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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I can't believe it is here. Enjoy everyone. See you all in the other side, where Breaking Bad is no longer an active TV show :(

Chris R

Beverage ready, tuned in, CAN'T WAIT!

I already have by death/ending bets placed and sealed for the office pool, lets do this!


Damn I have goosebumps on my arms right now I'm so excited. Drinking a 6 pack of coronas to make it all the more interesting. Just a few more minutes. Ready to make people eat it for making fun of my out there twist :)
It's crazy how this scene got me back on Walt's side somehow. Nothing he's doing is right, but it's just such a Rocky moment. I'm like, "Yeah, kill EVERYBODY, Walt!"


ShamWow commercial on in the bar when the bartender was going through channels. There was a Schticky commercial on when Walt and Todd were watching TV after a cook. I guess somebody likes Vince Offer.
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