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Brink |OT| _/^\_

Had my first real session of Brink this evening. Love it. It's the right kind of pace for me, the SMART system is a lot more subtle than I expected - but still terrific. Not much more to say until I spend some more time with it.

Big thumbs up, though.


I fell in love with the grenade launcher. So satisfying to rain down grenades on an area to cover it. Heavy body type still lacks something, though.
derFeef said:
I fell in love with the grenade launcher. So satisfying to rain down grenades on an area to cover it. Heavy body type still lacks something, though.
The one for medium types is fun as well, but in the end it doesn't cut it to choose medium over light for me. Knockdown is nice but it has very limited use. I would love to play it that way though - medium soldier throwing shit and taking names, but with anybody that's not new to the game it didn't work that well for me.

Danne-Danger said:
That's the thing though, it seems like they're buffing all SMGs to match the Carb. Even if you buff ARs the SMGs will most likely be able to overpower them in short to mid distance, it kinda comes down to the way the maps are designed, 80% of the time I don't think I'd want to use anything other than a SMG. This is of course partially because no one else uses anything other than SMGs, but I feel like most maps cater more towards the ranges in which an SMG is effective. If the only trump card the medium has is the ARs that's not really a good deal IMO, especially since a heavy can use them as well with a lot more health to boot. Limiting ARs for heavies wouldn't work either since logically you'd have to limit SMGs as well. They're supposed to be a happy medium but I just can't see the appeal.

I'm really curious to see how they'll go about it!
In my mind that's the wrong approach - doesn't help medium or heavy at all (even if you buff ARs slightly). Light is too powerful with SMGs as is. In my mind a light shouldn't stand a chance in an otherwise equally matched firefight with a heavier bodytype. But with the small health benefit and the big disadvantage in mobility you can easily come out on top as a light. That's why nerfing SMGs sounds better to me. Buff heavy weapons and let heavies carry heavy and SMG but no ARs.
Pylon_Trooper said:
Had my first real session of Brink this evening. Love it. It's the right kind of pace for me, the SMART system is a lot more subtle than I expected - but still terrific. Not much more to say until I spend some more time with it.

Big thumbs up, though.
Glad you're enjoying it! I'm currently suffering through Quake Wars withdrawal (as I do with every MP game nowadays), but I feel Brink has a TON of potential if they could just fix some of the issues I'm having with the balancing of skills, classes and weapons. Everything I've read about the tools they have in place tells me that most of it is stuff that can be fixed easily, so I'm really excited to see how they'll handle the post-launch support. Haven't had much time to play recently though, I'm looking forward to diving into the DLC next week.
derFeef said:
I fell in love with the grenade launcher. So satisfying to rain down grenades on an area to cover it. Heavy body type still lacks something, though.
One thing I tried briefly but with great success was a soldier with buffed grenades using the under-slung grenade launcher on a assault rifle, that thing was fun as hell to use. I will be doing some more experimenting once the balance patch hits.
Phife Dawg said:
In my mind that's the wrong approach - doesn't help medium or heavy at all (even if you buff ARs slightly). Light is too powerful with SMGs as is. In my mind a light shouldn't stand a chance in an otherwise equally matched firefight with a heavier bodytype. But with the small health benefit and the big disadvantage in mobility you can easily come out on top as a light. That's why nerfing SMGs sounds better to me. Buff heavy weapons and let heavies carry heavy and SMG but no ARs.
I kinda feel that the speed at which you get a kill with the Carb (against lights) right now is pretty good, while the other SMGs are a bit too weak, small buffs to SMGs (leave the Carb), big buffs to ARs and HUGE buffs to heavy weapons seems like a good path to take to me. I have a feeling that the heavy weapons buff alone should help take away some of that light SMG dominance as the heavy should be a counter towards that.

Another thing people have been suggesting is lower body damage and higher headshot damage, since the ARs are mainly good when bursting the initial accuracy you have with them would be more useful. With SMGs you'd have to be really close to be able to spray accurately at the head...

Anyway, we'll see what they decide to do about it once the patch hits.


Genesis Knight said:
Looks like the patch is out for 360; anyone seeing any difference?

