By this time next year, both Mad Men and Breaking Bad will be gone.
So depressing.
So depressing.
By this time next year, both Mad Men and Breaking Bad will be gone.
So depressing.
My problem with the Skyler hate is less about misogyny and more about people not having one convincing reason why they hate her. "She's poorly written!" What.
You can tell who is a misogynist when they explain WHY they hate Skyler. It's pretty easy.
After re watching season 5.
One thought, if you still "root" for walter you're insane.
He was willing to get Jesse run over by a train for a extra few gallons of methylamine. That's fucked up. Then he says "we almost died trying to get the methylamine" when Jesse wanted out.
Dude killed Mike cause he called him out on his bullshit. Then goes "oops" when he realized he didn't have to go full retard as he could have gotten his list from Lydia.
Put a hit out on the lawyer in jail just to tidy things up.
Played Marie like a fiddle first chance he got.
While Jesse was torn up over the dead kid, Walt's just whistling along inside the cooking room in the house.
But no, he's grandpa glaucoma glasses and pork pie hat...he's not so bad.
Because that's exactly what I said. C'mon, son. You should go back and read what I said again instead of lumping me into a group you've obviously had this argument with in the past. Or is it just one of those things where you saw what I wrote and you immediately are writing off anything I may have to say because it's easier to label me or anyone else a misogynist rather than actually understand that people may have different reasons for disliking Skylar that don't jibe with what you feel like. That doesn't make them wrong, and it certainly doesn't mean that it's okay to label everyone who doesn't feel the way you do a misogynist. It's stupidly offensive.Didn't say that, just said your argument was, well, bullshit. You can't counter "many skyler haters are misogynists" with "WELL, my WIFE hates Skyler! So. Case closed!" it's a shit argument that demonstrates you don't actually understand what's being discussed
And again, no one has argued hating skyler is mysoginist or that you can't dislike her. This is a straw man. People have only pointed out the mysoginist reasons given by some people for disliking her. Others have had valid reasons.
Or "Anna Gunn is a poor actress." She's got the third biggest acting load on the show, behind Walt and Jesse, and she's great.
Yeah, I was talking here about the irrational hate and not blaming it on mysogyny, but on her role in the story-- but the replies make it pretty clear that it *is* mysogyny is some cases.
lol.triple post, sorry.
I'm not sure that most people rooting for Walt do so because they think he's 'good'. I know at least that I'm rooting for him because I just want to see the bad guy win. He's a terrible person but it's so great to watch.
S1-2 Skyler was annoying because Walt was still on the cusp of reasonability for doing what he was doing and she was just another wrench in the gears.
S3 Skyler's tactic of trying to make Walt hate her is such a bullshit move. There's a reason why Walt Jr blames her for the separation. She comes off as completely unreasonable to everyone except the audience. Walt still wasn't comic book evil yet so she comes off worse than Walt.
S4-5 Skyler becomes complicit and holier than thou in order to spare Walt Jr from realizing that his dad is in the drug trade. By doing so she subjects both her children to the possibility that blowback will reach them under the assumption walt will die soon from his cancer.
So yea, apparently it makes me a misogynist to realize that all these characters suck as people outside of hank and marie and even they have their faults.
In the most basic of terms I root Walt the same way I root for Michael Corleone, Stringer Bell, Daniel Plainview, Ben Linus, Ric Flair etc..Why even as a child I wanted Magneto to crush the X-Men. Morality, peace, order..... these things are boring. Do-gooders are typically paper thin empty characters, with very little if anything interesting about them. Villains, anti-heroes, good people who find themselves committing horrible acts almost always yield more fascinating stories and character studies.
And to simply dismiss Walter White as evil is to ignore the layers of nuance and complexity oozing from pore of the character.
Walt left the moral grey area a long time ago
I've said this before, but anyone who is trying to classify the characters of Breaking Bad into black and white is missing the entire point. They're all grey. They've all done good and bad things. You can say well this person did this bad thing for X or for Y, but it doesn't matter.
In the case of Walt, you start with a guy who has been dealt a shit hand. He's essentially a scientific genius who opted to teach after his fallout with Gray Matter, and found himself making barely enough to pay the bills and with under appreciative students. Clearly he was meant for bigger things, but kept on trucking, happy to teach and live with his family.
His diagnosis was a realization that he essentially had nothing. He'd worked his whole life for nothing. His initial reason for getting into the meth business was to make money to leave his family after his inevitable death. Once getting in, obviously things became more and more complicated and he began to be consumed by pride. Pride in the fact that he'd finally found something that he was successful at. This pushed him to do some of the horrible things that he has done. But every once in a while, you still see fumbling old Walt. He's still the same guy. Season 5 is the result of Walt losing everything that is dear to him. He truly has nothing left to live for. Old Walt isn't needed or wanted anymore. Skylar rejects him and his kids are sort of taken away from him. His "work" is the only thing he has left and he goes all in.
