Rubbish King
The gift that keeps on giving
Chin C. Chinnerton of Stoke-upon-Trent (the concrete jungle where dreams are made of).
Holy shit, call the rozzers, there's been a breach
Chin C. Chinnerton of Stoke-upon-Trent (the concrete jungle where dreams are made of).
Gotta love a red head.
You're in the inner circle now.
We need to find me a firey redhead on march 9th if this doesn't advance soon
You're in the inner circle now.
Is it just a casual... not so much an official one
A clique within a clique. Somewhere out there, Meadows is tearing shit up in a fit of rage. Poor bastard.
SO is this happening then?
9th March?
Is it just a casual... not so much an official one
Well it has been pointed out that the Dreamcast's launch was much later than it's Japanese launch so by the time it got it here was already on its second wave of software in Japan.Kinda what annoys me so much about Nintendo right now. They're in the strongest economic position they've ever been, much more so than SEGA ever was, yet they can't get a decent launch window down. What's up with that?
Should we move the date forward and make an OT? I don't mind.. I just think the more the merrier but I don't mindI thought official but it seems to be creeping up on us
lolTime to troll the Muse thread
So I'm at the train station.. Bought the ticket, there's no backing out now, I feel like a right twat, why do I do this to myself... God damn it...
Ten minutes left till the train comes, God I hate drunk me, it's not even that I think with my dick, I just love everyone and now I have to go and see this girl, I've bailed on her so many times and I know it would be wrong to bail an hour before.. My plan is to stay at least for a couple hours,possibly watch a film to make time pass quicker and then go home..
As for the last cigarette.. That's gone south, I can't deal with this without them, I think if shit gets weird ill have a cigarette breaks frequently to retreat every now and again... Fuck life
Should we move the date forward and make an OT? I don't mind.. I just think the more the merrier but I don't mind
All menial tasks completed, beers in the fridge, God of War 3 loaded up. This just turned into a great Saturday.
so tash and some girl is stalking ianmikeside on Facebook? glad my profile is hidden and only one gaffer knows my real identity
That would be cool!I think sticking with the 9th is for the best.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go in London? Could do a touristy day or a museum or something then drinking and dancing in shore ditch, hackney or maybe back to Camden? I don't know London all that well so...
lmao, England 76 - 0 Scotland at Six Nations Women Rugby.
All menial tasks completed, beers in the fridge, God of War 3 loaded up. This just turned into a great Saturday.
Get it done! It's a phenomenal franchise. If you really can't stomach it, skip straight to 3 and have your brains blown clean out of your skull.I left my GoW 1 HD playthrough just before pandora box might start it up and finish all 3 but that awful fight with Ares is putting me off
Isn't it something else when life lines up all your ducks in a row. Sometimes the simple pleasures are the finest.GF is out with friends tonight, got beer, shit food, iPad mini full of games, Kindle (Ready Player One) and some god awful film I will enjoy the shit out of ahead of me.
Oh and:
Get it done! It's a phenomenal franchise. If you really can't stomach it, skip straight to 3 and have your brains blown clean out of your skull.
Move the date forward? Wasn't it hard enough getting people to agree to the ninth? Who's organising it this time?
I was looking back at the old threads today, they look great fun but I'd hate to be the organiser.
Is it bad that I want to buy Persona 4G just in case it becomes rare one day despite me not owning a Vita?
I didn't realise so many people on GAF were so crazy about their Rayman... ¬_¬
that one game is tempting me get the game with a Vita even though nothing else tempts me on the system
Gravity Rush and P4G would be the only two games I'd get for it at this point. I really can't justify buying a console for 2 games though... but it's P4G and it's going to become rare because fucking Atlus.
You can download it though
Gravity Rush and P4G would be the only two games I'd get for it at this point. I really can't justify buying a console for 2 games though... but it's P4G and it's going to become rare because fucking Atlus.
At what kind of premium?
yeah im still salty over Atlus being dicks over P4:Arena (it wasent Zens fault, Atlus didnt bother sending them a EU code of the game for months even though they could not be arsed doing different languages) so torn because I love Atlus games and P4. I have very little faith P5 will arrive on time in Europe
I doubt it will be more than the £35 it is on amazon
We should start a Social Movement for something
I wasn't on GAF at the height of PS3/360 competition and I'm not looking forward to reading Gaming side this time. There's already been an increase in posters with noticeable leans towards Nintendo, it must be awful when they have competition.
I've pretty much made my mind up on my purchases for next gen anyway if nothing big changes. PS4 when GT6 comes out.
Hey, I have a noticeable lean towards Nintendo, I'm just not a crazy person/fucking asshole. That's the real problem, we're gonna see too many of the latter.
You realise we got Xenoblade Chronicles in 2011, right? Like, just over a year after Japan, but it was a fairy significant localisation effort. We didn't beg for the UK release.
I meant the crazy ones.
That stupid X gif was a good way of spotting them, which is funny because it will look even less special once we see real PS4/720 games.
There was a boy in my class who bought a Dreamcast when it was new. He never really talked about it much after the first month.
Well it has been pointed out that the Dreamcast's launch was much later than it's Japanese launch so by the time it got it here was already on its second wave of software in Japan.
I liked it. At the very least, it still has Brie.
also in the community thread you saying about not sure about the troy and britta thing , I want them to carry it on, it something always wondered how it would play out with the group being close.