Pointing out that leaving will cause economic problems is not scaremongering its simple fact just as it was in the Scottish referendum.
The problem is people are willing to take that hit, for a lot of people this is simply a vote on immigration Yes or No. They know their are benefits of immigration but don't like the pressure it causes on housing and wages
I agree immigration can cause issues. But I don't agree that the solution is to try to stop immigration as there are also a bunch of positives to it.
Why not tackle said issues. Wages have stagnated in semi skilled jobs because immigration has allowed employers to undercut wages and pay less for someone who is just as good. So why not prevent that behavior by having the minimum wage be an actual liveable amount.
Also I feel the complaint that our public services are under stress due to be misdirected blame. Our services are under stress due to budget cuts and the tighterning of targets making these services cut corners. I feel like immigration is being used as a scapegoat.
Also the housing market issue is due to a lack of house building. This has been an issue for the last decade and it likely exists so the bubble that is the housing market can be kept afloat. People don't want to loose value off their homes even in the end it's all relative:/ more houses need to be built regardless of whether we have more or less immigration.
Edit: this obviously isn't aimed at you. I'm just trying to fathom why immigration is such the massive issue it is. Because from my pov it's misplaced frustration.