Can we discuss our favourite drinks to order at a pub/club
Whatever cider they have that isn't Strongbow, along with a shot, ideally tequila
Can we discuss our favourite drinks to order at a pub/club
Now im moving and im cutting down on drinking (it has made me fat..ter) I need to find an alternative to beer
something less fattening
Anybody ever bought a shirt from Qwertee before? I usually fucking HATE printed shirts, but this one on the front page is kinda cool:
Just want to know how good the quality of their shirts are before I drop £8 on one.
Quite good! I got a Pokemon one, nicely fitting. But yeah, £8 is a bit of a 'what' from me with how much I usually spend on clothes. Oh, and it comes with a fun-size haribo pack.
Jesus what do you normally wear
Quite good! I got a Pokemon one, nicely fitting. But yeah, £8 is a bit of a 'what' from me with how much I usually spend on clothes. Oh, and it comes with a fun-size haribo pack.
Very little.
No, I just don't tend to do clothes shopping regularly. £8 for a tshirt is a surprise, not for any item of clothing.![]()
Qwertee are very good, I've got a couple of shirts from there. I don't pay over £30 for any item of clothing!
Chinner, cmon! And yeah i thought so
Can we discuss our favourite drinks to order at a pub/club
so bored, you guys.
Oh, fuck off Mike - go out and DO SOMETHING!
I'm only sitting front of this computer because (a) bunch of financial stuff to do with the shop ( year end coming up) and (b) too fuckin' wet to do gardening,
Go explore the polar regions or something. Actually what works fpr me is exploring bits of your own town that you haven't been to before. And they are usually less cold than the polar regions anyhow.
I'm waiting on a call and I'm going out right after - until then I reserve the right to be both bored and boring, so I'm going through some old tracks I wrote and trying to decide whether I should start writing again.
I've got basically no ideas so I think it might not be time yet.
At this stage I would basically give up on whether it's time or not and just chill until your call comes through.
Would suggest crumpets or bacon sarnies at this time of day.
Im assuming you're waiting for "Kevins" call
Kinda creepy, Tash.![]()
Now i can only Wonder
Did IamMikeside receive his call?
Has it dried up enough so that Phisheep can do some gardening?
Is Chinner dead?
All unanswered questions.
Now i can only Wonder
Did IamMikeside receive his call?
Has it dried up enough so that Phisheep can do some gardening?
Is Chinner dead?
All unanswered questions.
I'm in my longjohns and thermal t-shirt playing Walking Dead. When does this game get good?
I'm in my longjohns and thermal t-shirt playing Walking Dead. When does this game get good?
Blizzard in Glasgow earlier! Was crazy lol
It doesn't most overhyped game of 2012
It doesn't most overhyped game of 2012
If you don't like adventure games or the source material (and by that I mean the comics, not the TV show), then you won't like Walking Dead. Otherwise, I don't see why someone wouldn't like it. I like all of Telltale's stuff apart from Jurassic Park and I really enjoyed them when I played them over Christmas.
I don't play a whole lot of games at the moment apart from Pinball Arcade on Vita because I'm so busy with college so take my opinion with a bucket of salt.
I've got the first 12 tpb volumes but I'm finding the game pretty meh. It's not shite but it's nowhere near as good as I'd been led to believe.
That makes sense. Halfway through ep 4 and distinctly underwhelmed at the moment. Think it's a victim of it's own hype.
Just watched Warm Bodies, it's really good.
Although worryingly I did find Nicholas Holt more attractive as a zombie.
I'm so ridiculously close to rewatching seasons 1 and 2 of Skins, you guys.
Don't do this to me.
I never really watched Skins, is it worth a go?
Let's all listen to some great music and forget that Nicholas Hoult ever grew up.
I never really watched Skins, is it worth a go?
None of the kids were at all likeable and the adults were always needlessly crazy
That was the fun of it though - it was a great representation of how dramatic you FELT your life was at that age.
I love the moment when Chris comes into class when it's all kicking off
"It's like an episode of the fucking OC in here!"