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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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I've seen what happens when you go into televisions you die


Far Cry 3's picked up a bit. I'm still not at all a fan of a lot of the missions taking place in caves or such where you've got no real freedom to approach the objective... but luckily once I'd got the knife (satisfying ending to that tangent, if a bit creepy) the following missions were more interesting.

The plot remains irritating. I don't even like Vaas that much at this point.



Far Cry 3's picked up a bit. I'm still not at all a fan of a lot of the missions taking place in caves or such where you've got no real freedom to approach the objective... but luckily once I'd got the knife (satisfying ending to that tangent, if a bit creepy) the following missions were more interesting.

The plot remains irritating. I don't even like Vaas that much at this point.

The tomb raider parts are best imo makes a change from go there shoot them dudes but game is still damn fun. I just treated the game as a b-movie or a grindhouse film and had fun with plot hell I never expected much from it


OK so tonight I've been responsible for the most awkward date ever.
Too annoyed at myself to flesh it out here, but I'll tell my horrible story for you all tomorrow :(

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
should have done the good old wagamama


My idea ^_^

So Pramface was good tonight but man it makes me feel lonely by the end gawd dammnit!

Ahh well, i hope they get together soon because fuck me i want that warm feeling!

Mikeside post incoming.
If you close your eyes when Bill Gates is talking, its Kermit the frog.

If you close your ears when he's talking he looks like the guy from Mind who was on Newsnight a while back.

Edit: Found a PIC


OK so fuck it, things are looking up a little bit. A tiny little bit up.

So I was house sitting on Saturday night - nice big empty house. She came over & we had pizza, watched TV and did all the 'getting-to-know-you' bit... which was really nice - she's a lovely girl and we get on really well... but she didn't seem that interested. We had a bit of an awkward hug goodbye and I thought that was it, she wouldn't be contacting me again.

Wrong - she messaged me sunday morning and by the evening we'd decided to do the same again that night. This time we watched a movie, ate Maccie D and chatted more...but again, I wasn't getting any real vibes from her. She walked out of the door after another quick hug goodbye.

Then I thought, you know what? I'm being such a pussy. I like her, she's cute. Why can't I just walk out of the door, up to her car, throw the door open, pull her out and go in for the kiss. Ideally it'd start pouring with rain at this point.

So yeah, fuck it. I grab my jacket, walk out of the door, open her car door....and freeze.
All I managed was "er....so....what do you want out of this?"

She totally froze up too and said she wasn't good at confrontation - she'll message me about it.

So I get home and there's a message waiting - she's looking for something casual and fun, blah blah - PERFECT! That's exactly what I'm looking for

We message back and forth more - setting up a date for Tuesday night. Bowling (as suggested by you cunts)

So, aided by John, I got a plan together.
Here was my plan:

Bowl the ball, turn around, I get a strike, but don't look back, just walk up confidently and lay the kiss.

Well, I started with a gutterball, then several shit rounds... by the time I get a strike I'm not feeling confident anymore as she's the fucking master at bowling. (comparitively)

So that's how the night goes, we go outside after bowling, I SHOULD KISS HER NOW... but I don't
We go back in, play a couple of games of pool I SHOULD KISS HER AT THIS FUCKING POINT, WHY DON'T I? because I'm a pussy.

So we go back to the car and I drive her home...go in for the goodnight hug & I make it super awkward - we both go the same way with the arms, I can't seem to converse like a human being... GO IN FOR THE FUCKING KISS MIKE! YOU'RE FUCKING NEWMIKE, THIS IS YOUR THING!!


What the fuck, Mike? What the actual fuck?
Dating used to be so easy. And this is supposed to be fucking CASUAL! Why am I overthinking it so much? Bleh.

I basically said outright in a text to her just now "yeah, I should've made the move" and she came back with "lol, you're such a girl" so I'm feeling a lot more confident about next time, but yeah.. epic failure.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
OK so fuck it, things are looking up a little bit.

So I was house sitting on Saturday night - nice big empty house. She came over & we had pizza, watched TV and did all the 'getting-to-know-you' bit... which was really nice - she's a lovely girl and we get on really well... but she didn't seem that interested. We had a bit of an awkward hug goodbye and I thought that was it, she wouldn't be contacting me again.

Wrong - she messaged me sunday morning and by the evening we'd decided to do the same again that night. This time we watched a movie, ate Maccie D and chatted more...but again, I wasn't getting any real vibes from her. She walked out of the door after another quick hug goodbye.

Then I thought, you know what? I'm being such a pussy. I like her, she's cute. Why can't I just walk out of the door, up to her car, throw the door open, pull her out and go in for the kiss. Ideally it'd start pouring with rain at this point.

