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Brexit: Boris Johnson rules himself out of Conservative leader race

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It's true, many Tory MPs are attracted to children on council estates.



I think not, no one will invoke A50

Just look at the markets, that's the reality right there, it is just a referendum too

Lots of people are saying this, but why?

Haven't most, if not all. the candidates said explicitly that they won't be holding a general election and will be upholding the referendum result? Did I miss something that might give me some hope to the contrary?


Lots of people are saying this, but why?

Haven't most, if not all. the candidates said explicitly that they won't be holding a general election and will be upholding the referendum result? Did I miss something that might give me some hope to the contrary?

Well, what they say in public is one thing, what happens in 3 months is another. MP's favour remain 500/150 and some of the 150 are lying. Leading Torys are largely against it as the city boys / bankers are their constituents once they retire. No one wants to be the one to push the button on it, so there is a chance no one will.

The backroom conversations now are probably "how do we sell ignoring this?" A snap GE is one way.


Well, what they say in public is one thing, what happens in 3 months is another. MP's favour remain 500/150 and some of the 150 are lying. Leading Torys are largely against it as the city boys / bankers are their constituents once they retire. No one wants to be the one to push the button on it, so there is a chance no one will.

The backroom conversations now are probably "how do we sell ignoring this?" A snap GE is one way.

So I can file such comments under 'Wishful Thinking,' and continue disaster planning as before. Thanks.


So I can file such comments under 'Wishful Thinking,' and continue disaster planning as before. Thanks.

Indeed you can, but I would be suprised if anyone wanted to kill their career, the economy and the city the Torys so covet in one go.


Gold Member
Oh darn.

So you mean to tell me we won't get to see the dynamic duo of Borris and Trump in action?

How upsetting.


Lots of people are saying this, but why?

Haven't most, if not all. the candidates said explicitly that they won't be holding a general election and will be upholding the referendum result? Did I miss something that might give me some hope to the contrary?

The Tories explicitly said they would pull out of the ECHR and repeal the Human Rights Act to replace it with a new Bill of Rights when they got elected last time too.

All that happens is every three months they think about it a bit, realise it's much harder than they thought, and put the date back three months. Again, and again, and again.

Britain has turned delaying constitutional reform into an art form. I'm sure nobody will officially fail to push the button. They just will be doing "preliminary negotiations" until people forget enough to try for a second referendum.

At least none of the above is implausible.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Angela Merkel is gonna lose her patience real quick.

Good for her. Still won't trigger the UK's exit!

Boris ruling himself out is hilarious, though, if not expected. Going to play out just like that poisoned chalice piece that was posted a few days ago. No one wants to be the one to have to destroy the United Kingdom.


To Michael Gove's credit, he's actually done startlingly well on prisons.

Especially considering how godawful he's been at everything else he's ever done.
To Michael Gove's credit, he's actually done startlingly well on prisons.

Especially considering how godawful he's been at everything else he's ever done.

You think? He was pretty effective at implementing the Tory manifesto on Education in the coalition.


Home Secretary Theresa May: The second Home Secretary in all of history to be found in contempt of court.

Justice Secretary Michael Gove: Pro death penalty, self-declared Zionist, called for the NHS to be dismantled, staunchly pro-Iraq war

Work and Pensions Secretary Stephen Crabb: Anti gay marriage and still recruits interns from pray-the-gay-away conversion sects

Energy minister Andrea Leadsom: Little presence at all with minor scandals in tax evasion and abstained from voting on gay-marriage

Former cabinet minister Liam Fox: Called for the abolition of abortion, anti-gay rights, staunchly pro-Iraq war

As an American thank you for that list. I feel bad that ya'll keep electing those clowns. With the labor a mess it may be that those clowns keep power for quite a while.

Can't judge you though, with 8 years of Bush, Trump running, and the current Republican party being the way it is and STILL running Congross, the Senate, and majority of state Governments.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Angela Merkel is gonna lose her patience real quick.

And do what exactly? She's powerless to intervene in UK sovereign politics.

Food for thought: Now Boris is out of the race, and Gove is tainted in the party's eyes for his betrayal, the Brexit "Dream team" is now basically done. The decks are being cleared for a new leadership sufficiently insulated from the referendum to basically do whatever they want. Corbyn is getting the hatchet for precisely the same reasons on the other side of the aisle. Its all about wiping the slate clean, and starting over.


Indeed you can, but I would be suprised if anyone wanted to kill their career, the economy and the city the Torys so covet in one go.

At this stage it would take a lot more than destroying the UK to open up the Conservatives to challenge from Labour. The next leader has at least another full-term after this one.
Britain has turned delaying constitutional reform into an art form. I'm sure nobody will officially fail to push the button. They just will be doing "preliminary negotiations" until people forget enough to try for a second referendum.

I'm so wet right now. I hope you are right.


At this stage it would take a lot more than destroying the UK to open up the Conservatives to challenge from Labour. The next leader has at least another full-term after this one.

