Proof of how stupid the majority are.
Quite depressing.
BRB, off to claim to be the new Derren Brown.
I like him, but he's politically toxic.On side note would Vote for Hillary Benn if he was Labour leader. Screw Corbyn
Had a Leave leaflet through my letterbox with this on it:
Izzard actually made a reasonable point... where does it end? People don't want an EU parliament ignoring their desires, but do the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish want London ignoring theirs?
Had a Leave leaflet through my letterbox with this on it:
This is like a master class of propaganda.
What the leaflet states is sort of true in a very disingenuous way, but everything else is just fucked up.
Had a Leave leaflet through my letterbox with this on it:
and that's from the official Vote Leave camp, not Farage's
A shame Angela Eagle is on the wrong side because she's actually very likeable.
Izzard makes me cringe really he does
staying will mean the UK will mostly be ignored as usual.
I am worried because I am still on the fence and it's less than two weeks till the vote.
I've been trying to watch the referendum debates on TV but it is disgusting how a group of adults bicker with each other like children and no one can give a fucking straight answer. Julie Etchingham gets on my tits as well she is a terrible moderator.
I hear reasoned arguments for both sides but I am having trouble making my mind up.
I don't want to be out of the EU but I know staying will mean the UK will mostly be ignored as usual.
I know I am lazy for not reading the thread but is there any website or video I can watch that is as unbiased as it can be without half truths or misinformation?
To start with, Figure 1 shows the two sides of the connections: (1) how many other governments each government said that they worked with (were connected to) on average in each year; and (2) how many other governments mentioned a particular government (were connected from). Put together, these two measures give an indication of how much influence an EU member state’s officials have in EU negotiations.
The centrality of the UK, along with the other large member states, is clearly revealed in the number of officials from other EU governments who mentioned the UK (in the figure on the right). Measured this way round, the UK’s officials are the most well connected of all the governments. In fact, the officials of only 6 other governments (out of 26 others) did not mention the UK as the main government they co-operated with in their working group in either 2006, 2009 or 2012: Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Cyprus, and Romania.
These network pictures clearly show the centrality of the UK in EU negotiations. Germany and France are also close to the centre, but UK officials appear to be the best connected of all the member states’ officials.
In other words, when it comes to negotiations behind the scenes, before votes take place and before laws are adopted, the data suggest that the UK government is right at the heart of EU policy-making, and certainly at the top table, alongside Germany and France. The data also suggest that the Eurozone crisis has not had any noticeable effect on the centrality of the UK in EU bargaining.
That said I am fed up. Please Brexit, live with the harsh punishment that will rain down on you in any new negotiations and let the rest of the EU get on with the political integration that is desperately needed.
it will be interesting to see what effect the Euros has on young people suddenly not giving a shit because the football is on....
Want to join the Federalists then?
Frankly I think you non-Sussex types should just stop messing in our affairs. And I'm not too hot on East Sussex either...Or the English parliament being influenced by Scottish/Welsh/NI MPs.
What goes around comes around.
Frankly I think you non-Sussex types should just stop messing in our affairs. And I'm not too hot on East Sussex either...
Did you know Sussex sends £1,000m a minute to the UK?
The UK has strict border control already. So if people are afraid of terrorists traveling in, nothing will change anyway when leaving the will be interesting to see what effect the Euros has on young people suddenly not giving a shit because the football is on....
and also the repercussion of a vote if there is a terrorist attack, and would either side dare to use it for traction
Leave would be 'see this is why we need to control our borders'
Remain would be 'see this is why we should remain, dont let the terrorists win'
I still think it is very unlikely leave wins, I personally feel the leave will need to have a 6 or 7 point lead to compensate for the 'better the devil you know' votes on the day
For real, I would be interested in exploring the idea of a federal UK. Not sold on a federal Europe though.
The European one is just a stepping stone to a global one.
Presumably the global one is merely a stepping stone to the galactic senate?
Think of the hilarity of me receiving that leaflet. My surname has TURK in it hahaha. So I had a leaflet full of Turcophobia addressed to a Turkish person with a very obviously Turkish name.Had a Leave leaflet through my letterbox with this on it:
and that's from the official Vote Leave camp, not Farage's
How exactly will the UK have any increased sovereignty when leaving the EU, but still wanting open borders for trade and such? This means you'll have to adopt the rules from the EU for that, which is by far the bulk of all regulation coming from the EU.Think of the hilarity of me receiving that leaflet. My surname has TURK in it hahaha. So I had a leaflet full of Turcophobia addressed to a Turkish person with a very obviously Turkish name.
Having said that I'm voting Leave. Simply for sovreignity.
I'd be happy for London to be a city state. We'd be extremely rich and get to laugh at all the plebs outside our borders. Well, more than we do now.
For real, I would be interested in exploring the idea of a federal UK. Not sold on a federal Europe though.
How exactly will the UK have any increased sovereignty when leaving the EU, but still wanting open borders for trade and such? This means you'll have to adopt the rules from the EU for that, which is by far the bulk of all regulation coming from the EU.
So in all seriousness, why yay for the UK but nay for Europe?
Frankly I think you non-Sussex types should just stop messing in our affairs. And I'm not too hot on East Sussex either...
Did you know Sussex sends £1,000m a minute to the UK?
Most people are talking about a Switzerland or Norway style deal, so staying in EFTA or the EEA. This means visa free travel (and I doubt doing away with that is a good idea within Europe!) and some other regulation.You don't need to have open borders for trade!
Nor does trading with the EU mean "you have to adopt the rules from the EU". Look at this wikipedia page - the EU has loads of trade deals with plenty of sovereign nations. Mexico has a FTA with the EU, but they don't need to go by the decisions of the European Courts, or commit to visa-free travel, or "ever closer union" or any of that bunk.
I'm seeing a lot of 'democracy means making your own laws and rules' posts from people on social media, yet when quizzed as to which laws and rules the EU have dictated we adhere to they don't like, they don't actually know.
Why would people just continue to parrot the same tired old BS without actually doing a little research into what they are talking about?
Countries set their own VAT levels, so your example is already ridiculous.Well, they're right aren't they? Why do they need an example of an EU rule they don't like?
Imagine the EU was replaced with a benevolent dictator. They seem to make pretty good laws, so it's all good right?
No, I'd prefer that we decide our own laws. I'm not interested in having 1/28th say about the amount of VAT on teabags in Slovakia. I want a 100% say over what happens here. I don't think running your own country is tired old BS.
Countries set their own VAT levels, so your example is already ridiculous.
The EU is also not a dictator. You vote for these people either directly or indirectly (your countries government appoints them).
I'm seeing a lot of 'democracy means making your own laws and rules' posts from people on social media, yet when quizzed as to which laws and rules the EU have dictated we adhere to they don't like, they don't actually know.
Why would people just continue to parrot the same tired old BS without actually doing a little research into what they are talking about?
Well, they're right aren't they? Why do they need an example of an EU rule they don't like?
Imagine the EU was replaced with a benevolent dictator. They seem to make pretty good laws, so it's all good right?
No, I'd prefer that we decide our own laws. I'm not interested in having 1/28th say about the amount of VAT on teabags in Slovakia. I want a 100% say over what happens here. I don't think running your own country is tired old BS.