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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Unconfirmed Member
Have me laptop connected to my monitor. 2 Screens is glorious.
No, season all has other things in, and no wizard jizz.

Quick fire round:


Which do you reckon is tastiest?

I haven't tried any of these, but on name alone I'm going with fudge.



i'm not sure how i feel about selling my childhood shit, like old games and stuff. i feel nostalgic about it and would prefer not to sell it, even i'd never realistically play them again. need the money though!

think i'll force myself to sell most of my stuff. keeping my dreamcast collection though <3


Unconfirmed Member
aye been doing that since 2008.

I've taken to learning a bit of Python recently and it's awesome for that. Having one screen for coding and the other for tutorials etc. I've only just started but having a second screen is a big help.

I decided against configuring my own new laptop because PC Specialist were playing silly buggers, so I'm just trying to buy a preconfigured one. I have no idea what I'm doing.


Yeah? Yeah?

What will you be using it for?

Jedeye Sniv

I sold my snes for nowt the other day to a kid who would love it. Best feeling ever.

Actually second best next to playing to a sold out crowd like I just did! Rising indie hopefuls 1975 said we're the best band of the tour, and their bassist is wearing my t-shirt right now, it's so cool!

Mr. Sam

What will you be using it for?

Good question! I suppose that would help. I was thinking of getting a gaming laptop but the price ballooned to the point that it seemed unfeasible. I'd like something which can play some quirky indie games - and DOTA - well but needn't worry about the heavyweights. Otherwise, you know, typing, surfing, Photoshop. And a disc drive would be nice.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I had a massive life-laundry when I moved into my second apartment, and the folks were moving home for the first time since I was a baby and dumped 25+ years' worth of collecting and hoarding out of their garage and into my second bedroom! I eBayed a few things, then Freecycled some, then just ended up chucking a lot. I got rid of things I thought would be 'worth something someday' but never were. The things I kept were:

-My EDGE collection from 1 to 117 or so
-Buster/Whizzer & Chips/Dandy/Beano comics
-Old CVGs and such
-Some cuddly toys I've had since a bairn.

I don't miss any of the stuff I got rid of. Even my magazines and comics I could do without, they're there for just nostalgia. You'll have to pry my teddys out of my dead hands though.
Unfortunately not, no. There's only room for one desktop here and it's already taken.

Which brands should I aim for?

Well I've heard bad things about most of the brands (e.g. HP, Dell etc). However I'd say most of the bad press is centered on the cheaper ones they make (but even then I have a cheap mini 11" laptop from HP which I think is great). So if you're looking at the £500 up category you should be pretty safe. I do hear good things all round about Asus laptops though.

Generally it is build quality you are interested in (reviews are your friend), and also have you looked at ultrabooks? They might offer a good alternative.
There is a laptop thread on the gaming side that could be useful, even if it is geared towards high end desktop replacements.


acer laptops can run games but mine has a stupid flaw....they did not put airvents in it, they are there can see the slits but not been sliced open. My laptop overheats and melts i done some surgery on it recently to stop it been fine since


I had a massive life-laundry when I moved into my second apartment, and the folks were moving home for the first time since I was a baby and dumped 25+ years' worth of collecting and hoarding out of their garage and into my second bedroom! I eBayed a few things, then Freecycled some, then just ended up chucking a lot. I got rid of things I thought would be 'worth something someday' but never were. The things I kept were:

-My EDGE collection from 1 to 117 or so
-Buster/Whizzer & Chips/Dandy/Beano comics
-Old CVGs and such
-Some cuddly toys I've had since a bairn.

I don't miss any of the stuff I got rid of. Even my magazines and comics I could do without, they're there for just nostalgia. You'll have to pry my teddys out of my dead hands though.

Such a great nostalgia trip isn't it? Was rummaging around my old room just before the new year kicked in and I came across my old gameboy cartridges that I carried around religiously as a kid. The memories of how I got each one, the ones I lost etc. came flooding and it put a smile on my face.

oh and Jedeye, not to sound like a dorky fanboy but do you have any idea how great Eight Minutes of Weightlessness is when you're driving? Really fun.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Such a great nostalgia trip isn't it? Was rummaging around my old room just before the new year kicked in and I came across my old gameboy cartridges that I carried around religiously as a kid. The memories of how I got each one, the ones I lost etc. came flooding and it put a smile on my face.

I haven't got much gaming memorabilia, I sold my pink Hello Kitty Dreamcast and games on eBay a few years back for quite a large amount! I don't miss it that much, and I'm stoked Space Channel 5 is on PSN (I wish Rez was, the only thing XBox has that bothers me). I'll never forget the hours I spent playing PSO, and the golden glow of Shenmue, Chu Chu Rocket, Samba De Amigo and Sonic Adventure.
My Neo Geo Pocket Color I gifted to my friend's kid, who loves Capcom Vs SNK on it!
All I have left are my memories of my PS2, DC, GameCube, DS, GBA, Saturn, Lynx, Super Famicom, Game Gear, MultiMega, MegaDrive, PC Engine, Master System, Amiga, ST, Speccy, 2600, Mini Munchman, TomyTronic 3D... All those moments will be lost in time, like tears... in rain


Shorty got me digging through my man-loft.

Wish I still had my F1, Tom and Jerry and Warioland carts :( lost them on a summer holiday. Eventually I managed to find Tom and Jerry and F1 on one of those "200 in 1" bootlegs but not Warioland. and great to see Duck Tales there. Fantastic game!

EDIT: I just remembered how shit Dixons were for video games. That's where I picked up Top Ranking Tennis and Baseball as there wasn't an EB closeby.


Started playing Fire Emblem: SS on my 3DS the other day and decided to pick it up again about an hour ago.

I don't have the patience to do this right now.