Not necesserily. If Labour held onto their current seats (which the polling seems to show i slikely if they change leader), then all it take sis the lib dems to take back a tiny amount of the seats they lost to the tories and we're back to coalition government. And the libs will never, ever get into bed with the tories again.

Conservatives only have a majority of 12 remember, that's basically unworkable (and why we had this dumb referendum in the first place).


Not necesserily. If Labour held onto their current seats (which the polling seems to show i slikely if they change leader), then all it take sis the lib dems to take back a tiny amount of the seats they lost to the tories and we're back to coalition government. And the libs will never, ever get into bed with the tories again.

Conservatives only have a majority of 12 remember, that's basically unworkable (and why we had this dumb referendum in the first place).

Show me an alternative Labour leader that isn't going to see the party descend into chaos and we'll have something to talk about. Isn't the polling strongest for 'Someone Else', or something like that?
People like the idea of a new leader, but not any of the ones they're going to get before the next GE.

Meanwhile, if the Conservatives play the EU card correctly, they'll vacuum up UKIP voters like there's no tomorrow as that party fades into irrelevance. The only way I see Labour having a chance is if the Conservatives try to delay Article 50 beyond the next GE, at which point UKIP will get a massive boost.
This whole situation is so damn ridiculous.
Also this.
So is Brexit happening or not, does anyone know?

It's becoming clearer by day it might not go ahead, at least not in a heavily modified form.

Whoever activates it would be putting a literal death sentence on their job, their future and their loved ones future as well, not to mention becoming one of the biggest villains in the UK since Hitler, I'm not kidding either. If they went ahead in its current form, it'll put a kiss if death on the Uk.

The very recent economic shitstorm, the political shitstorm and turmoil, the fucking resignation of a contry leader, the 57%+ increase in xenophobic and racist attacks, the gobsmacked reaction of the nation has shocked people into action.

A50 could very well go ahead, but with likely some heavy revisions of it, and the single market and immigration clauses to remain intact. The aftermath has hit some of the biggest remain figureheads right where it hurts, the monetary groin.

With this announcement today, their political base is crumbling too.

Personally I'm glad to see Boris out, his political buffoonery became dangerous once he put his foot in the EU debate and referendum.
It's becoming clearer by day it might go ahead, at least not in a heavily modified form.

Whoever activates it would be putting a literal death sentence on their job, their future and their loved ones future as well, not to mention becoming one of the biggest villains in the UK since Hitler, I'm not kidding either. If they went ahead in its current form, it'll put a kiss if death on the Uk.

The very recent economic shitstorm, the political shitstorm and turmoil, the fucking resignation of a contry leader, the 57%+ increase in xenophobic and racist attacks, the gobsmacked reaction of the nation has shocked people into action.

A50 could very well go ahead, but with likely some heavy revisions of it, and the single market and immigration clauses to remain intact. The aftermath has hit some of the biggest remain figureheads right where it hurts, the monetary groin.

With this announcement today, their political base is crumbling too.

Personally I'm glad to see Boris out, his political buffoonery became dangerous once he put his foot in the EU debate and referendum.

Is there a typo in your first sentence?


Boris backing down before he has to as PM was wise.

Gove running for PM, making him a traitor to his friends twice over, was pretty fucking stupid. If he doesn't win - which he won't - he is as done as Boris with the big time.


Oh God Teresa May as the new favourite. This nightmare just keeps getting worse an worse.

Ah, the woman who said just a few months ago that we must as a country, abandon the European convention on human rights regardless of the referendum outcome. A real gem of a person no doubt.
I think the view over here across the pond to some of us was that Boris made a ploy and didn't want to take up the poison chalice when it was flung into his hands, but I just learned about Gove's Shakespearean treachery.

Exciting! Poor Boris probably had his hopes up for weeks.


Who would want to run for Prime Minister at this point?

They have to backpedal on Brexit or have a literal nightmare dealing with economic shit.


Food for thought: Now Boris is out of the race, and Gove is tainted in the party's eyes for his betrayal, the Brexit "Dream team" is now basically done. The decks are being cleared for a new leadership sufficiently insulated from the referendum to basically do whatever they want. Corbyn is getting the hatchet for precisely the same reasons on the other side of the aisle. Its all about wiping the slate clean, and starting over.
Clean is such a generous word :|


Leads the charge to bring the UK to a scary dark place, and then goes "lol okay peace haha"

Master troller, this man.
To Michael Gove's credit, he's actually done startlingly well on prisons.

Especially considering how godawful he's been at everything else he's ever done.

I need to look into this because I'm pretty sure someone in the audience on Question Time brought up his approach to prisons and they were not remotely supportive on it.


I need to look into this because I'm pretty sure someone in the audience on Question Time brought up his approach to prisons and they were not remotely supportive on it.

He let prisoners have books but did nothing about overcrowding. He's a cunt who likes books.


MIchael Gove has looked good at the Justice Ministry because he's reversed some of what Chris Grayling did, and Chris Grayling has gone down in civil servant circles already as one of the single most inept and useless ministers to have ever graced a department. The guy was THAT bad.
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