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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
THANK YOU! And no, I don't think it does. More people need to get on this shit.

I kinda feel like im being duped by Utopia, it feels quite artsy fartsy with the cinematography and interesting colours schemes..it's so serious yet it makes me feel like its above my intelligence, so i say its great..but really...its just something to watch...but i havent been fully grasped by a captivating plot or loveable/intriguing characters, the thing i dont get is the continuos murder of innocents I feel like I'm meant to be shocked but it's so predictable, and the latest episode so far feels a bit...recycled..maybe I'm wrong, but if I wasnt reminded to watch this, i probably would've forgotten about it


Fuck I'm behind on the Double Fine Adventure news. They stopped sending out emails so I assumed they'd died or something.

mods didn't like my OP

who the fuck reads OPs, it's a waste of time fleshing them out
Me, if I don't know what it's about.

I didn't know what Utopia is about.

Thanks to the mods, I now do. And now I want to watch the show.

Meadows I think you need to lay off the crank.

Should I buy DmC
Only on PC. And wait for Steam summer sale.


Me, if I don't know what it's about.

I didn't know what Utopia is about.

Thanks to the mods, I now do. And now I want to watch the show.

Meadows I think you need to lay off the crank.

there's this thing called google.

you can put things into google and then find out more things about them, often through a site called wikipedia


What the fuck is up with you?! You grumpy ass mofo! Take a fucking chill pill!

I want this thread to get back to where it was before a certain group of posters took it over and turned into a bunch of inane clique-y bullshit that nobody outside of 10-15 people gave a shit about.

We keep it open, the UK community on this forum thrives. I fucking intend to do my best to make that happen.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I want this thread to get back to where it was before a certain group of posters took it over and turned into a bunch of inane clique-y bullshit that nobody outside of 10-15 people gave a shit about.

We keep it open, the UK community on this forum thrives. I fucking intend to do my best to make that happen.

It is open....

Your angry ass posting is making it less appealing to post in imho

I've been posting in here for a couple of weeks and i already feel part of it, dont know where you get the impression from..


It is open....

Your angry ass posting is making it less appealing to post in imho

I've been posting in here for a couple of weeks and i already feel part of it, dont know where you get the impression from..

It stopped being a place that posters from the UK went to, and started becoming a place where a set number of people started to make in-jokes and became, as I said, overly clique-y.

I suppose that's always the risk when you start a community thread.

In regards to your experience, that isn't the experience of a lot of people. It only takes a look at the post counts of users in this thread to see that it's dominated by a set few, something that was even more evident towards the end of the last thread.

I want every single UK/ROI poster on GAF to be able to come in here and talk about something they're interested in, not become part of this select group of people, as you yourself have become, with 450+ posts in less than 2 weeks (wtf is that about anyway?). That's not what it is anymore.

Maybe this clique deserves a thread of their own? Or, I guess, a Facebook group or something. I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't care, but look at the amount of people with 1/2/3 posts in this thread on the post count. It's fucking abysmal. Football GAF is a fucking much better home for the UK community at the moment and that makes me fucking sad.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
It stopped being a place that posters from the UK went to, and started becoming a place where a set number of people started to make in-jokes and became, as I said, overly clique-y.

I suppose that's always the risk when you start a community thread.

In regards to your experience, that isn't the experience of a lot of people. It only takes a look at the post counts of users in this thread to see that it's dominated by a set few, something that was even more evident towards the end of the last thread.

I want every single UK/ROI poster on GAF to be able to come in here and talk about something they're interested in, not become part of this select group of people, as you yourself have become, with 450+ posts in less than 2 weeks (wtf is that about anyway?). That's not what it is anymore.

Maybe this clique deserves a thread of their own? Or, I guess, a Facebook group or something. I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't care, but look at the amount of people with 1/2/3 posts in this thread on the post count. It's fucking abysmal. Football GAF is a fucking much better home for the UK community at the moment and that makes me fucking sad.

Meh, it's a nice community, i found it easy to post in it, you coming back has just annoyed me with your agro posting, like you're some sort of fucking maverick, who knows what's best and that's here to make the thread better

It has interesting discussion and people do post in it, some people check in with the census and decide not to get involved (Your 1/2/3 posters) then they go back off to OT or they stay for discussion and get stuck in.. I dont understand what your problem and how you think it can be improved? Should people not act friendly to eachother to stop other members being intimidated?


Obsidian fan


It has interesting discussion and people do post in it, some people check in with the census and decide not to get involved (Your 1/2/3 posters) then they go back off to OT or they stay for discussion and get stuck in.. I dont understand what your problem and how you think it can be improved? Should people not act friendly to eachother to stop other members being intimidated?

No but the problem is that this isn't just a small sub-group for a game or something else like that, this is the thread for every UK poster on GAF, which iirc is the 2nd largest represented nation on this forum.

Also, I'm half trying to get banned.

Mostly the latter. I kinda hyped myself up to come back and fuck shit up for like 2 days and then get banned for another 3 months. It's a pretty awesome way of posting.

That or I get perma'd. Probably perma'd

Oh and the reason that I'm being aggressive is that I don't like the vast majority of you. Apart from Chinner. <3. Oh and Mikeside. He gave me an FTL key. the ledge.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
No but the problem is that this isn't just a small sub-group for a game or something else like that, this is the thread for every UK poster on GAF, which iirc is the 2nd largest represented nation on this forum.

Also, I'm half trying to get banned.

Mostly the latter. I kinda hyped myself up to come back and fuck shit up for like 2 days and then go for another 3 months. It's a pretty awesome way of posting.

