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Brink |OT| _/^\_


Jinaar said:
PC patch available, word out on a 360 patch? Basically DAMAGED BEYOND SPLASH has a few days before I pull the trigger and trade this game in for L.A. Noire. Sad times indeed.
Patch is ready and in certification at MS.
Victrix said:
Do the challenges as a level 1 char, they're way easy. Don't ask me why they scaled the difficulty to your level.

Ive heard this, but for me, using a different level one character, it just seemed I was still going up against turret, grenade launching, level 13 guys. And then, I didnt have the benefit of using a light body type, which was the only thing that made the first two objectives even possible.


TheApatheticOne said:
Ive heard this, but for me, using a different level one character, it just seemed I was still going up against turret, grenade launching, level 13 guys. And then, I didnt have the benefit of using a light body type, which was the only thing that made the first two objectives even possible.
I'm the same. Started a new lvl1 character and the difficulty didn't seem to change. The enemy AI still acted and appeared to be as over-powered as they where with my levelled up character. You know things are wrong when you see 1 enemy AI taking out 2 of your guys with a fraction of their current clip, then taking you out with the remaining shots. Whereas, it can take me up to a whole clip to take out one guy.

Also, is it me or are smg's more powerful than assault rifles in this game? Perhaps it's their ROF which makes them superior.

I really can't see what I am doing so fundamentally wrong that I'm making it so difficult for myself, especially when you hear other players 'steam rolling' their way through, and their tactics appear to be no different than mine.
Be Objective can actually be fairly easily done, both 2- and 3-star, at pretty much any level (and by easily I mean I can do it about once out of every three attempts that I don't restart in the first phase). Escort and Tower Defense get much worse as soon as the enemy can drop turrets, and they're downright impossible if the enemy can place double mines, so I highly recommend being low rank for those challenges (use the respec feature to keep yourself at a low rank).

In all cases, spec yourself with a Carb-9 and a Bulpdaun. Use the highest capacity magazine available, front grips, and muzzle breaks.

For Be Objective, the plan is pretty much always the same:

  1. Soldier: Rush plant the bomb. If you're at Rank 2+, use a Flashbang to slow down the enemy. If you don't get the plant immediately, or if it gets defused, restart (you need every second available).
  2. Engineer: Fairly easy on 2-star, but a real bitch on 3-star. For the 2-star challenge, run out the left side of your spawn while buffing damage, climb the ladder, and run the backside of the middle level to flank behind the enemy. Take them out, toss a grenade at the stairs to slow them down (don't prime the grenade; they run away from grenades sitting on the ground), and repair as much as possible before being taken out. Rinse and repeat.

    For the 3-star challenge, run out the right side of your spawn (while buffing damage) and climb the boxes to the middle level. If any enemies are on the middle level, take them out and run along the right side towards the engine. Kill any enemies sitting in the lower open area (if you can do so easily and quickly). Toss a grenade at the stairs on the right. Repair the engine until they kill you, then start over.
  3. Operative: Not bad on 3-star (I've actually never failed it if I've gotten that far), but a huge pain on 2-star (you kinda have to get a little lucky). Clear out as many of the enemies as you can, plant the hackbox, and run just around the corner and crouch. You're still going to be slightly visible to the enemy, but if you're any further you won't be able to respond to engineers. You have to hope that they ignore you (and they often will).

    On 3-star it's surprisingly easy. Run out the left side of your spawn, climb the ladders to the top level. Clear out the enemy, start the hack, and crouch. You can hear them come up the stairs and easily kill them with the Carb-9 before they even see you.
  4. Carry Objective: Not hard at all. Just run.

3-Star Tower Defense can be pretty annoying too, until you realize that if you stand right in front of the door with a Drum Mag Carb-9, you can mow down an entire wave of 3 guys with a single clip as soon as they turn the corner. Just look for the light, run the door, kill them all, refill ammo, and repeat. It won't even be difficult until the final set (since it comes so soon after the previous set).
Fucking hell, is Early Launch a really annoying mission in single player. The damn bots seem to want to do everything other than help take the actual objective on the second part of the mission.

