Black Republican
Since its pretty much over
whos next to leave after UK then?
whos next to leave after UK then?
Makes sense.
This sort of helped me understand.Okay BritGAF, what happens from here? What have you done to the world exactly? Honest question I'm not too familiar with Brexit
Ya'll ready for the global recession in October that swoops Trump to victory?
Since its pretty much over
whos next to leave after UK then?
Since its pretty much over
whos next to leave after UK then?
It appears we're set to be in the economic shitter for quite a while now. No timeline or details as to what trade deals will be formed, loss of scientific research funding and collaborative projects, and handing over important issues such as workers and human rights over to a conservative majority (that won't bite us in the arse at all) And this will pretty much be an end to the UK, due to Scotland overwhelmingly voting to remain.
And for what exactly? Due to fear of the scary immigrants, when most come from outside the EU and are net contributors to the economy. Complaining about it being undemocratic, with MEPs that we elect, but have no problem at all closer to home with an unelected upper house and monarchy. The sad thing is a lot of people that have voted for this will have little to no knowledge on these issues and the consequences that will soon follow. Hurray for ignorance and intolerance.
Holy shit.Declan Kearney, a Northern Ireland Assembly member for Sinn Féin, says his party will push for a poll on whether Northern Ireland should stay in the UK or unite with the Republic of Ireland if the UK votes to leave the EU.
Declan Kearney BBC He says it will be "completely undemocratic" if the majority of people in Northern Ireland vote Remain but are "drawn out of the EU as a result of being carried on the coat-tails" of voters in England.
"Sinn Féin will continue to press... for a border poll under the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement, because this (EU Referendum) will demonstrate palpably a dramatic change in the political landscape of the north," he says.
There's still enough for London to sway it right? London IS the EU capital in the UK, so we're expecting like 90% Remain there and due to London being the largest place in the UK, that's gotta smack them back into the lead.
Infact, I bet that's what they're doing, saving London til last and when it looks like Brexit has won, be all, REMAIN MOTHERFUCKER in a single area to tip it back.
GG Britain.
Why is this making me feel a Trump may actually get elected?
Sky News suggesting Cameron may resign Friday and call election
Sky News suggesting Cameron may resign Friday and call election
It's about east european immigration more than "brown people".
Just woke up. Is Leave winning significant at this point?
Can Remain still pull ahead? :/
I expect better than empty claims they know nothing about the EU.
...still, better than the direct insults. People should be ashamed of themselves.
That idea is basically a UKIP win.
Makes sense.
[We estimate that "Brexit" would reduce global GDP by US$200bn by end-2017, equivalent to an economy the size of Portugal or Vietnam.
I've noticed that "brown people" has been a real meme for Remainers. They parrot this specific wording all the time.
Holy shit.
I've been asleep. What the fuck is happening
Holy shit. Direct democracy at its finest.
Oh, Salford. Why.
Economists intelligence unit
Yup. And several people in this thread are a part of it. Burned down their own country out of ignorance, and all they can think to say is "stop being mean to us" as if what they're doing isn't FAR fucking worse than some mean words being thrown around. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.
What are the chances we get a 'better deal' from the EU and end up staying in?