Ed: just tried a match, 8v8 with about 10 human players, ran perfectly.
Damn. Hopefully this magical patch gets out on the PS3 as well. I've been playing with 0-2 human players all this time. If I'm lucky, 2, otherwise, 0.
Just recieved Doom DLC, thanks Aselith for that. Feels good man.

upd: oopsy daisy, can't forum engine allow to resize images?
Danne-Danger said:
I kinda feel that the speed at which you get a kill with the Carb (against lights) right now is pretty good, while the other SMGs are a bit too weak, small buffs to SMGs (leave the Carb), big buffs to ARs and HUGE buffs to heavy weapons seems like a good path to take to me. I have a feeling that the heavy weapons buff alone should help take away some of that light SMG dominance as the heavy should be a counter towards that.

Another thing people have been suggesting is lower body damage and higher headshot damage, since the ARs are mainly good when bursting the initial accuracy you have with them would be more useful. With SMGs you'd have to be really close to be able to spray accurately at the head...

Anyway, we'll see what they decide to do about it once the patch hits.
I'd be against higher headshot damage, I see quite a few with SMGs already and Carb is relatively accurate. If you want to reward skill I would like to see more recoil/bullet spread so you can't spray and pray extensively any more.

But as you said, let's see what they come up with in terms of balancing. Weapons aside they have to do something about hacking objectives and offence in general. Let ops remote hack from greater distance (giving new focus to installing the hackbox) or increase the time it takes to remove the box, which is laughably short, or just do something. Not a lot of fun atm, even with a coordinated team.

The_Player said:
Just recieved Doom DLC, thanks Aselith for that. Feels good man.

upd: oopsy daisy, can't forum engine allow to resize images?
Not to sound like a debbie downer but that looks pretty tacky. A Doom marine outfit would've been ace.


operative is by far the most fun class to play as.

there is nothing more satisfying than a well placed caltrop and a successful sticky bomb on a player. anyone who says operatives are useless lack imagination and skill. you can easily control the flow of the maps and even battles in tight corridors simply by having those two abilities.

can't wait to unlock emp grenades.
teepo said:
operative is by far the most fun class to play as.

there is nothing more satisfying than a well placed caltrop and a successful sticky bomb on a player. anyone who says operatives are useless lack imagination and skill. you can easily control the flow of the maps and even battles in tight corridors simply by having those two abilities.

can't wait to unlock emp grenades.
They're lonely wolves, they have nothing to share with their team-mates. Their use only to make objectives, otherwise - meaningless.
teepo said:
operative is by far the most fun class to play as.

there is nothing more satisfying than a well placed caltrop and a successful sticky bomb on a player. anyone who says operatives are useless lack imagination and skill. you can easily control the flow of the maps and even battles in tight corridors simply by having those two abilities.

can't wait to unlock emp grenades.
No damage on caltrops if you simply walk. Forcing people to walk is OK I guess but you can't control the flow of a map with it. And sticky bomb is fun but if you want to suppress you're better off with a grenade launching soldier, you can throw much more (and effective) stuff out in shorter time periods.

Op needs a backstab and charges of some sort to really harass and bring chaos imo.
divisionbyzorro said:
Op needs to be able to debuff enemies while disguised. That would be plenty good enough for me.
I believe, if they've made minimap more friendly for occasional players, so OPs Interrogating would make more help to a whole team, not only for a skillable guys. Meanwhile, waiting for a new DLC, in which they will receive personal UAV.
Also - a crosshair in the middle of the screen so I can easily spot enemies with the homing beacon while in disguise. Trying to get it lined up perfectly on a moving enemy is way harder than it should be (on console anyway).


Danne-Danger said:

^Great parkour video showing trick jumps and hiding spots that you may or may not be aware of for all maps! Really good editing as well.

Should be in the OP IMO!

Holy shit at the Reactor Vent, I've put in 40+ hours and had no idea.

Edit: It's also funny watching him show trick jumps on Refuel since I have only ever played that map once - for the single player campaign. Because servers wouldn't run it due to the sound bug, I have no idea where he or anything he's showing is. It mine as well be a map for a whole 'nother game at this point.


Mr. Snrub said:
So the 360 version is fixed?