Meanwhile, the other side's bots ONLY focus on the final objective, so it's like playing a totally lopsided match. I always seem to end up there with two or three bots on my side against their entire fucking team.

Maybe if I restarted everything at level 1 and tried it things will work out better for me, but I can never get that launcher hacked. arghhh.


Winterblink said:
Fucking hell, is Early Launch a really annoying mission in single player. The damn bots seem to want to do everything other than help take the actual objective on the second part of the mission.

Meanwhile, the other side's bots ONLY focus on the final objective, so it's like playing a totally lopsided match. I always seem to end up there with two or three bots on my side against their entire fucking team.

Maybe if I restarted everything at level 1 and tried it things will work out better for me, but I can never get that launcher hacked. arghhh.
I had the same issue as you when I was doing my hard/versus play through.

The bots do nothing to help you on that last objective and the enemy AI just flock around when you attempt the hack.

I would suggest you try playing it on versus mode, rank 'same as you and higher' and keep playing until you get into a good team of human players. Also, once you start the hack, move into the sheltered area on the right of the objective and be prepared to defend it once you place the hack box.

When I played this on normal I completed it after my second play though. Playing it on versus took me about 10 play throughs before I finally got put into a good team as you can't do this on your own with AI, unless you are very lucky...


divisionbyzorro said:
Fookin hell!

Had a quick go of this when I got in from work tonight. Changed my weapon configuration, and...

I completed the 'Be More Objective' 2 star in my first go! For some reason, my team actually pushed forward and was doing their job. After i cleared the hack area i managed to get the hack box in place and went and hid around the corner and, for once, the enemy engineer didn't attempt to disarm my hack device.

It felt as if the difficulty scale had finally been reset, perhaps by messing about with my weapons *shrug* I'm not sure.

Now to try the third star now...
Ubersnug said:
Fookin hell!

Had a quick go of this when I got in from work tonight. Changed my weapon configuration, and...

I completed the 'Be More Objective' 2 star in my first go! For some reason, my team actually pushed forward and was doing their job. After i cleared the hack area i managed to get the hack box in place and went and hid around the corner and, for once, the enemy engineer didn't attempt to disarm my hack device.

It felt as if the difficulty scale had finally been reset, perhaps by messing about with my weapons *shrug* I'm not sure.

When I got it to work, I felt like I'd somehow found a quirk that just confused the AI. By going just around the corner, but not completely running to the other side of the pillar, I found that the enemy would often just stare at me instead of either trying to kill me or remove the hackbox. Plus, the SMGs are just so superior to the ARs that you'll find yourself dispatching their armies much quicker.

I very much agree with the Brink TV competitive rules about not removing the hackbox. Personally, I think SD should patch hack objectives so that engineers can remove the box, but removing the box doesn't reset the hack percentage. It still has a more interesting flavor than just a re-skinned repair objective, but it's less unfair for the attackers.
Ubersnug said:
(playing this on the 360 btw)

tl:dr 'Be More objective challenge is fucking frustrating and friendly AI is fucking useless.
there's your problem. the AI is currently bugged. the pc version got a patch a while ago to fix it, but as has been oft mentioned the console patches must go through a certification process with microsoft or sony before they can be released.

i understand the need to prevent a patch from introducing exploits or even system-damaging faulty code, but release window patches are a fact of life for multiplayer-focused games these days. this isn't the first time i have seen a game's launch suffer due to lengthy approval times.


divisionbyzorro said:
I very much agree with the Brink TV competitive rules about not removing the hackbox. Personally, I think SD should patch hack objectives so that engineers can remove the box, but removing the box doesn't reset the hack percentage. It still has a more interesting flavor than just a re-skinned repair objective, but it's less unfair for the attackers.
I totally agree with this!

It just doesn't seem 'fluffy' that the engineer can come along with his magic can of deodorant and 'undo' your hack. Surely, if you where going to have the hack reversible it could obly be performed by another operative?

