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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Tell me more about your homosexual adventures, Meadows.


Dude. Don't sweat 20 minutes. Don't sweat 20 hours. People can take ages to reply to texts. It means nothing. Obviously you need to play some Starcraft or something to just forget about things. Losing your cool on a date is understandable. Losing your cool over a (lack of) text is what Virgin GAF does.

You're right, I just need to wait it out without pussying out even more & she'll reply when she replies.

It's not like moving forward with this is her doing me a favour - she wouldn't come out with me 3 times in 4 nights if she wasn't interested.

I'm fucking Meadows, what the fuck you need credentials for dickhead

For all I know, you're Chinner's alt account.


fuck Meadows is going in

only because you boring bastards are giving this poor bloke bad 'dating' advice

find a reason to meet up and tell her how you feel. Even if she isn't into it, it doesn't mean she never will be, she'll dwell on it and probably change her mind, unless you're a mouthbreathing weirdo, which, lets face it, is odds on considering we're on GAF


only because you boring bastards are giving this poor bloke bad 'dating' advice

find a reason to meet up and tell her how you feel. Even if she isn't into it, it doesn't mean she never will be, she'll dwell on it and probably change her mind, unless you're a mouthbreathing weirdo, which, lets face it, is odds on considering we're on GAF

I've made my intentions pretty clear.
If she wants to meet up again, she wants to with the full knowledge of where I want to take things, so I'm just waiting to hear whether that's something she's interested in or not.

The only decision I need to make now is whether it's going to do me any good checking my phone every 30 seconds like a desperate loser or just put on some TV, have a smoke and relax. Of course she'll message me back - I'm a fucking catch.

I'm going to turn my phone on silent and I'll check it in the morning.

Ice Cream is the perfect date.

People need to open they eyes to this shit.

Oh shit, I totally forgot about your success with icecream.
Damnit. Where the fuck were you over the weekend?
You're right, I just need to wait it out without pussying out even more & she'll reply when she replies.

It's not like moving forward with this is her doing me a favour - she wouldn't come out with me 3 times in 4 nights if she wasn't interested.

For all I know, you're Chinner's alt account.

I'd say more like a less 'real' Kent Paul.


You're pretty confrontational.
Exactly what this thread has been missing. Stick around.

yeah, I am a bit of a twat, I give it a week before you all go back to talking about knitting/me again

Meadows you're transitioning from being a 'lad' to be a 'lad' if you know what I mean. Chill, brother, and tell us about what you got up to while you were away.

continued to have debilitating chronic labrynthitis which was a real fucking barrel of laughs. Got better these last 3 or 4 weeks, spent most of it getting wasted/applying for jobs. We thought my missus had a stroke so she was in hospital for a while. Turns out she had some weird migraine. Yeah.


Meadows you're transitioning from being a 'lad' to be a 'lad' if you know what I mean. Chill, brother, and tell us about what you got up to while you were away.


OK so fuck it, things are looking up a little bit. A tiny little bit up.

So I was house sitting on Saturday night - nice big empty house. She came over & we had pizza, watched TV and did all the 'getting-to-know-you' bit... which was really nice - she's a lovely girl and we get on really well... but she didn't seem that interested. We had a bit of an awkward hug goodbye and I thought that was it, she wouldn't be contacting me again.

Wrong - she messaged me sunday morning and by the evening we'd decided to do the same again that night. This time we watched a movie, ate Maccie D and chatted more...but again, I wasn't getting any real vibes from her. She walked out of the door after another quick hug goodbye.

Then I thought, you know what? I'm being such a pussy. I like her, she's cute. Why can't I just walk out of the door, up to her car, throw the door open, pull her out and go in for the kiss. Ideally it'd start pouring with rain at this point.

So yeah, fuck it. I grab my jacket, walk out of the door, open her car door....and freeze.
All I managed was "er....so....what do you want out of this?"

She totally froze up too and said she wasn't good at confrontation - she'll message me about it.

So I get home and there's a message waiting - she's looking for something casual and fun, blah blah - PERFECT! That's exactly what I'm looking for

We message back and forth more - setting up a date for Tuesday night. Bowling (as suggested by you cunts)

So, aided by John, I got a plan together.
Here was my plan:

Bowl the ball, turn around, I get a strike, but don't look back, just walk up confidently and lay the kiss.

Well, I started with a gutterball, then several shit rounds... by the time I get a strike I'm not feeling confident anymore as she's the fucking master at bowling. (comparitively)

So that's how the night goes, we go outside after bowling, I SHOULD KISS HER NOW... but I don't
We go back in, play a couple of games of pool I SHOULD KISS HER AT THIS FUCKING POINT, WHY DON'T I? because I'm a pussy.

So we go back to the car and I drive her home...go in for the goodnight hug & I make it super awkward - we both go the same way with the arms, I can't seem to converse like a human being... GO IN FOR THE FUCKING KISS MIKE! YOU'RE FUCKING NEWMIKE, THIS IS YOUR THING!!


