomorrow morning to discuss the face melting awesomeness of season 4.
Until then.
Will be back tomorrow morning to discuss the face melting awesomeness of season 4.
Until then.
If you want to watch Season 4 and not have it spoiled, go right now, buy it off Amazon Instant Video, and enjoy.
Season 2 has this gem. Skip to 4:25
Will be back tomorrow morning to discuss the face melting awesomeness of season 4.
Until then.
definitely one of my favorite. I think that's the angriest we've ever seen walt.Season 2 has this gem. Skip to 4:25
It's cut out here unfortunately. One of the most powerfully delivered lines imo.
Those are damn awesome, I'd love the bottom one on a shirt..maybe?
Cheers dude
Thanks man, i'll try and hook you up. White or black?
![]() FUCKING SHIT! I just marathoned season 4 in 4 days and WHAT THE FUCK!!
The entire last half of the season was episode after episode of "this is the best episode of television I've ever seen," topped off with that fucking finale, which I think is the best episode of television I've seen. I'm still in WTF mode. WHAT THE FUCK!? How can a show be this good!?
And that final shot of the season confirming my suspicions thatWalt did poison the kid. Holy hell.
The music in the finale was phenomenal as well. They don't use music much in this series, which really adds to the impact when they do. Also, I'm wondering what they're going to do with the next season? To be honest, that episode felt like it could have been a series finale and it would have been a great note to exit the show on. I realize there's still tons of shit up in the air after all that just happened, but now that Gus is gone, I'm wondering who could replace him as the antagonist (other than Walt?). It just seems to me that "I won," would be the perfect line to end the show on.
That scene was crazy. Not gonna lie though, that expression on Skyler's face as she gets up made me lol a bit.
The show is good enough that there are multiple episodes that would make amazing series finales. Besides the season 4 finale, I also thought "Crawl Space" was good enough to be a season or series finale.
Walt is definitely his biggest enemy at this point, so that alone would be enough to fill up season 5. Beyond that though, there are also whatever higher ups may exist in the Cartel (or Gus' organization possibly) and I would bet anything that Hank discovers Walt for what he is in the next 8 episodes. Plus there is more than enough below the surface with Jesse and Walt (Jane, poisoning Brock) that they could easily spend an entire season on that.
On the topic of Breaking Bad music, the song that plays when they're burning down the super lab is amazing in general, but even more so when you find out it was written/played by two teenage brothers:
the music on this show is amazingOn the topic of Breaking Bad music, the song that plays when they're burning down the super lab is amazing in general, but even more so when you find out it was written/played by two teenage brothers:
Also, what happened to Ted? Is he dead? Paralyzed? I literally laughed out loud when he tripped on that rug and hit his head lol.
Cheers dude
Thanks man, i'll try and hook you up. White or black?
The look of terror that Walt gave when he saw Hank watching that was priceless.
Yes, do that.
Also, I'm hoping they show the season 5 premiere at the Alamo Drafthouse like they did last year. I might be in Austin during mid-late July, and I'd definitely swing by to watch.
Oh, man. Enjoy.
I envy this man.
Man I envy you. I remember coming in here talking about S01 when S04 was still going on, everyone was like "RUN GTFO" and I came back when I finished it all. I plan on re-watching soon.
holy shit, haha. you are one badass motherfucker.
boy did i choose the right words.LOL! You have no idea.
Yes, did you watch the last scene?
So, am I the only one who remembers when Hank removed the duct tapes from the RV's door and it created light spots from the bullet holes unto Walter's chest? Hmmmmm.
I remember that...
but what's your point?
That it could potentially be foreshadowing to Hank killing Walt.
That it could potentially be foreshadowing to Hank killing Walt.
That it could potentially be foreshadowing to Hank killing Walt.
How would Walt dying midseason benefit the show? The whole damn show is about Walt and his transformation.