Obsidian fan
LMAO, I was listening to that just a few minutes ago. Fuckin loved when it kicked in at youknowwhere.
Wish I had never traded that gem in...Having spent most of my evening playing Red Dead, I'm inclined to agree.
I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm not going to get to drive the motor-car. Wish it was on PC so it could be modded in.
tashbrooke you do realise that meme is like two years old now and memes only have a shelf-life of two weeks, right?
I mean, it doesn't bother me, but I heard chinner saying earlier that he was going to glass you.
S2E1 of the IT crowd is the best episode of TV aired in the past 6 years or so.
Unpopular opinion: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' is actually an awful film, redeemed only by its soundtrack and masterful final scene.
tashbrooke you do realise that meme is like two years old now and memes only have a shelf-life of two weeks, right?
I mean, it doesn't bother me, but I heard chinner saying earlier that he was going to glass you.
Unpopular opinion: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' is actually an awful film, redeemed only by its soundtrack and masterful final scene.
I'm actually really looking forward to Derek (The new show starring Ricky Gervais, just incase you live under a rock)
Whats BritGAFs opinion?
Gervais is hit and miss for me. Some of his things I'll gladly watch, others I'll avoid.
Is this a second series?
Nah, there was a pilot last April and the series starts on the 30th, saw it advertised yesterday on E4
Gervais is not my cup of tea at all. There's just something about him that I find unlikeable.
im pretty sure its on 4oDAh right I assumed it was the full thing last year. I'll have to see if it is online anywhere.
He is the reason we have Karl Pilkington.
I'm actually really looking forward to Derek (The new show starring Ricky Gervais, just incase you live under a rock)
Whats BritGAFs opinion?
Here's my unpopular opinion - I didn't rate the first two episodes of Black Mirror. In fact, the quality gap between the first two and the last one highlighted the difference between a proper writer and Charlie Brooker.
Brooker should stick to sneering columns and the wipe format.
I agree. Wipe is Brooker's best. I find his columns far too cynical and miserable and I thought the 'pig fucker' episode of Black Mirror was ridiculous.Here's my unpopular opinion - I didn't rate the first two episodes of Black Mirror. In fact, the quality gap between the first two and the last one highlighted the difference between a proper writer and Charlie Brooker.
Brooker should stick to sneering columns and the wipe format.
I agree. Wipe is Brooker's best. I find his columns far too cynical and miserable and I thought the 'pig fucker' episode of Black Mirror was ridiculous.
I can't believe there are people who don't like IT Crowd.
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
What was that referee thinking?
The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in.
I came here to drink milk and kick ass. And I've just finished my milk.
I can't believe there are people who don't like IT Crowd.
I'm actually really looking forward to Derek (The new show starring Ricky Gervais, just incase you live under a rock)
Whats BritGAFs opinion?
IT Crowd's fun to watch and I loved that Countdown episode.
Good morning! That's a nice tnetennba![]()
What ep is s2e01 of IT Crowd? Is it work outing? If so, I agree that it's the funniest episode by far. Fucking brilliant.
In other news, I took fraping (I really hate that name, does anyone else have a m,ore fitting suggestion?) to a new new level last night. I was in the possession of Selfish pizza's phone and set up a 'Leaving England' event that involved him getting his army papers through and that he'd shortly be off to Afghanistan. I invited his whole friends list to the shindig.
hahaha wicked
Who the hell is selfish pizza persono
literally just watched that episode!
hahaha wicked
Who the hell is selfish pizza persono
literally just watched that episode!
When I first saw this episode I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the sofa. It's just perfect. All the madness and then... Mos is at the bar and he has NO IDEA how he got there. It's sublime.
Moss at the bar is probably my favourite moment of IT Crowd. The bit with Jen, and even more-so the closing credits where he's saying goodbye to the other staff
"ahhh, the THEATRE!"
Moss at the bar is probably my favourite moment of IT Crowd. The bit with Jen, and even more-so the closing credits where he's saying goodbye to the other staff
"ahhh, the THEATRE!"
I can imagine that those OTT bits can put off some folk from liking the show I find that but it works for a guy like Moss.
Congrats on non junior status Buttocks, and may I say that that is Fraping on a genius level, and I will be attempting to replicate
IT crowd is some of the funniest British TV in years.
Does he have a boyfriend/girlfriend who freaked out?Thanks, I was rather proud of it. Impeccable timing too as it was just before we went into the cinema so his phone was put onto silent, rendering him oblivious to the comments and messages he received.
Wait, you need to earn member status? I thought it was something that just came with a certain post count or something.
Does he have a boyfriend/girlfriend who freaked out?
Wait, you need to earn member status? I thought it was something that just came with a certain post count or something.
Think it's 200 posts?
It's earned by getting a postcount high enough without getting banned first.
More difficult than it sounds with some of the arguments people get sucked into...
Well, I guess I'll just have to be polite as fuck for a while.
Just avoid console wars, race, politics and anything about gender politics & you'll be fine.
Also, don't threaten to kill Jason Rubin.