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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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only call them barms when trying be posh


You guys are all on my list. BIG HUG! (except Chinner, obviously)

Got the reply and whoever said she probably fell asleep was right.

Seriously, though - I don't understand the shittiness about being a 'cliquey group'.
I see us as one of those groups that has a lot of in-jokes, but is still really welcoming of fresh blood. I think that's been proved pretty conclusively with the batch of thread-newbies we've got in here recently.

Also, I've never heard of a cob (in the context of a bread product) before BritGAF


Does a cob have the prickly top? I could accept that. I don't know what witchcraft you partake in to make your rolls oblong though. That sounds like a sub.

Can we all agree that a bap is the wider flatter one?
Subs are wider, flatter and flourier than rolls. Rolls are like mini baguettes. Baguettettes, if you like. Cobs can be plain, floury, soft, crunchy, cheese-topped etc..

Note to self: Don't bring Kirby mask to next meet up.

What do you call a corn on the cob then?
Corn on the cob is to cob as sausage roll is to roll. It's a different kettle of fish. Or cobs.


Subs are wider, flatter and flourier than rolls. Rolls are like mini baguettes. Baguettettes, if you like. Cobs can be plain, floury, soft, crunchy, cheese-topped etc..

Baguette always makes me think there's a giant bread product called a bag. Can't wait to see one in the flesh...er...dough.
What. The. Shit.

I miss all the drama.

To be fair to Meadows, he did create the first UK Community Thread, and he had been around a lot longer than most so he had a right to have his say. But it was pretty obvious he also wanted to get banned. So long Meadows, hope it's not a perma, I actually find you entertaining.

I love all you guys, oldies, newbies, even all you banned peeps who still lurk to see what you're missing.

Jedeye Sniv

You guys are all on my list. BIG HUG! (except Chinner, obviously)

Got the reply and whoever said she probably fell asleep was right.

Seriously, though - I don't understand the shittiness about being a 'cliquey group'.
I see us as one of those groups that has a lot of in-jokes, but is still really welcoming of fresh blood. I think that's been proved pretty conclusively with the batch of thread-newbies we've got in here recently.

Also, I've never heard of a cob (in the context of a bread product) before BritGAF

Glad she isn't running in terror at least then :p

I don't think we even have that many injokes other than references to a few posters. Maybe Meadows was mad because he was a punchline? Or several. I think clique-y implies we don't welcome newbs, which we totally do.


Seriously, though - I don't understand the shittiness about being a 'cliquey group'.
I see us as one of those groups that has a lot of in-jokes, but is still really welcoming of fresh blood.

You don't know cliquey until you go to MMAGaf, pretty sure Industrian would agree with that one, even other MMA fans think that thread is too exclusive.

I think it's hilarious myself, some of the funniest guys on Gaf if you get some of the references.

Maybe Meadows was mad because he was a punchline?


Mr. Sam

Incredibly, I don't think Meadows' method of being inclusive - getting really angry and saying how only a handful of members were worthy - was the way to go. We can try it if you want.


You don't know cliquey until you go to MMAGaf, pretty sure Industrian would agree with that one, even other MMA fans think that thread is too exclusive.

yup! That is why I only tend to stick to the UFC/Strikeforce main event threads when I want to talk about MMA. MMAGAF, and HipHopGAF too, really feels unfriendly to newcomers.

In other news, left home at 8.30am and got in at 10am. Fuckin' cow ruining my commute to work.


We can't all be dating dynamos, you seem to have a knack for finding the ones willing to bed you on a first date.

Yeah....I don't think I'd be happy with that, to be honest.
I'm an old soul by nature - a serial monogamist, so I'm having a hard enough time approaching dating as a casual experience, I think my difficulty in this is pretty obvious in the past few pages, lol.

Has there been talk of anything like a meetup in Manchester any time in the near future? :O

There's been a bit of idle chat, and I've said I'll come along (especially if there's a sofa I can crash on) but no solid plans - just whining that the Northern sect of BGAF can't get down to our exclusive LondonGAF meets (where the cool kids go)

Shut the fuck up, you cunt.

Get an avatar, douchebox
Yeah....I don't think I'd be happy with that, to be honest.
I'm an old soul by nature - a serial monogamist, so I'm having a hard enough time approaching dating as a casual experience, I think my difficulty in this is pretty obvious in the past few pages, lol.

There's been a bit of idle chat, and I've said I'll come along (especially if there's a sofa I can crash on) but no solid plans - just whining that the Northern sect of BGAF can't get down to our exclusive LondonGAF meets (where the cool kids go)

Get an avatar, douchebox

God, you're soooo cliquey!
Never took off, London is much easier for most of UK Gaf it seems, only me, Cheezmo and (maybe?) chinner are around here, oh and Meadows.

There's been a bit of idle chat, and I've said I'll come along (especially if there's a sofa I can crash on) but no solid plans - just whining that the Northern sect of BGAF can't get down to our exclusive LondonGAF meets (where the cool kids go)

Hmmm, hopefully we can get something going sometime later on. I work with some gaffers as well that would be down if it was in close vicinity.

There might be a meetup in Glasgow around the end of March/Beginning of April if you feel that's not too far away.

April would work better for me if that ever panned out.


God, you're soooo cliquey!

Fuck you, get out of my thread.
It's so boring in here.

This thread should be open to everyone, having said that, here's a tiny list of people I approve of posting here:
It's like Meadows was never banned

Thanks for the info, you know for a mod you're not too bad! I kid, I kid :)

Please don't ban me.

I want to retain my record as one of the few Brit gaffers who've never been banned.

I think he's my favourite mod - he's definitely the one I see posting like a lowly normal poster the most often.


*cough* suck up *cough*

Lol, what was I supposed to do? Meadows brought a redname into our midst. I panicked.

Really though, there are some mods on here who I disagree with a fair bit of the time (silently, obviously) but ThoseDeafMutes isn't one of them.


Maturity, bitches.
I have 2.3 weeks of holiday with only a week that is carried forward to take before the end of March. What do?


put in 1.3 weeks of holiday before the end of March or ask if you can get the holiday converted to pay

and plan it better next time by not working so hard

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Are you an adventurous type? How about canyoning? Clay pigeon shooting? Making dens in the forest and ripping up porn mags/the bra bit from the Kays catalogue.
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