Jedeye Sniv

oh and Jedeye, not to sound like a dorky fanboy but do you have any idea how great Eight Minutes of Weightlessness is when you're driving? Really fun.

aw cheers mate. One more lovely compliment for the pile today :D

So, for those interested, here's a quick sketch of my day
Started terribly
Got marginally better
Became fun
Ended the best day ever

Gig went super well. Turns out The 1975 are real hot shit, the show was a sellout and full of kids which is pretty awesome after playing for jaded 30-somethings. I was quite nervous because we were playing two brand new songs (one of which we also played on the radio last night - I link when it's up) but people really loved them. The on-stage feel was just perfect, I felt really comfortable and managed to banter effectively with-out a) mumbling too much or b) saying fuck all the time. Although i did offer our drummer to give blowjobs to bandcamp big spenders. One person told me that the song I'm least sure of (Labrador Deceiver) kinda gave them a trippy out of body experience when we hit a key change which is made me feel very special. They saw exactly what we were trying to do with a song that is frankly very self indulgent and wanky so it was very validating.

The 1975 also really dug us. I was really touched when they told me that it reminded them of all the post-hardcore bands they used to listen to (as did I), while at the same time being an entirely other genre from that old music. This was especially cool because that's totally what we're going for. It's old hardcore kids making epic post rock, but it's still filtered through our childhoods and young adulthoods. I did a t-shirt swap with them so now I can look like I know about modern music while their bass player wore our shirt onstage. And looked rather hunky while doing it too, but I think it's the shirt :p

So yeah, I'm totally buzzing right now, sorry for being all ME ME ME lol

Also sold, swapped or bartered all the t-shirts (bar the 2 XXL ones, turns out chunky people don't like modern music. Right Mike? :p Team chunky FTW! I even sold the other XL one as a bedshirt...). So anyone that wanted one will have to wait for series 2, coming when I get paid again.... with slightly better printing this time too!

Shorty got me digging through my man-loft.

Tetris is all you really need.


Sounds great Jedeye! Glad to hear everyone loved the music. Save one of those 2.0 shirts for when you come and play in Glasgow.

Writing up the playlist now.


Congrats on the gig, Jedeye. Don't forget us when you're rich & famous!

terminator 2 was such a bad ass game for the gameboy!
It was even better on the C64!

Did you ever play Tetris so much you had audio-hallucinations of the game noises while in school?
Yes! It's the only game that's ever happened with.

Wish I still had my F1, Tom and Jerry and Warioland carts :( lost them on a summer holiday. Eventually I managed to find Tom and Jerry and F1 on one of those "200 in 1" bootlegs but not Warioland. and great to see Duck Tales there. Fantastic game!

EDIT: I just remembered how shit Dixons were for video games. That's where I picked up Top Ranking Tennis and Baseball as there wasn't an EB closeby.
I just dug deeper and found Batman, Double Dragon & Nemesis. Now I'm wondering if my Kid Dracula cart is around somewhere.

I'm seriously liking My Mad Fat Diary, considering it's on E4. Not just because of the 90s nostalgia, but also because of the examination of what it's really like to be fat. Even though I've never been, the diary aspect, psychological aspects, and surreal touches like the addiction closet let me be in her shoes. The acting is great all around. The shedding scene in episode 2 was quite poignant and conflicting, 'cause it'd be great if she could accomplish that but she should be comfortable in her skin and not conform to what others would like to see.


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Fuck I was drunk last night, ended up a few miles outside my town, at least it's a nice day for a walk.. Punched a knife last night so I got a deep cut in the side of my hand which sucks.. Hopefully no muscle damage though although it's pretty swollen.. Walking past my old school which is pretty spinny.. Dad cold clear air is a fucking godsend after going through a pack o'20 last night


I've decided to take pictures of nature and shit so prepare to be amazed by my artisticness
I call this one "blinding as fuck"


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I've spent an obscene amount of money getting drunk this week. By Sunday I'll probably be getting up to ~200 quid just on booze, argh.

Maybe buying a Nexus 7 wasn't a super great idea.
Congrats on the awesome gig Jed, really gutted I can't make the next one. When you up London way again?

Can't believe you sold all the tshirts. Well done, but I'm gonna sulk cos I wanted one.

Jedeye Sniv

Congrats on the awesome gig Jed, really gutted I can't make the next one. When you up London way again?

Can't believe you sold all the tshirts. Well done, but I'm gonna sulk cos I wanted one.

We'll def get more in soon! I think our next London show is at the Hope and Anchor at the end of March. I think the 29th or something. And there'll probably be more in between as well, it seems the ball is rolling quite nicely now.
We'll def get more in soon! I think our next London show is at the Hope and Anchor at the end of March. I think the 29th or something. And there'll probably be more in between as well, it seems the ball is rolling quite nicely now.

I'm in Wales end of March, but keep letting me know, I'm bound to be able to make one of them soon!
As far as the Kit Kats go, I like both Mint and Hazelnut. Can't see the appeal of Coconut since I hate Bounty bars. I thought I'd like Fudge more, but it's not chewy enough and way too sweet.


Huh. Starcraft II demo got replaced by a 'starter edition', which has five singleplayer missions instead of three and lets you do a limited form of multiplayer.

Already three missions through. Been replaying on hard for achievements. Normally I don't care about such things, but the "three achievements per mission" thing SCII has got going on encourages different strategies and I'm learning more about how the game works.

Story isn't awful yet but I hear tell it gets that way.

Might invest in the original Starcraft+Broodwar later today once I finish this.

In other news, yet again I can't find anyone who wants to come over to watch the Superbowl with me. Had no problem finding like-minded people at Uni. If there's one thing I miss about being a student, it's having a massive network of people you've never met who will instantly become your best friends due to common interests.
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