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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
UK posters are actually shitting on Shakespeare in the BritGAF thread.

Absolutely insane.

No shitting on him at all, I understand noffles position. You have to learn about Shakespeare In Primary School, Secondary School and Sixth Form...

I wouldnt want to pay £18,000+ Just to learn about him

It's like doing a music degree and being forced to listen to almost nothing but Pre 1900s music


I'll happily dick over Orwell if you'd like.

OK, if you're going to talk shit about Orwell then what are we even doing here?

1984, though a bit cliché to use as a 'my favourite book', is absolutely my favourite book. It's an incredible story, written with brilliant perspective & great twists and turns of plot.
Plus it's the only book to make me cry real man-tears. I was properly depressed the first time I finished it & I can't say that any other form of fiction has ever been able to affect me so deeply and truthfully.


OK, if you're going to talk shit about Orwell then what are we even doing here?

1984, though a bit cliché to use as a 'my favourite book', is absolutely my favourite book. It's an incredible story, written with brilliant perspective & great twists and turns of plot.
Plus it's the only book to make me cry real man-tears. I was properly depressed the first time I finished it & I can't say that any other form of fiction has ever been able to affect me so deeply and truthfully.

Read Brave New World. It's miles better.

When I said dick, just for the record, I meant it in a good way.


J.K Rowling is the modern day Shakespeare.

Like it or not, she's a pretty fantastic writer. Those books may be more popular than anal sex, but there's a good reason for that - they're a great reflection of a wide range of influences. It's very clear that Rowling is a fan of Tolkien, Lewis, Pullman & similar authors.

Read Brave New World. It's miles better.

When I said dick, just for the record, I meant it in a good way.

Brave New World is great, but it doesn't reach the heights of 1984 & I don't think it has the same insight into the human condition.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'll let someone else banner old Bill. All I will say is that they make you learn him for a good reason, and not just because they are sentimental.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Like it or not, she's a pretty fantastic writer. Those books may be more popular than anal sex, but there's a good reason for that - they're a great reflection of a wide range of influences. It's very clear that Rowling is a fan of Tolkien, Lewis, Pullman & similar authors.

I love Harry Potter


When i was younger I liked Michael Morpurgo

But now I'm into Robert Harris

See if I did English I'd wanna study his work, it's awesome


He is awesome B)


Like it or not... she really does have talent.

I think the earlier books are her best work, but yeah... I love how popular it is to rag on the mega successful kid's author.

Because it's popular? No. It's more that the books aren't exactly the best things in the world yet everyone loves them. Dare to insult Harry Potter and you'll feel the onslaught of all the 20 year old fans who grew up with it. Even I grew up with it, but I can still identify that it's nothing more than a nice set of stories. It's hardly genius.

I really like Animal Farm.

...The book, not the film.

I spent 5 hours on the loo because of that book. Love it.

Jedeye Sniv

Wow you guys really went on a highbrow tear last night innit. Look at all a ya with your degrees and everything.

Shakespeare will always be relevant because history doesn't lose relevance. The stories themselves are fairly timeless, but it'll always be taught because of its importance in shaping the language and its place in understanding where modern lit comes from.

JK Rowling is a talented marketer, a middling storyteller and a fucking shitty prose writer, end of.

Had a fairly busy weekend down this way of entertaining guests, playing vidya games (finally got Xcom! It's great!) and listening to music. Mrs Sniv has enjoyed the mixes so far. Enjoyed Mike's so much she made a facebook post about it and said that Hystzen's was headfucky and all over the place (but still enjoyed it, apart from that song about homies that she roundly mocked). I have the rest on my iPod and shall be listening today in the office.

Mike, what happened to you on saturday, thought you were coming out to that gig? Didn't miss much - the first support were really good but the other two bands sucked. The problem with 90s shoegaze revival as made by children is that they forget the tunes along with the fuzzboxes...


I'm more interested in books like Eleven by Mark Watson or if nobody speaks of remarkable things by Jon McGregor at the moment - little, introverted stories about people


Mike, what happened to you on saturday, thought you were coming out to that gig? Didn't miss much - the first support were really good but the other two bands sucked. The problem with 90s shoegaze revival as made by children is that they forget the tunes along with the fuzzboxes...