What the fuck, Mike? What the actual fuck?
Dating used to be so easy. And this is supposed to be fucking CASUAL! Why am I overthinking it so much? Bleh.

I basically said outright in a text to her just now "yeah, I should've made the move" and she came back with "lol, you're such a girl" so I'm feeling a lot more confident about next time, but yeah.. epic failure.

That = epic win

seriously you turned the fail around by texting her


OK so fuck it, things are looking up a little bit. A tiny little bit up.

So I was house sitting on Saturday night - nice big empty house. She came over & we had pizza, watched TV and did all the 'getting-to-know-you' bit... which was really nice - she's a lovely girl and we get on really well... but she didn't seem that interested. We had a bit of an awkward hug goodbye and I thought that was it, she wouldn't be contacting me again.

Wrong - she messaged me sunday morning and by the evening we'd decided to do the same again that night. This time we watched a movie, ate Maccie D and chatted more...but again, I wasn't getting any real vibes from her. She walked out of the door after another quick hug goodbye.

Then I thought, you know what? I'm being such a pussy. I like her, she's cute. Why can't I just walk out of the door, up to her car, throw the door open, pull her out and go in for the kiss. Ideally it'd start pouring with rain at this point.

So yeah, fuck it. I grab my jacket, walk out of the door, open her car door....and freeze.
All I managed was "er....so....what do you want out of this?"

She totally froze up too and said she wasn't good at confrontation - she'll message me about it.

So I get home and there's a message waiting - she's looking for something casual and fun, blah blah - PERFECT! That's exactly what I'm looking for

We message back and forth more - setting up a date for Tuesday night. Bowling (as suggested by you cunts)

So, aided by John, I got a plan together.
Here was my plan:

Bowl the ball, turn around, I get a strike, but don't look back, just walk up confidently and lay the kiss.

Well, I started with a gutterball, then several shit rounds... by the time I get a strike I'm not feeling confident anymore as she's the fucking master at bowling. (comparitively)

So that's how the night goes, we go outside after bowling, I SHOULD KISS HER NOW... but I don't
We go back in, play a couple of games of pool I SHOULD KISS HER AT THIS FUCKING POINT, WHY DON'T I? because I'm a pussy.

So we go back to the car and I drive her home...go in for the goodnight hug & I make it super awkward - we both go the same way with the arms, I can't seem to converse like a human being... GO IN FOR THE FUCKING KISS MIKE! YOU'RE FUCKING NEWMIKE, THIS IS YOUR THING!!


What the fuck, Mike? What the actual fuck?
Dating used to be so easy. And this is supposed to be fucking CASUAL! Why am I overthinking it so much? Bleh.

I basically said outright in a text to her just now "yeah, I should've made the move" and she came back with "lol, you're such a girl" so I'm feeling a lot more confident about next time, but yeah.. epic failure.
Some guy asked me for some change tonight. I said no, which I didn't as

I don't carry cash. He followed me up the street saying he lost his wallet

in the police station and had six kids waiting for him at home. I told him

to stop following me. He then said I was just being polite, you're lucky

I don't stab you in the face. Nice.


Some guy asked me for some change tonight. I said no, which I didn't as

I don't carry cash. He followed me up the street saying he lost his wallet

in the police station and had six kids waiting for him at home. I told him

to stop following me. He then said I was just being polite, you're lucky

I don't stab you in the face. Nice.
I want to comment on the story, but the formatting suggests that it's actually a riddle in poetic verse.


Seriously Mike. Don't sweat it man. It sounds like she's really into you and you practically got this in the bag for the next time. That move where you confronted her in her car worked to your advantage and it was pretty ballsy. Chicks dig ballsy moves.


Unconfirmed Member
I could barely believe I was seeing that! Channel 4 are gonna get some complaints tonight.

Amazing episode though. It just keeps getting better.

That guy totally nails being psychotic, has a demented look about him.

Chinner, the last time you had sex was when you found that dead body in the street. Your opinion means nothing :p

Ducks mate by gang rape. Just putting that out there.


Mods! Mods! It's shorty...Your wank-stain ass of a user shorty_symd. You know that tag you were looking for IamMikeside? Well, get a load at this!

I'm just messin', but seriously Mike. Don't sweat it man. It sounds like she's really into you and you practically got this in the bag for the next time. That move where you confronted her in her car worked to your advantage and it was pretty ballsy. Chicks dig ballsy moves.

Dude wtf, don't put that out there.

But yeah, it's all good. It WILL be all good.

...it'll be all good.


ive done a ms paint rendition of what i think iammikeside looks like:

i give myself 10/10. i'm bsaically the next van gogh, i know.


I hope I get a tag in 2 years that celebrates the only moment I'll ever do something hilarious and outlandish on this board.

Can't wait.


Unconfirmed Member
Utopia was awesome. Loving this show. Why aren't more of you talking about it?
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