It also doesn't make sense, in this context, that the repair is non-reversible. As an engineer could just 'throw a spanner in the works' so to speak. Not that I'm advocating that repairs should be reversible. I would argue that the any hack and repair work performed should remain in play to make it more forgiving to the attackers - considering that the AI does bugger all about them.

Perhaps making it something that can turned on or off?
Fulleffect said:
i wonder if they will patch in a benefit to playing anything other then light + smg at some point

SMGs need to be less accurate at range, ARs need to be more accurate at range and when ADS, and Miniguns need a serious buff. That might be enough to encourage medium/heavy usage (along with a slight health buff to heavies).
Fulleffect said:
i wonder if they will patch in a benefit to playing anything other then light + smg at some point
They'd need to patch the classes for that. Personally, I'd buff the heavy to have at least double the health of a light, not sure what to do with the medium though, if you buff HIS health along with the heavy I think that could really mess things up again... I'd like it if they focused on the two extremes, light and heavy, and maybe just got rid of/ignored the medium, drastic I know, but if they fix the heavy I don't really see a need for the medium. I don't think the game would be hurt with one less body type, plus it's much easier to differentiate between a heavy and a light body than it is between heavy, medium and light, it just makes things needlessly messy, IMO.

I also think they should ditch the whole cone of fire thing they have going with the spread. They already added a bit of recoil to the PC version, I think they should add WAY more and tighten the CoF a lot, have more of a CS style (look at the kickback on the Ritchie as an example). I want spread control, not bullet hoses. That's really my only major complaint at the moment, I think the game would be A LOT more fun with a system like that, the weapons would feel more varied and the skill ceiling would be much higher. Should be an easy thing to do (besides re-balancing!) for SD given how easy they said it was to change the values of weapons etc.


Shoogoo said:
Come on MS, give me that patch before it's too late.
I haven't played since last week. If things don't get better with this patch, I'm out.

I don't want to quit Brink, but it's just really disheartening as someone who had a lot invested in this game for what feels like 2 years now. I know it's only been about 2-3 weeks since launch, but knowing this game will have 0 community on XBL really, really kills things for me.


So I finally received my PS3 copy and sat down to play a few rounds. So far, the impression has not been a positive one.

  • The graphics look OK. Not great, but they serve their purpose. Good models and some good lighting here and there.
  • The art direction is also pleasing.
  • Some nice effects here and there.
  • Radio chatter is useful.
  • Everything gives experience points. Which is great.
  • Switching roles on the fly is a neat idea, but it would make more sense if the easier 'tasks' could be accomplished by any role - meaning that using the preferred role would simply accomplish the feat faster.
  • GUI is solid.
  • Lots of stuff to unlock.

  • AI is as dumb as a box of nails. They can stand around in clusters, not doing anything. Reacting to enemies is lethargic. The AI is rarely able to complete a simple task.
  • No customizable faces!?! The preset list is nice, but I think that it would not have been too difficult to implement a set of sliders or check boxes.
  • All the weapons feel the same. Which makes them redundant.
  • Land mines look like crap.
  • No impact when shooting enemies aka bullet sponges.
  • Immortal NPCs.
  • Parkour is horrible. The player's character seems to grip the ledge with such a horrible imprecision, the Free Running challenges feel retarded.



Well, it seems after my successful run at the 'Be More Objective ' 2* yesteday afternoon carried over to my attempt at the 3* late last night. I managed to complete it in about 3 attempts. Its true that the repair objective is a bitch, but once you get beyond that, the hack objective at this difficulty is shed loads easier than the 2* version.

But, not only did I complete the Be More Objective Challenges, I immediately went on to complete the other 3 challenges. All in, all 4 challenges took me about 40 minutes of playing last night to complete them all. Such a relief and I can now just sit back and enjoy the game now.

I cannot recommend starting a new character for the challenges enough. However, I will say, when I first started a new character, I didnt change the default weapons or spend my 'free' skill point and, it could just be me, but it felt as if the difficulty did not scale down from my level 18 character down to my new lvl 1 character (hence my earlier bitching).