That is entirely obvious, but this thread is welcoming, perhaps it's just the fact not all people want to be involved in community forums, anyone can post in here, if you dont like it here perhaps you should make another community thread which will i hope is a glorious as you want it to be, but it's 3am and im tired and therefore signing off for the night



Whatever, you're probably right, I guess this group of people deserve a thread to talk about stuff together, and some real friendships have started. That's definitely a good thing.

I'll keep out of here and leave you all to it.

But try and encourage new people to post. Say to people "oh, I didn't know you were from the UK, you should post in the community thread", not just hope people fall into the thread and stay comfortable.

I'd do it myself, but, you know, I'll probably be banned soon. Might tone it down and stick to the Gaming side, don't want to be banned for E3.

Later. Enjoy the thread.


P.S. Much love to KentPaul, Smoky, IamMikeside, Industrian, Chinner, Meus. You guys are awesome.

P.P.S. Pour one out for Kavanagh and whatever his previous name was before he made that alt. They were both cunts.


yeah that's how serious shit got, I fucking signed off. now you know I mean it

P.P.P.S. This post sounds like something Shawn Elliot would have read on heroes of the web. That was mostly my intention.


I have an early night and THIS is what fucking happens?!

Dramatic to the end, Meadows.... wow.
The biggest surprise was making the list.

Still no reply btw.


The line has been crossed...

Blood has been spilled inside our precious thread.

Oh, Red Named ones of destruction, was it a perma this time? Will you leave our people in peace once more?
That Meadows guy seems to have a few issues. He was back for all of two days and came across as a complete twat with a chip on his shoulder. He did have a point about this thread getting a bit boring but that was a few months ago, pretty sure some people who could post at the time said the same thing.

I've felt welcome in this thread and I've posted links to it in other Brit threads to encourage other new posters. I hope he's happy now he's got what he wants.


But try and encourage new people to post. Say to people "oh, I didn't know you were from the UK, you should post in the community thread".

Oh shoot, what a great idea. Why didn't we think of that? We were just too busy trying to keep this thread alive and going with a friendly, pleasant community that welcomed every neogaf user (Brit or not) to voice their opinion about UK related topics. Clearly we need to sort out our priorities.

yes, I'm bitter because I didn't make the list.


We're happy to have you, Incontinentia, Tashbrooke, that-one-pizza-guy-who-hardly-posts, noffles, and all the other ones.

If I forgot your name, you need to post more.

Jedeye Sniv

Tell John his plans are dog shit.

Who's John?

CHEEZMO™;47056219 said:
Some dipshit by the sound of things.

Fuck y'all!

To be fair I think Mike came up with the movie rain and bowling strike kiss on his own

This is true, I just said "why not?". And then I said that it's easy to give advice when you have no balls on the table :p

I think Mike's gonne be ok though, it sounds like both of them are nervous ninnies.

Also how many fucking pages did you guys churn through last night? Don't you people have jobs?? And what happened to meadows.


I thought the appeal of this thread was that anyone could drop in and chatter about any aspect of the UK that they liked.

Personally, I want to talk about the fact that everyone outside of Nottingham has a stupid word for 'cob' but I can dig that that gets really boring. Also, it's not something I actually want to discuss, I just want to talk shit about people that say 'batch / barm / roll / breadcake' or any other stupid word for cob. It's a cob.

Maybe we should have an 'Edd the Duck vs. Gordon Gopher' poll.


I thought the appeal of this thread was that anyone could drop in and chatter about any aspect of the UK that they liked.

Personally, I want to talk about the fact that everyone outside of Nottingham has a stupid word for 'cob' but I can dig that that gets really boring. Also, it's not something I actually want to discuss, I just want to talk shit about people that say 'batch / barm / roll / breadcake' or any other stupid word for cob. It's a cob.

Maybe we should have an 'Edd the Duck vs. Gordon Gopher' poll.

I want talk about your awesome posts in the UK Wii U sales struggling thread , they where hilarious and spot on


I sat and watched a shit-ton of British GPs from the 60's and 70's last weekend. Always bums me out watching Graham Hill conquer the world and then slowly decline before dying in a plane crash. He really was as cool as an Englishman gets. James Hunt is another with a tragic trajectory :(

I want talk about your awesome posts in the UK Wii U sales struggling thread , they where hilarious and spot on
They're going to get me stabbed to death by a guy in a Kirby mask though. Oh well.


Also, in colonial news, the Superbowl is upon us. Sneaks up on me every year.

It's the one time I actually get to watch American Football. No idea who the teams are, but I love the tactical, methodical nature of the game, and all the spectacle that surrounds it. Plus staying up super late makes it feel special. It's quite possibly my favourite sporting event of non-Olympic years.

Jedeye Sniv


Yes! I usually don't like mods being dicks but this was a hilarious punchline. Dickery is totally fine by me if it's funny. Which Meadows wasn't being. Cos I wasn't on his list, the bastard.

And Smoky - it's a roll cos you roll it into a ball. Simples. wtf is a cob, it sounds like they would use too much flour in the baking.


And Smoky - it's a roll cos you roll it into a ball. Simples. wtf is a cob, it sounds like they would use too much flour in the baking.
A roll is longer than it is wide. A cob is not. A roll is served with soup. A cob is not.

This is why I made the Meadows list and you didn't. Your steadfast refusal to adhere to accepted bread-naming conventions is a smear on your character.

Jedeye Sniv

A roll is longer than it is wide. A cob is not. A roll is served with soup. A cob is not.

This is why I made the Meadows list and you didn't. Your steadfast refusal to adhere to accepted bread-naming conventions is a smear on your character.

Does a cob have the prickly top? I could accept that. I don't know what witchcraft you partake in to make your rolls oblong though. That sounds like a sub.

Can we all agree that a bap is the wider flatter one?
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