Ahhhhhh I thought you were going to let me know if you were still going! Never mind, sounds like it would've been a disappointment!

I met up with Suz because she wanted a chat & to see that we can still be friends which was less awkward than I expected but definitely still needs time.

Also made plans with an old flame for tomorrow to have a catch up and cheeky drink. Whoop whoop.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm actually interested in reading some shorter, non-genre books if anyone has any recs? I usually read a ton of SF and I figure I really should broaden my horizons a bit. What are some good books ~300 pages that don't necessarily have explosions or porn in them?

Jedeye Sniv

Ahhhhhh I thought you were going to let me know if you were still going! Never mind, sounds like it would've been a disappointment!

I met up with Suz because she wanted a chat & to see that we can still be friends which was less awkward than I expected but definitely still needs time.

Also made plans with an old flame for tomorrow to have a catch up and cheeky drink. Whoop whoop.

I only decided to go on the day, it was a spontaneous thing. You didn't miss much, although I'd still prefer a weak gig over 'ex convo' any day :p at least it wasn't entirely horrible though.

Old flame though, awesome. You never know, you might be able to get a sneaky handy out of it (oh god I'm so base).


Knows the Score
Warren Ellis - Gun Machine is a good read, it's a police procedural but contains enough of his writing style to keep it entertaining.


Not sure about page count but I recommend the following to anyone with eyes:

Carter Beats the Devil
The Rawshark Texts
I, Lucifer
The Gun Seller (Hugh Laurie's only novel)


Enjoyed Mike's so much she made a facebook post about it

This is relevant to my interests. Lemme see for the ego boost.

Also, 'Eleven' by Mark Watson really is a worthwhile read. It's a book about a late night DJ who changed his name to Xavier Ireland for reasons relating to a passion for the game Scrabble.

Quite short & an easy, entertaining read too. Give it a go and thank me later.

Not sure about page count but I recommend the following to anyone with eyes:

Carter Beats the Devil
The Rawshark Texts
I, Lucifer
The Gun Seller (Hugh Laurie's only novel)

Have been meaning to read this for longer than I can remember. Think I'll pick it up next, actually.

Jedeye Sniv

Warren Ellis - Gun Machine is a good read, it's a police procedural but contains enough of his writing style to keep it entertaining.

Ooh has he got another novel out? I liked Crooked Little Vein for all it's grossness (one of the few books I've read in a day, and that's cos I was in hospital).

Not sure about page count but I recommend the following to anyone with eyes:

Carter Beats the Devil
The Rawshark Texts
I, Lucifer
The Gun Seller (Hugh Laurie's only novel)

Will check for page counts!

This is relevant to my interests. Lemme see for the ego boost.

Also, 'Eleven' by Mark Watson really is a worthwhile read. It's a book about a late night DJ who changed his name to Xavier Ireland for reasons relating to a passion for the game Scrabble.

Quite short & an easy, entertaining read too. Give it a go and thank me later.

Have been meaning to read this for longer than I can remember. Think I'll pick it up next, actually.

Sounds interesting. Is Mark Watson that stand up comic with the glasses?

Jedeye Sniv

f0rk, your mix is awesome but I don't know if I got the tracklisting right - should the second disc be numbered 10, 11, 12 etc? Cos I think a couple of hip hop chunes made their way over into the rockist playlist. Still, it's all gravy. Having a nice relaxing time with the beats, turning it down every time a kid comes past my room.


Have been meaning to read this for longer than I can remember. Think I'll pick it up next, actually.

I loved it, James Bond by way of P.G Wodehouse, just be aware it's written in the late 90's so may seem dated in some of it's references (you will see what I mean as you read).


Ooh has he got another novel out? I liked Crooked Little Vein for all it's grossness (one of the few books I've read in a day, and that's cos I was in hospital).

Will check for page counts!

Sounds interesting. Is Mark Watson that stand up comic with the glasses?

He is indeed.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Morning*ish GAF

Another day of guitar playing ^_^ aww yeeah
Mikeside how was yur date?

How does 'Fatherland' compare to 'Man in the High Castle'?
No idea, but i think that will have to be next read after ive finished all the ones im reading at the moment, after having a quick glance at the wiki page they dont really have much in common, fatherland is about conspiracies and i guess a crime thriller.

