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Brexit: Boris Johnson rules himself out of Conservative leader race

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The Brexit could be the fire that purifies England if you think about it. A lot of not so great people are having their careers destroyed.


Wont most UKers here be happy at this news?

Kind of. The man made a shit-sandwich, I wanted to watch him eat it.

He literally had no post-Brexit plan, he didn't expect to win. He just wanted to look strong and statesman like, so when Cameron stepped aside he'd be the one to take his place. But when Brexit won, Cameron said he'd leave his successor to enact Article 50, leading to this. Cameron played him like a fiddle.


Wont most UKers here be happy at this news?

I'm not, this is fairly smart to avoid the shit splattering off the fan. He'd have more chance of getting more than one term next time around and he knows it. Means we'll have to deal with him for longer.


Yeah Boris would have been the best of a bad bunch. I really hope Gove doesn't get in. He is the definition of a human wankstain.

Boris was fired for making up stories as a journalist. Twice.

He plotted with a friend to have a journalist beaten up for investigating the friend.

He wrote some *truly* appalling homophobic columns in the early 2000s that were much more homophobic than even the party demanded at the time.

He is a true shitstain of a character, and the only thing that might have been good about him would be him backing out of Brxit because it's suicide and he knows it. In terms of personality and morals, he is an awful, awful human being. As much as I dislike May, she doesn't come in the same league as him.

(For one thing, she didn't bet the future of the continent on a stupid referendum to advance her own position).


Boris was fired for making up stories as a journalist. Twice.

He plotted with a friend to have a journalist beaten up for investigating the friend.

He wrote some *truly* appalling homophobic columns in the early 2000s that were much more homophobic than even the party demanded at the time.

He is a true shitstain of a character, and the only thing that might have been good about him would be him backing out of Brxit because it's suicide and he knows it. In terms of personality and morals, he is an awful, awful human being. As much as I dislike May, she doesn't come in the same league as him.

(For one thing, she didn't bet the future of the continent on a stupid referendum to advance her own position).

Don't forget the unabashedly racist articles he wrote
Brexit is never going to happen, no one has the balls, the market has realized this and correcting itself


I'm sorry UK, but as an American, this is hilarious.

We just watched y'alls entire conglomerate (country?) go running blindly into the ridiculous notion of exiting the EU and now everyone is looking around like, "Retreat? .... Retreat!!!"


Home Secretary Theresa May: The second Home Secretary in all of history to be found in contempt of court.

Justice Secretary Michael Gove: Pro death penalty, self-declared Zionist, called for the NHS to be dismantled, staunchly pro-Iraq war

Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb: Anti gay marriage and still recruits interns from pray-the-gay-away conversion sects

Energy minister Andrea Leadsom: Little presence at all with minor scandals in tax evasion and abstained from voting on gay-marriage

Former cabinet minister Liam Fox: Called for the abolition of abortion, anti-gay rights, staunchly pro-Iraq war

wow you guys really do have your very own republicans running things

good luck
I don't even live in the UK and Boris has managed to make me angry on multiple occasions. Even though you guys are better off without his "leadership", the fact that he just pulled the Ledger Joker move here pretty much concretes his d-bag status.


The Birthday Skeleton
Hahaha! What a man! UK politics puts Game of Thrones to shit. Enjoy your Cersei, I guess.

Man, this is a live comedy tragedy.
He literally had no post-Brexit plan, he didn't expect to win. He just wanted to look strong and statesman like, so when Cameron stepped aside he'd be the one to take his place. But when Brexit won, Cameron said he'd leave his successor to enact Article 50, leading to this. Cameron played him like a fiddle.

Cameron brought the TNT to the party. Boris lit the fuse and now they're tossing it around like a hot potato.


I dearly hope this torpedoes his political career... he certainly looks weak now. Campaigning for something but reluctant to pull the trigger on it.

He might be shrewd underneath that lovable clown facade he puts on, but he apparently didn't factor in Cameron poisoning the chalice. He got outplayed.


Absolute wanker he's ruined this country and now he's going to let somebody else pick up the pieces.

Now it's either Gove or May god help us they're both fucking awful as well.
Day one-

'iI have decided to nuke England and make Scotland independent... Bye.'

Couldn't she just rename the place the United Kingdom of Scotland and then carry on as normal ? I mean Scotland is technically sovereign if they are running the place so they don't need to be independent anymore.


May or Fox. May is more respectable but also has a tendency to look weak. Fox is a bit of a sneaky cunt though so neither of them are perfect. Don't know much about Leadsom but she can't be worse than Crabb, who doesn't look like PM material at all. Glad it won't be Boris, hope it won't be Gove. Hope May wins the contest.
I wonder if this Boris guy is somewhere laughing his ass off.

"You're not putting this shitshow in my hands Cameron! Get fucked, I'm out too!"


It's clear Johnson was banking on Remain winning the vote with a small minority so he could use the reaming 40-something percent as backing to rush Cameron's position.

He knows the poisoned cup he'd be passed should he step up now
could lead to a slow career death, so he's retreating with his tail tucked.

He's smart enough to know that, if they'd won, Cameron would have to stand down. He's smart enough to know that whoever took over would be dealing with a nation in crisis, and that self-sacrifice was a possible outcome.

He wants to lead, but he's too weak to attempt to steer us through a real crisis because he has far too much self-interest, hopefully this will prove it to enough people for him to never be in a similar position again,
I don't like May at all, but she hasn't had to resign from the home office for six years, which is some kind of achievement.

Startlingly, she looks to be the least horrible of the people running, which given what a horrible person she is just tells you how bad the field is. I bet she'll have to walk back from killing the ECHR now too

They should have voted in Ken Clarke ten years ago, they wouldn't be in this mess now.


I think May might be one of the worst human beings alive, I really hope it isn't her. Staying in Europe is almost all important to me, with the one caveat that I will never want to see Theresa May leading the country.


The only issue here is May will definitely trip Article 50 - which will be a disaster. Boris would procrastinate and delay and then probably trigger a GE; which i feel would be the best scenario as it would give the public a chance to vote on which parties Brexit/Remain plan they prefer.
Fucking Boris, what a loser. He was the mayor of one of the top capital cities in the world, but he can't lead? Haha. I hope everyone is reminded of his actions here if he ever dares to try and gain political power again. Self serving wimp.

Good job his idol Churchill didn't up and quit when facing down the barrel of Hitler's mighty Reich.
This is absolutely embarrasing. I'm not British, but if I were I would be losing my shit right now. I mean, how much of a cocksplat do you have to be to support a campaign that you know would ruin the fucking country, just because you think you'd lose and it will help you become PM, and then when shit hits the fan, leave like a fucking coward.

Disgraceful. Boris should be fucking deported to Siberia.
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