However, as soon as I changed my weapons config (as recommeded by DivisionByZorro, thanks btw) and spent my single skill point on buffing my health, I literally stormed through the 2* 'Be More Objective'. It really felt as if adjusting my character forced the difficulty to scale down. The 2* challenge took me about 6 minutes all in. The Hack objective specifically, took me no time at all and with none of the issues I was bitching about earlier in the thread.

The 3* Escort mission really was a cake walk with a low level character and the weapon config I used. Someone else in this thread suggested repairing your bot to about 90/95% health before finishing off the remaining enemies then going back and finishing the repair - this was an excellent tactic for ensuring the bot moves on and gives you enough time to get into position to recieve the next wave of attackers.

The 3* Tower Defense was also pretty much a cake walk with a low lvl character as well. Took me two attempts and only because I arsed up the final wave on my first run through and didnt get to the control station in time to recapture it.

So glad to have this behind me now!
Ubersnug said:
Did you find that your character would drop his PDA the moment you walked away from the hack box? Is this a bug or something?

Also, i am assuming that after you fired off your under-slung grenade, you would need to run up to the hack box again to pull out your PDA?
A bit late for the reply now since you've triumphed against the challenge, but yeah, the biggest cause of rage in that mission for me was it constantly putting the PDA away if I didn't stand next to the box for a couple of seconds after starting the hack. You do also have to pull out the PDA again after using the grenade launcher, but if you drop the engineer in one hit you'll just barely get away with a slither of health intact.
I haven't played on 360 in 2 weeks. I am NOT trading this game in but letting it age. I will pop it in when the patches arrive and see whats left of the community.
Yeah, another good and simple way to help hack objectives would be to let operatives bring up hack devices without having to physically interact with the hackbox. That would make it much easier to get multiple operatives involved in the hack.


divisionbyzorro said:
Yeah, another good and simple way to help hack objectives would be to let operatives bring up hack devices without having to physically interact with the hackbox. That would make it much easier to get multiple operatives involved in the hack.

Yeah, as long as the hack box was in place, then once you where in range of the 'hack box' you would get the option to 'tune in' and continue the hack. Makes a hell of a lot of sense.


I hate this game. I got burned big time when I purchased; I watched some vids and was suckered by one or the dev walkthroughs, which it "looked" like there was an actual SP campaign. Sadly this isn't the case.

I forced myself to finish the Resistance "story" and through all the bullshit impossible enemy AI characters beating me to a pulp, I did not enjoy any part of this game.

If you don't make it to your objective in 3 seconds, you are faced with fighting the entire enemy team in close quarters, in which you are immediately shot down, any medics that would possibly help you are also shot down so you have to wait 15 seconds to respawn on the other side of the fucking map. There's no skill involved; you literally have to fight the entire enemy team in a 10 foot radius until time runs out or you rage quit. FUN!

I'm trading this piece of shit in today for something less offensive to me as a gamer. Seriously, fuck this game and Splash Damage.
And before anyone says "lol you're supposed to play with others as a team" the vids and discussions I read/watched did not indicate this prior to launch; or at least I could find.
Oh well :/
Dizzle24 said:
And before anyone says "lol you're supposed to play with others as a team" the vids and discussions I read/watched did not indicate this prior to launch; or at least I could find.

Ah yes - the typical internet mentality of "if I don't like it, it must be a piece of shit, so fuck those shitty developers!"

I'll give you that the game wasn't marketed honestly - it is not a good single-player experience. But that's because it's really meant as a niche multiplayer title. If it had been marketed that way, they probably would have sold less copies, but I do believe they would have had a much better metascore and more general goodwill from the community.
Dizzle24 said:
I hate this game. I got burned big time when I purchased; I watched some vids and was suckered by one or the dev walkthroughs, which it "looked" like there was an actual SP campaign. Sadly this isn't the case.

I forced myself to finish the Resistance "story" and through all the bullshit impossible enemy AI characters beating me to a pulp, I did not enjoy any part of this game.

