I also think that this could be the positive side of a leave vote, at least on EU side, UK being the main saboteur of any deeper integration.
Yes, Minister. As relevant today as when it was written:
The only reason to Leave is the continued right-wing Trumpist bullshit about being able to "protect our borders" from all those nasty Eastern Europeans, with their despicably strong work ethic, their disgracefully high productivity and downright scandalous ability to contribute more via taxation than they ever relieve in benefits or healthcare.
For the economy, we'll be sticking to all the EU rules (because we need to trade with the EU) but now we'll have no say in writing them and will have to enforce them via a domestic trade regulatory body what can't draw upon pooled EU expertise (which will cost at least as much as our share of the EU budget).
And yeah, Scotland will fuck off - maybe followed by Wales if they want some agricultural subsidy. Then trade negotiations will be a bit more difficult when Scotland and Ireland are part of a 30-state trading bloc and we've got... Boris.
Personally, the thing I hate most is people arguing to leave because of the lack of transparency in Europe. That's the same Europe where trade rules are debated in open parliament by elected MEPs, and where even the meetings/decisions of the bureucrats (i.e. the European Commission) are published on the internet for all to read.
I'm sure things will be much more transparent when our trade is negotiated by Boris and his industry chums behind closed doors. After all, TTIP is such a wonderfully transparent process...
Scoxit. How can any Leave voter claim to represent Britain when their actions will lead to more debates containing this etymological abomination.