So yeah, fuck it. I grab my jacket, walk out of the door, open her car door....and freeze.
All I managed was "er....so....what do you want out of this?"

She totally froze up too and said she wasn't good at confrontation - she'll message me about it.

So I get home and there's a message waiting - she's looking for something casual and fun, blah blah - PERFECT! That's exactly what I'm looking for

We message back and forth more - setting up a date for Tuesday night. Bowling (as suggested by you cunts)

So, aided by John, I got a plan together.
Here was my plan:

Bowl the ball, turn around, I get a strike, but don't look back, just walk up confidently and lay the kiss.

Well, I started with a gutterball, then several shit rounds... by the time I get a strike I'm not feeling confident anymore as she's the fucking master at bowling. (comparitively)

So that's how the night goes, we go outside after bowling, I SHOULD KISS HER NOW... but I don't
We go back in, play a couple of games of pool I SHOULD KISS HER AT THIS FUCKING POINT, WHY DON'T I? because I'm a pussy.

So we go back to the car and I drive her home...go in for the goodnight hug & I make it super awkward - we both go the same way with the arms, I can't seem to converse like a human being... GO IN FOR THE FUCKING KISS MIKE! YOU'RE FUCKING NEWMIKE, THIS IS YOUR THING!!


What the fuck, Mike? What the actual fuck?
Dating used to be so easy. And this is supposed to be fucking CASUAL! Why am I overthinking it so much? Bleh.

I basically said outright in a text to her just now "yeah, I should've made the move" and she came back with "lol, you're such a girl" so I'm feeling a lot more confident about next time, but yeah.. epic failure.

That wasnt bad!

I was expecting some meet the fockers shit!


Kiss paralysis is always hard when you've been out of the game for ages.

You end up for long, long stretches of screaming in your head "KISS HER, KISS HER YOU CUNT, KISS HER NOW!!!!!" but don't do a thing.

Just kiss her the moment you see her next time. THE MOMENT.

Make yourself do it.

She's basically given you free run with "you're such a girl"

If you don't do it the moment you see her, you're not likely to do it at all.
His friend, probably

To be fair I think Mike came up with the movie rain and bowling strike kiss on his own

Oh. Well, I don't want to slag off Mike right when he's hurting. :p

But seriously, I think that counts as overthinking the matter. If you're thinking "OK I need to kiss this girl", just leave it at that, and wait for the moment to present itself.


OK so fuck it, things are looking up a little bit. A tiny little bit up.

So I was house sitting on Saturday night - nice big empty house. She came over & we had pizza, watched TV and did all the 'getting-to-know-you' bit... which was really nice - she's a lovely girl and we get on really well... but she didn't seem that interested. We had a bit of an awkward hug goodbye and I thought that was it, she wouldn't be contacting me again.

Wrong - she messaged me sunday morning and by the evening we'd decided to do the same again that night. This time we watched a movie, ate Maccie D and chatted more...but again, I wasn't getting any real vibes from her. She walked out of the door after another quick hug goodbye.

Then I thought, you know what? I'm being such a pussy. I like her, she's cute. Why can't I just walk out of the door, up to her car, throw the door open, pull her out and go in for the kiss. Ideally it'd start pouring with rain at this point.

So yeah, fuck it. I grab my jacket, walk out of the door, open her car door....and freeze.
All I managed was "er....so....what do you want out of this?"

She totally froze up too and said she wasn't good at confrontation - she'll message me about it.

So I get home and there's a message waiting - she's looking for something casual and fun, blah blah - PERFECT! That's exactly what I'm looking for

We message back and forth more - setting up a date for Tuesday night. Bowling (as suggested by you cunts)

So, aided by John, I got a plan together.
Here was my plan:

Bowl the ball, turn around, I get a strike, but don't look back, just walk up confidently and lay the kiss.

Well, I started with a gutterball, then several shit rounds... by the time I get a strike I'm not feeling confident anymore as she's the fucking master at bowling. (comparitively)

So that's how the night goes, we go outside after bowling, I SHOULD KISS HER NOW... but I don't
We go back in, play a couple of games of pool I SHOULD KISS HER AT THIS FUCKING POINT, WHY DON'T I? because I'm a pussy.

So we go back to the car and I drive her home...go in for the goodnight hug & I make it super awkward - we both go the same way with the arms, I can't seem to converse like a human being... GO IN FOR THE FUCKING KISS MIKE! YOU'RE FUCKING NEWMIKE, THIS IS YOUR THING!!


What the fuck, Mike? What the actual fuck?
Dating used to be so easy. And this is supposed to be fucking CASUAL! Why am I overthinking it so much? Bleh.

