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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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I had no particular dog in the US race so the debates were my biggest exposure, gotta say I cant legitimately believe Romney is allowed to run while providing no, or very vague, information on any of his policies. After the first debate Katy Kay from the bbc world news said "Americans dont care about what the candidates say so much as how they say it, they elect a President they want to see, they love a story" and I sat there open mouthed like...really? If that was the case in UK politics no-one would bother to vote, we continually elect the most boring, uninspired people into office, i think having a personality would set you back somewhat.

What about Boris?....

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
This is directed to the knowledgeable people in this thread (i.e. not me): if you were a betting man, would you bet for Obama?

From what i gather the polls are not close but the media is trying to make them close, id bet on Obama based on common sense and the fact that in any logical society hes the only viable candidate running. But i dont know much about US politics and they elected Bush twice so who the funk knows.


This is directed to the knowledgeable people in this thread (i.e. not me): if you were a betting man, would you bet for Obama?

Yes, although you wouldn't get good odds / make much cash. The Electoral College is his to lose, with him expected to pick up at least 10-12 over the needed 270.

What about Boris?....

A bumbling ealing comedy of a man who's odious opinions are hidden behind the loveable oath exterior riding the Olympic high. He will never be PM if that's what you mean?


What about Boris?....

oh yea! forgot about Boris.

This is directed to the knowledgeable people in this thread (i.e. not me): if you were a betting man, would you bet for Obama?

I think I read somewhere that a few of the swing states are already blue.
Personally, I think Obama will win this election but I also believed that John Kerry would win the election in 2004....so yeah. Keep an eye on the swing states and see which side they lean to.

skyfall is out this friday. oh goood.

Ooooooh yeah! will be watching this next week.
This is directed to the knowledgeable people in this thread (i.e. not me): if you were a betting man, would you bet for Obama?
I would, yes. He's rocking the Electoral College, and, first debate aside, he's been pretty dominant; particularly yesterday, when Romney split his time between rambling and agreeing with Obama.
skyfall is out this friday. oh goood.
Not Nolan, not interested.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
One thing which confused me, which i hope someone can clarify, US anchors said they cant use popular vote because it would disenfranchise certain states, yet after each debate all i hear is 3 or 4 states in play, Iowa, Florida etc and the rest practically ignored. What am i missing here?

Jedeye Sniv

There's a new cinema in Aldershot eopening this weekend. Might well go and see Skyfall for the novelty factor of being able to walk home from the pictures.


One thing which confused me, which i hope someone can clarify, US anchors said they cant use popular vote because it would disenfranchise certain states, yet after each debate all i hear is 3 or 4 states in play, Iowa, Florida etc and the rest practically ignored. What am i missing here?

The states they don't mention are forgone conclusions (NYC is Blue, Texas is usually Red etc...) they are the swing states this time out I assume.

The popular vote would go in favour of the major built up states and places like Iowa would be fucked, States are almost like little country's, all with their own laws etc... and to think they have no sway in DC due to small population would fuck them over.


One thing which confused me, which i hope someone can clarify, US anchors said they cant use popular vote because it would disenfranchise certain states, yet after each debate all i hear is 3 or 4 states in play, Iowa, Florida etc and the rest practically ignored. What am i missing here?

The entire US system is odd. The public vote matters very little. It's all down to the Electoral college.


The cocksucking of Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale on GAF makes me have seizures.

Yup. I like elements of both their work but Bales "Bat voice" is the most distracting piece of shit ever and Nolan not once stepped in and said "Chris? drop the shit scary voice please mate"?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If Romney somehow wins, I don't want to live on this planet anymore

I dunno, whenever i think about politics that south park episode from the last election comes to mind, "ITS THE END OF THE WORLD...oh wait the world keeps on turning"


One thing which confused me, which i hope someone can clarify, US anchors said they cant use popular vote because it would disenfranchise certain states, yet after each debate all i hear is 3 or 4 states in play, Iowa, Florida etc and the rest practically ignored. What am i missing here?

States almost always vote the same way as the popular vote. There are a few cases in history where this didn't happen though.

During the 2000 election, the popular vote went to Gore but Bush ended up winning because he had more electoral college votes. I think the problem is that it could screw up how voting is done. Right now there are a few swing states (the ones you mentioned) and then the rest are almost guaranteed the way they go. Eg NY is always democrats even though NYC is republicans. It causes a problem with voting as people actually don't vote because of this. They know there is no point and that there state isn't going to vote for what they want.

If we go to popular vote then the smaller states wont matter as much as they do now because the will target states with larger populations. I think thats rubbish though and it would make the campaign more interesting as more states would have to be visited and more investment being made to the peoples choice.


So, I've got an apprentice guy working in the warehouse with me!
He's going to be taking over a lot of the day-to-day warehouse shit so I can get on with proper IT stuffs and not have to worry about all the crap down here so much in the future.

Exciting! Is it OK to rename him in this situation? I think Beasley might be a good name for him.

He's worked here for 2 days and I haven't had him make me a cup of tea yet. This makes me an excellent boss, right?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've got my CVs printed, going to hit three offices tomorrow and hand them in directly. I got an instant interview for my last job when I did this, so here's hoping.

The bad side being that all three offices are quite a far bit away from my flat. Around 8 miles away. Luckily I live in a city with a functioning and affordable public transit system. Train + shanks' pony = 1 hour commute easily.

I'd prefer to work closer to home, but money is money.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
fake plastic trees made me believe in fake plastic trees. Ive still no idea what that song is about

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
strangely i have never seen alien but i have seen all the other films, prequels, im about to download a version, is the directors cut better?
Where do you live:Edinburgh
Where are you from:Edinburgh
Occupation:Assistant Manager
University:Queen Margaret College University
Sports of choice (and if you'd like to alienate yourself you can provide the team you support as well): Football, Heart Of Midlothian (have a 10 year love affair with Barcelona though)
Current political party of choice: They're all a bag of dicks. But if push came to shove Labour. Tories are the same old, Lib Dems betrayed me when they slept with the Tories to taste power. Not convinced Scottish Independence is the way forward, even if I agree with many SNP policies. Greens aren't credible enough for me right now.
Favourite (current) UK TV show:Incredibly tough, but I'll go with Peep Show for now. Though as the new series isn't quite here yet, maybe Question Time is a better answer, even if it does get a bit "Punch & Judy" at times.
Favourite (current) non UK TV show: My favourite of all time is The Wire, but right now I'm loving a bit of Boardwalk Empire.
CBBC or CITV: In my day, CBBC all the way. Broom Cupboard baby!

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime

Come brothers! We must ride north and stamp out these Jacobites!
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