So what exactly would you expect as the outcome?
A leave vote and on the 24th the port of Dover closes for a couple of years while parliament thinks about what is to be done?
In no legitimate scenario does membership just end from one day to the next...
This may come as a shock to you but erm I really don't give a shit about immigration one way or another. So honestly what Dover does or does not do on the 24th is entirely up to Dover, though they could repaint those cliffs they are looking a bit grubby these days.
The two main reasons I am voting to leave the EU are :-
1) The UK will inevitably leave the EU. There is no way in this universe the UK will ever integrate into the EU as well as other European countries. Now in my book since leaving is inevitable it would be better and easier for us to do it now than wait another 20 -30 years when we are forced out of the EU.
2) I do not want the UK to become District 13 of some fucked up United States of Europe. The veto's and protections Cammy negotiated are not worth the paper they are printed on. I firmly believe a vote to remain will be the signal Juncker and co need to ram even further political integration down our throats. So I am voting to leave because I believe it is the UK's best chance to survive outside of the United States of Europe.
As for what I expected to happen if leave win, well no of course I wasn't expecting that on the 24th we would tear up our laminated EU membership card and go frolicking in the green rolling hills of Britain. I would expect that within 6 months of the vote the Government would start the process of leaving the EU FULLY.
As far as I understand it the process allows for a 2 year negotiating period for withdrawel which can be extended if the rest of Europe agrees (fat chance). I don't particularly favour being part of the EEA just so we can hand billions over to the EU for the chance of selling them shit. We trade with other countries that we do not have FTA's with or any other bullshit agreement I would like to see a similar relationship with the individual countries of Europe.
This is all beside the point anyway. There is not a chance in hell leave will win. The best I am hoping for is a close result. If we get a close result that might help put the brakes on Juncker and co.