If you don't make it to your objective in 3 seconds, you are faced with fighting the entire enemy team in close quarters, in which you are immediately shot down, any medics that would possibly help you are also shot down so you have to wait 15 seconds to respawn on the other side of the fucking map. There's no skill involved; you literally have to fight the entire enemy team in a 10 foot radius until time runs out or you rage quit. FUN!

I'm trading this piece of shit in today for something less offensive to me as a gamer. Seriously, fuck this game and Splash Damage.
And before anyone says "lol you're supposed to play with others as a team" the vids and discussions I read/watched did not indicate this prior to launch; or at least I could find.
Oh well :/
You should've looked on GAF! We had this sucker pegged from the start. It's not a good game for single player as it's a multiplayer game, tell your friends. Blame the horrible Bethesda marketing team if anything.

Anyway, new competitive VODs are up!

And the latest news from the Brink forum (devs seem to be more active recently):

Soldier kevlar stacks with the engineer kevlar buff, contrary to what the description says (according to dev)

And one guy said this:
Am i the only one who is getting bored INSTANTLY from these videos?

Only light's,some medium's,NO HEAVYS. (guess why ROFL)
Only Carb9/Kross (guess why,ROFL)
Only the same 3 maps (Aquarium and those other two,i play this game too less that i know all the maps names xD)

And the worst thing of them all-->NO FIRST PERSON CAM!? *disgusted* (DAMN,even CS friggin 1.6 has it)
And got this response (from the lead designer):
Exedore said:
We've never said that the retail version of the game is specifically balanced for competitive play. We're working to address the issues you've mentioned, and a host of others we think are entirely valid.

Spread/recoil discussion rages on without any dev input so far! Hnnngh


divisionbyzorro said:
Ah yes - the typical internet mentality of "if I don't like it, it must be a piece of shit, so fuck those shitty developers!"

I'll give you that the game wasn't marketed honestly - it is not a good single-player experience. But that's because it's really meant as a niche multiplayer title. If it had been marketed that way, they probably would have sold less copies, but I do believe they would have had a much better metascore and more general goodwill from the community.
So you're saying since it's "meant to be a niche mp title" that they hoped to not sell a lot of copies, correct?

Anyway, I said that I hated the devs because they developed the horrid AI, so my point is valid.
I'm not waiting around for a patch so I can possible enjoy it; if the game was broken before launch, they should have not released it.
This is an example of when having a Used Game market comes in handy.


Anerythristic said:
I haven't played on 360 in 2 weeks. I am NOT trading this game in but letting it age. I will pop it in when the patches arrive and see whats left of the community.

I'm doing the same.


Danne-Danger said:
And the latest news from the Brink forum (devs seem to be more active recently):

Soldier kevlar stacks with the engineer kevlar buff, contrary to what the description says (according to dev)

Interesting, I respeced just the other day to drop soldier kevlar since I thought it was currently bugged and didn't do anything.

divisionbyzorro said:
I'll give you that the game wasn't marketed honestly - it is not a good single-player experience. But that's because it's really meant as a niche multiplayer title. If it had been marketed that way, they probably would have sold less copies, but I do believe they would have had a much better metascore and more general goodwill from the community.

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

As someone who's played a lot of Splash Damage games in the past I knew exactly was I was getting with Brink - a class based multiplayer shooter. I actually bought the game after reading all the bad reviews because it was clear most of them were simply knocking the game due to it not being what they had in mind. I mean if you were expecting a full on single player campaign ala Uncharted, with some multiplayer on the side, of course you're going to give the game a 3 out of 10 when you find out the single player campaign simply consists of multiplayer maps with bots.

