Black Mamba
Sorry, but that's bullshit. It isn't a strawman, people are getting called misogynists left and right because they might not like a character on a TV show. I said I didn't like her and immediately got lumped in with this group you guys have apparently been having this conversation with for the last six months. It's fucking ridiculous. And Mamba, lets be real, what's happened in this thread is the same thing that happens in PoliGaf when a conservative comes in. People label that person an idiot automatically without even considering their viewpoints.
Maybe one person or so did it, but I didn't notice. Most of us have given explicit reasons for the mysoginist claim. Numerous times I've explained what is a valid reason for disliking Skyler (she's boring, she's the one Walt can't overcome) but I'm sorry that some of us have called out what are clearly mysoginist arguments.
Calling Walt more reasonable that Skyler is objectively misogynist. The amount of hoop jumping to get to that conclusin is absurd (this isn't directed at you, I haven't seen you claim this).
Regarding poli-gaf, there's been decent discussion when someone comes in not trying to drive-by. As mentioned over there, the one real problem is that a conservative ends up getting replied to by 500 people. It's like the last woman on earth suddenly appearing in a bar.
I think it says something about the show, the writing of that character, and her acting ability that there isn't a lot more people who are in her corner rather than Walt's. There's almost a lack of empathy when it comes to that character that, it seems, most people here are labeling as misogynistic. Rather, I think a lot of people do not have empathy for her because of her actions. I think a lot of this was born from the fact that in the beginning of the show, we see Walt trying to find an alternate route in the broken medical system to get help and make sure his family is going to be okay. He was basically trying to figure out a way to not leave his family in financial ruin to pay for his treatment. While I don't sympathize with Walt as he is now, I certainly did when he was sick in the first season, as I've been in a similar situation and had some really crushing thoughts on what would be left for my family after I was gone. I'm still saddled with over 200k in medical bills currently that I'll never be able to pay off.
but Skyler already set that up. She solved that entire problem. Walt cooking has nothing to do with avoiding medical bills and never will be.
Gilligan has hammered this point through and through during the show. sorry to hear about your debt, btw.
The show could have, especially in the 4th and 5th season, given Skylar a turn like Jesse. Jesse is the moral center of the show and he's a junky, he's killed people and he's done horrible shit too. People empathize with what Walt has done to him but not so with Skylar, and I think that's due to the writing and the acting ability of the respective people playing their parts.
I think the show's flaw regarding Skyler is they didn't show the emotional toll on her enough until the last half-season and we saw stuff too much from Walt's perspective.
And I said this earlier, I think most people side with Walt because he is a badass who does cool shit and they are rooting for him and Skyler is the one who consistently stands in his way. I don't think most of the hate is mysoginist, but I do think it exists when people make absurd declarations about Skyler's character.
Skyler is about the most average middle-aged woman you'd find.