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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
If that's it, then I wouldn't put effort into moving the appointment forward. Doesn't sound like anything is going to explode immediately, and two weeks difference don't amount to a hill of beans in the NHS anyhow.

Live with it for a fortnight and you'll have more of a story to tell the doc. Besides, it might have gone away by then, and if not you'll have a better story to tell.

EDIT: unless it is wherever your appendix is, which I have not got the faintest idea about. But if it is, get to hospital now.

No its testicular, its been here about a week now and if i dont have to id rather wait the two weeks given its gonna be hard to organise getting over there.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
No its testicular, its been here about a week now and if i dont have to id rather wait the two weeks given its gonna be hard to organise getting over there.

In that case, wait. (Warning for other readers, too much information follows:) I've had the odd testicular lump on and off for the last 20 years and mostly they just vanish themselves away in about four weeks.

So, (a) don't worry yourself unnecessarily (b) tell the doc when you get there in a fortnight (c) even on the unlikely offchance that it turns out to be something seriously bad and two-week delay will make damn-all difference.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
In that case, wait. (Warning for other readers, too much information follows:) I've had the odd testicular lump on and off for the last 20 years and mostly they just vanish themselves away in about four weeks.

So, (a) don't worry yourself unnecessarily (b) tell the doc when you get there in a fortnight (c) even on the unlikely offchance that it turns out to be something seriously bad and two-week delay will make damn-all difference.

thanks for the replies, ill wait out the two weeks, honestly im not sat here thinking its something big, just a tad concerning given my family history.
I've been told if it's painful that's good, as C tends to be non-painful lumps. But I'm not a doctor and don't know shit. I'd say not a lot is likely to happen in two weeks, it's up to you how worried you are.

Jedeye Sniv

Recording tracks at home is harder than it sounds, unless you happen to have good enough recording equipment and a decent space to record which isn't going to have a shitty room sound (especially on drums and vocals).

Even then, it's usually a good idea to have somebody else with you to do it so the band can focus on the music, not the recording.

I wish I still had all the equipment. I might start getting some stuff again because I used to LOVE recording bands. I'd just make sure not to work with douchebags this time.

Tell you what, Jedeye - I'll record you for free if and when I get some stuff together again.

It'll probably be pretty amateur until I really get back into it, though.

Yeah home recording is always a little dry. Plus you need to be able to turn your amp up loud to record them well. And drums, drums are a bitch. In my old band (Occasional Kings, youtube them, there's some good stuff up there) the drummer/keyboard guy was a studio wiz and had a pretty great setup. We recorded our great lamented never finished demo in his little studio room and it actually sounded pretty good, although it was far cleaner and less dirty than our live sound was. He did the drums electronically and most people think they're real when they hear it. But we want to do it all live and for real from now on, the feel of it is better I think.

And yeah man, if you want to record us you're welcome, even if it's just as a testbed to brush your skills up on :)

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
everytime Man City lose it always feels like there is a little more justice in the world

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Where do you live: Dawlish, Devon
Where are you from: Weymouth, Dorset
Occupation:Unemployed...only for a few more weeks hopefully
University: Not yeet
Sports of choice (and if you'd like to alienate yourself you can provide the team you support as well): To play? Rugby.. To watch down the pub..footie
Current political party of choice: Labour, but they're all wank
Favourite (current) UK TV show:Doctor Who
Favourite (current) non UK TV show:The Office/Dexter/Walking dead...cant decide
CBBC or CITV:CITV when i was younger i guess

Feeling pretty bitter right now guys, politics threads rustling my jimmies... Anyone else lost hope for England?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
i actually really like it here personally, could do with a bit nicer weather and equal footing when it comes to movie/game releases mind you

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
What don't you like about City? They have lot's of money? They produced one of the best end's to a season of all time last season I think.

I am a manchester united fan


Currently re-reading Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. Fantastic book. Wish it was localised so I could actually buy it though.


Seanbob11, remove 2 apostrophes. If you remove the correct ones I'll give you something good.

I'm glad it isn't just me caring about that stuff!

I've tried to rein in my grammar Nazi ways because it's all the more embarrassing when I make a mistake!

EDIT: Can't we ban "in before", if we're going to ban anything?


Recording tracks at home is harder than it sounds, unless you happen to have good enough recording equipment and a decent space to record which isn't going to have a shitty room sound (especially on drums and vocals).

Even then, it's usually a good idea to have somebody else with you to do it so the band can focus on the music, not the recording.

ah ok, That makes sense I suppose. It's not as simple as hitting record and playing a tune. Got any funny stories form when you used to record for bands? Also, you still owe us a crazy neighbour story...I think.


ah ok, That makes sense I suppose. It's not as simple as hitting record and playing a tune. Got any funny stories form when you used to record for bands? Also, you still owe us a crazy neighbour story...I think.

I can't remember promising a crazy neighbor story... remind me the context and maybe I'll remember what I was going to say!

The first recording story that comes to mind:

We had to do a 4 track session with a band as part of our course at college, so we split into groups of 5. 4 good friends and I are in a group together, we go to a local gig at the Cellar Bar and find a band who want to come and record with us.

At this point, we hadn't realised that people in bands usually class A douchebags, so we've decided to show our thanks by buying a load of cans of coke, some cookies, some mini cakes, choccy bars etc so the band can munch away throughout the day.

The band turns up and the first thing anyone says to us is the drummer, who demands that we sign some "contract" his mum wrote up to make sure they own the recording and we can't do anything with it without their permission.

