Or the world cup.And never mention the war again.
Or the world cup.And never mention the war again.
Hmm, I don't think that's true. I think most people accept that immigration in itself isn't a bad thing, but what they object to is the sheer numbers we are currently seeing and have been seeing for a while now.
As recently as 1997 net migration to the UK was in five figures. Hell, in 1992 we had negative net migration. Now it's over 300,000.
Jealous. I'm in the shop listening to Test Match Special and hoping we get no customers ...
Or the world cup.
And yet the employment rate is higher now than ever. Is there causation? High employment = high net migration?
i don't think a lot of brexiteers really care if the economy suffers (a little, not full blown recession) if they think the people suffering will just be rich bankers and london professional types.
Some of the arguments from Leave voters are so stupid, only ridicule is left. Sadly that is where we are going with politics these days. When people like Boris and Trump are actual politicians towards people instead of just a laughing stock, something is wrong.There's refuting claims and there's providing actual positives of the EU.
They are providing very few positives to sway Leave voters. When they also resort to insulting and poking fun at the Leave campaigners, you know they are running out of counter points.
In defence of sturgeon, while she was made to look silly in the debate at least she was arguing some positive points of the EU itself. That's what Remain needs more of IMO.
And yet the employment rate is higher now than ever.
I don't think anyone was arguing that immigration causes mass unemployment, were they? The main concerns are with public services and housing.
Not really.
Leave are focusing on potential positives of being out more than anything, while Remain aren't really highlighting any positives of the EU.
Everything coming out of Remain is doom and gloom, we can't survive on our own. We aren't good enough. Even if Leave are lying about a lot, it's positive stuff. It's a really clever campaign. Even Farage is hitting the right notes.
Hmm, I don't think that's true. I think most people accept that immigration in itself isn't a bad thing, but what they object to is the sheer numbers we are currently seeing and have been seeing for a while now.
As recently as 1997 net migration to the UK was in five figures. Hell, in 1992 we had negative net migration. Now it's over 300,000.
They shouldn't make anything up, they should give us positives of being in the EU. Positive things happening in the future. Positive things the EU gives us now.So what, they should just start making stuff up as 'positives' even though they're completely untrue, like leave are doing?
I'll keep adding to it so we can track averages but copying a flat version in to the OP would be a good idea.I hadn't caught up with the thread. I'm at the cricket!
I'll probably still put them in the OP though.
The UK controls its own borders. It's an island and is not in Schengen. You have no problems with illegal immigration because of the EU. See also the shit France has to deal with in Calais because they stop people wanting to go to the UK.Not among people saying this thread. but a large section of the general public that are voting brexit are largely doing it to gain sovereignty so that we can control our boarders and reduce migration into the UK.
yes net migration is 300k+ but that number doesn't mean much without context. what does a net migration of 300k do to our country that is negative and can these issues be reasonable dealt with in a different way rather than reducing migration?
19? 18. And not quite true as this school year is the first for that. I'm a year above them - for me it was 17.The government pulls all kinds of tricks to make the unemployment numbers look much better than they really are. For example, anyone under 19 now has to stay on at school, so that's a lot of people who are no longer counted towards unemployment figures.
I'll start putting these predictions in the OP. Probably only going to get around to it tomorrow evening, but I'll try to include every prediction from this post on.
Place your bets!
65-70% Remain
oh and if I'm right, I make £4,000, I'll buy a random brit a beer
With the English football twats causing issues in France, I expect the rest of the EU will be thinking good riddance
also WTF with the 'who are you ISIS'... seriously? like their chants will protect them from sub machine gun...
With the English football twats causing issues in France, I expect the rest of the EU will be thinking good riddance
also WTF with the 'who are you ISIS'... seriously? like their chants will protect them from sub machine gun...
Isn't England basically the country in the UK making the biggest deal out of the EU? Scotland seems pretty OK with it all, as does Northern Ireland.Yep, because the UK is only England.
If your view of the UK as a whole is coloured by one countries idiots then you are as bad as the people whinging about immigration and wanting to leave because of it.
Yep, because the UK is only England.
If your view of the UK as a whole is coloured by one countries idiots then you are as bad as the people whinging about immigration and wanting to leave because of it.
Isn't England basically the country in the UK making the biggest deal out of the EU? Scotland seems pretty OK with it all, as does Northern Ireland.
