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Breaking News on MJackson on ABC right now

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Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Willco said:
:lol Shepard Smith just starting yelling on FOX NEWS calling Michael Jackson a freak. It was hilarious!
Yeah I saw that , He kinda got owned, before the verdict, he just knew Jackson was quilty, he could tell by the jurys eyes...... "They were owning MJ with their eyes"

evil ways


The local news channel people are just talking about this and one of the anchors said he wonders how much of a toll has this trial taken on Jacko's finances and the other guy says "On the jury alone, I guess a good couple of millions".

aoi tsuki

DarienA said:
Suck it DOWN you MicJac haterz! :)

Mike mentally is a little kid... but I've never thought he was a pedophile...what he needs to do is sell Neverland. I'd heard a rumor he already had and was just going to exchange keys after the case was over.. guess we'll see.
Yeah, same here. Thing is, as he puts it, Neverland is for the kids. While i'm sure his PR people would tell him to sell it, i just can't see it happening, in part because of his undying desire to provide a positive experience for kids, especially those less fortunate in some way, and also in part because of his seemingly complete disconnect from reality, which'll only be strengthened by the outcome of this case.

Also, Ned's post is one of the most poignant in the thread, and part of the reason i never get wrapped up in media circus cases, aside from that fact that i've never had any involvement in these cases.


Willco said:
From what I understand, if new allegations come forward, it's not like MJ can't be prosecuted.

He can't face the same charges in CA again since he was found innocent this time.


themadcowtipper said:
Yeah I saw that , He kinda got owned, before the verdict, he just knew Jackson was quilty, he could tell by the jurys eyes...... "They were owning MJ with their eyes"

Dude Jackson used to be black. That alone is probably enough for a guilty verdict for a Fox News legal analyst.


Free Scotland in 2008
So what are the chances that one of his albums reaches #1 for the weekend?

A Top 5 entrance at least in the UK for me.


ManaByte said:
He can't face the same charges in CA again since he was found innocent this time.

Whoa whoa whoa, no false no no no! He can't be retrialed on these 10 counts for these specific acts. He can STILL face charges for these types of crimes from the same or other children in California.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
What the hell did Sneddon just mean by saying that cases are shorter in the south?!?!?!?


ManaByte said:
He can't face the same charges in CA again since he was found innocent this time.

That's not how double-jeopardy works.

Anyway, he's innocent, which I always kinda believed. What he needs to do now is stop having kids sleep in his damned bed so this doesn't happen again.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I was hoping he would be let go. People shouldn't be jailed for being weird, and they certainly didn't have any evidence he molested those kids. If anything, the family that sued him ended up looking like bunch of crooks and jackasses who use their own children for profit, against the man who of all things helped their son get cured of cancer.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ManaByte said:
He can't face the same charges in CA again since he was found innocent this time.
this is wrong. if new allegations came out, unrelated to these allegations, he could be tried.

double jeapordy only applies to the same charges (i.e. same charge same accusation)



"You share my initials? I'll get you out of hot water."


I'd like to state the obvious here, and say "Manabyte, shut up."

You obviously have no comprehension of the legal system.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Forgetting a moment about the legal system, and proof, what do YOU think having pressure alarms on the floor around your bed would be for?

Assasination attempts.


Hollywood Square
I was about to reply to ManaByte saying that's untrue, but everyone else did the job for me. I think we could all be prosecutors!
anybody who thinks the prosecution came even close to proving that jackson was guilty beyond any REASONABLE doubt is fucking retarded.

Having said that.... how stupid do the parents have to be to send their kids to his ranch? honestly?


Hollywood Square
[18:08] <MJ_Begins_to_Molest_Again> According to ManaByte, OJ can kill whomever he wants now too.
[18:08] <MJ_Begins_to_Molest_Again> Since he was acquitted!
[18:09] <MJacksonCanNowLegallyRapeKids> I hope OJ kills manabyte, then



I wanted him to be guilty -- so I could see the tears on the faces of those stupid michael jackseon fans.

On the other hand, I'm glad that he's innocent. I can enjoy his music without any problems, and it also means that there have been no crimes committed. That's a good thing.


ManaByte said:
He can't face the same charges in CA again since he was found innocent this time.

People already said it, but I think this deserves as much stomping on as possible. Double jeopardy applies to instances, not to charges. This is just plain wrong.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
[18:08] <MJ_Begins_to_Molest_Again> According to ManaByte, OJ can kill whomever he wants now too.
[18:08] <MJ_Begins_to_Molest_Again> Since he was acquitted!
[18:09] <MJacksonCanNowLegallyRapeKids> I hope OJ kills manabyte, then
:lol :lol :lol :lol I think I laughed so hard I broke a rib... :lol :lol :lol


force push the doodoo rock
XM owners turn on the groove, they have quincy jones doing commentary on the whole thriller album.
Michael Jackson should come out now and have a press conference where he speaks in a normal, deep voice that nobody knew he had and be all like "YEAH WASSUP NOW BITCHES!? IMA GO HOME TO NEVER LAND NOW AND GET MY DICK SUCKED BY A LITTLE KID! YEA YEA!"

AB 101

Old Liberal California strikes again.

I hear Jacko has now launhced a search for the real molestor.

There will be a reenactment at Neverland. 12 and under only!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
themadcowtipper said:
Wow first Fox New, now MSNBC...they can not stand that he is not quilty....

I know I'm watching MSNBC right now...this interviewer is trying so HARD to get this lawyer to say yeah Mike ain't right...

AB 101 said:
Old Liberal California strikes again.

I hear Jacko has now launhced a search for the real molestor.

There will be a reenactment at Neverland. 12 and under only!
Yeah, liberals love child molestors and hate Jesus.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Now MSNBC trying to turn it into the reason Jackson got off, because they did not like the Mother. The woman on the panel said "But it Is Not about the Mother"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Holy Shit the female MSNBC prosecutor commentator just called the jury simple... wow.
DarienA said:
Holy Shit the female MSNBC prosecutor commentator just called the jury simple... wow.

Fox News had on that same ugly bitch from the Kobe case that would go on TV and yell that "KOBE RAPED HER KOBE RAPED HER HE BENT HER OVER A CHAIR AND RAPED HER!" It hasn't been a good year for these annoying assholes.


norinrad21 said:
Did you guys see the lady with the white Doves? That was the coolest thing ever

I was wondering though, for each guilty verdict he got, was she going to strangle a dove?
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