I basically said outright in a text to her just now "yeah, I should've made the move" and she came back with "lol, you're such a girl" so I'm feeling a lot more confident about next time, but yeah.. epic failure.

Fucking Bowling? What are you 7/Niko Belik?

Cinema and dinner. It's fucking classic. It works. Everyone likes a good movie and everyone likes a good dinner. Italian is probably the best. Nobody hates Italian food.


Fucking Bowling? What are you 7/Niko Belik?

Cinema and dinner. It's fucking classic. It works. Everyone likes a good movie and everyone likes a good dinner. Italian is probably the best. Nobody hates Italian food.

Everyone here told him to go bowling and that going to the cinema is shit. I think cinema is fine if you eat as well.


Who's John?

I'll let him own up to his part in this himself.

Actually he's been a big help, I just screwed this up a little.

Yeah, definitely got to kiss her straight away next time. As long as there's a next time - I made a jokey text "not to worry, I'm going for it next time :p x" which she's not responded to in 20 minutes :/



Fucking Bowling? What are you 7/Niko Belik?

Cinema and dinner. It's fucking classic. It works. Everyone likes a good movie and everyone likes a good dinner. Italian is probably the best. Nobody hates Italian food.

That was my original plan, but it didn't look so good after everyone shit on it lol.

The date was fine - I just needed to be newmike, unfortunately oldmike reared his ugly head.


Yeah, definitely got to kiss her straight away next time. As long as there's a next time - I made a jokey text "not to worry, I'm going for it next time :p x" which she's not responded to in 20 minutes :/


She's probably washing her hair, man. Birds do that.


Mr. Sam

Never thought sitting in the dark silently was a good way to woo women - whether you're in a cinema or in the bushes. Bowling sounds good.


Everyone here told him to go bowling and that going to the cinema is shit. I think cinema is fine if you eat as well.

listening to a gaming forum tell you where to go on a date is a fucking fantastic idea isn't it

and to the person who said Wagamama's, nothing screams im an unimaginative prick who doesn't know any good local Asian places more than a date at wagamamas

go good, go local, and just fucking kiss her, stop being GAFman



The bowling was recommended on the fact that he'd be shit at it and he can turn that to his advantage by making fun of himself in a charming way and giving her complements.

It's not out fault he had a "be a pro at bowling despite not being practiced at it and WIN a kiss" gameplan against all good advice.

And Meadows cinema is a shit first date unless you're 15 and don't know how to talk to girls. Cinema is second date material.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
listening to a gaming forum tell you where to go on a date is a fucking fantastic idea isn't it

and to the person who said Wagamama's, nothing screams im an unimaginative prick who doesn't know any good local Asian places more than a date at wagamamas

go good, go local, and just fucking kiss her, stop being GAFman

Fuck you meadows, Wagamamas is sexual dynamite
listening to a gaming forum tell you where to go on a date is a fucking fantastic idea isn't it

and to the person who said Wagamama's, nothing screams im an unimaginative prick who doesn't know any good local Asian places more than a date at wagamamas

go good, go local, and just fucking kiss her, stop being GAFman

Cinema's a shit first date, always has been, always will be.


go watch something she (or he, I'm not fucking homophobic you cunt) wants to watch, and then tell her how shit it is over dinner

trust me
Cinema's a shit first date, always has been, always will be.

tbh anyone who goes on organised, demarcated "dates" is probably not going to get laid until they're 35 anyway


Tell me more about your homosexual adventures, Meadows.

Yeah, definitely got to kiss her straight away next time. As long as there's a next time - I made a jokey text "not to worry, I'm going for it next time :p x" which she's not responded to in 20 minutes :/


Dude. Don't sweat 20 minutes. Don't sweat 20 hours. People can take ages to reply to texts. It means nothing. Obviously you need to play some Starcraft or something to just forget about things. Losing your cool on a date is understandable. Losing your cool over a (lack of) text is what Virgin GAF does.
I've never been to a Wagamama's, but I get the feeling Meadows is probably right about this place

although I'm not certain whether my knickers would be as in a twist about the matter


go watch something she (or he, I'm not fucking homophobic you cunt) wants to watch, and then tell her how shit it is over dinner

trust me

I'm going to need to see credentials before I trust this.

To be honest, as long as I get a reply to the text, I'm good - because I can set up another date and now I know I can go for it. It's just waiting for that damn text.
I bet she's gone to bed.


I'm going to need to see credentials before I trust this.

To be honest, as long as I get a reply to the text, I'm good - because I can set up another date and now I know I can go for it. It's just waiting for that damn text.
I bet she's gone to bed.

I'm fucking Meadows, what the fuck you need credentials for dickhead

yeah shit just got 3rd person-al BOOM
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