I don't think he's a character you should really be sympathizing with all that much, but anyone with three shreds of understanding for the human psyche and emotions should be able to see how Walt got to where he is. Has he done some terrible things that are essentially unforgivable? Yes. But I also don't think we're dealing with a character who's "pure evil" here.
Skylar got involved with good intentions too once she found out. But as we see with Ted's current physical state, good intentions don't make up for it. Bad things still happen. Walt and family would be out of the game and safe somewhere if she didn't use the money to pay off the IRS. Are these things that she's done as bad as things Walt, or even Jesse has done? Nope. But no matter how good the intentions you start with, when you mess with this stuff, it yields bad results.
The characters are GRAY GOD DAMN IT. Not black and white. The end.
After re watching season 5.
One thought, if you still "root" for walter you're insane.
He was willing to get Jesse run over by a train for a extra few gallons of methylamine. That's fucked up. Then he says "we almost died trying to get the methylamine" when Jesse wanted out.
Dude killed Mike cause he called him out on his bullshit. Then goes "oops" when he realized he didn't have to go full retard as he could have gotten his list from Lydia.
Put a hit out on the lawyer in jail just to tidy things up.
Played Marie like a fiddle first chance he got.
While Jesse was torn up over the dead kid, Walt's just whistling along inside the cooking room in the house.
But no, he's grandpa glaucoma glasses and pork pie hat...he's not so bad.
I think it's silly to surprised when someone reads that and forms a conclusion about your personal moral thought process.
I'm reading The Passage books right now and they're gripping and completely moving works that deal directly with characters of moral clarity working against seemingly insurmountable evil and yet it has somehow managed to be the exact opposite of boring.
I can think of zillions of other "do-gooder" characters in literature and film that are phenomenal and complex. Mario Incandenza, Don Gately, etc, just talking about one single work.
You can have grey areas (like Don) and still be complex and still choose to do the right thing.
Walt is a fascinating character and still a hefty bag with legs filled with runny shit.
The writers must do it though, when trying to provoke a reaction.We did this last season BB, and it's still just as silly to believe one must apply the same moral standards to fiction that they apply to reality and react as such.
I love a bad ending, I want to see everything turn to total hell
The writers must do it though, when trying to provoke a reaction.
Fuck that. I hope Walt poisons some more kids and Jaime Lannister pushes more kids out of windows. I don't always have to apply my real world sense of morality to a TV show. I enjoy rooting for heroes and villains, and Walt happens to be the show's best character by far. So yeah, I'm rooting for him.
Fuck that. I hope Walt poisons some more kids and Jaime Lannister pushes more kids out of windows. I don't always have to apply my real world sense of morality to a TV show. I enjoy rooting for heroes and villains, and Walt happens to be the show's best character by far. So yeah, I'm rooting for him.
I want to see Walt climb as high as possible just to make his fall all the mightier.
I am catching up on Season 5, just watched episode 7.
Mike :'(
I'm sure everyone else caught it as well, but what makes it even sadder and ironic is the fact his granddaughter will never know the truth and always think he just abandoned her, which was the exact same thing Lydia feared about her child when Mike came to kill her.
I'm sure everyone else caught it as well, but what makes it even sadder and ironic is the fact his granddaughter will never know the truth and always think he just abandoned her, which was the exact same thing Lydia feared about her child when Mike came to kill her.
I am catching up on Season 5, just watched episode 7.
Mike :'(
I feel like they had Walt kill Mike as like a final wake up call to viewers who were still sympathetic to him. He's done all these fucked up things already, but you can at least rationalize them to a certain degree, they all served some sort of purpose. Either self preservation, protecting Jesse, not getting caught , etc... There was no rationalization or purpose for killing Mike. He would have never talked, never gotten caught, and never bothered Walt again. It was pure anger and hubris that caused him to do it. For a lot of viewers, I imagine it was the moment where they said "oh yeah, he really is a son of a bitch now, fuck him.".
What's this theory that Walt poisoned Skyler with ricin during the lunch scene at the end of S05E08? Apparently there was a bunch of camera work focusing on the glass Skyler was drinking from? Crazy if true .....
One of my favourite moments of the series is one of the cold openings in season 5, 'Say my name'. Look close enough and you can see the ego radiating around him and his arrogance oozing out of every pore in his face.
I fucking love Heisenberg, I want moments in these final eight where he attempts the same with Hank. Those scenes potentially could be the best in the series. Walt coldly explaining to Hank how he played him in the biggest case of his life gives me shivers even thinking about it.
Of course, I know how it must end, but I hope Heisenberg has a few 'Youre goddamn right' moments left.