Wiki said:
The story begins in Nazi Germany, the Third Reich in April 1964, in the week leading up to Adolf Hitler's 75th birthday. The plot follows detective Xavier March, an investigator working for the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo), as he investigates the suspicious death of a high-ranking Nazi, Josef Buhler, in the Havel, on the outskirts of Berlin. As March uncovers more details he realises that he is caught up in a political scandal involving senior Nazi Party officials, who are apparently being systematically murdered under staged circumstances. In fact, as soon as the body is identified, the Gestapo claims jurisdiction and orders the Kripo to close its investigation.

All i can say is The novel was an immediate bestseller in the UK. It has sold over three million copies and has been translated into 25 languages.
It's a bloody good book, Robert Harris has a great way of writing, really well paced and he bases his books in cool eras, it also seems as if they could be real!

Although I think this is his most well known, Lustrum is my favourite which is the book I first read by him based in Roman times, i could go on about it but if you do like that stuff just get a copy, I read Lustrum even though it is a sequel but it doesn't actually matter which one you read first

I'm actually interested in reading some shorter, non-genre books if anyone has any recs? I usually read a ton of SF and I figure I really should broaden my horizons a bit. What are some good books ~300 pages that don't necessarily have explosions or porn in them?

Fatherlands 372 ^_^

The man in the high castle is 239 so you could read that and tell me if its worth a read :D

Jedeye Sniv

Fatherlands 372 ^_^

The man in the high castle is 239 so you could read that and tell me if its worth a read :D

372 is quite long, I was thinking more about the 200 page range :p High Castle is excellent but I'm biased as I love PKD with all my heart. PKD is the shit. Do drugs, read his books, lose your 20s.

But saying that, High Castle was the first thing of his I read and was easy to get into, but I was primed for his weirdness (use of the I Ching for example) by Grant Morrison.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
372 is quite long, I was thinking more about the 200 page range :p High Castle is excellent but I'm biased as I love PKD with all my heart. PKD is the shit. Do drugs, read his books, lose your 20s.

But saying that, High Castle was the first thing of his I read and was easy to get into, but I was primed for his weirdness (use of the I Ching for example) by Grant Morrison.

its only a hundred and a bit extra! ^^

Also Jed, What bass do you play and what does your guitarist play?

Jedeye Sniv

its only a hundred and a bit extra! ^^

Also Jed, What bass do you play and what does your guitarist play?

It's almost a whole other book dammit! I've read a lot of really long books recently so I'm looking for some light fare before finding some other ridiculously bloated 600 page SF monster.

As for bass, I play a cheap Ibanez SR 2 or 300. Guitar I have no idea... I think it's a Fender Telecaster. I know it's mint green and cost £1000 though! Fender amps for both of us too.


372 is quite long, I was thinking more about the 200 page range :p High Castle is excellent but I'm biased as I love PKD with all my heart. PKD is the shit. Do drugs, read his books, lose your 20s.

But saying that, High Castle was the first thing of his I read and was easy to get into, but I was primed for his weirdness (use of the I Ching for example) by Grant Morrison.

Anything short of 500 pages isn't long :p

I still want to read your wife's post about my mix. FEED MY EGO, SNIV.


The fuck is she. Her prose is godawful and she has no control of pacing.

I enjoyed Harry Potter because her imagination is fantastic, but that's where my praise for her ends.

yeah shes a pretty terrible writer didnt her latest book get shit on by pretty much every critic?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
It's almost a whole other book dammit! I've read a lot of really long books recently so I'm looking for some light fare before finding some other ridiculously bloated 600 page SF monster.

As for bass, I play a cheap Ibanez SR 2 or 300. Guitar I have no idea... I think it's a Fender Telecaster. I know it's mint green and cost £1000 though! Fender amps for both of us too.
Nice, i love the SR300 for slapping ^_^

Oh is it an American customshop? if so shiiiit son, my mates got one of those, spoilt bastard

Well i thought id show you mine, because i love showing her off :p

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Snowing really heavy right now.

Hampshire Basin failing me.

I wonder if its snowing in Pompey right now..

