DarienA said:
Suck it DOWN you MicJac haterz!
Mike mentally is a little kid... but I've never thought he was a pedophile...what he needs to do is sell Neverland. I'd heard a rumor he already had and was just going to exchange keys after the case was over.. guess we'll see.
Yeah, same here. Thing is, as he puts it, Neverland is for the kids. While i'm sure his PR people would tell him to sell it, i just can't see it happening, in part because of his undying desire to provide a positive experience for kids, especially those less fortunate in some way, and also in part because of his seemingly complete disconnect from reality, which'll only be strengthened by the outcome of this case.
Also, Ned's post is one of the most poignant in the thread, and part of the reason i never get wrapped up in media circus cases, aside from that fact that i've never had any involvement in these cases.