Maybe reviewers are at fault, maybe marketing, I don't know, but I do know that you're right. If it was sold as a niche multiplayer game, at maybe a slightly discounted price ($40) to reflect that, it would have been much better received. I really like this game, I play it every night, but I fear that after so much bad press by both media and players, it'll never have a chance.
DEO3 said:
Maybe reviewers are at fault, maybe marketing, I don't know, but I do know that you're right. If it was sold as a niche multiplayer game, at maybe a slightly discounted price ($40) to reflect that, it would have been much better received. I really like this game, I play it every night, but I fear that after so much bad press by both media and players, it'll never have a chance.
It's totally marketing, a majority of reviewers can't/won't form their own opinion on games and mold their reviews after what the marketing has put out there, Bethesda thought they had to sell a single player game and that went horribly. Also, how many reviewers do you think actually played online when they got their reviews out before or the day of release? How many of the reviews mentioned that the online portion was flat-out broken on consoles (as that's what most reviewers play)? Any MP game with any kind of depth and creativity is going to have a rough time with reviews (unless it's PC only, see: Quake Wars), if they decide to market the game by its weakest points then that's going to be reflected in the reviews as well. A complete and total blunder on the marketing's part.

Now granted marketing a game for MP and releasing a broken online-portion (not that I think they had that in mind) isn't that favorable either, but it just goes to prove that every game should be at the very least a timed exclusive for PC!

*By the way, are the PS3 beta players free from the NDA by now? How was the netcode back then?
Danne-Danger said:
a majority of reviewers can't/won't form their own opinion on games and mold their reviews after what the marketing has put out there

One could also argue that they have a responsibility to score/rate/review the game based on the marketing because that's the framework that the average consumer would approach the game with. There is a double-edged sword to that argument.
Dizzle24 said:
So you're saying since it's "meant to be a niche mp title" that they hoped to not sell a lot of copies, correct?

Anyway, I said that I hated the devs because they developed the horrid AI, so my point is valid.
I'm not waiting around for a patch so I can possible enjoy it; if the game was broken before launch, they should have not released it.
This is an example of when having a Used Game market comes in handy.

I'm really surprised anyone was expecting a robust SP campaign in what looked to be a MP-focused game. But, like Homefront, when the marketing hype up the half-assed SP campaign, all backlash is deserved.


FPS still hovers around the 20fps while I'm stuck with driver 11.3 because 11.5a makes the game crash to desktop.

I've already forgotten about this game. Gonna finish Witcher 2 and then some Heroes of Newerth. Big burn here, won't play an SD game in the near future.
Dizzle24 said:
Anyway, I said that I hated the devs because they developed the horrid AI, so my point is valid.
I'm not waiting around for a patch so I can possible enjoy it; if the game was broken before launch, they should have not released it.
This is an example of when having a Used Game market comes in handy.
read, like, 10 posts up. the AI in the console versions has bugs right now.


Mr. Snrub said:
I'm really surprised anyone was expecting a robust SP campaign in what looked to be a MP-focused game. But, like Homefront, when the marketing hype up the half-assed SP campaign, all backlash is deserved.
I wasn't expecting one, but I would love one that actually works.

They've built this pretty fantastic - in my ever-so-humble opinion - world that we're given no opportunity to actually explore. The story is... well, it's a video game story at its finest/worst, but the world-building and mechanics are there to potentially make the singleplayer game be fucking amazing. Maybe not even a singleplayer game, but an actual co-op campaign, more akin to Left 4 Dead than what we have now... I dunno.

I don't feel ripped off or anything, but I'd love to see something done in this regard. Sadly, I don't think I ever will.


I'm not even going to bother downloading them. This is the fifth version of the hotfix and none have done anything for me. It's going to be a while before ATI gets their OpenGL shit sorted out, methinks.

In other news, looks like the Carb-9 is getting nerfed. The developer who did gun balancing for Brink posts over at something awful, and he just posted this:

Oh hey carb-9 your days are over!!

Edit: I imagine most people will simply use the Kross in its place.


So after getting the controls down in two hours, am I like the only one who found the Be More Objectives to be way too easy?


Tenck said:
So after getting the controls down in two hours, am I like the only one who found the Be More Objectives to be way too easy?

I knocked them out first thing as I read they were easier with a new character. I'm kind of curious how easy I'd find them now that I've put in 40+ hours, I should try them again with my level 20 characters.
I think the general consensus is that a low rank character and a bit of luck is the difference between frustration and ease. I had zero problems with any of the challenges from the start - but I've seen how the AI scales against rank and how difficult they can be to pick off, and I'd understand anyone struggling against the odds. The AI is a deadly accurate shooter and objective camper at rank 3 onwards.