Once again ringing up the number i was given to claim jsa, its been a week since i last tried, seeing as im having to wait for a solicitor to draw up a document for me to move to pompey i figured i may as well follow this bollcks up.... been on the phone since 12:30 so far

45 minutes on, i think im on the right track now, alot more calm now

Jedeye Sniv

Anything short of 500 pages isn't long :p

I still want to read your wife's post about my mix. FEED MY EGO, SNIV.

I dunno, she was just like "listening to mixes omg [insert old bands here]!" friend request her to spy with impunity

Nice, i love the SR300 for slapping ^_^

Oh is it an American customshop? if so shiiiit son, my mates got one of those, spoilt bastard

Well i thought id show you mine, because i love showing her off :p

Well I wouldn't know about slapping cos I'm a pleb :p I just know it cost me about 200 quid about 12 years ago...!

As for the guitar, I literally know nothing, I'm the one guy in the three piece that isn't a gear nerd. Laura is super into fender stuff though, she's a guitar teacher so Minty is both a work tool and for funsies. I only found out it cost a grand the other day after nearly dropping it...

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I dunno, she was just like "listening to mixes omg [insert old bands here]!" friend request her to spy with impunity

Well I wouldn't know about slapping cos I'm a pleb :p I just know it cost me about 200 quid about 12 years ago...!

As for the guitar, I literally know nothing, I'm the one guy in the three piece that isn't a gear nerd. Laura is super into fender stuff though, she's a guitar teacher so Minty is both a work tool and for funsies. I only found out it cost a grand the other day after nearly dropping it...

Hey hey! you still havent listened to mine yet have you ;_;

I know it's fucked, but if could gimmee some feedback id be delighted

As for Mrs Sniv


youve been playing for 12 years and you've never bothered slapping?!

What the hell man, sort it out :p

Haha, I have myself a fender strat and i love the shit out of it, but I dont get people who keep them in a pristine condition, they will last a life time and if they dont look like they've been played and beaten the shit out of, you're doing it wrong

Case in Point - John Frusciantes 1962 American Strat

Even excluding the fact its john frusciante's It's probably worth around $28,000


Did you go see that girl again mikeside?

So I've given up on her.

So on Thursday she text me and cancelled our date on Saturday without really saying why, which I took on the chin - then she wanted to rearrange for Sunday, which was fine.

She came to my birthday drinks on Friday night, bringing a friend who I kept getting the odd sensation she was trying to push on me a little bit. Jess just didn't seem super interested, to be honest.

So then on Saturday we're texting back and forth, I say "what time shall we see this movie tomorrow?" and she replies with "oh, I forgot - I'm double booked, I'm going to the gym instead sorry LOL!"

So I've just left it with "call me if you want to make plans, have a nice day" and whatever, unless she wants to chase me a little bit, I'm done with it.

Catch-up with old flame tomorrow night will be nice - probably isn't anything, but will be nice to see what she's been up to and see if there's any possibility there


Haha, I have myself a fender strat and i love the shit out of it, but I dont get people who keep them in a pristine condition, they will last a life time and if they dont look like they've been played and beaten the shit out of, you're doing it wrong

I dunno man, if I had a gorgeous guitar I'd want to keep it that way.

I really need to get my Squier Tele restrung and teach myself how to play because I think I'd have a lot of fun with it, it's just putting the hours in.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
So I've given up on her.

So on Thursday she text me and cancelled our date on Saturday without really saying why, which I took on the chin - then she wanted to rearrange for Sunday, which was fine.

She came to my birthday drinks on Friday night, bringing a friend who I kept getting the odd sensation she was trying to push on me a little bit. Jess just didn't seem super interested, to be honest.

So then on Saturday we're texting back and forth, I say "what time shall we see this movie tomorrow?" and she replies with "oh, I forgot - I'm double booked, I'm going to the gym instead sorry LOL!"

So I've just left it with "call me if you want to make plans, have a nice day" and whatever, unless she wants to chase me a little bit, I'm done with it.

Catch-up with old flame tomorrow night will be nice - probably isn't anything, but will be nice to see what she's been up to and see if there's any possibility there

Dayum, well carry on looking man! You'll find someone soon enough!
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