How is it pedantic to point out that England isn't the UK? What about Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland? Do they get painted with the same brush just because of a set of English football fans?They are referred to as English fans across every news and media channel, you know what I meant, and are being pedantic for no reason
How is it pedantic to point out that England isn't the UK? What about Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland? Do they get painted with the same brush just because of a set of English football fans?
Anyway, I think we'll be staying in due to the votes of Scotland, Wales and NI.
56%% remain. 44%% leave. 67% turnout.I'll start putting these predictions in the OP. Probably only going to get around to it tomorrow evening, but I'll try to include every prediction from this post on.
Place your bets!
I agree immigration can cause issues. But I don't agree that the solution is to try to stop immigration as there are also a bunch of positives to it.
Why not tackle said issues. Wages have stagnated in semi skilled jobs because immigration has allowed employers to undercut wages and pay less for someone who is just as good. So why not prevent that behavior by having the minimum wage be an actual liveable amount.
Also I feel the complaint that our public services are under stress due to be misdirected blame. Our services are under stress due to budget cuts and the tighterning of targets making these services cut corners. I feel like immigration is being used as a scapegoat.
Also the housing market issue is due to a lack of house building. This has been an issue for the last decade and it likely exists so the bubble that is the housing market can be kept afloat. People don't want to loose value off their homes even in the end it's all relative:/ more houses need to be built regardless of whether we have more or less immigration.
Edit: this obviously isn't aimed at you. I'm just trying to fathom why immigration is such the massive issue it is. Because from my pov it's misplaced frustration.
That's because they are English fans. I'm old enough to remember that English football fans once had a dreadful reputation, hijacked by fascist hooligan "firms" like the US Republicans are now by racist, misogynistic homophobes.They are referred to as English fans across every news and media channel, you know what I meant, and are being pedantic for no reason
Watch the videos. Read reports from people actually there.With the English football twats causing issues in France, I expect the rest of the EU will be thinking good riddance
also WTF with the 'who are you ISIS'... seriously? like their chants will protect them from sub machine gun...
With the English football twats causing issues in France, I expect the rest of the EU will be thinking good riddance
also WTF with the 'who are you ISIS'... seriously? like their chants will protect them from sub machine gun...
Russian Ultras with faces covered out looking for trouble. French Marseille youth out looking for trouble. Multiple reports of groups of English being ambushed and attacked.
55℅ turnout.
Leave 53%
Remain 47%
Cameron gone within two weeks, May to become PM. Corbyn gone within the month, as his major strongholds for support within the party (youth vote, unions) turn on him for his inaction.
55℅ turnout.
Leave 53%
Remain 47%
Cameron gone within two weeks, May to become PM. Corbyn gone within the month, as his major strongholds for support within the party (youth vote, unions) turn on him for his inaction.
May won't be PM if Leave win. She's on the wrong side.
Please no. Please.
One of the advantages of the union is that you can plan and implement beneficial infrastructure policy on a much bigger scale. Trans-European Transport Network or TEN-T is one such thing. It's all about easing the movement of goods between countries and erasing existing transport bottlenecks.
With the English football twats causing issues in France, I expect the rest of the EU will be thinking good riddance
also WTF with the 'who are you ISIS'... seriously? like their chants will protect them from sub machine gun...
55℅ turnout.
Leave 53%
Remain 47%
Cameron gone within two weeks, May to become PM. Corbyn gone within the month, as his major strongholds for support within the party (youth vote, unions) turn on him for his inaction.
Poor little things.as always english fans get shafted by the media as being hooligans. When infact it is always local hooligans and gangs starting shit first with the england fans.
Poor little things.
100% Leave with 100% turnout.
We actually end up leaving so hard that the land actually gets pulled away from Europe and closer to our American friends, how aloow us to become a state.
But America wants to abandon you if you leave...
Corbyns been working pretty hard for remain. He's never once shown to be pro leave during this referendum, and has been making distinctive and positive arguments. Just because few papers are reporting what he's been saying up and down the country doesn't mean that he isn't saying anything.
He really isn't. Polling shows that a large number of labour supporters, particularly in the north, aren't actually aware of Corbyn's stance on this. The labour party people I know in London are furious because the party isn't using its resources at all - half-assed sums up the entirety of labours in campaign. Individual MPs are working their ass off for it, but the party levers needed to mobilise labour voters just aren't being pulled at all.