Something differently could really be done with the guns. The spray and watch guys die model cannot be entertaining for too long.

I usually play as a light and I think they really need a bit more variety.
Grayman said:
Something differently could really be done with the guns. The spray and watch guys die model cannot be entertaining for too long.

I usually play as a light and I think they really need a bit more variety.
Am I the only one pretty happy with the weapons? It doesn't have the variety of feel of Halo - but it's certainly as good as COD and the like. Just last night I changed from the Carb-9 to the Bauldpan(?) SMG and it felt like a noticeable change. Admittedly they're both bullet hoses but the sound and recoil differences were noticeable. I also vastly prefer the look of the new SMG over Carb-9. And of course the shotguns, assault rifles and heavy guns all feel very different. What I would like to see is a little more effectiveness for some guns - the 3 burst rifle is nearly useless given how slow it is between bursts, the single shot assault rifle is also pretty shit killspeed-wise given it's recoil and clip.
DEO3 said:
In other news, looks like the Carb-9 is getting nerfed. The developer who did gun balancing for Brink posts over at something awful, and he just posted this:

Edit: I imagine most people will simply use the Kross in its place.
He also seems to be a fan of ARs, which is interesting! Heavy weapons getting some lovin' too, and he only talked about buffing from what I could see, doesn't necessarily mean a nerf for the Carb. Sounds to me like they're buffing everything rather than nerfing, which is a good approach!

I still doubt it'll draw people to the medium though, but maybe they'll manage to make the heavy viable. Time will tell! Prove me wrong SD.
Stripper13 said:
Am I the only one pretty happy with the weapons? It doesn't have the variety of feel of Halo - but it's certainly as good as COD and the like. Just last night I changed from the Carb-9 to the Bauldpan(?) SMG and it felt like a noticeable change. Admittedly they're both bullet hoses but the sound and recoil differences were noticeable. I also vastly prefer the look of the new SMG over Carb-9. And of course the shotguns, assault rifles and heavy guns all feel very different. What I would like to see is a little more effectiveness for some guns - the 3 burst rifle is nearly useless given how slow it is between bursts, the single shot assault rifle is also pretty shit killspeed-wise given it's recoil and clip.
He specifically mentioned that those along with the Gotlung would be getting buffs. *Guess he didn't mention the Bauldpan... weird, could've sworn!

Shotguns are really tough to balance in MP though, too powerful and they can feel cheap and yet if they don't kill with one shot they're likely to get you killed. Best shotgun I ever had in MP was the CS pump, kinda crappy but still very satisfying! Huge difference between one-life rounds and respawns though.

Here's all he had to say:
Fishbus said:
Oh hey carb-9 your days are over!!

Hey gotlung, I hope you are ready to kill more people.

My post is just two choice picks, there's a lot more than just those that are getting changed/fixed/balanced. I'm working on a special multi phase system I want to roll out in time, this is just the fasted and simplest changes I can do right now.
The gerund is really nice for the first 5 - 8 shots in ironsights, Rhett is for more sustained fire (although it's not as accurate). Euston is nice as a "heavy SMG" as it fires faster than the other ARs but it recoils a lot, it keeps tight in ironsights though (that's the AR rule of thumb). I actually like using the Rockstedi a lot in mid/long range as there's a lot of ammo, fires pretty fast and keeps tight as long as you remember the rule. FRK is trash, but won't be for long.

As for the kross, it's actually nice, but surprisingly the weakest damaging smg by a long shot

And I think this is very important:

Fish, would it be possible for you to convince someone over at SD to release statements with whats being worked on for patches ? A lot of people would probably have renewed interest and not uninstall the game from their machines if they had some sort of timetable for when to come back and expect to play actively.
Fishbus said:
We are trying to, it's just it has to be authorized by our publisher. Which doesn't allow things to come fast and frantic (as an upside - possibly a little undercooked) as we want.

And the thread (all that stuff is around the end)
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