Well i played 2 matches a couple of hours ago and although still not perfect the patch seems to have improved the netcode so that Brink is now playable online.


Increasing headshot damage wouldn't help the heavier weapons. For one, the AR is only really accurate in short bursts especially when firing from the hip, so you'd be out damaged half the time. ARs would need a damage buff across the board, or an accuracy buff. Then Heavy weapons have a much harder time getting headshots, so that type of change would mostly hurt them, not help them.

I find headshot damage is one of the primary reasons why a Heavy's extra health becomes irrelevant in a one on one firefight.


what the fuck how do i run

clicking the control stick isnt working, also is free play multiplayer? I did public match but it looked like a story mode mission and the other team didnt hav enames over their head so i didnt know if they were players or ai
kai3345 said:
what the fuck how do i run

clicking the control stick isnt working, also is free play multiplayer? I did public match but it looked like a story mode mission and the other team didnt hav enames over their head so i didnt know if they were players or ai

First off, welcome to Brink!

1) Sprinting is done by tapping the left bumper; hold it down to automatically vault objects as well.

2) Freeplay is multiplayer, but all multiplayer maps are set within the confines of the story. You can tell who is a bot and who is human by looking at the scoreboard and seeing which players have connection bars by their names.


so my character is rebellion yet my guy is always on the police team in multiplayer

edit- also are they working on a patch for this texture pop in? its like mass effect 1 times 10
kai3345 said:
so my character is rebellion yet my guy is always on the police team in multiplayer
You'll be put in the team that's lacking players online. Choosing a side has little effect other than what "theme" you'll have in the menus from what I can tell.


kai3345 said:
so my character is rebellion yet my guy is always on the police team in multiplayer


Resistance, not rebellion. Security, not police.

Your character can be customized for both. When you go to the character customization screen just hit Y to mess around with your other character.

Instruction booklet that came with the game, as well as the challenges that teach you more about it are good resources you should hit up.


kai3345 said:
so my character is rebellion yet my guy is always on the police team in multiplayer

Switch sides in the pause menu, given that the other team isn't already full. I couldn't find a "set team preference" in the options so it probably randomly assigns you to a team upon joining.

Also, your character is actually both Resistance and Security, but each has an unique costume setup.


This game hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Has it been fixed for PC yet? Still wondering if it's worth cracking open or whether I should just put it up on eBay.


bigjimmystyle said:
This game hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Has it been fixed for PC yet? Still wondering if it's worth cracking open or whether I should just put it up on eBay.
I think it is now playable for everyone and a big update is coming soon.


bigjimmystyle said:
This game hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Has it been fixed for PC yet? Still wondering if it's worth cracking open or whether I should just put it up on eBay.

Yes its been fixed, but the PC version was only broke on certain maps after Day1. It's worth reading some of the previous pages here or do a search.
DEO3 said:
I always vote to be on offense whenever a map vote comes up.

My favorite class is soldier, so I much prefer being on offense. Since I'm dual-specced as soldier/engineer, I feel obligated to play engineer on defense.
Grayman said:
am i the only person who really dislikes playing as defense?
Depends on the opposing team. If they just get slaughtered and don't put up a meaningful offence it can be quite boring but if they push for it defence can be really fun.
I still don't understand why the Hackbox is removable. I think it's Resort where the last objective is just ridiculous difficulty wise for the attackers. First Reactor objective as well. The defending team basically need to be playing blindfolded for you to succeed.


Shoogoo said:
I'm reading mixed opinions on wether the patch fixed the lag or not (360)

I'm scared to try it myself :/
I'm waiting to hear that it works without a hitch before putting it back in my disc tray.
"I still don't understand why the Hackbox is removable. I think it's Resort where the last objective is just ridiculous difficulty wise for the attackers. First Reactor objective as well. The defending team basically need to be playing blindfolded for you to succeed."

I think the hackbox being removable is fine, it's the progress being reset that's the problem. Sometimes I think that they should keep it as it is, but just have "stages" of hacking and progress can only be reset back to the last stage of the hacking. So say there's like 25%, 50%, and 75%. If a hack exceeds 25%, all progress can only be reset to 25%, same with 50 and 75. Sort of keeps hacking as it is, but less impossible for the attackers.
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