Status quo is never exciting.i realise leave wants to appeal to a varied group of concerns and aren't a government or potential government in of themselves, but it's really odd how close they are to winning without any proper manifesto-esque proposition for what a post brexit britain looks like. the av referendum was very clear, the snp offered up a coherent (albeit ridiculously sparkly) vision of an independent socialist scotland. it leaves us in the rather strange position where leave could get their mandate for leaving fought almost entirely on reducing immigration and then we end up in the european economic area with freedom of movement maintained.
So assuming that the audience members are plants, looking to make Farage and Cameron fuck up and look silly, they didn't do a very good job with Farage. Quite a calm and controlled performance.
Let's see how the audience is with Dave.
This programme was brought to you by the in campaign.
The real crime here is how poorly they're editing this complete setup
'The NHS has enough skilled staff.... we don't need migrants...'
'...we need more resources to cope with the demand'.
What is this woman on about.
What did he actually say though? How immigration, while being a benefit to GDP, shouldn't look at GDP as the measure... So what measure? About how Britain wouldn't be competitive in the labour market with less immigration, he just said "there's more to Britain than being competitive"... Well, like what? Australian points system is better for black people, despite being a ridiculous claim, didn't say how. He just seemed to say it because it was a black person asking.
Then he says the magic word TERRORISTS like I thought it was going to go off like ankles show word of the day, then says MY PASSPORT SAYS EUROPEAN UNION ON IT!!! Yes, it does. And?
That's Farage's thing. He's been saying the same stuff now for Years. It's effective because he says a lot of grey stuff that sounds believable. It worked when he had the 1 on 1 with Clegg, it's probably gonna work tonight.
Indeed so, health tourism, of the reasons there is such a huge demand on the NHS is due to mass immigration.
Indeed so, health tourism, too.
However, that wasn't the point she was making. She wanted "more resources" whilst at the same time claiming we don't need migrant staff because we already have enough staff.
It was totally nonsensical to me.
As with Sky show Cameron getting grief for his decisions not connected to EU - downside to PM as remain front man
No word sends people to sleep like sovereignty
one of the reasons there is such a huge demand on the NHS is due to mass immigration.
There is massive demand on the NHS because it has been run into the ground by Tory policies to defund and then privatise it. The majority of EU migrants to the UK are young, healthy workers who are contributing more to the NHS via their payslips than they're taking out if they use it. David Cameron will talk around this issue because his own party are seeking to destroy the NHS, it has nothing to do with immigration.
one of the reasons there is such a huge demand on the NHS is due to mass immigration.
imo cameron couldn't explain a single fucking question.
bald guy at the end basically said if we weren't in the EU these foreign criminals wouldn't be here in the first place. Cameron responds with nonsense about an EU warrant and boarder controls. Why does he double down on the boarder controls? we know they are a joke.
Indeed so, health tourism, too.
However, that wasn't the point she was making. She wanted "more resources" whilst at the same time claiming we don't need migrant staff because we already have enough staff.
It was totally nonsensical to me.
Pretty sure it's not due to mass immigration. It's actually due to years of starving the NHS of the funds it need to cope with increased demands from and increasingly older populatio. Migrants generally trend towards to not using public services as much as the local population.
He was never going to win the NHS debate as the Torys are wrecking it lol. It's obviously easier to make a scapegoat out of immigrants than face the realities of the aging public and under funded NHS.There is massive demand on the NHS because it has been run into the ground by Tory policies to defund and then privatise it. The majority of EU migrants to the UK are young, healthy workers who are contributing more to the NHS via their payslips than they're taking out if they use it. David Cameron will talk around this issue because his own party are seeking to destroy the NHS, it has nothing to do with immigration.
Neither of them explained anything. There was fuck all substance and considering how many people are undecided and don't actually know the real benefits of either side, everyone involved should be fucking called out for it. It's just a goddamn circus.
imo cameron couldn't explain a single fucking question.
bald guy at the end basically said if we weren't in the EU these foreign criminals wouldn't be here in the first place. Cameron responds with nonsense about an EU warrant and boarder controls. Why does he double down on the boarder controls? we know they are a joke.
NHS had massive demand on it before 2010. Doesn't matter if they are putting money into the NHS, the influx of migrants has caused real strain. All you have to do is look at our schools, places are a premium now in primary level.
I still think what I said before could be true. Cameron doesn't give a shit about leaving.
Might trigger arguments of legitimacy of other elections, I guess.
Cameron's said a number of times in the recent past that Britain would be fine if we left the EU, so it really seems like he's not too bothered what the outcome is.
I haven't seen the debate - but I have seen a theory that Farage himself doesn't want a Leave decision from happening "so he can do with UKIP what the SNP did in Scotland after their referendum".
Cameron's said a number of times in the recent past that Britain would be fine if we left the EU, so it really seems like he's not too bothered what the outcome is.
NHS had massive demand on it before 2010. Doesn't matter if they are putting money into the NHS, the influx of migrants has caused real strain. All you have to do is look at our schools, places are a premium now in primary level.
There is no point in arguing with you if all you're going to say is "it doesn't matter what you tell me about EU migrants contributions to the NHS, IT'S IMMIGRANTS INNIT." This is literally weeks after historic strikes by NHS staff while the Tory-appointed health minister tries to treat the whole affair like his very own miner's strike moment, after contributing to a book advocating the privatisation of the NHS. But no, it's all them immigrants innit?
Then you bring up schools, another case where in the latest budget they were attempting to force privatisation mere months ago. But no, it's all them immigrants innit?
The reason Cameron can't answer a fucking question about all the problems facing the UK is because these are problems created by his party's ideology, not from membership of the EU. That's the reason both Johnson/Gove/Farage and Cameron/Osborne are peddling bullshit on either side of the debate, they've made the EU a convenient scapegoat for all their shit policies and are now either surprised by or taking advantage of an uninformed electorate that now believes all the crap that was published in the right wing rags over the last few years.
Farage says the Australian points system would be better for black people. People in the audience applaud. What in the fuck?
Ultimately, the NHS almost certainly benefits from immigration. We don't produce anywhere near enough Doctors and Nurses and other medical specialists. 26% of NHS Doctors are non British.
Well visa requirements for countries outside of the EU are through the roof, almost protectionist.
He's right on that one.
" I don't like the EU Parliament"
The guy with three children made a good point, eu immigration has affected everyone, even former immigrants.
Then you bring up schools, another case where in the latest budget they were attempting to force privatisation mere months ago. But no, it's all them immigrants innit?