I refuse to sign it, saying that we won't exactly be selling their CDs, but we can't sign something like that without knowing more about it - we need to use the recording for our coursework. To be honest, I didn't really see the problem in it, but the guy rubbed me up the wrong way. Whilst I was doing something, they got one of the girls in my group to sign it, saying they were going to walk away from this day of free recording if we didn't. Oh well, I bit my lip and we got on with it.

Every single time we recorded ANYTHING they refused to re-record a part or move on without hearing it through. Even if it was a guitar part they OBVIOUSLY messed up. We had to listen through it about 3 or 4 times.

When the singer had to go for a shit, they didn't let us keep recording the drums, because he needed to hear it or he wouldn't "know what was going on in the session".

So this sort of shittiness goes on for about 6 or 7 hours, but we've only got the 1 day booked to get this done, so we put up with it.

Towards the end of the day, we're recording the vocals. The rest of the band decides they're going to leave (taking all of the leftover food and drink we've bought with them, as we find out later, when we lock up and leave), so it's just us and the vocalist. On his 6th or 7th take recording the vocal to the last track, I notice Louise singing under her breath "more more more... how do you like it, how do you like it?" and it goes EXACTLY along with this tune. This gets me laughing, so I start copying her. By the end of a minute, all 5 of us are singing along to this track.

We stop when the guy comes in, he listens to the take and says "oh, just one more go and I have to go, but one more"

So, being entirely fed up with this crappy situation, we record his vocal, except we've set up another mic in the studio and we record ourselves singing "how do you like it? how do you like it? more! more! more!" through the whole thing. He comes back in, listens to the last take (we turn our mic recording down in the mix for this) and decides he's happy.

We turn in the normal mix for our coursework, but send the 'More More More Mix' to the band. We actually added a lot of other annoying noises like classic "BOOIING!" cartoon noises etc to make the tracks entirely useless.

So the band writes a massively long email to us , being hugely furious, obviously. They also got the drummer's mum to write to the college, demanding we be failed for using their recording without their permission.

When our course head pulled us into the office to ask wtf was going on, we were pissing ourselves laughing, trying to explain what had happened to him. He loved the story so much that he wanted a copy of the messed up version so he could listen to it - unfortunately we couldn't find that recording on the HDD in the studio.

I suggested we write back to the band asking for a copy, but was told it probably wouldn't be a good idea :(

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
My bos's at work put's apostrophe's in all word's ending with s.
It's easy, apostrophes are for:
Contractions (it is=it's, we are=we're)
Possession (Ball belonging to Jane=Jane's ball, iPad made by Apple= Apple's iPad)

The one abuse I see the most is photo's. Photos is the plural of photo. Menus is the plural of menu. Plurals don't need apostrophes.

UNLESS you are denoting possession (see above)
The dogs' bone=bone belonging to the dogs
The dog's bone=bone belonging to the dog

The photo's composition is wrong=the composition belonging to the photo
The photos' arrangement is all over the place=the arrangement of the photos

See? Now you try!


Date went very well guys. Not sure its going to lead to anything major serious, but who knows.

Ice Cream Parlour was a stoke of bloody genius if i do say so myself.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Date went very well guys. Not sure its going to lead to anything major serious, but who knows.

Ice Cream Parlour was a stoke of bloody genius if i do say so myself.

Tell me more tell me more was it love at first sight?

Its without an apostrophe=belonging to it
It's with an apostrophe=contraction of it is or it has


I've just walked out of the casino at Stratford and (over) doubled my money at playing drunk Blackjack.

Part of me curses the last DLR home, but another part makes me think KentPaul would smile upon me, so I guess all is right with the world.

EDIT: Oh, and I should add that playing hours of Fallout: New Vegas may or may not have helped in my hustling prowess.


I'd been following that thread for the last couple of days and damn, that's just heartbreaking.

The guy will be in my thoughts. RIP Scorcho.

Mobius 1

He said three on each side, QI consists of two on each side.

Only thing that I can think of is the Stephen Fry episode of Never Mind the Buzzcocks, but that would have been mostly music theme, unless the off topic banter was confused as "answering questions about all sort of things in the land".

It was QI after all. I must have seen more guests than there were in reality. Clarkson was a guest, I did not know or recognize the other gentlemen.

Lovely work by Fry, as always.


Just no one wants to play SHIT.

People will be playing Dota2 when your brown generic shit "I wish I was in the army" sims have finally died a death after draining all your cash to buy little camo onesies for you to run around in while you play dress up and yell "man down" in the mirror.


IamMikeside said:
He loved the story so much that he wanted a copy of the messed up version so he could listen to it - unfortunately we couldn't find that recording on the HDD in the studio.I suggested we write back to the band asking for a copy, but was told it probably wouldn't be a good idea :(

wow, that's freakin' awesome! love it when a lecturer/teacher has a good sense of humour. wtf at getting the mum involved in getting you to sign weird contracts though? Paranoid much? Calm down lady! Was their music even worth stealin'?

Glad to hear everything went well 3Sixty :) Post dinner ice cream works all the time! haha

So, apart from myself, is anyone looking forward to the Windows 8 tablets coming out? come on, I know there are some MS fanboys lurking in here. I can smell it.


Maturity, bitches.
People will be playing Dota2 when your brown generic shit "I wish I was in the army" sims have finally died a death after draining all your cash to buy little camo onesies for you to run around in while you play dress up and yell "man down" in the mirror.

Get with the times Steve, Kent-kun plays JRPGs now.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime

You win!



Obsidian fan
How long before he has a weeaboo breakdown and posts a huge wall of text that ends up being given a reading on YTMND?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I managed to shift my dota keys, i feel bad for those people, they will never understand how much of a rip off it is of LoL.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
facts are meaningless, look at them, LOOK
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