The Int3rsect said:Best episode of the season, imo. GOT DAMN!
Action Afficianado Alert
The Int3rsect said:Best episode of the season, imo. GOT DAMN!
mickcenary said:After that last episode, I kinda just really want Hank to nail Walt/everything. The fucker deserves it.
PhoenixDark said:Great episode, with another great Hank ending. I can't help but think he's going to die soon though.
markot said:They do have a father son relationship, but its one of those father son relationships that ends in one of them dying imo >.<
Its hard to say Walt has been a positive influence on Jesse's life, all it takes is a reveal of what he did, or failed to do, when his girlfriend was choking and Jesse could easily snap. Not to mention that since he became involved with Walt he has had to dissolve 2 people in acid, had one of his best friends killed due to walts 'miscalculation' and made to shoot an innocent man.
Zeliard said:And Walt now wants him to kill someone else. Walt is clearly deeply immoral but I wouldn't think even he could stoop so low as to murder Jesse or Hank. I think that crosses the line even for Walt. Though his self-preservation and pride are so enormous that it's still a remote possibility.
I think he'll feel conflicted, having his brother in law pay for his treatment with drug money.mickcenary said:After that last episode, I kinda just really want Hank to nail Walt/everything. The fucker deserves it.
brianjones said:we know bean speak when we hear it
lazybones18 said:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Is this true?
lazybones18 said:
Puddles said:That someone else is Gus, a mass murderer and bona-fide kingpin who already tried to have them both murdered.
lazybones18 said:
Speevy said:Final episode of the season, the chief as Cromwell and Hank as Spacey.
Fry8 said:
Can't tell if you're being serious or not.SpeedingUptoStop said:if Walt Jr. does not figure prominently in the 5th/6th season as a major player, I may just lose all confidence in this show and stop watching.
Obnoxious Troll Alert.Copernicus said:Action Afficianado Alert
I agree, it really feels natural. Because many people in such a situation would try to think it through in any possible way and Walt is definitely someone like that.Thoraxes said:And he always starts those sentences with "Do you expect me to believe..." "Do you really think..." "Why do you think..."
It's really consistent too! For some reason it all feels so natural though, because in his situation, yeah, he'd probably be asking a lot of those questions.
LM4sure said:Maybe I missed it in a previous episode, but what does the drug cartel want from Gus?
Discotheque said:They haven't told the audience yet. But I'm assuming it's either a cut of Gus' profits or Heisenberg for their own use.
edit: most likely the former, no way Gus can keep doing this shit without paying a higher power.
Discotheque said:They haven't told the audience yet. But I'm assuming it's either a cut of Gus' profits or Heisenberg for their own use.
edit: most likely the former, no way Gus can keep doing this shit without paying a higher power.
cerebral palsymarkot said:It may have been mentioned in the show, but I forgot I guess, but what does Walt Jr actually have?
Hrm? Jesse is a tragic figure. Keeping him alive would be torture for him at this point. He really should die.xbhaskarx said:Are you on blue meth? There is 0.00% chance Jesse dies before the season 5 finale, if at all (I don't think he will die). said:It may have been mentioned in the show, but I forgot I guess, but what does Walt Jr actually have?
Zeliard said:Yeah I think it's just that they want a piece of the action, either way. Gus has become too big - due to Walt's blue meth - and the cartel clearly views this as a problem.
I am remember seeing the actor actually has it tol.Rez said:
Foliorum Viridum said:I don't think they have the balls to kill off Jesse or any other main character yet, which is a shame.